2. A body of the Association shall have the power to adopt, amend, or repeal Rules of Order for their respective operation. These modifications shall be done by a two-thirds vote, provided that previous notice had been given, and that the Senate has been given Notice. However, once the Senate has acted to adopt, repeal, or amend Rules of Order for another body of the Association, that body of the Association shall not be authorized to modify its Rules of Order in any manner inconsistent with the Senate action during the remainder of the current fiscal year.
2. Unless otherwise indicated, all votes by any body of the Association shall be by a majority of those members present and voting.
3. In those cases where a two-thirds vote is indicated, this shall be two-thirds of those members present and voting.
4. Unless otherwise stated in the Constitution or these By-Laws, all ex-officio members of a body established under the Constitution or these By-Laws shall be without vote in that body.
5. Previous Notice
b. However, for proposed legislation arising spontaneously out of the business transacted at a meeting of a body of the Association, which proposed legislation could not reasonably have been foreseen prior to that meeting, previous notice may consist of the announcement at that meeting of the proposed topic of legislation, provided that written notice meeting the above requirements is made available to all members of that body within twenty-four hours.
2. A body of the Association, or (in the case of an Office) the directors, or (in the case of a Project) the Managers shall have the power to adopt, amend or repeal Standing Rules for their respective operation. These modifications shall be done by a majority vote, provided that previous notice has been given to the Senate. However, once the Senate has acted to adopt, repeal, or amend Standing Rules for another body of the Association, that body of the Association shall not be authorized to modify its Standing Rules in any manner inconsistent with the Senate action during the remainder of the current fiscal year.
1 Senate
All legislative power of the Association not vested in the Association as a whole is
vested in the Senate of the Association (referred to in these By-Laws as ``the Senate'').
The Senate shall dissolve following adjournment of its last regularly scheduled meeting
in May. At this time the Senate Elect shall be constituted as the new Senate.
(1) Meetings of the Senate held during those portions of Spring, Autumn, and Winter
quarter after it has been constituted and before it is dissolved are held during the
regular session.
(2) Meetings of the Senate held during the Summer quarter and between quarters
after it has been constituted and before it is dissolved are held during a special
All official records of the Senate are subject to the Freedom of Information provisions
of the Constitution. Records includes, but is not limited to, all minutes, reports,
background materials, letters, memoranda, or other documents (whether printed or
electronic) generated by the Senate, its committees, or its members acting in an official
(1) The fifteen members of the Senate elected by the undergraduate district and the
fifteen members of the Senate elected by the graduate and professional school
districts shall be known as the elected members of the Senate.
(2) The membership of the Senate shall be defined to be the elected members and
the ex-officio members of the Senate.
The Secretary shall keep a master record of attendance at meetings of the Senate and of
its committees. Partial attendance of a meeting may be determined, at the discretion
of the appropriate chair, to constitute an absence. A record of attendance shall be
kept by each committee chair and reported to the Secretary of the Senate. Should a
committee chair fail to provide a report of attendance to the Secretary of the Senate
within seven (7) days of the meeting, then the Secretary shall record all committee
members as absent.
(1) Expulsion of Inactive Senators
a. If an elected Senator has four absences from meetings of the Senate and/or
meetings of his/her assigned Senate committee(s) during any three-month
period during a session of the Senate, the Secretary shall report the absences
at the next regular meeting of the Senate. Such reporting shall serve as
previous notice of a vote to expel the elected member from the Senate.
b. Once previous notice of the vote to expel an elected Senator has been given,
the Senator shall be informed within twenty-four hours via electronic mail
and by telephone of the Senate's planned expulsion vote.
c. A motion to expel the Senator shall be in order at the next regular meeting
of the Senate after previous notice has been given.
a. Leaves of absence may be granted to elected Senators who will be absent from
the Stanford campus or who otherwise cannot fulfill their duties as a Senator
due to other academic obligations.
b. A leave of absence may not exceed one quarter in duration.
c. A Senator must apply for a leave of absence to the Senate Chair, who shall
submit the matter to the Senate for approval.
d. During the leave of absence, the Senator may not attempt to exercise the
rights of an elected member of the Senate.
a. A seat in the Senate shall become vacant upon the death, resignation,
expulsion or disqualification of the elected Senator otherwise entitled to hold
such a seat.
b. A Senator shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission of a written
statement of resignation to the Senate Chair or Senate Secretary.
c. A Senator shall be deemed to be disqualified upon violating the qualifications
for Senate members as laid down in the Constitution or these By-Laws. The
disqualification shall take effect upon written notice by the the Senate Chair
or the Senate Secretary.
a. Representation of First-Year and Transfer Students
The Senate shall make a concerted effort to encourage participation in
its operations by first-year undergraduate, transfer, and first-year graduate
and professional school members of the Association. The Nominations
Commission shall, during the first five weeks of Autumn Quarter, select up to
six members of the Association to serve as ex-officio members of the Senate.
Three of these positions shall be reserved for first-year undergraduates and
transfer students, and three of these positions shall be reserved for first-year
graduate and professional school students.
b. Representation of Other Association Agencies
The Senate shall make a concerted effort to encourage participation in its
operations by members of the Frosh Council, Sophomore Class Presidents,
Junior Class Presidents, Senior Class Presidents, and Graduate Student
Council. During the first five weeks of Autumn Quarter, the Senate Chair
shall solicit each of these bodies to nominate an ex-officio Senate member.
c. Any member of the Association may petition to be appointed as an ex-officio
member of the Senate by submitting a written request to the Senate Chair.
Such requests must be acted upon by the Senate at its next regular meeting.
d. No part of this section shall be construed as restricting the Senate's ability
to select its ex-officio membership.
The officers of the Senate shall be the Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Parliamentarian,
and the chairs of the Committees of the Senate. Officers of the Senate shall be
empowered to select staff to assist them in their duties.
(1) An office in the Senate shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, expulsion
or disqualification of the individual entitled to hold the office.
(2) An officer shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission of a written statement
of resignation to the Vice President of the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate
(3) An officer shall be deemed to be removed upon passage of an order of removal by
the Senate, as specified herein. The removal shall take effect upon the receipt of
written notice from the Vice President of the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate
(4) An officer shall be deemed to be disqualified upon violating the qualifications
for Senate officers as laid down in the Constitution or these By-Laws. The
disqualification shall take effect upon written notice from the Vice President of
the Association, Senate Chair, or Senate Secretary.
Officers and staff of the Senate may be paid a salary, if so specified in the Senate budget.
a. Shall be held within 14 days of a vacancy in the office, or in the case of a
new Senate, at its first regular meeting as either the Senate Elect or as the
b. Shall be presided by the Vice President Elect or his designee (in the case of the
Senate Elect) or the Vice President or his designee (in the case of the Senate)
of the Association. In case the position of Vice President Elect is vacant,
election of the Senate Chair shall be presided by the Elections Commissioner.
c. A candidate shall be elected upon receiving a majority of the votes cast on
any one of the first three ballots for this office. If no candidate has been
elected after these ballots, then a fourth and final ballot conducted under the
preferential balloting system shall be taken. All candidates shall be considered
in all of these ballots.
The term of the Senate Chair shall commence upon the dissolution of the previous
regular session of the Senate, or, if the previous regular session of the Senate has
dissolved, immediately. From the time of his/her election until taking office as
Chair, he/she shall serve as the Chair of the Senate Elect.
a. The Senate may remove the Chair at any time by majority vote.
b. Upon removal of the Chair, the Vice President of the Association, or in the
case of his or her absence, the Deputy Chair, or in the case of his or her
absence, the chair of the Administration and Rules Committee, shall preside
over the remainder of the meeting and arrange for the election of a new Chair
at the next meeting of the Senate.
c. In case of an expected absence of the Chair from campus for the Summer
quarter, the Deputy Chair shall act as Chair. In case both the Chair and
Deputy Chair are absent, the Senate may designate an acting Chair by
majority vote.
a. In the absence of the Vice President of the Association, to preside at all
meetings of the Senate and of the committee of the whole. In this role, the
Chair shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-
Laws, the Rules of Order of the Senate, and standard parliamentary procedure
at these meetings. In this role, the Chair shall be restricted from voicing his
or her opinion on matters before the Senate.
b. To be responsible for enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and
the Standing Rules of the Senate in all administrative matters pertaining to
the operation of the Senate.
c. To serve as the Senate liaison between the Senate and the Executive Branch of
the Association and between the Senate and other elements of the University,
unless the Senate provides otherwise.
d. To appoint, remove, or replace Senators on any body containing a member of
the Senate, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws. The Senate shall
be notified at the first opportunity of these actions. At that time the Senate
may reject these actions. The Senate reserves the right to take these actions
a. The Senate may decide, by majority vote, to elect a Deputy Chair. In making
this decision, the Senate implicitly refuses the Senate Chair's appointment of
any Senator other than the Deputy Chair to serve as acting Chair in his or
her absence.
b. Shall be held at the meeting of the Senate-Elect or Senate immediately after
the Chair is elected.
c. Any Senator-Elect may declare himself/herself to be a candidate for this office
by notifying the Chair in writing any time after the Chair's election but no
less than forty-eight hours prior to the commencement of the meeting at which
the election will be held.
d. A candidate shall be elected upon receiving a majority of the votes cast on
any one of the first three ballots for this office. If no candidate has been
elected after these ballots, then a fourth and final ballot conducted under the
preferential balloting system shall be taken. All candidates shall be considered
in all of these ballots.
The term of the Deputy Senate Chair shall commence upon the dissolution of the
previous regular session of the Senate, or, if the previous regular session of the
Senate has dissolved, immediately. From the time of his/her election until taking
office as Deputy Chair, he/she shall serve as Deputy Chair of the Senate-Elect.
a. The Senate may remove the Deputy Chair at any time by majority vote.
b. Upon removal of the Deputy Chair, the Chair shall arrange for the election
of a new Deputy Chair at the next meeting of the Senate. In the interim,
the chair of the Administration and Rules committee shall serve as Acting
Deputy Chair until a new Deputy Chair has been elected.
c. In case of an expected absence of the Deputy Chair from campus for the
Summer quarter, or of the Deputy Chair acting as Chair, then the Senate
may designate an acting Deputy Chair by majority vote.
a. In the absence of the Vice President of the Association and of the Senate
Chair, to serve as Acting Chair and preside at all meetings of the Senate
and of the committee of the whole. In this role, the Deputy Chair shall
be responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, the
Rules of Order of the Senate, and standard parliamentary procedure at these
meetings. In this role, the Deputy Chair shall be restricted from voicing his
or her opinion on matters before the Senate.
b. Upon the request, absence, or disability of the Chair, to be responsible for
enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Standing Rules of
the Senate in all administrative matters pertaining to the operation of the
c. Upon the request, absence, or disability of the Chair, to serve as the Senate
liaison between the Senate and the Executive Branch of the Association and
between the Senate and other elements of the University, unless the Senate
provides otherwise.
(1) Appointment and Term of Office
a. Availability of this position shall be advertised, and all members of the
Association shall be given an opportunity to apply for it.
b. Shall be nominated by the Senate Secretary's Selection Committee, which
shall consist of the Vice President (or Senate Chair, if so designated) who
shall chair the committee, one undergraduate Senator, one graduate Senator,
the Financial Manager, and the current Senate Secretary, who shall be an
ex-officio member of the committee.
c. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote
of the Senate.
d. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring
quarters, or until his/her successor has taken office.
e. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, given that at least 48
hours written notice of his/her removal shall be given to the individual in
question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the
Senate meeting at which the removal is to take place.
f. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Clerk, then
the Senate Secretary's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for
Senate approval, such an approval requiring a two-thirds vote.
a. Under the supervision of the Vice President and Senate Chair, preparing
agenda materials for the Senate and its committees.
b. Maintaining permanent records of all actions taken by the Senate (including
accurate copies of all action items approved by the Senate).
c. Keeping all records of the Senate and minutes of all meetings of the Senate
and its committees (as provided by the respective Chairs).
d. Maintaining attendance records of Senators at Senate and committee
meetings and reporting excessive absences to the Senate.
e. Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Constitution, these By-
Laws, and the Senate Rules.
f. Carrying out Senate correspondence at the direction of the Vice President or
Senate Chair.
g. Carrying out such other routine tasks connected with the administration of
the Senate as may be directed by the Vice President or Senate Chair.
(1) Shall be appointed by the Vice President of the Association, in consultation with
the Senate Chair, subject to majority vote by the Senate.
(2) Shall advise the presiding officer and the Senate on questions relating to the
Constitution, these By-Laws, the Rules of Order, and Parliamentary Law.
