Article II: Legislative Branch

1 Senate

A. Legislative Power

All legislative power of the Association not vested in the Association as a whole is vested in the Senate of the Association (referred to in these By-Laws as ``the Senate'').

B. Dissolution

The Senate shall dissolve following adjournment of its last regularly scheduled meeting in May. At this time the Senate Elect shall be constituted as the new Senate.

C. Session

(1) Meetings of the Senate held during those portions of Spring, Autumn, and Winter quarter after it has been constituted and before it is dissolved are held during the regular session.

(2) Meetings of the Senate held during the Summer quarter and between quarters after it has been constituted and before it is dissolved are held during a special session.

D. Records

All official records of the Senate are subject to the Freedom of Information provisions of the Constitution. Records includes, but is not limited to, all minutes, reports, background materials, letters, memoranda, or other documents (whether printed or electronic) generated by the Senate, its committees, or its members acting in an official capacity.



2 Senate Membership

A. Types of membership

(1) The fifteen members of the Senate elected by the undergraduate district and the fifteen members of the Senate elected by the graduate and professional school districts shall be known as the elected members of the Senate.

(2) The membership of the Senate shall be defined to be the elected members and the ex-officio members of the Senate.

B. Attendance of Senators

The Secretary shall keep a master record of attendance at meetings of the Senate and of its committees. Partial attendance of a meeting may be determined, at the discretion of the appropriate chair, to constitute an absence. A record of attendance shall be kept by each committee chair and reported to the Secretary of the Senate. Should a committee chair fail to provide a report of attendance to the Secretary of the Senate within seven (7) days of the meeting, then the Secretary shall record all committee members as absent.

(1) Expulsion of Inactive Senators

a. If an elected Senator has four absences from meetings of the Senate and/or meetings of his/her assigned Senate committee(s) during any three-month period during a session of the Senate, the Secretary shall report the absences at the next regular meeting of the Senate. Such reporting shall serve as previous notice of a vote to expel the elected member from the Senate.

b. Once previous notice of the vote to expel an elected Senator has been given, the Senator shall be informed within twenty-four hours via electronic mail and by telephone of the Senate's planned expulsion vote.

c. A motion to expel the Senator shall be in order at the next regular meeting of the Senate after previous notice has been given.

(2) Leaves of Absence

a. Leaves of absence may be granted to elected Senators who will be absent from the Stanford campus or who otherwise cannot fulfill their duties as a Senator due to other academic obligations.

b. A leave of absence may not exceed one quarter in duration.

c. A Senator must apply for a leave of absence to the Senate Chair, who shall submit the matter to the Senate for approval.

d. During the leave of absence, the Senator may not attempt to exercise the rights of an elected member of the Senate.


(3) Vacancies

a. A seat in the Senate shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, expulsion or disqualification of the elected Senator otherwise entitled to hold such a seat.

b. A Senator shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission of a written statement of resignation to the Senate Chair or Senate Secretary.

c. A Senator shall be deemed to be disqualified upon violating the qualifications for Senate members as laid down in the Constitution or these By-Laws. The disqualification shall take effect upon written notice by the the Senate Chair or the Senate Secretary.

(4) Ex-Officio Members

a. Representation of First-Year and Transfer Students

The Senate shall make a concerted effort to encourage participation in its operations by first-year undergraduate, transfer, and first-year graduate and professional school members of the Association. The Nominations Commission shall, during the first five weeks of Autumn Quarter, select up to six members of the Association to serve as ex-officio members of the Senate. Three of these positions shall be reserved for first-year undergraduates and transfer students, and three of these positions shall be reserved for first-year graduate and professional school students.

b. Representation of Other Association Agencies

The Senate shall make a concerted effort to encourage participation in its operations by members of the Frosh Council, Sophomore Class Presidents, Junior Class Presidents, Senior Class Presidents, and Graduate Student Council. During the first five weeks of Autumn Quarter, the Senate Chair shall solicit each of these bodies to nominate an ex-officio Senate member.

c. Any member of the Association may petition to be appointed as an ex-officio member of the Senate by submitting a written request to the Senate Chair. Such requests must be acted upon by the Senate at its next regular meeting.

d. No part of this section shall be construed as restricting the Senate's ability to select its ex-officio membership.

3 Senate Officers and Staff

A. Definition

The officers of the Senate shall be the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and the chairs of the Committees of the Senate. Officers of the Senate shall be empowered to select staff to assist them in their duties.


B. Vacancies

(1) An office in the Senate shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, expulsion or disqualification of the individual entitled to hold the office.

(2) An officer shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission of a written statement of resignation to the Vice President of the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate Secretary.

(3) An officer shall be deemed to be removed upon passage of an order of removal by the Senate, as specified herein. The removal shall take effect upon the receipt of written notice from the Vice President of the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate Secretary.

(4) An officer shall be deemed to be disqualified upon violating the qualifications for Senate officers as laid down in the Constitution or these By-Laws. The disqualification shall take effect upon written notice from the Vice President of the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate Secretary.

C. Salary

Officers and staff of the Senate may be paid a salary, if so specified in the Senate budget.

