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  1. The Administrative Manager Selection Committee shall consist of the current Administrative Manager or designee, one member of the Council of Presidents, and two members of the Senate, one graduate and one undergraduate, chosen by the Senate Chair. By the beginning of the sixth week of Winter quarter, the Selection Committee shall nominate an individual to serve as Associate Administrative Manager. This nomination shall require confirmation by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

  2. Once confirmed by the Senate, the Associate Administrative Manager shall undertake such responsibilities as are assigned by the Administrative Manager, in order to become more familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Manager and with the operations of the Association and its agencies. During this period, the Associate Administrative Manager shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all bodies on which the Administrative Manager serves.

  3. By the beginning of the sixth week of Spring quarter, the Administrative Manager Selection Committee shall reconvene and evaluate the performance of the Associate Administrative Manager. The Selection Committee shall then decide either to nominate the Associate Administrative Manager as Administrative Manager, or to interview additional candidates before making a nomination. The final nomination shall be transmitted to the current Senate before it dissolves, where it shall require a two-thirds vote for approval.

  4. On the Friday prior to Commencement, the new Administrative Manager shall take office, provided that his or her appointment has been confirmed by the Senate. The Administrative Manager shall serve until a successor has taken office.

  5. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Administrative Manager, the Administrative Manager Selection Committee (excluding the Administrative Manager or designee) shall convene and nominate a replacement for confirmation by the Senate, such confirmation requiring a two-thirds vote.

    During this process, the Council of Presidents may nominate an Acting Administrative Manager, who shall take office immediately upon nomination, but whose office shall terminate upon the adjournment of the next meeting of the Senate unless confirmed at that meeting by a two-thirds vote. Following confirmation by the Senate, the Acting Administrative Manager shall serve for a period of no more than 30 days, not counting days between quarters, but may be re-appointed for an additional term of fourteen days if no replacement has been found, such reappoint requiring prior approval of the Senate by a two-thirds vote.

  6. The Administrative Manager shall not, during his or her term of office, serve as an elected member of the Senate or of the Council of Presidents. However, provided that he or she is not reapplying for the position of Administrative Manager, the current Administrative Manager may run in the Spring quarter general election for election to the new Senate or Council of Presidents and, if elected, may serve on that body throughout the normal term of office.

  7. At the time that it approves the nomination of the Administrative Manager, the Senate shall also approve a contract or letter of appointment specifying the terms and conditions under which he or she shall hold office.

Next: Removal Up: Administrative Manager Previous: Duties

Mon May 9 17:09:02 PDT 1994