(3) May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, given that at least 48 hours
written notice of his/her removal shall be given to the individual in question, and
he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which
the removal is to take place.
(1) Unless the Senate votes otherwise by a two-thirds vote, regular meetings shall be
held at times specified in the Standing Rules of the Senate. Consecutive regular
meetings within the same quarter shall not be separated by more than fifteen (15)
days nor fewer than six (6) days.
(2) Public notice of regular meetings shall be given in the Stanford Daily or in
electronic form at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Such notice shall include
the location, date, and time of the meeting, as well as any reason for its partial
or full closure, as required by the Constitution.
(1) Any call for a special meeting should specify a particular date and time. If no
such time is specified, the Senate Chair shall call the meeting to be held within
seventy-two hours of receiving the request.
(2) Notice must be given in the Stanford Daily, if it is being published, and in
electronic form at least twelve (12) hours of a special meeting of the Senate.
The Secretary of the Senate, the Senate Chair, and the Vice President of the
Association shall make a reasonable effort to contact every Senator.
(1) The Committees of the Senate shall consist of standing committees, special
legislative committees, special Chair's committees, and the Steering Committee.
(2) Any bill or resolution may be committed by the Chair to one or more
appropriate Committees of the Senate for consideration and the preparation of
recommendations before reaching the Senate floor.
(3) Except where specified in these by-laws, voting membership on Senate committees
shall be limited to elected Senators.
Every Committee of the Senate shall, by majority vote, have the power to admit
additional ex-officio members to its membership, but not to the Senate proper. Such
additional members shall not have a vote in the committees.
(1) Consecutive regular meetings of each committee within the same quarter shall
not be separated by more than fifteen (15) days nor fewer than six (6) days.
(2) The Chair of a Committee of the Senate may call special meetings of his/her
committee. Upon the written request of two members of the committee, the
Chair shall call a special meeting for the time requested or, if no time is specified,
within forty-eight hours of receiving the request.
(3) Complete records of all actions taken by a Committee of the Senate during
committee meetings, as well as the committee's attendance record, shall be given
to the Senate Secretary and reported to the Senate.
(4) Special joint meetings of two or more Committees of the Senate may be called
by the Chairs of the concerned committees, or upon the written request of two
members of each of the concerned committees. In the latter case, the Chairs of
the concerned committees shall call a joint meeting for the time requested by
the petitioning members or, if no time is specified, within forty-eight hours of
receiving the request.
(5) Public notice of regular meetings of a Committee of the Senate shall be given in
the Stanford Daily or in electronic form at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Such notice shall include the location, date, and time of the meeting, as well as
any reason for its partial or full closure, as required by the Constitution.
(6) Public notice of special meetings of a Committee of the Senate shall be given in
the Stanford Daily and in electronic form at least twelve (12) hours prior to the
meeting. The Secretary of the Senate and the Committee Chair shall make a
reasonable effort to contact every Committee member.
At its first meeting, the Senate Elect shall divide itself into Committees structurally
similar to the Committees of the Senate.
(1) Each member of the Senate Elect shall submit to the Chair of the Senate Elect a
list of committees he/she desires to serve upon.
(2) The Chair shall then make provisional committee assignments based upon these
(3) One-third of the membership on all Senate committees must consist of
undergraduate Senators. One-third of the membership on all Senate committees
must consist of graduate and professional school Senators.
(4) The committee assignments shall take effect upon approval by the Senate Elect
at its next regular meeting.
(5) Members of the Senate Elect assigned to these committees shall be ex-officio
members of the corresponding Senate committees. Members of the Senate
committees shall be ex-officio members of the corresponding Senate Elect
(6) Each of these committees of the Senate Elect shall be chaired by the Chair of the
corresponding Senate committee, if one exists, until the committee has selected
another Chair.
E. Powers of Standing Committees
(1) Each Standing Committee shall be vested with the full power of the Senate for
the purpose of investigating any subject within its charge.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, these By-Laws, or Acts of the
Senate, all substantive actions of a Standing Committee shall take the form of
recommendations to the Senate.
F. Standing Committees of the Senate
The Senate shall have the following five Standing Committees: Academics, Research,
and Evaluation; Administration and Rules; Appropriations; Budget and Finance; and
Student Affairs,
(1) Academics, Research, and Evaluation
a. Shall review all matters pertaining to graduate and undergraduate education.
b. Shall review all matters pertaining to University, School and Departmental
policies and requirements.
c. Shall review all matters pertaining to University research policies and
d. Shall review all matters pertaining to the business and composition of the
Academic Council.
e. Shall participate in and facilitate discussion between student representatives
to the various University committees pertaining to graduate and
undergraduate education.
f. Shall act as an advocate for student interests and initiative in areas pertaining
to undergraduate and graduate education.
g. Shall review all matters pertaining to academic evaluation in undergraduate
and graduate education.
h. Shall review Academic support services pertaining to undergraduate and
graduate education including but not limited to the Center for Teaching
and Learning, the Undergraduate Advising Program, the Overseas Studies
Program, but not including Admissions, Financial Aid, and Residential
Education which fall under the Senate Committee on Student Affairs.
a. Shall review all proposed changes to the Constitution, these By-Laws, the
Rules of Order, or the Standing Rules.
b. Shall review the performance of all officers and bodies of the Association with
respect to these rules.
c. Shall review all matters relating to Association elections and advise the
Elections Commission regarding the same.
d. Shall have primary responsibility for reviewing proposals for new service
projects, service affiliates, or other agencies of the Association, except for
new business projects or business affiliates.
e. Shall review any matters that do not fall under the jurisdiction of any other
Standing Committee.
f. The Parliamentarian shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.
a. Shall review the general finances of, and formulate fiscal guidelines for, all
Association Boards and funds established under General Fees.
b. Shall formulate Funding Policies, and review proposed changes to existing
c. Shall review all allocation recommendations made by Association Boards to
the Senate.
d. Shall review all requests for Special Fees by student organizations.
e. Shall review any proposed budget changes by student organizations receiving
Special Fees.
f. Shall review and approve the budgets of the Association Boards.
g. The Financial Manager and the Directors of the Program Board and the
Publications Board shall be ex-officio members of this committee.
a. Shall review the general finances of, and formulate general fiscal guidelines
for, the Association.
b. Shall formulate Financial Policies, and review proposed changes to existing
c. Shall formulate the Association Operating budget.
d. Shall approve the budgets of, and review the performance of, the projects of
the Business sector.
e. Shall formulate guidelines for, and oversee the operations of, the Students'
Organizations Fund, and shall review all requests by student organizations
receiving funds from a General or Special Fee that they be permitted to
deposit their funds outside the Students' Organizations Fund.
f. Shall oversee the operations of the Financial Office, the projects of the
Business sector, and the finances of the Business Affiliates.
g. Shall review and approve the budgets of projects in the Service Sector and
have primary legislative oversight over the finances of the Service Projects
and Service Affiliates of the Association, except for the Association Boards.
h. Shall have primary responsibility for reviewing proposals for new business
projects or affiliates, and shall review proposals for new service projects
or affiliates or other new agencies of the Association with respect to their
financial implications.
i. Shall formulate personnel policies for the Financial Office and the projects of
the Business sector.
j. Shall review and formulate guidelines for University budget negotiations and
the recovery of indirect costs.
k. The Financial Manager shall be an ex-officio member of this committee.
a. Shall review all matters pertaining to general student activities.
b. Shall review all matters pertaining to student organizations.
c. Shall review all matters pertaining to the policies and administration of non-
academic student services provided by the University or students.
d. Shall review all matters pertaining to University residences.
e. Shall review all policies of Residential Education.
f. Shall be responsible for coordinating, with the President with the Association,
the Dorm Representatives Program.
g. Shall be responsible for meeting with the Student Affairs division of the
university administration at least once a quarter.
(1) Each Summer Standing Committee shall have the same powers as a regular
Standing Committee.
(2) Each Summer Standing Committee shall consist of at least four elected Senators
and shall choose its own chair. The President shall be an ex-officio member of
each Committee. The Financial Manager shall be an ex-officio member of the
Finance Committee.
(3) The two Summer Standing Committees shall be the Policy and Procedures
Committee and the Finance Committee.
a. The Policy and Procedures Committee shall have all the rights, duties, and
responsibilities of the Administration and Rules Committee, the Student
Affairs Committee, and the Academics, Research, and Evaluation Committee.
b. The Finance Committee shall have all the rights, duties, and responsibilities
of the Appropriations Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee.
(4) The Standing Committees shall be considered suspended, and the Summer
Standing Committees shall be considered constituted, on the last day of Spring
quarter. The Summer Standing Committees shall be considered dissolved, and
the Standing Committees reactivated, on the first day of Autumn quarter.
H. Special Legislative Committees of the Senate
The Senate shall have the power to create special legislative committees for specific
purposes, to vest in them all appropriate powers of the Senate, to determine their
composition, and to designate the chair of each special committee. All substantive
actions of a special legislative committee shall take the form of recommendations to
the Senate.
The Chair shall have the power to create special committees for specific purposes,
to vest in them all appropriate powers of the Chair, to determine their composition,
and to designate the chair of each special committee. All substantive actions of these
special committees shall take the form of recommendations to the Chair.
a. The Vice President of the Association, who shall preside over the Steering
b. The Senate Chair, who shall preside over the Steering Committee in the
absence of the Vice President of the Association.
c. The chairs of the five standing committees.
a. Shall coordinate the activities of, and shall facilitate communication between
the Committees of the Senate.
b. Shall advise the Vice President and Senate Chair on the appointment of
Senators to, and removal of Senators from bodies containing members of
the Senate; on the order of business for Senate meetings; and on the
administration of the senate.
c. Shall have such other responsibilities as are provided by these Bylaws, the
Senate Rules of Order and Standing Rules, and acts of the Senate.
(3) At any time, after taking office, the President may choose to have the Executive
Committee adopt the role of the Steering Committee.
a. When Senate business is discussed, the Parliamentarian and Senate Secretary
shall serve as an ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.
b. The President may at any time choose to split the roles of the Steering
Committee and the Executive Committee.
(1) Any Committee of the Senate may form sub-committees to investigate and report
to the parent committee on any topic within the parent committee's jurisdiction.
(2) Each sub-committee may admit ex-officio members by majority vote; all such
ex-officio members shall be without vote.
(3) Each parent committee shall designate the chair of the sub-committee, who shall
be a member of the parent committee.
A Selection Committee shall be defined as any committee of the Association
established by these By-Laws, with the exception of the Nominations Commission,
the purpose of which is to nominate for confirmation by the Senate a member or
members of the Association to an office or position established by these By-Laws.
a. A Selection Committee shall be required to advertise to the members of the
Association that the office or position for which it is constituted to nominate
a candidate is available, and that the Selection Committee is accepting
applications for that office or position.
b. A Selection Committee shall consider any applicant only for the office
or position for which he/she has applied, and shall not consider his/her
qualifications for any other office or position within the Association.
(1) The Nominations Commission shall consist of seven voting members.
(2) The President, the Vice President, and the Senate Chair or a member of the Senate
designated by the Chair shall serve as ex-officio members of the Commission.
(3) No member of the Commission may, during his/her term, apply for a position for
which the Commission is responsible for making a nomination.
(1) Members shall be nominated by the Nomination Commisson's Selection
Committee, which shall consist of the President of the Association (or the Vice
President if so designated) who shall chair the committee, four elected Senators
(including at least one from the Student Affairs committee and including at
least one graduate and one undergraduate), and the chair of the Nominations
Commission who shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.
(2) The Nomination Commission's Selection Committee shall submit its nominations
of candidates to serve on the Nomination Commission no later than the fourth
Senate meeting of Autumn Quarter. At that time, the Selection Committee shall
nominate one of the Commission members to serve as Chair of the Commission.
(3) Provided that they have been confirmed by the Senate by two-thirds vote, the
newly-appointed members of the Commission shall be known as voting members
and take office on the first day of Spring quarter, and shall serve a one-year term.
a. Shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission.
b. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission, and shall vote only in cases
where it would be decisive.
c. Shall meet at least once every month with the President, the Vice Presient,
and the Senate Chair.
a. Shall serve for the term of the Commission, unless removed from office earlier.
b. Shall be chosen by the Chair of the Commission, and may be removed by the
Chair at any time.
c. Shall perform any administrative tasks requested by the Chair.
d. Shall preside at meetings of the Commission in the absence of the Chair, and
at those times shall vote only in cases where it would be decisive.