D. Chair

(1) Election

a. Shall be held within 14 days of a vacancy in the office, or in the case of a new Senate, at its first regular meeting as either the Senate Elect or as the Senate.

b. Shall be presided by the Vice President Elect or his designee (in the case of the Senate Elect) or the Vice President or his designee (in the case of the Senate) of the Association. In case the position of Vice President Elect is vacant, election of the Senate Chair shall be presided by the Elections Commissioner.

c. A candidate shall be elected upon receiving a majority of the votes cast on any one of the first three ballots for this office. If no candidate has been elected after these ballots, then a fourth and final ballot conducted under the preferential balloting system shall be taken. All candidates shall be considered in all of these ballots.

(2) Term

The term of the Senate Chair shall commence upon the dissolution of the previous regular session of the Senate, or, if the previous regular session of the Senate has dissolved, immediately. From the time of his/her election until taking office as Chair, he/she shall serve as the Chair of the Senate Elect.


(3) Replacement

a. The Senate may remove the Chair at any time by majority vote.

b. Upon removal of the Chair, the Vice President of the Association, or in the case of his or her absence, the Deputy Chair, or in the case of his or her absence, the chair of the Administration and Rules Committee, shall preside over the remainder of the meeting and arrange for the election of a new Chair at the next meeting of the Senate.

c. In case of an expected absence of the Chair from campus for the Summer quarter, the Deputy Chair shall act as Chair. In case both the Chair and Deputy Chair are absent, the Senate may designate an acting Chair by majority vote.

(4) Duties

a. In the absence of the Vice President of the Association, to preside at all meetings of the Senate and of the committee of the whole. In this role, the Chair shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, these By- Laws, the Rules of Order of the Senate, and standard parliamentary procedure at these meetings. In this role, the Chair shall be restricted from voicing his or her opinion on matters before the Senate.

b. To be responsible for enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Standing Rules of the Senate in all administrative matters pertaining to the operation of the Senate.

c. To serve as the Senate liaison between the Senate and the Executive Branch of the Association and between the Senate and other elements of the University, unless the Senate provides otherwise.

d. To appoint, remove, or replace Senators on any body containing a member of the Senate, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws. The Senate shall be notified at the first opportunity of these actions. At that time the Senate may reject these actions. The Senate reserves the right to take these actions itself.

E. Deputy Chair

(1) Election

a. The Senate may decide, by majority vote, to elect a Deputy Chair. In making this decision, the Senate implicitly refuses the Senate Chair's appointment of any Senator other than the Deputy Chair to serve as acting Chair in his or her absence.

b. Shall be held at the meeting of the Senate-Elect or Senate immediately after the Chair is elected.


c. Any Senator-Elect may declare himself/herself to be a candidate for this office by notifying the Chair in writing any time after the Chair's election but no less than forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of the meeting at which the election will be held.

d. A candidate shall be elected upon receiving a majority of the votes cast on any one of the first three ballots for this office. If no candidate has been elected after these ballots, then a fourth and final ballot conducted under the preferential balloting system shall be taken. All candidates shall be considered in all of these ballots.

(2) Term

The term of the Deputy Senate Chair shall commence upon the dissolution of the previous regular session of the Senate, or, if the previous regular session of the Senate has dissolved, immediately. From the time of his/her election until taking office as Deputy Chair, he/she shall serve as Deputy Chair of the Senate-Elect.

(3) Replacement

a. The Senate may remove the Deputy Chair at any time by majority vote.

b. Upon removal of the Deputy Chair, the Chair shall arrange for the election of a new Deputy Chair at the next meeting of the Senate. In the interim, the chair of the Administration and Rules committee shall serve as Acting Deputy Chair until a new Deputy Chair has been elected.

c. In case of an expected absence of the Deputy Chair from campus for the Summer quarter, or of the Deputy Chair acting as Chair, then the Senate may designate an acting Deputy Chair by majority vote.

(4) Duties

a. In the absence of the Vice President of the Association and of the Senate Chair, to serve as Acting Chair and preside at all meetings of the Senate and of the committee of the whole. In this role, the Deputy Chair shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, the Rules of Order of the Senate, and standard parliamentary procedure at these meetings. In this role, the Deputy Chair shall be restricted from voicing his or her opinion on matters before the Senate.

b. Upon the request, absence, or disability of the Chair, to be responsible for enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Standing Rules of the Senate in all administrative matters pertaining to the operation of the Senate.

c. Upon the request, absence, or disability of the Chair, to serve as the Senate liaison between the Senate and the Executive Branch of the Association and between the Senate and other elements of the University, unless the Senate provides otherwise.


F. Secretary and Clerk

(1) Appointment and Term of Office

a. Availability of this position shall be advertised, and all members of the Association shall be given an opportunity to apply for it.

b. Shall be nominated by the Senate Secretary's Selection Committee, which shall consist of the Vice President (or Senate Chair, if so designated) who shall chair the committee, one undergraduate Senator, one graduate Senator, the Financial Manager, and the current Senate Secretary, who shall be an ex-officio member of the committee.

c. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.

d. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until his/her successor has taken office.

e. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, given that at least 48 hours written notice of his/her removal shall be given to the individual in question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which the removal is to take place.

f. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Clerk, then the Senate Secretary's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval, such an approval requiring a two-thirds vote.

