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The Steering Committee

  1. Membership
    1. Three elected Senators, nominated by the Senate Chair and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate by secret ballot.

    2. Three elected Senators chosen by the Senate by secret ballot from among those nominated and seconded by members of the Senate. Each voting Senator shall be entitled to vote for one Senator so nominated, and the three Senators receiving the greatest number of votes shall become members of the Steering Committee.

      In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be held between those Senators involved in the tie. Such an election shall be held by secret ballot, with each voting Senator entitled to cast a single vote.

    3. The Senate Chair, who shall preside over the Steering Committee, and shall vote only where that vote would be decisive.

    4. The Deputy Chair shall be an ex-officio member with vote. The Senate Parliamentarian shall be an ex-officio member.

  2. Term

    1. The members of the Steering Committee shall be initially chosen during the Spring quarter at a meeting of the Senate or the Senate-elect, but no earlier than the meeting at which the Deputy Chair is elected, the exact time to be at the discretion of the Chair. The members so chosen shall serve until the Steering Committee has dissolved, or until they are removed from office, as provided herein.

    2. The Steering Committee shall be dissolved, and the membership rechosen, at one of the first two regularly scheduled Senate meetings of Winter quarter, the exact time to be at the discretion of the Chair. The members so chosen shall serve until the Senate has dissolved, or until removed from office.

    3. Any member of the Steering Committee may be removed by the Senate Chair, or by the Senate. The Senate shall be notified at the first opportunity of any such action by the Chair, and may reject such an action at that time.

    4. A vacancy on the Steering Committee shall exist in the case of the death, disqualification, resignation, or removal of one of its members. A vacancy on the Steering Committee shall be filled in the same manner as the vacant position was originally filled.

  3. Duties
    1. Shall coordinate the activities of, and shall facilitate communication between, the other Committees of the Senate.

    2. Shall advise the Senate Chair on appointments of Senators to, and removals of Senators from, bodies containing members of the Senate; on the order of business for Senate meetings; and on the administration of the Senate.

    3. Shall have such other responsibilities as are provided by these By-Laws, the Senate Rules of Order and Standing Rules, and acts of the Senate.

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Mon May 9 17:09:02 PDT 1994