(3) Officers of the Commission may be paid a salary, if so specified in the Nominations
Commission budget.
(1) At or before the second Senate meeting of Winter quarter, the newly-appointed
Chair of the Commission shall present to the Senate for its approval a schedule of
the appointment processes for the term of the Commission. This schedule shall
specify, for each nomination, the dates on which notifications shall be mailed to
eligible guests at Commission interviews, the dates on which committee positions
shall be advertised, the dates on which applications shall be due, the dates by
which the Commission shall hold interviews, the dates by which the Commission's
nominations shall be available to the members of the Senate, and the dates on
which the term of appointed representatives shall commence. Subsequent changes
to this schedule shall be approved by the Senate before becoming effective.
(2) Complete records of all actions taken by the Commission shall be filed with the
Association Office in a timely manner and shall be available for public scrutiny in
accordance with ASSU freedom of information provisions in the Constitution.
(1) Any interviews of applicants for any position must be conducted by at least three
members of the Commission of which at least two must be voting members of the
Commission. Members of the Commission may be paid a wage, if so specified in
the Nominations Commission Budget, for the time spent in interviews.
(2) All nominations of individuals must be made during a meeting of the Commission
at which at least four of the Commission's voting members are present and no
guest members are present. No nominations shall be made without the affirmative
vote of three voting members of the Commission.
i. Only those persons specified by these by-laws shall be eligible to attend
interviews as guests of the Nominations Commission.
i. All eligible guests shall be notified of their eligibility and of the starting
date of interviews in writing at least two weeks before interviews begin.
ii. The schedule of interviews shall be made available to guests of the
Nominations Commission at least 24 hours before the starting date of
i. To ask questions or provide other relevent factual information at the
interviews when so recognized by the members of the Nominations
Commission who are conducting the interview.
ii. To speak in the ensuing discussion when so recognized by the members
of the Nominations Commission who are conducting the interview.
iii. Guests shall not speak at other times during the interview process.
iv. The members of the Nominations Commission present may require that
any guest leave if that guest's presence is in any way hindering the
interview process.
v. All guests shall leave while the Nominations Commission deliberates and
votes on nominations.
(4) The Commission shall give priority to those individuals seeking nominations based
upon the following criteria:
a. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to communicate to the
Association their actions in the position.
b. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to seek out from the
Association information and opinion to guide them in the position.
c. Individuals demonstrating a willingness and ability to strongly advocate the
interests of the members of the Association.
d. Individuals presently serving in that position, provided that they have served
only one year.
(5) The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional requirements
and criteria specified by the Senate.
(6) The Commission shall make its nominations based upon additional objective
requirements and objective criteria formally specified by the authority appointing
the committee. All new requirements and criteria for nominations must be noted
in the Commission's report to the Senate before interviewing commences.
(7) The Commission's nominations shall not be influenced by any informal suggestions
or recommendations (including from the target committee or members thereof),
except those made by members and guests of the Commission.
(8) No nomination shall be considered by the Senate unless it was made available in
writing to members of the Senate at least 48 hours before the commencement of
the Senate meeting at which it is to be considered.
A nomination of a member of the Association shall consist of his/her name,
class, major (if an undergraduate) or department/school (if a graduate), and a
description of his/her relevant prior experience. All nominations which were made
through the applicant pool for un-advertised positions, or through re-direction of
an applicant to a committee other than the one to which he/she originally applied,
shall be so indicated. All nominations shall specify the number of applications
received and the number of applicants interviewed.
(9) Though nominations must be available to the public, in conformance with the
Freedom of Information stipulations in the constitution, they shall not be in any
way deemed official prior to the Senate's approval of the nomination.
(10) Should the Commission determine that there are no qualified applicants for one
or more committee openings, or if the Commission's nominees are rejected by the
Senate, the Commission may decide to re-advertise the committee opening, or to
solicit applications from specific individuals or groups, subject to Senate approval.
F. Terms of the Representatives of the Association
(1) The terms of all student representatives shall commence on September 1, except
for those committees for which the Nominations Commission determines require
a different commencement date.
(2) All terms of representatives shall be for one year.
Any member of the Association may petition the Senate to examine any decision of
the Commission. Procedural violations shall be the sole grounds for such petitions.
The Senate must act upon all such petitions by rejecting the nomination either in its
original vote or after a valid motion to reconsider.
H. Interim Nominations Commission
(1) If the President, after polling the members of the Commission, determines that
a majority of its voting members shall not be in the Stanford area and shall not
be available for meetings during the time between quarters or during the Summer
quarter, and that the Commission may be required to meet to conduct business
during this time, then all the duties and responsibilities of the Commission shall
devolve onto the Interim Nominations Commission.
(2) The voting membership of the Interim Nominations Commission shall consist of
all the voting members of the Commission in the Stanford area and available
for meetings, and members of the Association equal in number to that required
to bring the voting membership of the Interim Nominations Commission to its
normal number. These members must meet the same qualifications as those of
the Commission, and shall be appointed by an Interim Nominations Commission
Selection Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, and Senate
Chair. The names of these appointees shall be reported to the Senate at the
earliest opportunity, at which time the Senate reserves the right to reject them.
(3) The ex-officio members of the Interim Nominations Commission shall be the same
as those of the Commission.
(4) The Chair of the Interim Nominations Commission shall be the Chair of the
Commission, unless that individual is either not in the Stanford area or is
not available to fulfill the duties of the Chair, in which case the Chair shall
be designated by the Interim Nominations Commission Selection Committee
from among the voting members of the Interim Nominations Commission, with
absolute preference being given to those who are also members of the Nominations
Commission. Such designation shall be reported to the Senate at the earliest
opportunity, at which time the Senate reserves the right to reject it and to
designate another voting member as Chair.
(5) The Interim Nominations Commission shall be considered dissolved, and the
Commission shall resume its duties and responsibilities, at the beginning of the
next regular academic quarter (Autumn, Winter, or Spring), or at a date specified
by the Senate, whichever is the sooner.
The Committee shall act for the Senate when the Senate is not in regular session and
when it is impossible to convene a special session of the Senate.
(1) All elected Senators shall be voting members.
(2) The ex-officio members of the Senate shall be ex-officio members of the
(3) Seven voting members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
(1) Shall be chaired by the Vice President, or, in his or her absence, the Senate Chair,
or, in his/her absence, the acting Chair, or, in his/her absence, a member of the
Interim Committee selected by the Committee.
(2) May constitute any committees it deems necessary for the conduct of its business.
(3) Meetings shall be called in the manner specified for the calling of meetings of the
Senate, with the Committee empowered to take all actions normally taken by the
(4) Minutes of all meetings of, and copies of all legislation passed by, the Committee
shall be forwarded in a timely manner to all members of the Senate and to the
Senate Secretary.
The Committee shall have the full and complete powers of the Senate, with the
following exceptions and qualifications:
(1) All bills, resolutions, and orders shall require for approval a three-fourths vote of
those members present and voting.
(2) The Committee shall not modify these By-Laws, nor shall notice given at a
meeting of the Committee constitute adequate previous notice for legislation
requiring such notice to be introduced at a regular or special meeting of the
(3) The Committee shall not call for any Association election.
(4) When the Interim Committee is acting as the ``Summer Senate'', the Committee
shall not appropriate more than $3000.00 from the Budgetary Reserves of the
(1) Dorm Representatives shall play an advisory role to the Senate and Executive
branch in representing student opinions on issues, services, and other matters
related to the ASSU.
(2) Dorm Representatives shall attend the meetings of the dorm complex and
communicate upcoming Senate actions, events, deadlines and general ASSU
information to the dorm residents.
(3) Dorm Representatives shall act on issues of concern to students in their
dormitories or houses.
B. Organization and Meetings of Dorm Representatives
(1) Each house on campus will elect one or more Dorm Representatives at their second
house meeting during Fall Quarter.
(2) All Dorm Representatives in each of the following dorm complexes shall meet once
every week:
a. Branner, Kimball, Manzanita, Toyon
f. Sterling Quad, Governor's Corner
C. Relationship to Other ASSU Branches
(1) The President or his designee and the Student Affairs committee of the Senate
shall be jointly responsible for overseeing the Dorm Representatives Program.
(2) Each dorm complex shall be assigned an elected Senator from the Student Affairs
committee who shall work with the corresponding Dorm Representatives to
address issues of concern to that dorm complex. The Student Affairs committee
representative shall also collect a summary of information presented by each dorm
representative and shall present that information at meetings of the Student
Affairs committee.
(3) Dorm representatives shall be encouraged to attend meetings of the Student
Affairs committee as well as to speak in Open Forum during Senate meetings
about issues brought to them by students.
(4) The operating expenses of the Dorm Representatives Program shall be paid for
out of the operating budget of the Student Affairs committee.
D. Off-Campus and Graduate Students
(1) The President and the Student Affairs committee shall host at least one meeting
per quarter to facilitate the input of off-campus students and students in the
graduate and professional schools into the ASSU.
(2) This meeting shall be publicized through The Stanford Daily and by other
appropriate means.
2. Special elections are those in which only a well defined subset of the Association is eligible to vote.
3. General and special elections shall be collectively known as Association elections (referred to in this Article as "elections").
2. The Spring quarter general election shall be held during the third week of Spring quarter. The Spring quarter general election shall be the only election during which Special Fee requests be considered.
3. Days between quarters shall not be counted for the purpose of meeting timing requirements as specified in the Constitution.
b. This information will be provided in the form of an information packet and available at one of two informational meetings.
2. The Senate may, by a two-thirds vote, call additional elections for recalling officers, filling vacancies in offices, and approving ballot measures.
2. Where the Constitution, these By-Laws, or the Special Charge of the Commission specify a deadline for an aspect of an election, the Elections Commission may impose an earlier deadline only with the approval of a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
2. Expenses shall include, but need not be limited to, general administrative, indirect cost recovery, salaries and wages of election officers, expenses of the Hearings Committee, general publicity, the Elections Handbook, polling, ballots, ballot counting, and a budget reserve.
3. Income shall include, but need not be limited to, an Association allowance, a University allowance, and funds in the Elections Surcharge account. All unexpected income shall be credited to the budget reserve.
4. The Commission may transfer funds from the budget reserve into any other expense category except Commission salaries, provided that prompt notice is given to the Senate of all such transfers.
5. The commission shall inform all graduate students by mail as to the dates of a general election, locations of polling places and hours of operation. The mailing must also include information on obtaining ASSU fee refunds.
2. No election officer may be hindered by any member or officer of the Association in any way in the performance of his/her duties.
3. Election officers shall be compensated in the amount and manner specified in the budget of the Elections Commission.
4. The Elections Commission shall operate under the oversight of the President in devising and implementing the procedures for carrying out elections and other purely administrative matters. However, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission, the Commission shall exercise its independent judgment in determining the eligibility of candidates, slates, sponsors, Special Fee requests, and ballot measures; the validity of nominating petitions; the filing of charges against candidates, slates, and sponsors; and in making all other substantive decisions.
5. Interpretation of Elections Rules
b. The Elections Commission or Hearings Officer may request an interpretation or clarification by posing a specific question in a letter to the Senate Chair or President. The Senate Chair shall convene a meeting of the Administration and Rules Committee as soon as possible to answer the question, and shall make the answer available to all members of the Senate. The Senate may subsequently issue a substitute answer, which shall supersede the previous answer, but shall not be retroactive.
2. To ensure that petition forms, declaration of intent forms, guidelines for submitting Special Fee requests, and copies of the Campaign Practices Code are available to candidates, slates, and sponsors in a timely fashion.
3. To devise and implement the procedures for carrying out all elections, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission.
4. To report to the Senate on the results of all elections, and to make recommendations as to the validation of the election and the certification of each of the results.
2. Appointment of the Elections Commissioners
b. By the beginning of the sixth week of Winter quarter the selection committee shall nominate an individual to serve as Associate Elections Commissioner. This nomination shall require confirmation by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
c. Once confirmed by the Senate, the Associate Elections Commissioner shall undertake such duties as are assigned by the Elections Commissioner, in order to become familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Elections Commissioner.
d. Following the certification of the Spring quarter general election by the Senate, the selection committee shall reconvene and evaluate the performance of the Associate Elections Commissioner. The committee shall then decide either to nominate the Associate Elections Commissioner as the Elections Commissioner, or to interview additional candidates before making a nomination. The final nomination shall be transmitted to the current Senate before it dissolves, where it shall require a two-thirds vote for approval.
e. On the Friday prior to commencement, the new Elections Commissioner shall take office, provided that his or her appointment has been confirmed by the Senate. The Elections Commissioner shall serve until a successor has taken office.
b. Shall be confirmed by the Senate in the Autumn Quarter by a two-thirds vote.
c. Shall assume office upon confirmation, and serve until his or her successor has been confirmed.