(2) Responsibilities

a. Under the supervision of the Vice President and Senate Chair, preparing agenda materials for the Senate and its committees.

b. Maintaining permanent records of all actions taken by the Senate (including accurate copies of all action items approved by the Senate).

c. Keeping all records of the Senate and minutes of all meetings of the Senate and its committees (as provided by the respective Chairs).

d. Maintaining attendance records of Senators at Senate and committee meetings and reporting excessive absences to the Senate.

e. Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Constitution, these By- Laws, and the Senate Rules.

f. Carrying out Senate correspondence at the direction of the Vice President or Senate Chair.

g. Carrying out such other routine tasks connected with the administration of the Senate as may be directed by the Vice President or Senate Chair.

G. Parliamentarian


(1) Shall be appointed by the Vice President of the Association, in consultation with the Senate Chair, subject to majority vote by the Senate.

(2) Shall advise the presiding officer and the Senate on questions relating to the Constitution, these By-Laws, the Rules of Order, and Parliamentary Law.

(3) May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, given that at least 48 hours written notice of his/her removal shall be given to the individual in question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which the removal is to take place.

4 Meetings of the Senate

A. Regular Meetings

(1) Unless the Senate votes otherwise by a two-thirds vote, regular meetings shall be held at times specified in the Standing Rules of the Senate. Consecutive regular meetings within the same quarter shall not be separated by more than fifteen (15) days nor fewer than six (6) days.

(2) Public notice of regular meetings shall be given in the Stanford Daily or in electronic form at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Such notice shall include the location, date, and time of the meeting, as well as any reason for its partial or full closure, as required by the Constitution.

B. Special Meetings

(1) Any call for a special meeting should specify a particular date and time. If no such time is specified, the Senate Chair shall call the meeting to be held within seventy-two hours of receiving the request.

(2) Notice must be given in the Stanford Daily, if it is being published, and in electronic form at least twelve (12) hours of a special meeting of the Senate. The Secretary of the Senate, the Senate Chair, and the Vice President of the Association shall make a reasonable effort to contact every Senator.

5 Committees of the Senate

A. General

(1) The Committees of the Senate shall consist of standing committees, special legislative committees, special Chair's committees, and the Steering Committee.


(2) Any bill or resolution may be committed by the Chair to one or more appropriate Committees of the Senate for consideration and the preparation of recommendations before reaching the Senate floor.

(3) Except where specified in these by-laws, voting membership on Senate committees shall be limited to elected Senators.

B. Ex-Officio Membership

Every Committee of the Senate shall, by majority vote, have the power to admit additional ex-officio members to its membership, but not to the Senate proper. Such additional members shall not have a vote in the committees.

C. Meetings

(1) Consecutive regular meetings of each committee within the same quarter shall not be separated by more than fifteen (15) days nor fewer than six (6) days.

(2) The Chair of a Committee of the Senate may call special meetings of his/her committee. Upon the written request of two members of the committee, the Chair shall call a special meeting for the time requested or, if no time is specified, within forty-eight hours of receiving the request.

(3) Complete records of all actions taken by a Committee of the Senate during committee meetings, as well as the committee's attendance record, shall be given to the Senate Secretary and reported to the Senate.

(4) Special joint meetings of two or more Committees of the Senate may be called by the Chairs of the concerned committees, or upon the written request of two members of each of the concerned committees. In the latter case, the Chairs of the concerned committees shall call a joint meeting for the time requested by the petitioning members or, if no time is specified, within forty-eight hours of receiving the request.

(5) Public notice of regular meetings of a Committee of the Senate shall be given in the Stanford Daily or in electronic form at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Such notice shall include the location, date, and time of the meeting, as well as any reason for its partial or full closure, as required by the Constitution.

(6) Public notice of special meetings of a Committee of the Senate shall be given in the Stanford Daily and in electronic form at least twelve (12) hours prior to the meeting. The Secretary of the Senate and the Committee Chair shall make a reasonable effort to contact every Committee member.

D. Organization of Committees

At its first meeting, the Senate Elect shall divide itself into Committees structurally similar to the Committees of the Senate.


(1) Each member of the Senate Elect shall submit to the Chair of the Senate Elect a list of committees he/she desires to serve upon.

(2) The Chair shall then make provisional committee assignments based upon these preferences.

(3) One-third of the membership on all Senate committees must consist of undergraduate Senators. One-third of the membership on all Senate committees must consist of graduate and professional school Senators.

(4) The committee assignments shall take effect upon approval by the Senate Elect at its next regular meeting.

(5) Members of the Senate Elect assigned to these committees shall be ex-officio members of the corresponding Senate committees. Members of the Senate committees shall be ex-officio members of the corresponding Senate Elect committees.

(6) Each of these committees of the Senate Elect shall be chaired by the Chair of the corresponding Senate committee, if one exists, until the committee has selected another Chair.

E. Powers of Standing Committees

(1) Each Standing Committee shall be vested with the full power of the Senate for the purpose of investigating any subject within its charge.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, these By-Laws, or Acts of the Senate, all substantive actions of a Standing Committee shall take the form of recommendations to the Senate.

