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Letter Accepting 1982 Amendments

August 21, 1982

Dear Presidents Beckstrom, Epstein, Mathewson, and Townsend:
I write to approve the amendments to the ASSU Constitution which passed in the general election of last Spring and as subsequently presented to me in your letter of June 1, 1982. Specifically:

SENATE BILL XII-SEN-BIL-RU-16 which amends Article II to provide for the constitutional structure of the Nominations Commission;

SENATE BILL XII-SEN-BIL-RU-18 which amends Articles II and III to provide in the Constitution for the transition during Spring Quarter of the Senate and Council of Presidents;

SENATE BILL XII-SEN-BILL-FA-23 which amends Article V to provide for the reform of the fee assessment system; and

SENATE BILL XII-SEN-BIL-RU-20 which amends Article VII to provide in the Constitution for the disposition of assets in the event of the dissolution of the Association.

My approval of the fee assessment reforms is with the understanding that:

The governing board of each of the three components of the Association Fee (Publications Board, Program Board, and Academic Organizations Board) will establish guidelines that help organizations know who is eligible to receive funds, how and when funds are applied for and allocated, and what such funds may and may not be used for.

That there will be a full and open accounting to students of how the respective boards allocated the funds (to what organizations, in what amounts, and for what purposes); and how the funds were actually spent.

That there is no change in the collection processes agreed upon by the University and the Association whereby fees are voted in the spring election only and approved in a timely manner shortly thereafter.

I know something about the great amount of work and patience that went into seeing these amendments through the political, electoral, and approval processes. It was done with skill, good motive, and making well the case for each to the ASSU legislature, to members of the Association, and me.


Donald Kennedy

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Mon May 9 17:07:17 PDT 1994