5. Any vacancies occurring on the Commission shall be filled by the Senate by a two-thirds vote.
6. Election Commissioner salary disbursement
b. One quarter shall be paid after the validation of the Spring quarter general election but before the end of Spring quarter for administering a well-run election.
c. One quarter shall be paid after the end of Spring quarter but before the end of the following Autumn quarter for participation in the selection and training of his/her successor.
b. One-third shall be paid after the validation of the Spring quarter general election but before the end of Spring quarter.
2. All members of the Commission shall receive proper notification of these meetings.
3. Minutes taken at these meetings shall be filed with the Association Office in a timely manner.
4. All actions taken by the Commission shall be taken only after approval by a majority of the Commission during a meeting of the Commission, unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
2. The Assistant Elections Commissioner in charge of Publicity shall oversee all publicity of the Commission, coordinate the publicity of all campaigners with the Commission and each other, oversee the preparation of the Elections Handbook and the ballots, be the Commission's liaison with all campus media, and oversee any logistical operations having to do with these activities.
3. The Assistant Elections Commissioner in charge of Operations shall devise the means and times of polling, oversee the counting of ballots, oversee off-campus campus campaign operations, and oversee any logistical operations having to do with these activities.
2. The Assistant Elections Commissioner in charge of Publicity shall advertise for, interview, hire, and train all staff of the Elections Handbook. The staff shall be responsible for the gathering of all information to be included in the Elections Handbook, as well as its typesetting, printing, and distribution.
3. The Elections Commissioner shall advertise for, interview, hire, train, and supervise the elections interns. They shall be responsible for such general administrative and operational duties as are assigned by the Commissioner.
b. Two members of the Association nominated by the Nominations Commission and confirmed by the Senate.
c. The Elections Commissioner shall act in an advisory capacity to the Hearings Committee upon the Committee's request.
To be the principal spokesperson for the Commission on all issues regarding By-Law interpretation, supplemental rulings, and campaign conduct investigations.
To insure the legality of all candidate affiliations listed on the ballot and rule on the appropriateness of any unusual affiliations.
To monitor the use of ASSU banner paper and markers by candidates to insure its use in limited quantities for legitimate campaign activities.
To determine the eligibility of candidates for elective office and the validity of candidate affiliations, of Special Fee requests, and of all ballot measures. This determination shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission.
b. Shall be confirmed by the Senate in the Spring Quarter by a two-thirds vote.
c. Shall take office upon the certification of the Spring Quarter general election and shall serve until the certification of the Spring Quarter general election in the following academic year.
4. A vacancy shall be filled by the Senate by a two-thirds vote.
5. Hearings Officer salary disbursement
b. One quarter shall be paid after the validation of the Spring quarter general election but before the end of Spring quarter for assisting in the good policing of the election.
c. One quarter shall be paid after the end of the Spring quarter but before the end of the following Autumn quarter for participation in the selection and training of his/her successor.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the endorsement of a candidate by any person, organization, or voluntary student organization, including political parties.
3. Any student organization requesting a Special Fee shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor. Actions taken by any member of the student organization shall be considered actions of the sponsor where such actions were explicitly or implicitly authorized by that organization or its officers.
4. Any member(s) of the Association or student organization(s) wishing to campaign against a Special Fee request shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
5. Any member of the Association wishing to campaign for a General Fee issue, whether to increase or decrease a General Fee by one of the options for setting the amount of a General Fee, or to create, change the base amount of, or abolish a General Fee, will be referred to as the sponsor. A person may be the sponsor of only one option for setting the amount of a General Fee
6. Any member of the Association wishing to campaign against one of the options for a General Fee level may seek to be a sponsor of an alternate fee level option. Any member of the Association wishing to campaign against a proposal to create, change the base amount of, or abolish a General Fee will be referred to as the sponsor.
7. Any author of a ballot measure shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
8. Any member(s) of the Association or student organization(s) wishing to campaign against a ballot measure shall designate a member of the Association to be referred to as the sponsor.
9. No actions may be taken by any member of the Association on the behalf of any candidate, slate, or sponsor without his/her consent. Actions taken by any member of the Association with the consent of the candidate, slate, or sponsor shall be considered actions of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
10. No candidate, slate, sponsor, or any officer of a student organization seeking a Special Fee, shall be an elections officer.
11. The original sponsor may be replaced by a substitute sponsor by action of the appropriate student organization, author of a ballot measure, or member(s) of the Association, provided that the Elections Commissioner shall consent to such replacement. The substitute sponsor shall sign a declaration of intent. The substitute sponsor shall continue to be bound by all actions taken by the original sponsor before his/her replacement.
b. They shall be eligible to seek election from any one district in which they qualify as a member.
c. Coterminal students shall be eligible to vote and seek election in the appropriate graduate district if they have received 150 units of academic credit by the close of the Autumn quarter prior to the election. Otherwise, they shall vote and seek election in the undergraduate district.
Undergraduate Departments - ten Senate seats to be filled at large.
b. School of Humanities and Sciences and School of Education -- three Senate seats to be filled at large.
c. School of Engineering and School of Earth Sciences -- four Senate seats to be filled at large.
d. Students in Graduate Special or non-departmental graduate degree programs shall be eligible to vote and seek election in the graduate district of their choice.
5. Each slate for the Presidency shall consist of two members of the Association. The slate shall specify a Chair upon submitting their declaration of intent.
6. Each slate for the Senior Class Presidents shall consist of four members of the Association who are also members of the Junior class.
b. Members of the Junior class who plan to attend a foreign study center during their senior year shall not be eligible for office.
c. All members of the Junior class shall be eligible to vote for Senior Class Presidents. The eligibility of members of the Association who desire to vote for Senior Class Presidents shall be subject to verification at the polls.
b. Members of the Sophomore Class who run for these positions must be enrolled and present at the Stanford campus for the full three quarters of their term in office.
c. All members of the Sophomore class shall be eligible to vote for the Junior Class Presidents. The eligibility of members of the Association who desire to vote for Junior Class presidents shall be subject to verification at the polls.
b. Members of the Freshman Class who run for these positions must be enrolled and present at the Stanford campus for the full three quarters of their term in office.
c. All members of the Freshman Class shall be eligible to vote for the Sophomore Class presidents. the eligibility of members of the Association who desire to vote for Sophomore Class Presidents shall be subject to verification at the polls.
b. Graduate students who shall be away from the university for at least one quarter during the following academic year shall be ineligible for office.
c. The Graduate Student Council shall be composed of two members from each Graduate Senate District.
d. Each graduate student is eligible to vote for two Graduate Student Council members from his/her respective district. The eligibility of graduate students who desire to vote for Graduate Student Council members shall be subject to verification at the polls.
b. Chartered Organizations: organizations which are intended to be (and actually are) primarily composed of student members, require no student to join, are recognized by the University and are either open to all students or open to only those students meeting certain criteria which are established and evaluated in an objective manner by the organization, but where the ultimate constitutional, budgetary, and policy-making authority are vested in a University office or committee or any body other than its student membership.
ii. In the event that the constitution, structure, finances, policies, or operations of such an organization is substantially modified, as defined by the Senate, so as to impair student control and/or prevent the Special Fee funds from being used for the purposes for which they were originally intended, the Senate may by a two-thirds vote pass a resolution halting the disbursement of Special Fee funds to that organization. Upon the approval of such a resolution, any and all Special Fee funds already disbursed to the organization shall revert to the Association and shall be placed in the Special Buffer Fund.
3. An agency of the Association requesting a Special Fee must be financially independent of the Association proper.
4. If a Special Fee request which has met all Elections Commission deadlines is left off the ballot, then the request may be funded from the Special Buffer Fund by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.
2. Any constitutional amendment must take the form of a bill and shall follow the form used by the Senate in the construction of bills.
3. All ballot measures must be divided by section. No section may be dependent upon another section of the ballot measure for its implementation.
2. In borderline cases, the Elections Commissioner in consultation with the Hearings Officer shall allow election issues to proceed towards placement on the ballot.
3. A meeting shall be held the week prior to the beginning of campaigning, or, in the case of the Spring quarter general election, the first week of Spring quarter, to orient all candidates, slates, and sponsors to election practices. The time and place of the meeting shall be announced to all individuals who have filed declarations of intent and shall be publicized by at least two display ads in the Stanford Daily or flyer distributions through the Ad Agency the week of the meeting.
4. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor may withdraw from the election by submitting to the Commission, at least twenty-four hours prior to the opening of the polls, a written declaration of withdrawal. A list of all withdrawals shall be prominently posted at each polling site.
2. The Commission shall approve a declaration of intent upon verification that all the requirements for placement on the ballot have been met.
3. A list of all candidates, slates, Special Fee requests, and ballot measures whose declarations of intent have been approved by the Commission shall be posted in the Commission office, and this information shall be made available to student publications in a timely manner.
4. No declarations of intent for the Spring quarter general election shall be accepted before the Monday four weeks prior to the beginning of Dead Week during Winter quarter.
5. No declarations of intent for the Spring quarter general elections shall be accepted later than 9:00 p.m. the day after the last day of the election.
6. The Commission shall, with the approval of the Senate, specify other deadlines for the filing of declarations of intent for all other elections.
7. No candidate or slate shall be elected to office, and no Special Fee request or ballot measure approved, unless the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor has filed an approved declaration of intent with the Commission.
b. The informational pages shall contain the name of the appropriate candidate, slate (and the names of its members), or sponsor (and the organization requesting the Special Fee or the title of the ballot measure); their mailing address; their telephone number; and any additional information specified by the Constitution, these By-Laws, or the Special Charge of the Commission.
c. Any missing informational pages shall invalidate a packet.
d. The signature pages shall consist of a series of signatures, associated with the appropriate printed name and student identification number of each petitioner.
e. The top of at least one side of each signature page of a packet shall state the name of the proposed candidate (and the district which they are a candidate from, if appropriate), slate (and its members), sponsor of and organization making a Special Fee request (and the amount requested), or sponsor and title of the ballot measure, whichever is appropriate.
f. At the bottom of the first page of each packet the appropriate candidate, slate members, or sponsor, along with any member of the Association responsible for circulating the petition, shall attest that "the signatures obtained in this packet were obtained in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Campaign Practices Code, and, to the best of my knowledge, all petitioners are members of the Association and have signed this petition only once."
b. The Commission shall examine any sample petition packets thus submitted for their compliance with all relevant provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission within forty-eight hours of their submission (seventy-two hours if over a weekend), and shall either approve such petition packets as to form or shall state what modifications would be necessary in order to receive such approval. Any such approval, or any statement of necessary modifications, shall be made in writing. Before making such a determination, the Elections Commission shall seek the advice of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Financial Manager concerning all Special Fee budgets which have not previously been approved by the Senate for placement on the ballot.
c. Any petition packets which have been approved by the Commission as to form, or which were modified before their circulation so as to meet the requirements specified by the Commission and subsequently resubmitted and given final approval in writing by the Commission, shall be deemed to have met all relevant specifications of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission. No such petition packet shall be invalidated for failure to meet these specifications, even if such failure is subsequently discovered.
d. The Commission shall retain on file a copy of all petitions submitted or resubmitted for approval, and of all statements of necessary modifications.
b. No petitions shall be circulated before the first day on which declarations of intent for the relevant election may be filed.
c. The member of the Association circulating a petition packet, or the sponsor, candidate, or slate for whom the petition is being circulated, may strike the name of any petitioner. No printed names or student identification numbers may be added or amended except if provided by the petitioner, provided that no such additions or amendments shall be made after the deadline for filing petitions.
d. Any member of the Association may withdraw their name from a petition before its verification by notifying the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor, and by notifying the Commission.
e. No petition packets shall be circulated in any University class; in lecture halls, or libraries (excluding lobby areas); in the public computer terminal areas of any building; or in the laboratory areas of any buildings (except with the consent of the occupants).
f. Petition packets may be circulated at public events on the Stanford campus, provided that the member(s) of the Association circulating the petitions are available to answer any questions, and that the process of collecting signatures does not disrupt the planned event.
g. No petition packets shall be circulated in any manner which impedes the normal operations of the University.
h. The Commission shall have the authority to impose additional regulations governing the circulation of petitions only in extraordinary circumstances.
i. Circulation of petitions in violation of these rules shall be grounds for the invalidation of such petitions. The Commission shall use its discretion in determining whether or not to invalidate a petition when an act constituting grounds for disqualification has occurred.