F. Standing Committees of the Senate

The Senate shall have the following five Standing Committees: Academics, Research, and Evaluation; Administration and Rules; Appropriations; Budget and Finance; and Student Affairs,

(1) Academics, Research, and Evaluation

a. Shall review all matters pertaining to graduate and undergraduate education.

b. Shall review all matters pertaining to University, School and Departmental policies and requirements.

c. Shall review all matters pertaining to University research policies and activities.

d. Shall review all matters pertaining to the business and composition of the Academic Council.


e. Shall participate in and facilitate discussion between student representatives to the various University committees pertaining to graduate and undergraduate education.

f. Shall act as an advocate for student interests and initiative in areas pertaining to undergraduate and graduate education.

g. Shall review all matters pertaining to academic evaluation in undergraduate and graduate education.

h. Shall review Academic support services pertaining to undergraduate and graduate education including but not limited to the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Undergraduate Advising Program, the Overseas Studies Program, but not including Admissions, Financial Aid, and Residential Education which fall under the Senate Committee on Student Affairs.

(2) Administration and Rules

a. Shall review all proposed changes to the Constitution, these By-Laws, the Rules of Order, or the Standing Rules.

b. Shall review the performance of all officers and bodies of the Association with respect to these rules.

c. Shall review all matters relating to Association elections and advise the Elections Commission regarding the same.

d. Shall have primary responsibility for reviewing proposals for new service projects, service affiliates, or other agencies of the Association, except for new business projects or business affiliates.

e. Shall review any matters that do not fall under the jurisdiction of any other Standing Committee.

f. The Parliamentarian shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.

(3) Appropriations

a. Shall review the general finances of, and formulate fiscal guidelines for, all Association Boards and funds established under General Fees.

b. Shall formulate Funding Policies, and review proposed changes to existing Policies.

c. Shall review all allocation recommendations made by Association Boards to the Senate.

d. Shall review all requests for Special Fees by student organizations.

e. Shall review any proposed budget changes by student organizations receiving Special Fees.

f. Shall review and approve the budgets of the Association Boards.

g. The Financial Manager and the Directors of the Program Board and the Publications Board shall be ex-officio members of this committee.


(4) Budget and Finance

a. Shall review the general finances of, and formulate general fiscal guidelines for, the Association.

b. Shall formulate Financial Policies, and review proposed changes to existing Policies.

c. Shall formulate the Association Operating budget.

d. Shall approve the budgets of, and review the performance of, the projects of the Business sector.

e. Shall formulate guidelines for, and oversee the operations of, the Students' Organizations Fund, and shall review all requests by student organizations receiving funds from a General or Special Fee that they be permitted to deposit their funds outside the Students' Organizations Fund.

f. Shall oversee the operations of the Financial Office, the projects of the Business sector, and the finances of the Business Affiliates.

g. Shall review and approve the budgets of projects in the Service Sector and have primary legislative oversight over the finances of the Service Projects and Service Affiliates of the Association, except for the Association Boards.

h. Shall have primary responsibility for reviewing proposals for new business projects or affiliates, and shall review proposals for new service projects or affiliates or other new agencies of the Association with respect to their financial implications.

i. Shall formulate personnel policies for the Financial Office and the projects of the Business sector.

j. Shall review and formulate guidelines for University budget negotiations and the recovery of indirect costs.

k. The Financial Manager shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.

(5) Student Affairs

a. Shall review all matters pertaining to general student activities.

b. Shall review all matters pertaining to student organizations.

c. Shall review all matters pertaining to the policies and administration of non- academic student services provided by the University or students.

d. Shall review all matters pertaining to University residences.

e. Shall review all policies of Residential Education.

f. Shall be responsible for coordinating, with the President with the Association, the Dorm Representatives Program.

g. Shall be responsible for meeting with the Student Affairs division of the university administration at least once a quarter.


G. Summer Standing Committees

(1) Each Summer Standing Committee shall have the same powers as a regular Standing Committee.

(2) Each Summer Standing Committee shall consist of at least four elected Senators and shall choose its own chair. The President shall be an ex-officio member of each Committee. The Financial Manager shall be an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee.

(3) The two Summer Standing Committees shall be the Policy and Procedures Committee and the Finance Committee.

a. The Policy and Procedures Committee shall have all the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the Administration and Rules Committee, the Student Affairs Committee, and the Academics, Research, and Evaluation Committee.

b. The Finance Committee shall have all the rights, duties, and responsibilities of the Appropriations Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee.

(4) The Standing Committees shall be considered suspended, and the Summer Standing Committees shall be considered constituted, on the last day of Spring quarter. The Summer Standing Committees shall be considered dissolved, and the Standing Committees reactivated, on the first day of Autumn quarter.

H. Special Legislative Committees of the Senate

The Senate shall have the power to create special legislative committees for specific purposes, to vest in them all appropriate powers of the Senate, to determine their composition, and to designate the chair of each special committee. All substantive actions of a special legislative committee shall take the form of recommendations to the Senate.

I. Special Chair's Committees

The Chair shall have the power to create special committees for specific purposes, to vest in them all appropriate powers of the Chair, to determine their composition, and to designate the chair of each special committee. All substantive actions of these special committees shall take the form of recommendations to the Chair.

J. The Steering Committee

(1) Membership

a. The Vice President of the Association, who shall preside over the Steering Committee.

b. The Senate Chair, who shall preside over the Steering Committee in the absence of the Vice President of the Association.


c. The chairs of the five standing committees.

d. The Parliamentarian.

e. The Senate Secretary.

