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  1. A summary table of all recommendations of the Senate on Special Fee requests and ballot measures.

  2. A summary table of all polling times and places.

  3. A complete and concise set of voting instructions, including appropriate notices with respect to voter qualifications for each office.

  4. A sample ballot to be used for practice and illustration.

  5. Statements by each candidate. Statements shall consist of the following information:
    1. The name of the candidate.

    2. The candidate's major and class (if an undergraduate) or his/her department/school and degree program (if a graduate student).

    3. All offices of the Association, all offices of student organizations whose governing documents are on file with the Association Office, and all positions on committees of the University held by the candidate, and the term of service, listed in reverse chronological order from the beginning of service. Graduate students and transfer students may list corresponding positions held at any other University.

    4. A position statement submitted by the candidate.

  6. Position statements from each candidate for seats in the Senate may not exceed one hundred words each; those from candidates for a seat in the Student Conduct Legislative Council may not exceed one hundred words each.

  7. Statements by each slate. Statements shall consist of the following information:
    1. The name of the slate.

    2. The name of each member of the slate.

    3. Each member's major and class (if an undergraduate) or his/her department/school and degree program (if a graduate student).

    4. All offices of the Association, all offices of student organizations whose governing documents are on file with the Association Office, and all positions on committees of the University held by each member, and the term of service, listed in reverse chronological order from the beginning of service. Graduate students and transfer students may list corresponding positions held at any other University.

    5. A position statement submitted by the slate.

  8. Position statements from slates for the Council of Presidents may not exceed four hundred words each; those from slates for the Senior Class Presidents may not exceed two hundred words each.

  9. Statements on each Special Fee request. Statements shall consist of the following information:
    1. The name of the student organization making the request.

    2. The amount of money requested.

    3. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the Special Fee request.

    4. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. However, if there is more than one sponsor opposing the request, only the first to submit a statement shall be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator shall take absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.

    5. The detailed budget and summary of actual expenditures presented by the student organization requesting a Special Fee. If this exceeds four 8.5 by 11 inch typewritten pages, then a summary of the information, prepared by the concerned student organization and approved by the Commission, may be substituted. This summary shall at a minimum include the numerical table required to be included in Special Fee petitions, and, if feasible, a brief description of each line item. In this case, a copy of the complete document shall be on file at the Association Office and at each polling site for public inspection, and this fact shall be noted in the summary.

  10. Statements on setting the amount of each existing General Fee. Statements consist of the following information:
    1. The title, statement of purpose, and base amount of the General Fee.

    2. The options for setting the fee amount, each of which must be expressed as dollar amounts, and parenthetically as percentage changes from the base amount and amounts per student per quarter.

    3. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor of each of the options for the fee amount.

    4. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed two hundred words each. If there is more than one sponsor in favor of a certain option, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator.

    5. Background information on each Fee, consisting of the current fiscal year's overall Fee budget, and a list of groups receiving funding in the current year with the amounts they were allocated as of the end of Winter quarter.

    11. Statements on creating, changing the amount of, or abolishing General Fees. Statements consist of the following information:

    1. The title, current statement of purpose, and current base amount of the General Fee, if they exist.

    2. A statement of what is being changed: the proposed new base amount of the Fee, expressed as dollar amounts, amount per student per quarter, and percentage change from the current base amount (if any); and the proposed new title and statement of purpose (if any).

    3. For linked proposals, the title assigned by the Senate, followed by the current and proposed information for each General Fee issue that makes up the proposal, as specified above.

    4. For proposals involving existing General Fees, a warning that this proposal, if it succeeds, overrules the vote on setting the amount of those Fees.

    5. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor of and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure.

    6. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. If there is more than one sponsor opposing the General Fee issue, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator.

    7. Background information on each Fee. For existing Fees, this consists of the current overall Fee budget, and the list of groups funded in the current year. For new Fees, this consists of whatever information is approved by the Senate. Information on existing Fees that is already being included in the Elections Handbook need not be repeated here, except where needed for clarity.

  11. Statements on each ballot measure. Statements shall consist of the following information:
    1. The title of the ballot measure.

    2. The text of the ballot measure.

    3. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure. In those cases where the ballot measure was placed on the ballot by the Senate, this fact shall be noted.

    4. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. However, if there is more than one sponsor opposing the ballot measure, only the first to submit a statement shall be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator shall take absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.

    5. A clear and concise estimate of the financial impact of the ballot measure prepared by the Financial Manager for the Commission.

  12. A summary table, listing each Special Fee request, the amount requested, and the estimated number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if the request is approved, plus an estimate of the total number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if all requests on the ballot are approved. This table shall include a statement noting that, in addition to the Special Fees, the Association Fee and surcharges will also be collected, and estimating their amount and the resulting number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected.

  13. Any material supplied by the Commission to make the Elections Handbook easier to read and use.

  14. After the submission of a statement to the Commission, but prior to its being typeset, the author may make non-substantive modifications, or substantive modifications to correct statements of fact whose veracity have been publicly challenged.

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Mon May 9 17:09:02 PDT 1994