j. For any petition which is believed to have been circulated in violation of these rules, the Commission shall determine whether or not to invalidate that petition. Notice of any such invalidation(s) shall then be posted in a public location announced in advance by the Commission. The Commission shall also make a reasonable effort to notify any candidate, slate, or sponsor whose petition was invalidated of that fact in a timely manner.
ii. For special elections, this determination shall be made, and the required notice posted, by a deadline specified in the Special Charge of the Commission, or, failing that, in the Election Timetable to be presented by the Commission to the Senate.
b. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor wishing to appeal the invalidation of a petition shall file a written notice of appeal with the President no later than seventy-two hours after notice of the invalidation has been posted.
c. Once such an appeal has been filed, the Commission shall proceed with the verification of the contested petition, and shall take all actions required to protect the rights of the appealing candidate, slate or sponsor to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, pending resolution of the appeal. However, should the petitions be found invalid for reasons other than violation(s) of the rules governing petition circulation, the appeal shall be declared moot and no hearing need be held.
d. The President shall then notify the Chair of the Hearings Committee, who shall convene the Hearings Committee to hear the appeal. The relevant candidate, slate, or sponsor shall be given at least twenty-four hours advance notice of the time and place of the hearing.
e. At the hearing the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor may be in attendance. Otherwise all hearings shall be closed to the public, but an accurate transcript of all proceedings shall be kept by a secretary appointed for this purpose by the Hearings Committee.
f. At the hearing, the Elections Commissioner shall present the Commission's reasons for invalidating the petition, including the specific act(s) constituting violation(s) of the circulation rules alleged to have been committed and the reasons for believing they constitute grounds for invalidation.
g. At the hearing, the candidate, slate, or sponsor appealing may present whatever evidence desired to the Hearings Committee. All members of the Association shall cooperate with any reasonable request for information made by this candidate, slate, or sponsor.
h. Members of the Hearings Committee shall have the right to request any and all information they deem appropriate, including additional testimony, and all parties shall receive such information and have the right to challenge it.
i. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearings Committee shall meet and determine whether or not a violation of the Campaign Practices Code or of a ruling of the Hearings Officer which justifies invalidation of the petition has occurred. However, the Hearings Committee shall have the discretion to determine the applicability and enforceability of rulings of the Commission. Only the three voting members of the Committee shall be present at this meeting.
j. In making this determination, the Hearings Committee shall consider whether or not the alleged acts were in fact committed, whether or not they constitute a violation of the Campaign Practices Code or a ruling of the Hearings Officer, and whether or not they are sufficiently serious or affect a significant enough number of petition packets to justify invalidation.
k. Should the Hearings Committee determine that invalidation was not justified, then the appeal shall be granted and the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure shall appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, provided that all other requirements for appearance on the ballot have been satisfied. If the invalidation is found to have been justified, then the appeal shall be rejected and appearance on the ballot shall not occur.
l. Should the Hearings Committee fail to conclude a hearing and make a determination as to whether to grant or reject an appeal in a timely fashion, responsibility for hearing the appeal shall devolve on the President. The President shall then be responsible for conducting a hearing and making a determination following the procedures outlined above.
ii. For special elections, responsibility for hearing the appeal shall devolve on the President if the Hearings Committee has not granted or rejected the appeal by a deadline specified in the Special Charge of the Commission, or failing that, in the Election Timetable presented by the Commission to the Senate.
ii. For special elections, the deadline for either the Hearings Committee or the President to accept or reject the appeal shall be specified in the Special Charge of the Commission, or, failing that, in the Election Timetable presented by the Commission to the Senate.
b. All petition packets that do not meet the specifications detailed in the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission shall first be declared invalid. All other petition packets shall be declared valid. The Commission shall have the authority to waive any defects in the form of a petition, if in their opinion the defects were not so serious as to prevent members of the Association from making an informed decision as to whether or not to sign that petition.
c. The number of signatures submitted in support of the petition shall be the total number of signatures submitted in each valid petition packet, less any signatures not clearly associated with a printed name and student identification number.
d. Petitions supported by fewer than the number of signatures required shall be declared invalid; otherwise the signatures shall be verified.
e. Petitions of candidates and slates supported by no more that twenty-five signatures shall have all of the signatures verified. Petitions of candidates and slates supported by more than twenty-five signatures shall have a random sample of twenty-five signatures verified. Petitions for Special Fee requests and ballot measures shall have a random sample of fifty signatures verified.
f. Verification of a signature shall consist of looking up both the associated printed name and student identification number in a list of registered students prepared by the Registrar. If the exact student identification number is in the list and the printed name reasonably matches the corresponding name in the list, or the exact printed name is in the list and the student identification number reasonably matches the corresponding number in the list, and if the individual in question is a member of the appropriate district or class, then that signature shall be considered valid. Otherwise, it shall be considered invalid. An "exact match" of a name shall consist of a last name, and either a first name or a middle name which exactly match those found in the printed list.
g. In determining whether names or numbers "reasonably match", those verifying shall, within the limits of the relevant rules, err on the side of accepting a signature that seems to have been made in good faith by someone entitled to sign the petition. In particular, poor but legible handwriting, different word orders, and use of informal names shall not necessarily prevent names from "reasonably matching", and differences in up to two digits do not necessarily prevent student identification numbers from "reasonably matching". If the Registrar is in the process of changing student identification number format, either format shall be considered valid.
h. If the fraction of valid signatures in the sample, multiplied by the total number of signatures supporting the petition, exceeds the number of signatures required for that petition, then the petition shall be declared valid; otherwise the petition shall be declared invalid.
i. The Commission shall prepare a written report stating, for each petition submitted, the number of signatures submitted, the number of signatures verified, the number found to be invalid, and whether or not the petition as a whole was valid or invalid. For the Spring quarter general election, this report shall be transmitted to the President and the Senate Chair no later than the last day of Dead Week during Winter quarter.
b. All reverification requests shall contain the name of the requesting party, his/her local address and phone number, and either a $50 bond (for candidates and slates) or a $250 bond (for sponsors), to be placed on deposit with the Students' Organizations Fund.
c. A request shall be considered filed upon receipt by the Elections Commissioner of the request and by the Students' Organizations Fund of the bond.
d. The Commission shall then verify each signature submitted in support of the petition.
e. If there are fewer valid signatures in support of the petition than required, then the petition shall be declared invalid and the bond credited to the budget reserve of the Commission; otherwise the petition shall be declared valid and the bond refunded.
f. If on the basis of the reverification a petition is declared valid, when it was initially declared invalid, or if a petition is declared invalid when it was initially declared valid, then the bond shall be refunded by the Students' Organizations Fund; otherwise the bond shall be forfeit, and shall be credited to the budget reserve of the Commission.
2. Any members of the Association declaring intent to run for the Presidency, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Commission a petition of at least two hundred members of the Association.
3. Any member of the Association declaring intent to become a member of the Student Conduct Legislative Council, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Commission a petition of at least ten members of the Association.
4. Any members of the Junior Class declaring intent to become the Senior Class Presidents, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Commission a petition of at least eighty members of the Association who are also member of the Junior Class.
2. A detailed budget shall be a line item estimate of all planned expenditures and expected revenues, and their particular sources, to be generated by activities of the student organization during a fiscal year. This budget must contain line items for gross fee assessment income and fee assessment refunds, the latter to be a percentage of the former, this percentage being referred to as the budgeted refund rate.
3. Special Fee Refund Rates
b. If the Special Fee request is not placed on the ballot by Senate action, then the budgeted refund rate shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, provided that this rate shall not be less than either the actual refund rate for that organization during the current fiscal year (if there was a Special Fee collected for that organization during the current fiscal year) or that the lowest actual refund rate incurred of any Special Fee during the current fiscal year (if no such Special Fee was collected during the current fiscal year).
c. The Senate shall approve a budgeted refund rate for a student organization by either the Friday of the sixth week of Winter quarter, or at the Senate meeting which occurs at least 48 hours after the student organization presents their budgetary and other financial information to the Elections Commission, Financial Manager, and Senate, whichever occurs later.
d. If the Senate fails to approve a budgeted refund rate on a timely basis, then this rate shall be either the actual refund rate for that organization's Special Fee during the current fiscal year (if there was a Special Fee collected for that organization during the current fiscal year), or the median of the actual refund rates incurred for all Special Fees during the current fiscal year (if no such Special Fee was collected during the current fiscal year).
b. A narrative text, which shall describe each line item and may contain more detailed information supporting the amounts of the proposed line items; commenting on differences between the organization's current budget, its actual and projected expenditures for the current fiscal year, and its proposed budget for the following fiscal year; or any other information deemed relevant.
c. Organizations which receive at least half of their expected income from non-Special Fee sources shall have the option of dividing their budget into Special Fee funded and non-Special Fee funded portions.
6. Any student organization seeking and receiving Senate approval for its Special Fee request must use the same detailed budget as was approved by the Senate on its petitions.
7. All expenditures must be for the organizational and basic programming expenses of the student organization requesting the Special Fee. This student organization shall be responsible for the spending of all funds, including those used in a co-sponsored event.
8. The Commission shall determine if any given budget meets these requirements. Before making such a determination, the Elections Commission shall seek the advice of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Financial Manager concerning all Special Fee budgets which have not previously been approved by the Senate for placement on the ballot. Only if these requirements are met may a Special Fee request be place on the ballot. However, the budget of any Special Fee request which has been approved for placement on the ballot by an appropriate action of the Senate shall be considered to have met these requirements.
9. Any student organization seeking placement on the ballot of a Special Fee request on the basis of a previous Special Fee request as specified in the Constitution must satisfy the following requirements.
b. The organization's most recent Special Fee request must have been approved by at least 40% of those voting on the matter within the last two years.
11. Division of a Special Fee Request
b. Prior to this deadline, the budgetary and other financial information may be altered by the student organization requesting the Special Fee by so notifying the Elections Commission, the Financial Manager, and the Senate. After this deadline, the budgetary and other financial information may not be altered except with the consent of the Senate or of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
c. The Senate may divide a Special Fee request at any time after this budgetary and other financial information has been presented. The student organization requesting the Special Fee shall be given at least 48 hours prior notice that such a motion may be introduced, and the sponsor of the Special Fee shall be allowed to speak before the Senate on this issue.
d. The bill dividing a Special Fee request shall consist of two parts.
ii. The second part shall consist of zero or more sets of one or two sections, each section containing a budget, proposed by the Senate, together with their associated financial information and explanatory material.
iii. The bill dividing the Special Fee request may also provide for the placement on the ballot of either the organization's original Special Fee request, or of one of the alternative sets of budgets proposed by the Senate for that organization.
In making such a division, the Committee shall consider itself bound by the policy decisions of the Senate, especially those made when the Senate divided the request. The President my decide to render such a decision of the committee invalid, and the question of division is then brought to the Senate for final resolution. The Senate reserves the right to act upon the question of division on its own initiative.
f. The Elections Commission shall consider valid those petitions containing either (1) the budget and associated financial information of any single section, these petitions being applicable to the placement on the ballot of only this section, or (2) the budget and associated financial information of both sections of one of the sets approved by the Senate, these petitions being applicable to the placement on the ballot of both sections, even if they do not make note of the division of the Special Fee request.
g. If one section is approved and the other section is disapproved, then the Senate and the student organization requesting the Special Fee may agree to whatever budget modifications are necessary to provide for the support of essential administrative functions of the student organization whose absence would prevent the implementation of the activities specified in the approved section's proposed budget.
2. Any member of the Association seeking to place a ballot measure on the ballot must submit a petition of members of the Association to the Commission. The information pages in each petition packet shall contain the text of the ballot measure.
2. The Code shall be compiled by the Elections Commissioner, have its contents verified for authenticity by the Commission, and shall be reproduced by the Associate Commissioner in charge of Publicity.
3. The Code shall be made available to each candidate, slate, and sponsor on or before the first day for filing a declaration of intent.
2. All proposed rulings shall be posted in a public place by the Hearings Officer. Each candidate, slate, and sponsor shall be notified as to where these rulings shall be posted before any ruling is posted. All candidates, slates, and sponsors shall be assumed to have read the ruling within twenty-four hours after its posting.
3. In making these rulings it is expected that the Hearings Officer shall inform either the Elections Commissioner, the Hearings Committee, the Senate Administration and Rules committee, or the Senate chair.
4. Although the Hearings Committee shall not be bound by these rulings, they shall give them substantial weight and shall, in conjunction with the provisions of the Code, consider violations of them grounds for disqualification.