(2) Duties

a. Shall coordinate the activities of, and shall facilitate communication between the Committees of the Senate.

b. Shall advise the Vice President and Senate Chair on the appointment of Senators to, and removal of Senators from bodies containing members of the Senate; on the order of business for Senate meetings; and on the administration of the senate.

c. Shall have such other responsibilities as are provided by these Bylaws, the Senate Rules of Order and Standing Rules, and acts of the Senate.

(3) At any time, after taking office, the President may choose to have the Executive Committee adopt the role of the Steering Committee.

a. When Senate business is discussed, the Parliamentarian and Senate Secretary shall serve as an ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

b. The President may at any time choose to split the roles of the Steering Committee and the Executive Committee.

K. Sub-Committees

(1) Any Committee of the Senate may form sub-committees to investigate and report to the parent committee on any topic within the parent committee's jurisdiction.

(2) Each sub-committee may admit ex-officio members by majority vote; all such ex-officio members shall be without vote.

(3) Each parent committee shall designate the chair of the sub-committee, who shall be a member of the parent committee.

L. Selection Committees

(1) Definition

A Selection Committee shall be defined as any committee of the Association established by these By-Laws, with the exception of the Nominations Commission, the purpose of which is to nominate for confirmation by the Senate a member or members of the Association to an office or position established by these By-Laws.

(2) Guidelines


a. A Selection Committee shall be required to advertise to the members of the Association that the office or position for which it is constituted to nominate a candidate is available, and that the Selection Committee is accepting applications for that office or position.

b. A Selection Committee shall consider any applicant only for the office or position for which he/she has applied, and shall not consider his/her qualifications for any other office or position within the Association.

6 Nominations Commission

A. Membership

(1) The Nominations Commission shall consist of seven voting members.

(2) The President, the Vice President, and the Senate Chair or a member of the Senate designated by the Chair shall serve as ex-officio members of the Commission.

(3) No member of the Commission may, during his/her term, apply for a position for which the Commission is responsible for making a nomination.

B. Selection

(1) Members shall be nominated by the Nomination Commisson's Selection Committee, which shall consist of the President of the Association (or the Vice President if so designated) who shall chair the committee, four elected Senators (including at least one from the Student Affairs committee and including at least one graduate and one undergraduate), and the chair of the Nominations Commission who shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

(2) The Nomination Commission's Selection Committee shall submit its nominations of candidates to serve on the Nomination Commission no later than the fourth Senate meeting of Autumn Quarter. At that time, the Selection Committee shall nominate one of the Commission members to serve as Chair of the Commission.

(3) Provided that they have been confirmed by the Senate by two-thirds vote, the newly-appointed members of the Commission shall be known as voting members and take office on the first day of Spring quarter, and shall serve a one-year term.

C. Officers

(1) Chair


a. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission.

b. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission, and shall vote only in cases where it would be decisive.

c. Shall meet at least once every month with the President, the Vice Presient, and the Senate Chair.

(2) Deputy Chair

a. Shall serve for the term of the Commission, unless removed from office earlier.

b. Shall be chosen by the Chair of the Commission, and may be removed by the Chair at any time.

c. Shall perform any administrative tasks requested by the Chair.

d. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission in the absence of the Chair, and at those times shall vote only in cases where it would be decisive.

(3) Officers of the Commission may be paid a salary, if so specified in the Nominations Commission budget.

D. Meetings

(1) At or before the second Senate meeting of Winter quarter, the newly-appointed Chair of the Commission shall present to the Senate for its approval a schedule of the appointment processes for the term of the Commission. This schedule shall specify, for each nomination, the dates on which notifications shall be mailed to eligible guests at Commission interviews, the dates on which committee positions shall be advertised, the dates on which applications shall be due, the dates by which the Commission shall hold interviews, the dates by which the Commission's nominations shall be available to the members of the Senate, and the dates on which the term of appointed representatives shall commence. Subsequent changes to this schedule shall be approved by the Senate before becoming effective.

(2) Complete records of all actions taken by the Commission shall be filed with the Association Office in a timely manner and shall be available for public scrutiny in accordance with ASSU freedom of information provisions in the Constitution.

E. Nominations

(1) Any interviews of applicants for any position must be conducted by at least three members of the Commission of which at least two must be voting members of the Commission. Members of the Commission may be paid a wage, if so specified in the Nominations Commission Budget, for the time spent in interviews.


(2) All nominations of individuals must be made during a meeting of the Commission at which at least four of the Commission's voting members are present and no guest members are present. No nominations shall be made without the affirmative vote of three voting members of the Commission.

(3) Guests

a. Eligibility

i. Only those persons specified by these by-laws shall be eligible to attend interviews as guests of the Nominations Commission.

ii. Outgoing Student Members

 All outgoing student members of committees who were nominated by the Nominations Commission and who are not applying for re- appointment to the same committee will be requested to attend, as guests, the interviews for their successors.

 All student members of committees shall be informed of the request to attend interviews for their successors when they interview initially and when they are appointed, in addition to the other times when guests are notified of their eligibility to attend interviews.

b. Notification

i. All eligible guests shall be notified of their eligibility and of the starting date of interviews in writing at least two weeks before interviews begin.

ii. The schedule of interviews shall be made available to guests of the Nominations Commission at least 24 hours before the starting date of interviews.

c. Rights

i. To ask questions or provide other relevent factual information at the interviews when so recognized by the members of the Nominations Commission who are conducting the interview.

ii. To speak in the ensuing discussion when so recognized by the members of the Nominations Commission who are conducting the interview.

iii. Guests shall not speak at other times during the interview process.

iv. The members of the Nominations Commission present may require that any guest leave if that guest's presence is in any way hindering the interview process.

v. All guests shall leave while the Nominations Commission deliberates and votes on nominations.

