The REACT Research Group

Theory Division
Computer Science Department
Stanford University

The REACT research group, under the supervision of Professor Zohar Manna, studies the specification, verification and synthesis of concurrent, reactive, real-time and hybrid systems.

Our main ongoing implementation effort is the STeP (Stanford Temporal Prover) verification system.

We are sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF), and by DARPA's Information Technology Office under the project: Software Development Technologies for Reactive, Real-Time and Hybrid Systems. On-line project information includes:

We are also investigating hardware verification, under the project: Hardware Verification: Integrating Algorithmic with Deductive Technologies.

The current REACT group (the STeP team).

Ph.D. Alumni:

(partial list, chronological order)

The Stanford home page.

The Computer Science Department home page.

The Theory Division home page.