5. The Hearings Officer is the only officer of the Association empowered to offer official advice to candidates, slates, and sponsors on matters pertaining to the Code. Such advice shall be posted as a ruling unless the Hearings Officer determines that either the advice offered was of minor importance and lacked general interest or such a posting to be a violation of confidentiality.
b. The Hearings Officer will rule on wether or not portions of a student publication constitute editorial matter.
3. Campaigning shall begin 168 hours before the opening of the earliest on-campus polls. Campaigning at any other time shall be grounds for disqualification.
4. No candidate, slate, or sponsor shall use any Association resources for campaigning purposes unless all candidates, slates, and sponsors have equal access to these resources and such access is announced in the Code or by ruling of the Commission. Banner paper and markers shall be made available for free by the Elections Commission under the supervision of the Hearings Officer to candidates, slates, and sponsors for legitimate campaign uses in reasonable quantities. Failure to obey this provision shall be grounds for disqualification.
5. No candidate, slate, or sponsor shall interfere with the campaigning of any other candidate, slate, or sponsor, nor shall they interfere with the dissemination of information by any student publication. Failure to obey this provision shall be grounds for disqualification.
6. All campaign materials must bear the name of the candidate, slate, or sponsor which has published it. Failure to obey this provision shall be grounds for disqualification. However, campaign material issued by a student organization in support of its request for a Special Fee and which is clearly identified with the name of the issuing organization need not also bear the sponsor's name.
7. No campaigning consisting of public speeches or displays shall take place in, immediately before, or immediately after, any class; in any library (excluding lobby areas); in the public computer terminal areas of any building (provided however that this shall not be interpreted to prohibit the sending of private, individually composed electronic mail transmissions to acquaintances of the sender); or in the laboratory areas of any building (except with the consent of the occupants). No campaigning consisting of the dissemination or posting of printed material (excluding editorial matter in student publications) shall take place in any classroom, library (excluding lobby areas), or lecture hall.
8. Posting of Campaign Material
b. No campaign material may be affixed in any manner to any building, wall, or pillar that is part of the Inner or Outer Quad.
c. The Commission shall request, in a timely manner, from all residences and academic departments and schools any limitations on the placement of campaign material in their area. Any limitations approved by the Commission and prominently posted by the concerned residence/department/school in the appropriate area shall be issued as a ruling of the Commission.
d. All candidates, slates, and sponsors are responsible for removing their campaign materials by 5:00 p.m. three days after the polls have closed unless involved in a contested or otherwise unresolved election.
e. A pattern of repeated, intentional violations of these provisions shall be grounds for disqualification.
b. No person on election days, shall, within one hundred and fifty feet of the rooms in which ballots are being cast:
ii. Solicit a vote or speak to a voter on the subject of marking her/his ballot.
iii. Place any material relating to candidates' qualifications or speak to a voter on the subject of the candidates' qualifications.
11. Any attempt by a candidate, slate, or sponsor to subvert or unethically influence the election shall be grounds for disqualification.
12. Any actions of a candidate, slate, or sponsor that impede an elections officer in the discharge of his/her duties shall be grounds for disqualification.
13. Any actions of a candidate, slate, or sponsor that impedes the normal operations of the University shall be grounds for disqualification.
14. Any deliberate violation of any ruling of the Commission shall be grounds for disqualification.
15. A plea of ignorance shall not be considered a valid defense to an infraction of any rule as specified in the Code or as a ruling of the Commission.
16. Disqualifications may only be based on rules specified in the Code or on rulings of the Commission. However, the Hearings Committee shall have the discretion to determine the applicability and enforceability of rulings of the Commission.
2. Campaign Expense Limits
b. Slates for the Presidency may spend up to $300 on their election plus an additional $60 if a run-off election must be held.
c. Candidates for the Student Conduct Legislative Council may spend up to $72 on their election.
d. Slates for Senior Class Presidents may spend up to $120 on their election.
e. The use of other campaign materials will be supervised by the Hearings Officer.
f. The expense limits detailed in this section shall be adjusted each year by a relative amount equal to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index during the calendar year immediately preceding the general election.
4. The value of the expenses of any publicity produced for the benefit of two or more candidates shall be increased by a factor of one and one half. This larger value shall be divided and charged in equal portions to the campaigns of each of the candidates.
5. The Commission may waive specific expenses from these campaign expense limits if they are incurred in the promotion of general election activity, but all such waivers must be in writing and be made before the expense is incurred.
6. No candidate or slate shall exceed their campaign expense limit. Failure to obey this provision shall be grounds for disqualification.
2. Each candidate, slate, and sponsor must file with the Hearings Officer a financial disclosure statement within forty-eight hours after all polls have been declared closed by the Commission. Candidates, slates, and sponsors incurring no election expenses must still file a financial disclosure statement. Failure to file a financial disclosure statement shall be grounds for disqualification.
3. All financial disclosure statements must be accompanied by receipts documenting the expenses and income listed on the statement.
4. Any substantial inaccuracies in a financial disclosure statement shall be grounds for disqualification.
5. Each financial disclosure statement shall be verified by the Hearings Officer as to its accuracy, such verifications being presented to the Hearings Committee and the Senate in a timely manner.
6. No candidate, slate, Special Fee request, General Fee issue, or ballot measure shall be certified by the Senate as elected or approved unless a financial disclosure statement is filed with the Hearings Officer and a verification by the Hearings Officer is presented to the Senate.
b. No information gathered in the course of a formal investigation shall be made public knowledge by members of the Commission, the Hearings Officer, or any individual whose assistance is requested in the course of the hearing process.
c. The term "grounds for disqualification" shall mean that the Commission, Hearings Officer, or Hearings Committee may use the act or acts so specified as reasons for disqualification, but they shall have the discretion to decide whether to initiate or continue disqualification proceedings. Specification of an act as grounds for disqualification does not mean that disqualification is automatic, even if a candidate, slate, or sponsor is found to have committed such an act, nor shall any elections officer be required to recommend disqualification in such a case.
b. The Hearings Officer shall then gather evidence concerning the possible violation. All members of the Association shall avail themselves to the Hearings Officer for any reasonable request for information.
c. The Hearings Officer shall then determine if the evidence is sufficient to merit consideration by the Hearings Committee. If it is, then the Hearings Officer shall initiate a formal investigation and notify the Hearings Committee of this action.
b. The Chair of the Hearings Committee may convene the Hearings Committee at any time forty-eight hours after the initiation of a formal investigation (or earlier if either the Hearings Officer wishes to recommend the abandonment of the investigation, or the party being investigated so requests).
c. At the hearing the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor may be in attendance. Otherwise all hearings shall be closed to the public, but an accurate transcript of all transactions shall be kept by a secretary appointed for this purpose by the Hearings Committee.
d. At the hearing, the Hearings Officer shall present whatever evidence concerning the charge he/she has been able to gather to the Hearings Committee.
e. At the hearing, the candidate, slate, or sponsor charged may present whatever evidence desired to the Hearings Committee. All members of the Association shall avail themselves to this candidate, slate, or sponsor for any reasonable request for information.
f. Members of the Hearings Committee shall have the right to request any and all information they deem appropriate, including additional testimony, and all parties shall receive such information and have the right to challenge it.
g. The burden of proof shall be borne by the Hearings Officer.
h. Until a recommendation of disqualification is made by the Hearings Committee, the party being investigated shall enjoy all other judicial rights granted in the Constitution unless otherwise provided for in these By-Laws.
b. If such a violation has occurred, then the Hearings Committee may recommend the disqualification of or imposition of other penalty against the candidate, slate, Special Fee request, General Fee issue, or ballot measure in question. Other penalties which may be recommended shall include reprimand, censure, fines of twenty-five or fifty dollars, suspension from office for one of more quarters, and displacement by a specified number of places in the ranking of Senators. Suspension and displacement may be imposed only against candidates for Senate and the Student Conduct Legislative Council.
c. The candidate, slate, or sponsor under formal investigation shall be notified of all such recommendations within twenty-four hours.
b. The Senate may question any party or the members of the Hearings Committee, but shall consider the factual findings to be valid except in extraordinary circumstances. No new evidence may be introduced except in extraordinary circumstances.
c. The transcripts of all hearings which were held pertaining to the recommended disqualifications or other penalties shall be made available to the Senate. The Senate may also require that additional transcripts be made available to its members.
d. The Senate may refer to the appropriate University officer for possible University disciplinary action any candidate, slate, or sponsor found guilty of campaign violations.
e. The Senate may impose any additional sanctions that it may deem reasonable against a student organization whose associated sponsor was found guilty of campaign violations.
f. Any candidate, slate, sponsor, or student organization fined for campaign violations must submit a bond of the amount of the fine, to be deposited with the Students' Organization Fund, within seven days of the issuing of the fine by the Senate. Failure to do so may be grounds for additional action by the Hearings Committee and Senate.
2. For each general election, the Elections Handbook may take the form of a tabloid pamphlet inserted into the Stanford Daily, or be independently produced and distributed separately. For each special election, the Elections Handbook may take the same form, or such other form as will allow for adequate publicity for the candidates and slates and for adequate distribution to those members of the Association eligible to vote.
3. The Elections Handbook shall contain information on the issues to be decided during the appropriate Association election.
b. For other elections, the declaration of intent and any necessary petitions must be filed and the appropriate material for the Handbook submitted to the Editor by 4:00 p.m. one week before the election, or at a time specified by the Commission, whichever is sooner. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline.
2. A summary table of all polling times and places.
3. A complete and concise set of voting instructions, including appropriate notices with respect to voter qualifications for each office.
4. A sample ballot to be used for practice and illustration.
5. Statements by each candidate. Statements shall consist of the following information:
b. The candidate's major and class (if an undergraduate) or his/her department/school and degree program (if a graduate student).
c. All offices of the Association, all offices of student organizations whose governing documents are on file with the Association Office, and all positions on committees of the University held by the candidate, and the term of service, listed in reverse chronological order from the beginning of service. Graduate students and transfer students may list corresponding positions held at any other University.
d. A position statement submitted by the candidate.
7. Statements by each slate. Statements shall consist of the following information:
b. The name of each member of the slate.
c. Each member's major and class (if an undergraduate) or his/her department/school and degree program (if a graduate student).
d. All offices of the Association, all offices of student organizations whose governing documents are on file with the Association Office, and all positions on committees of the University held by each member, and the term of service, listed in reverse chronological order from the beginning of service. Graduate students and transfer students may list corresponding positions held at any other University.
e. A position statement submitted by the slate.
9. Statements on each Special Fee request. Statements shall consist of the following information:
b. The amount of money requested.
c. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the Special Fee request.
d. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. However, if there is more than one sponsor opposing the request, only the first to submit a statement shall be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator shall take absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.
e. A summary of the special fee request, presented by the student organization requesting the fee, and limited to:
ii. a line-item summary
c. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed two hundred words each. If there is more than one sponsor in favor of a certain option, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator.
d. Background information on each Fee, consisting of the current fiscal year's overall Fee budget, and a list of groups receiving funding in the current year with the amounts they were allocated as of the end of Winter quarter.
b. A statement of what is being changed: the proposed new base amount of the Fee, expressed as dollar amounts, amount per student per quarter, and percentage change from the current base amount (if any); and the proposed new title and statement of purpose (if any).
c. For linked proposals, the title assigned by the Senate, followed by the current and proposed information for each General Fee issue that makes up the proposal, as specified above.
d. For proposals involving existing General Fees, a warning that this proposal, if it succeeds, overrules the vote on setting the amount of those Fees.
e. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor of and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure.
f. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. If there is more than one sponsor opposing the General Fee issue, only the first to submit a statement will be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator takes absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator.
g. Background information on each Fee. For existing Fees, this consists of the current overall Fee budget, and the list of groups funded in the current year. For new Fees, this consists of whatever information is approved by the Senate. Information on existing Fees that is already being included in the Elections Handbook need not be repeated here, except where needed for clarity.
b. The text of the ballot measure.
c. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor and opposed (if any) to the ballot measure. In those cases where the ballot measure was placed on the ballot by the Senate, this fact shall be noted.
d. A position statement submitted by each sponsor, not to exceed four hundred words each. However, if there is more than one sponsor opposing the ballot measure, only the first to submit a statement shall be entitled to have it published. However, such a statement submitted by an elected Senator shall take absolute precedence over statements submitted by other members of the Association, even if those other statements were submitted before that of the Senator. The Commission shall be charged with ensuring that any statement filed by a sponsor in opposition is indeed one in opposition, and shall be empowered to disregard it otherwise.
e. A clear and concise estimate of the financial impact of the ballot measure prepared by the Financial Manager for the Commission.