(4) The Commission shall give priority to those individuals seeking nominations based upon the following criteria:


a. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to communicate to the Association their actions in the position.

b. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to seek out from the Association information and opinion to guide them in the position.

c. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to strongly advocate the interests of the members of the Association.

d. Individuals presently serving in that position, provided that they have served only one year.

(5) The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional requirements and criteria specified by the Senate.

(6) The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional objective requirements and objective criteria formally specified by the authority appointing the committee. All new requirements and criteria for nominations must be noted in the Commission's report to the Senate before interviewing commences.

(7) The Commission's nominations shall not be influenced by any informal suggestions or recommendations (including from the target committee or members thereof), except those made by members and guests of the Commission.

(8) No nomination shall be considered by the Senate unless it was made available in writing to members of the Senate at least 48 hours before the commencement of the Senate meeting at which it is to be considered.

A nomination of a member of the Association shall consist of his/her name, class, major (if an undergraduate) or department/school (if a graduate), and a description of his/her relevant prior experience. All nominations which were made through the applicant pool for un-advertised positions, or through re-direction of an applicant to a committee other than the one to which he/she originally applied, shall be so indicated. All nominations shall specify the number of applications received and the number of applicants interviewed.

(9) Though nominations must be available to the public, in conformance with the Freedom of Information stipulations in the constitution, they shall not be in any way deemed official prior to the Senate's approval of the nomination.

(10) Should the Commission determine that there are no qualified applicants for one or more committee openings, or if the Commission's nominees are rejected by the Senate, the Commission may decide to re-advertise the committee opening, or to solicit applications from specific individuals or groups, subject to Senate approval.

F. Terms of the Representatives of the Association

(1) The terms of all student representatives shall commence on September 1, except for those committees for which the Nominations Commission determines require a different commencement date.


(2) All terms of representatives shall be for one year.

G. Appeal of Decisions

Any member of the Association may petition the Senate to examine any decision of the Commission. Procedural violations shall be the sole grounds for such petitions. The Senate must act upon all such petitions by rejecting the nomination either in its original vote or after a valid motion to reconsider.

H. Interim Nominations Commission

(1) If the President, after polling the members of the Commission, determines that a majority of its voting members shall not be in the Stanford area and shall not be available for meetings during the time between quarters or during the Summer quarter, and that the Commission may be required to meet to conduct business during this time, then all the duties and responsibilities of the Commission shall devolve onto the Interim Nominations Commission.

(2) The voting membership of the Interim Nominations Commission shall consist of all the voting members of the Commission in the Stanford area and available for meetings, and members of the Association equal in number to that required to bring the voting membership of the Interim Nominations Commission to its normal number. These members must meet the same qualifications as those of the Commission, and shall be appointed by an Interim Nominations Commission Selection Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, and Senate Chair. The names of these appointees shall be reported to the Senate at the earliest opportunity, at which time the Senate reserves the right to reject them.

(3) The ex-officio members of the Interim Nominations Commission shall be the same as those of the Commission.

(4) The Chair of the Interim Nominations Commission shall be the Chair of the Commission, unless that individual is either not in the Stanford area or is not available to fulfill the duties of the Chair, in which case the Chair shall be designated by the Interim Nominations Commission Selection Committee from among the voting members of the Interim Nominations Commission, with absolute preference being given to those who are also members of the Nominations Commission. Such designation shall be reported to the Senate at the earliest opportunity, at which time the Senate reserves the right to reject it and to designate another voting member as Chair.

(5) The Interim Nominations Commission shall be considered dissolved, and the Commission shall resume its duties and responsibilities, at the beginning of the next regular academic quarter (Autumn, Winter, or Spring), or at a date specified by the Senate, whichever is the sooner.


7 Interim Committee of the Senate

A. Purpose

The Committee shall act for the Senate when the Senate is not in regular session and when it is impossible to convene a special session of the Senate.

B. Membership

(1) All elected Senators shall be voting members.

(2) The ex-officio members of the Senate shall be ex-officio members of the Committee.

(3) Seven voting members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.

C. Organization

(1) Shall be chaired by the Vice President, or, in his or her absence, the Senate Chair, or, in his/her absence, the acting Chair, or, in his/her absence, a member of the Interim Committee selected by the Committee.

(2) May constitute any committees it deems necessary for the conduct of its business.

(3) Meetings shall be called in the manner specified for the calling of meetings of the Senate, with the Committee empowered to take all actions normally taken by the Senate.

(4) Minutes of all meetings of, and copies of all legislation passed by, the Committee shall be forwarded in a timely manner to all members of the Senate and to the Senate Secretary.

D. Powers

The Committee shall have the full and complete powers of the Senate, with the following exceptions and qualifications:

(1) All bills, resolutions, and orders shall require for approval a three-fourths vote of those members present and voting.

(2) The Committee shall not modify these By-Laws, nor shall notice given at a meeting of the Committee constitute adequate previous notice for legislation requiring such notice to be introduced at a regular or special meeting of the Senate.

(3) The Committee shall not call for any Association election.

