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Senate Clerk

  1. Appointment and Term of Office
    1. Availability of this position shall be advertised, and all members of the Association shall be given an opportunity to apply for it.

    2. Shall be nominated by the Senate Clerk's Selection Committee, which shall consist of the Senate Chair (who shall chair the committee), two Senators, one graduate and one undergraduate, the Financial Manager, and the current Senate Clerk, who shall be an ex-officio member of the committee.

    3. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

    4. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until his/her successor has taken office.

    5. May be removed by the Senate Chair, subject to appeal to the Senate, or by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. At least 48 hours written notice of his/her removal shall be given to him/her.

    6. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Clerk, then the Senate Clerk's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval, such an approval requiring a two-thirds vote.

  2. Responsibilities

    Under the supervision of the Senate Chair, the Senate Clerk shall be responsible for the preparation of agenda materials for the Senate and its committees; for maintaining permanent records of all actions taken by the Senate (including accurate copies of all action items approved by the Senate); for maintaining an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Senate Rules; for carrying out Senate correspondence at the direction of the Chair; and for carrying out such other routine tasks connected with the administration of the Senate as may be directed by the Chair.

Mon May 9 17:09:02 PDT 1994