14. Any material supplied by the Commission to make the Elections Handbook easier to read and use.
15. After the submission of a statement to the Commission, but prior to its being typeset, the author may make non-substantive modifications, or substantive modifications to correct statements of fact whose veracity have been publicly challenged.
2. All Senators, candidates, slates, and sponsors shall be accorded the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook before it is printed, and at that time may call attention to any errors, which shall be corrected. However, errors resulting from the failure of a candidate, slate, or sponsor to supply correct information to the Associate Commissioner in charge of Publicity before the appropriate deadline shall be corrected only with the consent of the Associate Commissioner, and at the expense of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
b. For other elections, the Commission shall publicly announce the time and place at which the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook shall be made available at least twenty-four hours in advance.
2. Enough copies of the Elections Handbook shall be distributed to ensure that every member of the Association who desire to obtain a copy received a copy, except that overseas campuses shall receive at least one copy for every five members at that campus. For each special election, enough copies shall be distributed to ensure that every member of the Association eligible to vote in that election who desires a copy receives a copy.
3. Additional copies shall be made available at the Association Office and at each polling site.
2. An election may only be validated at the first regular meeting of the Senate which begins at least seventy-two hours after the polls have closed.
3. Should circumstances warrant, the Senate may validate a portion of an election. The portion so certified shall be subject to certification. The portion not validated by the Senate shall be null and void.
2. Contestations shall contain the name of the contesting party, his/her local address and phone number, and the grounds upon which the contestation is being filed.
3. A contestation shall be considered filed upon receipt by the Chair of the Senate of the contestation. The Chair of the Senate must post and adhere to reasonable procedures for receiving contestations.
4. The Chair of the Senate shall distribute copies of the contestation to all members of the Senate in a timely manner.
5. The Senate shall use the information contained within the contestation when considering whether to validate an Association election.
2. An election result may only be certified on the basis of the results of the appropriate validated election.
3. An election result may only be certified at the first regular meeting of the Senate after the election upon which the certification is based has been validated. However, for special elections, an election result may be certified at the same Senate meeting at which the election was validated, provided that there are no charges pending against any candidate, slate, or sponsor.
4. No candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure may be certified if the Senate has approved an appropriate resolution of disqualification.
5. Resolution of Conflicts
b. The Senate shall divide the ballot measures in question by section, and shall then certify all sections which do not conflict before any conflict is resolved.
c. A conflict between a Constitutional amendment and a referendum shall be resolved in favor of the Constitutional amendment, which shall then be certified.
d. From each set of sections remaining in conflict the one whose ballot measure secured the highest percentage of votes shall be certified.
b. The Senate shall certify all election results which do not involve ties before any tie is resolved.
c. Each candidate or slate involved in a tie shall be allowed to speak and answer questions before the Senate.
8. No Special Fee request or ballot measure shall be certified unless it appeared on the ballot. No Special Fee request or ballot measure shall be certified unless the detailed budget and summary of actual expenditures presented by the student organization requesting the Special Fee, or an approved summary thereof (for Special Fees), or text of a ballot measure and its estimated fiscal impact (for ballot measures), was included in the Elections Handbook or published in the Stanford Daily before the first day of voting.
9. The Commission shall verify the eligibility of each candidate and slate, and of each Special Fee request and ballot measure and their associated sponsors, before submitting a resolution of certification to the Senate.
2. The three candidates with the greatest number of votes shall be certified as having been elected to the Student Conduct Legislative Council.
3. The slate that is victorious under the preferential voting system described in The Scott, Foresman Roberts Rules of Order, (Scott, Foresman, and Co., 1990), pp. 418-421, shall be certified as having been elected as the Senior Class Presidents.
4. A Special Fee request that received a majority of the votes cast, provided that this majority constituted at least fifteen percent of the members of the Association, shall be certified as having been approved.
5. The option for setting the amount of an existing General Fee that is at the median of the votes for setting that Fee amount will be certified as the new Fee amount, provided that at least fifteen percent of the members of the Association cast ballots in the election. In the case of exact ties, the option closer to no change (or no change itself, if one of the tying options is an increase and one is a decrease) will be certified as the new Fee amount.
6. A proposal to create, change the base amount of, or abolish a General Fee will be certified if it receives at least two-thirds of the votes cast, and if those in favor constituted at least fifteen percent of the members of the Association. The new Fee amount will be certified as the base amount listed in the proposal, regardless of the outcome of setting the amounts of existing General Fees.
7. A referendum that received a majority of the votes cast shall be certified as having been approved. A referendum shall take effect upon certification, or at a later date if specified by the referendum.
8. A Constitutional amendment that received at least two-thirds of the votes cast shall be certified as having been approved by the Association. The President shall forward this amendment in a timely manner to the Board of Trustees and the University President for their or his/her approval.
2. The Governance sector shall consist of the Association Office, the President, the Vice-President, the Elections Commission, the Financial Office, the Nominations Commission, the Senate, and those departments so specified by an Act of the Senate.
3. The Service sector shall consist of the service projects of the Association as specified in these By-Laws.
4. The Service Affiliate sector shall consist of the Class Presidents, the Graduate Student Council and those agencies specified in these By-Laws or by Act of the Senate which are associated with the Association.
5. The Business sector shall consist of the Business Projects of the Association as specified in these By-Laws.
6. The Business Affiliate sector shall consist of all subsidiaries and partnerships specified in these By-Laws.
2. The Financial Manager Selection Committee shall nominate an individual to serve as Financial Manager during Winter quarter. This nomination shall be submitted to the Senate for approval at the first regularly-scheduled Senate meeting held after the Selection Committee has made its nomination.
4. The financial manager shall serve for one year unless reappointed by the normal selection process.
2. Assistant Financial Managers shall be nominated in the Winter quarter by the Assistant Financial Managers' Selection Committee, which shall consist of the Financial Manager (who shall chair the committee), the Associate Financial Manager, and the President. Two Senators (one undergraduate and one graduate) shall serve as ex-officio members of the committee. A quorum of the committee shall consist of three voting members of the committee. All decisions of the committee, including initial screening of applicants, shall be by a quorum of the committee. No decision of the committee shall be valid unless approved by three members of the committee.
3. The Senate shall confirm all Assistant Financial Mangers by a two-thirds vote.
4. The removal of Assistant Financial Managers shall be done by the procedure specified for the removal of Business Project Managers in these By-Laws.
2. All funds expended by the Association shall be used for the basic operating expenses of the Association, or for programs initiated by and under the control of the Association and its agencies.
3. No funds shall be expended as salaries or wages by any Association department or agency, except as specifically provided in the Association operating budget or the budget of that agency, or pursuant to the authority contained in these By-Laws.
2. By the third week of Winter quarter, the Financial Manager shall prepare and present to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee for their approval estimates of the Indirect Cost Recovery charges to be made to each Association agency for the following fiscal year. This information shall then be supplied to the appropriate agencies for use in preparing their budget requests.
3. By the third week of Spring quarter, the Financial Manager shall, in consultation with the President and the Senate Budget and Finance Committee, prepare and issue a timetable for the preparation of the Operating Budget for the following fiscal year. This timetable shall meet all the requirements contained in these By-Laws.
4. The Operating Budget shall be drafted by a committee consisting of the Financial Manager(who shall serve as chair), the Associate Financial Manager, the Senate Chair, the President, and the Chair of the Senate Budget and Finance Committee. The incoming President-elect and Senate Chair-elect shall be ex-officio members of this committee. This proposed budget shall be submitted for review and modification to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee no later than its last regularly scheduled meeting before the dissolution of the outgoing Senate during Spring quarter.
5. The draft Operating Budget shall include appropriate budget detail for each income and expense line-item, including but not limited to the line-items for salaries (except for the salaries paid to the University employees in the Association Office), the expenses of the Senate, Presidency, and Financial Manager, and all other expense line items (other than the basic office expenses of the Association Office and the Students' Organizations Fund). This budget detail shall be submitted to the Senate for approval along with the Operating Budget and, once approved, shall be equally as binding as the Operating Budget itself; however, it shall not form part of the budget submitted to the President of the University for approval.
6. The proposed Operating Budget, as modified by the Senate Budget and Finance Committee, shall be submitted to the Senate for approval no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting before the dissolution of the old Senate during Spring quarter. Copies of the proposed Budget must be made available to all members of the Senate at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of the Senate meeting at which it is to be considered. Approval requires a two-thirds vote.
7. The Operating Budget approved by the Senate shall be transmitted to the President of the University (or designee) by the Financial Manager for approval within fourteen days after it has been approved by the Senate.
b. whenever the actual expenditures for a given detailed line-item (or a line-item, where no detail was approved) have exceeded the budgeted amount, or appear likely to exceed the budgeted amount before the next regularly-scheduled report.
3. The Senate may modify the Operating Budget by a two-thirds vote.
4. The Financial Manager shall not approve any expenditure which would result in a detailed line-item (or a line-item, where no detail was approved) being overspent by more than $100 or fifteen percent of the authorized amount, whichever is greater; nor any overspending of any salary or discretionary line-items; nor any overspending resulting from changes in the nature of the programs on which funds are being expended; unless and until an appropriate budget modification has been approved by the Senate Budget and Finance Committee or by the Senate.
5. Any changes to any budget line item for salaries in the Association operating budget or the budget of any Association agency, and any payment of bonuses to any employee of the Association (except for incentive payments included in the regular compensation of managers of business projects), shall require Committee or Senate approval before becoming effective.
7. Funds from the Contingency line of the Operating Budget shall be available for reallocation by the Senate to other lines in the budget. No funds shall be directly expended from any Budget Reserve or Contingency line of the Operating Budget.
The Operating Reserve shall be maintained at its prescribed amounts by crediting funds to, or transferring funds from, the Special Discretionary Reserve at the beginning of each fiscal year. No funds shall be directly expended from the Operating Reserve.
2. The budgets of the Program and Publications Boards shall be approved as provided in these By-Laws.
3. For service projects not receiving budgetary approval under the foregoing provisions, the Senate shall approve a budget during Spring quarter for the following fiscal year.
4. None of the unrestricted funds of the Association shall be expended by any Association agency that is classified by these By-Laws as belonging to the Service Sector, except as provided in the Association operating budget, nor shall any agency so classified be allowed to incur a deficit.
2. The Financial Manager, in consultation with the Associate Financial Manager, shall review and may modify the proposed budget for each business project, and shall then present each budget to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee for approval.
3. The proposed budget for each business project, as presented by the Financial Manager, shall be approved by the Senate Budget and Finance Committee prior to the Committee's consideration of the Association Operating Budget.
4. The Financial Manager may modify the budget of a business project. All such modifications shall be reported to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee at its next meeting. The Senate retains the ultimate authority to approve or disapprove such modifications.
5. The Financial Manager shall maintain on file an accurate copy of the budget of each business project as initially approved by the Senate Budget and Finance Committee, and as subsequently modified by the Financial Manager. Copies of these budgets shall be made available to any officer upon request. Officers shall not make the information contained in these budgets public without the consent of either the Financial Manager or the Senate.
6. The Financial Manager shall consult with the President and the Chair of the Senate Budget and Finance Committee prior to approving any major changes in the finances or operations of any business project.
2. The Senate may authorize specific investments to be made in other activities, including projects or programs of the Association and its agencies, and corporations and partnerships in which the Association is an investor, on an individual basis. All such authorizations shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
3. The expenditure of funds on the purchase of capital equipment as provided in the operating or capital budgets of the Association or its agencies, as authorized by the Senate, shall be exempt from the requirements of this section.
2. No organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may loan, grant, or otherwise distribute any of its restricted funds to another organization, with the following exemptions:
b. The Club Sports Council may distribute funds to the various clubs belonging to the Club Sports program. Any organization receiving funds from the Council shall not be eligible for General or Special Fee funding from any other source.
4. Non-Association organizations which are eligible to apply for a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee may not receive any unrestricted funds from the Association Operating Budget, except in the form of loans.
5. The Senate shall approve Schedules for the Collection, Disbursement, and Refunds, of the General and Special Fees for the following fiscal year no later than the final meeting of the outgoing Senate before it dissolves during Spring quarter.