(4) When the Interim Committee is acting as the ``Summer Senate'', the Committee shall not appropriate more than $3000.00 from the Budgetary Reserves of the Association.


8 ASSU Dorm Representatives

A. Purpose

(1) Dorm Representatives shall play an advisory role to the Senate and Executive branch in representing student opinions on issues, services, and other matters related to the ASSU.

(2) Dorm Representatives shall attend the meetings of the dorm complex and communicate upcoming Senate actions, events, deadlines and general ASSU information to the dorm residents.

(3) Dorm Representatives shall act on issues of concern to students in their dormitories or houses.

B. Organization and Meetings of Dorm Representatives

(1) Each house on campus will elect one or more Dorm Representatives at their second house meeting during Fall Quarter.

(2) All Dorm Representatives in each of the following dorm complexes shall meet once every week:

a. Branner, Kimball, Manzanita, Toyon

b. Cowell Cluster, Mirrielees

c. Florence Moore

d. Lagunita, Roble

e. Row, Fraternities

f. Sterling Quad, Governor's Corner

g. Stern

h. Wilbur

C. Relationship to Other ASSU Branches

(1) The President or his designee and the Student Affairs committee of the Senate shall be jointly responsible for overseeing the Dorm Representatives Program.

(2) Each dorm complex shall be assigned an elected Senator from the Student Affairs committee who shall work with the corresponding Dorm Representatives to address issues of concern to that dorm complex. The Student Affairs committee representative shall also collect a summary of information presented by each dorm representative and shall present that information at meetings of the Student Affairs committee.


(3) Dorm representatives shall be encouraged to attend meetings of the Student Affairs committee as well as to speak in Open Forum during Senate meetings about issues brought to them by students.

(4) The operating expenses of the Dorm Representatives Program shall be paid for out of the operating budget of the Student Affairs committee.

D. Off-Campus and Graduate Students

(1) The President and the Student Affairs committee shall host at least one meeting per quarter to facilitate the input of off-campus students and students in the graduate and professional schools into the ASSU.

(2) This meeting shall be publicized through The Stanford Daily and by other appropriate means.

9 Deleted Text:

A. Class Presidents and Frosh Council

(1) One member of each of the Senior Class Presidents, Junior Class Presidents and Sophomore Class Presidents shall be an ex-officio member of the Senate.

(2) Two members of the Frosh Council shall be ex-officio members of the Senate.

(3) Members of the Frosh Council will be selected by the Class Presidents. Candidates will submit an application to the Class Presidents and members will be chosen through an interview process.

B. Graduate Student Council

Two members of the Graduate Student Council shall serve as ex-officio members of the Senate.

10 Deleted Text:

A. Committee on Committees

(1) Shall make recommendations to the Senate on appointments to the Nominations Commission and of the Committee Staff Assistants.

(2) Shall consist of at least four elected Senators, including at least one from the Student Affairs committee, and including at least one graduate and one undergraduate.


(3) The chair of the Nominations Commission, the Senior Committee Staff Assistant, and the President shall be ex-officio members of this committee.

(4) Shall select a Chair from among its members, who shall be an elected Senator, to be confirmed by the Senate.

B. Committee on the Judiciary

(1) Shall review all policies pertaining to student conduct.

(2) Shall consist of at least three elected Senators, at least one from the Administration and Rules committee.

(3) The President, a student member from the Committee of Fifteen, a student member of the Student Conduct Legislative Council, a student member of the Stanford Judicial Council, and a representative from the Ombudsman's office, shall be ex-officio members of this committee.

C. Audit Committee

(1) Shall annually review the audit of the Association's finances for the previous year, including meeting with the auditors as necessary, and report on the results to the Senate and the members of the Association.

(2) Shall monitor internal controls and the adequacy of the Association's accounting, financial, and operational controls and of its policies and practices on financial reporting.

(3) Shall consist of three Senators, one from the Budget and Finance Committee and two at large, preferably one each from the Appropriations Committee and the Administration and Rules Committee.

(4) The Controller of the University or designee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

11 Deleted Text: Committee Staff Assistants

A. Senior Committee Staff Assistant

(1) Shall be a member of the Association nominated by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Senate.

(2) Shall serve a term of office concurrent with that of the members of the Nominations Commission.


(3) May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. At least forty-eight (48) hours written notice shall be given to the individual in question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which the removal is to take place.

(4) May be paid a salary, if so specified in the Committee Staff Assistants budget.

(5) Duties

a. To serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Committee Staff Assistants.

b. To meet with the Committee Staff Assistants bi-weekly to co-ordinate their activities and hear their reports.

c. To report to the Nominations Commission, the President, and the Senate at least once a month.

B. Committee Staff Assistants

(1) Shall be members of the Association nominated by the Committee on Committees and confirmed by the Senate.

(2) Shall serve a term of office concurrent with that of the members of the Nominations Commission.

(3) May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. At least forty-eight (48) hours written notice shall be given to the individual in question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which the removal is to take place.

(4) May be paid a salary, if so specified in the Committee Staff Assistants budget.

(5) There shall be three Committee Staff Assistants reporting to the Senior Committee Staff Assistant. Each Committee Staff Assistant shall also report to the Student Affairs committee.

