To ensure student groups a fair chance at funding
Senate Bill 1-CA-5
Submitted for previous notice: 28 May 1996
Action requested: Placement on Ballot; requires two-thirds majority
F. Multi-year requestsand1. If student group wishes to put a request for Special Fee funds on the ballot and, in the past five years, a student group with the same name or substantively the same membership or substantively the same purpose received special-fee funds, then the student group's request shall be considered a multi-year request.
2. In order for a multi-year request to be put on the ballot in the Spring Quarter general election, the group requesting the funds must: Prepare a detailed budget for the student organization for the next fiscal year, including the amount sought from the Special Fee, and submit this, along with the current budget and a summary of actual expenditures, to the Association in the form of a petition and to the Senate. Such petitions bearing the signatures of 20 per cent of the members of the Association requesting to place the Special Fee on the ballot for Association consideration shall be presented to the Elections Commissioner, who must examine for authenticity the signatures on the petitions within seven days after receiving it. Upon verifying the petition, the Elections Commissioner shall then authorize the placement of the Special Fee on the ballot for Association consideration, provided that this request has also been approved by four-fifths of the members of the Senate.
3. The Constitutional Council shall be empowered to decide whether a group is substantively the same as one which applied in the past five years.
The intent of the Special Fee system is to allow a student group to request large blocks of funds above the funds ordinarily expended in one particular year to make large purchases necessary to the group's mission.and
Program Board: $750,000andPublications Board: $400,000
Community Service Board: $200,000