(6) Duties

a. To assist the Nominations Commission in monitoring committee attendance and activity of all Association representatives.

b. Organizing and scheduling interviews of committee candidates with the Nominations Commission.

c. Publicizing openings on committees and otherwise seeking to attract qualified candidates for Nominations Commission review.

d. Notifying candidates of the Nominations Commission decisions soon after those decisions.

e. Creating a resource base whereby appointed committee members may learn of the times and places of their meetings, and keeping updated lists for easy reference of key contact people within those committees.


f. To maintain files (agendas, the minutes of all meetings, committee reports, etc.) on each committee.

g. To monitor the progress of issues within committees, report on those issues to the Senate, and assist Association representatives in publicizing issues.

12 Deleted Text: ASSU Financial Aid Advocacy Office

A. Purpose

(1) Throughout this section, a financial aid issue shall be defined to be any matter directly and substantially affecting the creation, abolition, provision, or disbursement of funding for undergraduate or graduate studies, other than that of contributions from family members.

(2) The ASSU Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall provide the Association and its members with opportunities and an effective mechanism for advocating improved financial aid funding at the state and federal governments and at the University, and any other level.

(3) The ASSU Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall serve as a link between Stanford students and the federal and state governments and the University through participation in state or national student networks, and liaison with Stanford administration, Stanford Financial Aid Office, legislators' offices, and any other relevant bodies to keep abreast of and research financial aid issues.

(4) The ASSU Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall serve as an information resource to students on financial aid issues.

(5) The ASSU Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall obtain student input on financial aid issues and facilitate and organize student lobbying efforts on financial aid issues.

B. Membership

All members of the Association are eligible to participate in the activities of the Financial Aid Advocacy Office. The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be constituted by all members of the Association who participate in it.

C. Organization

(1) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall administered by a Board of Directors, consisting of a Chair, a Director of Legislative Information, a Director of Campus Information and Outreach, a Director of University Relations, and a Director of Inter-Collegiate Relations.


(2) The Financial Manager shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors, and responsible for financial oversight of the Office. Ultimate financial responsibility shall reside with the Senate.

(3) Responsibilities of Directors

a. The Chair of the Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for serving as overall coordinator of the activities of the Office and as facilitator between the Directors of the Financial Aid Advocacy Office in working to advocate financial aid issues. The Chair shall also be responsible for reporting the activities of the Office to the Senate.

b. The Director of Legislative Information shall be responsible for keeping abreast of and being an information resource of legislative information affecting financial aid issues on the national, state, and local level. This includes communication with the national student organizations of which the ASSU is a member, and federal and state congressional offices.

c. The Director of Campus Information and Outreach shall be responsible for providing a link between all sectors and communities of Stanford with the Financial Aid Advocacy Office: providing channels of communication between the Financial Aid Advocacy Office and the general student body by disseminating information on financial aid issues and obtaining student input, and encouraging student involvement and participation in the issues.

d. The Director of University Relations shall be responsible for facilitating relations between students and the University Financial Aid Office as well as the rest of the University administration to improve financial aid on a federal, state, and University level.

e. The Director of Inter-Collegiate Relations shall be responsible for communicating and organizing with other college campuses in California and nation-wide through work with the national student organizations of which the ASSU is a member and other student networks.

(4) Appointment and Terms of Office of Directors

a. Availability of these positions shall be advertised, and all members of the Association shall be given an opportunity to apply for them. Only members of the Association shall be eligible for these positions.

b. The Chair and Directors shall be nominated by a Financial Aid Office Directors Selection Committee, which shall consist of the Chair of the Financial Aid Advocacy Office (who shall chair the Committee), the President or his/her designee, one undergraduate Senator, one graduate Senator, and two current Directors of the Financial Aid Office. The Financial Manager, the Vice President, all Directors of the Financial Aid Advocacy Office, and all Senators shall be eligible to serve as ex-officio members of the Selection Committee.


c. Directors shall be nominated in Spring quarter and confirmed by a majority vote of the Senate.

d. Directors shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until their successors have taken office.

e. Directors may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. The Director(s) in question must be notified in writing of the intent to introduce such a motion not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the opening of the Senate meeting at which the motion will be considered, and must be given an opportunity to speak in opposition to the motion at that meeting.

f. Directors shall be paid a salary as specified in the Financial Aid Office budget.

D. Powers

(1) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office is responsible for formulating advocacy strategies and priorities on financial aid issues in conjunction with the Senate, the Executive Branch, student groups and other concerned students.

(2) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office can only advocate on financial aid issues approved by a majority of the Senate, with consultation of the student body in accordance with the provisions set out in the Constitution.

(3) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall report to the Senate at least twice a quarter.

(4) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for providing information and education to students about financial aid issues through avenues such as newsletters and open forums.

(5) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for gathering student opinion with regard to financial aid issues through avenues such as polls, surveys, discussions, and consultation with student groups and communities. This shall not limit the Office from availing itself of obtaining student input through polls conducted by other agencies of the Association nor limit those agencies from seeking to determine student opinion on financial aid matters.

(6) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for organizing all financial aid advocacy efforts of the Association which would perhaps include correspondence and coordination with relevant lobby and student organizations and correspondence with legislators, administrations and other relevant bodies.

(7) The Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for facilitating and organizing student involvement of members of the Association in financial aid advocacy campaigns, and the Financial Aid Advocacy Office shall be responsible for involving and obtaining input from all sectors of the diverse Stanford community.