6. At the time that it approves these Schedules, the Senate shall set the amounts of the following surcharges, and approve line-item budgets for their expenditure where appropriate:
b. Rounding surcharge -- shall cover any excess of the amount to be refunded per student for a given fee (as provided in the Refund Schedule) over the amount to be collected per student for that fee (as provided in the Collection Schedule).
c. Election Cost surcharge -- shall reimburse the Association operating budget for an appropriate fraction of the budgeted cost of Association elections, as provided by these By-Laws, including interest from the time the election costs are incurred until the time the surcharge funds are received.
d. Advance disbursement surcharge -- shall reimburse the Association for the opportunity cost of making available General and Special Fee funds to student organizations in advance of the receipt of those funds from the University.
e. Administrative cost surcharge -- shall cover the direct and indirect costs incurred in the processes of the approval and disbursement of the General and Special Fees, and in enforcing compliance by the recipients of such funds with their authorized budgets.
9. Approval by the Senate, the Financial Manager, or the Association of any particular line item of a Special Fee request or allocation from a General Fee does not commit the Financial Manager to approval of any particular expenditure at the time it is requested by the organization.
10. Any student organization requesting or receiving funds from a General or Special Fee shall prepare its budget in a manner which complies with the requirements of the Constitution, these By-Laws, and any Funding Policies adopted by the Senate.
11. Any organization receiving a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee during the current fiscal year, or having unexpended funds originally derived from such a source, shall be required to expend all funds of that organization in accordance with its budget as authorized by the members of the Association (when its Special Fee request was approved) or by the Senate (when an allocation of funds from a General Fee was approved), unless and until a budget modification has been approved. The process by which budget modifications may be approved shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the Senate.
13. Any student organization requesting a Special Fee or funds from a General Fee and which has been exempt from banking with the Students' Organizations Fund (and which has not done all of its banking with the University) must submit a report to the Financial Manager from an independent auditor approved by him/her which fully accounts for the finances of said organization for the previous fiscal year, and which especially emphasizes the uses to which any previously received General or Special Fee funds have been put.
2. The Senate Appropriations Committee shall review all Special Fee requests submitted to it in accordance with this schedule, and shall recommend to the Senate whether or not each Special Fee request should be placed on the ballot by the Senate in its original or an amended form, and may recommend that the special fee request be divided.
3. The Appropriations Committee's recommendation to the Senate shall be based on all relevant information, including but not limited to: the reasonableness of the detailed budget submitted by the student organization and the size of its total fee request, a consideration of the organization's other potential sources of income, the value of the services provided to the members of the Association by the organization, and the appropriateness of using Special Fee funds to provide those services.
b. A non-Association organization which is a subsidiary of, or receives organizational or basic programming funding from, another organization shall be treated as a department of the parent organization, and not an organization in its own right.
c. The Senate has the right to enforce the limit on the amount of funding an organization can receive by classifying together organizations which have substantially identical purposes or memberships, especially (but not exclusively) in cases where they were originally part of one organization.
b. The maximum amount of General Fee funding which may be received by an organization during a fiscal year is $6000.
c. Any organization which receives more than $4200 from any one General Fee during a fiscal year must either place a Special Fee request on the ballot for the following fiscal year, or successfully obtain a valid petition of ten percent of the members of the Association towards that end, in order to be eligible to receive General Fee funding for the following fiscal year. If such an organization successfully obtains a valid petition of ten percent of the members of the Association for its Special Fee request, but that Special Fee request does not appear on the ballot, that organization shall be eligible to receive a maximum of $4200 from any one General Fee for the following fiscal year.
d. An organization whose Special Fee request fails to be approved by the members of the Association shall be eligible to receive no more than 80 per cent of its net fee request or $6000 (of which no more than $4200 may be received from any one General Fee), whichever is less, during the fiscal year for which the Fee was requested.
b. The percentages must consist of a list of two to five numbers in the form "0%, xb1 10%, xb1 15%", and must include 0% and xb1 10%. Different General Fees may have different percentages.
c. If this legislation is not passed by the last regularly-scheduled meeting of Winter quarter, the percentages from the previous year will be used.
d. In applying each Fee's percentage to its base amount, the Elections Commission must round to the nearest whole dollar. These dollar amounts are the options for setting the amount of each General Fee.
b. Substantive changes to the statement of purpose must be approved in the same manner as a change in base amount.
c. Proposals may be linked; for instance, the creation of one General Fee may be linked to the reduction in base amount of another General Fee. Linked proposals are voted on as a unit. The Senate must assign a descriptive title to each linked proposal.
b. In making those recommendations, the Board should assume that the size of the General Fee will not change, and report out allocations with a sum corresponding to the annual allocations from that Fee in the current fiscal year, unless the Senate instructs the Board otherwise. The Board may entertain applications from organizations seeking Special Fees, and will give them the same scrutiny it would give non-Special Fee groups. However, it should report them out separately and not include their potential allocations in the sum.
c. No later than the first regularly-scheduled meeting of Spring quarter, the Senate will approve an overall budget for each General Fee. This budget will delineate categories of expenditure, including but not limited to: a fixed amount for the operating expenses of the Board allocating the Fee; a fixed Fee refund rate and amount; various funds for disbursement, as defined in the Board's By-Laws discretionary funds, if any, must be specified as a minimum percentage of the net amount of the Fee); and allowance for transfers from the Fee's Budget reserve. The budget must add up to the base amount of the Fee. General Fee refunds must be calculated in the same manner as Special Fee refund rates, unless otherwise specified by the Senate. The overall budget may not be amended after the Spring General election, except by a two-thirds vote of the membership of the Senate.
d. At the meeting when the Spring election results are certified, or no later than the next regularly-scheduled meeting, the Senate must approve budgets for the following fiscal year, including any allocations to student groups, for the Boards administering General Fees. The proposed allocations must be made available to all members of the Senate at least 96 hours prior to the commencement of the Senate meeting at which they will be considered.
7. General Fee Budget Reserve Funds
a. For each General Fee, a General Fee Budget Reserve Fund must be
maintained as a distinct account within the Students' Organizations Fund.
At the close of each fiscal year, any excess of income over expenditures
must be credited to, or any excess of expenditures over income must be
charged to, that Fee's Budget Reserve Fund. Expenditures are defined as
those funds actually disbursed from the Board's accounts with the Students'
Organizations Fund by the close of the fiscal year, plus any funds due an
individual or organization for expenses previously incurred in accordance
with an allocation or within the operating budget of the Board, and the
existence of which is known to the Director of the at Board at the close
of the fiscal year.
b. The Senate will enact a Financial Policy specifying the target
level of the Budget Reserve for each General Fee. When approving the
overall budget of a General Fee, the Senate must supplement or offset the
income from the Fee with transfers from or to that Fee's Budget Reserve,
in order to bring the level of the Budget Reserve to its target.
c. Any funds allocated by a Board disbursing General Fee funds which
are not expended in accordance with the original allocation, and which are
subsequently recovered by that Board after the close of the fiscal year in
which they were originally allocated, must be credited to that Board's
General Fee Budget Reserve Fund.
d. Expenditures of funds from a General Fee Budget Reserve Fund may
be made only through the budget of the appropriate Board authorized in
these By-Laws to receive funds from that General Fee. All expenditures of
funds from a Budget Reserve Fund (including the adoption of any budget or
subsequent budget modification which requires such an expenditure) must be
approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
8. The amounts allocated to each Board and/or fund shall
be treated as separate Fees for the purpose of granting refunds.
b. Students may alter their fee refund requests for subsequent quarters at any time during the year.
c. The financial manager shall make available to any student group receiving a Special Fee a list of the student identification numbers of all students who requested a fee refund from that group. This list shall be made available no later than noon on the Monday following the fee refund deadline.
The Financial Manager is hereby instructed and empowered to ensure
that all requirements pertaining to funds derived from General and
Special Fees contained in the Constitution, these By-Laws, and
Funding Policies enacted by the Senate are strictly enforced.
2. The three year plan will outline goals and timelines for the financial operation of the Association. The areas included shall be: staff, business projects, banking service, fee refunds, operating budget, and other services the financial manager deems important to operation of the Association.
2. The Senate shall confirm all Business Project Manager nominees by a two-thirds vote.
2. Such action by the Financial Manager may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, provided such vote is taken by the first regular meeting of the Senate after the meeting during which they are informed of the action.
3. Vacancies in the position of a Business Project Manager shall be filled by the Financial Manager subject to approval of the Senate.
2. A Policy Board shall formulate the policy of, and have primary budgetary authority for, an agency of the Association.
3. A Bureau, Center, or Office shall be an operating agency of the Association.
2. No funds may be expended or received by a Service Project unless authorized by the budget of the project. Authorization shall be defined to be the approval by the Senate of a budget, or a modification to an authorized budget.
3. If the position of Treasurer of a project is vacant, then the Director, in consultation with the Financial Manager, shall appoint an acting Treasurer until a permanent replacement has been nominated and confirmed through the usual appointment process.
4. Financial records involving disbursement of ASSU-allocated money must remain available to the public in accordance with the ASSU's freedom of information policy. The Financial Manager or his or her designate may develop procedures to administer this access, but they must have the following attributes: a) all funded records except those which could reasonable be expected to result in personal persecution of those involved must be available to members of the public requesting the opportunity to peruse or photocopy them, b) requests for records must be honored within five days of receipt of the request, c) if photocopying is done through some standard procedure by the Financial Manager's office, the cost charged for this service may not exceed 10 cents per page, d) no other charges may be assessed individuals requesting information, e) the integrity of records must be preserved, f) requests must remain confidential (i.e., between organizational treasurer, Financial Manager, and party seeking access), and g) no requester may be required to indicate the rationale behind a particular request.
2. If the position of Director of a Service Project is vacant, then the President shall appoint one of their members as an acting Director until a permanent replacement has been nominated and confirmed through the usual appointment process.
2. The Senate shall be notified of all meetings of a body of a Service Project, or any subdivision thereof, and members of the Senate shall be allowed to attend all such meetings.
2. The Board shall be a funding Board, recommending to the Senate allocations of funds from the Program Board General Fee.
3. The statement of purpose of the Program Board General Fee is "To fund the basic operating and programming expenses of student organizations, except for organizations receiving Special Fees and publications.".
4. The statement of purpose of the Community Service General Fee is "To fund the basic operating and programming expenses of community service programs of voluntary student organizations, except for organizations receiving Special Fees and publications.".
b. Shall be nominated by the Nominations Commission and approved by the Senate during Spring quarter.
c. Shall serve on the Board as ex-officio members during the Spring quarter.
d. Shall serve on the Board during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until their successors have been chosen.
e. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate upon either the recommendation of the Board or the joint recommendation of the Director and the President. At least forty-eight hours written notice must be given to the member in question, and he/she shall be given an opportunity to speak before the Senate.
f. Although members must conduct their business in accordance with relevant provisions of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, the Rules of Order of the Board, and the Standing Rules of the Board, a member shall not be removed for political reasons.
g. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of a member on the Board, then the Nominations Committee shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval.
3. One member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, the Chair of the Senate, and the President shall serve as ex-officio members on the Board.
4. No officer of a student organization receiving funds from the Board shall vote on an allocation of funds to that organization.
b. Shall not, at the time of nomination and throughout his/her term of office, serve as an officer of a student organization applying for or receiving funds from the Board.
c. Shall be nominated by a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, as specified in these By-Laws.
d. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Board and of the Senate.
e. Shall serve as an ex-officio member on the Board during the Spring quarter.
f. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until a successor has been chosen.
g. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board or of the Senate, or by the President with the consent of the Senate Appropriations Committee. At least forty-eight hours written notice of removal must be given to the him/her. The Director may not be removed for political reasons.
h. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Director, then the Board Director's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for Board and Senate approval, such an approval in each case being by a two-thirds vote.
i. Shall act as the Treasurer of the Board.
j. Shall assure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, the Rules of Order of the Board, and the Standing Rules of the Board.
k. Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Board.
l. Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Board, and shall vote only in those cases where the vote would be decisive.
b. Shall not, at the time of nomination and throughout term of office, serve as an officer of a student organization applying for or receiving funds from the Board.
c. Shall be nominated by a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, as specified in these By-Laws.
d. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Board and of the Senate.
e. Shall serve as an ex-officio member on the Board during the Spring quarter.
f. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until a successor has been chosen.
g. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board or of the Senate, or by the President with the consent of the Senate Appropriations Committee, or by the Director with the consent of the President. At least forty-eight hours written notice of removal must be given to the him/her. The Deputy Director may not be removed for political reasons.
h. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Deputy Director, then the Deputy Director's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for Board and Senate approval, such an approval in each case being by a two-thirds vote.
i. Shall perform the duties of the Director in the absence of the Director.
j. Shall assist the Director in performing the duties of Dircetor and shall fulfill such other responsibilities as are assigned by the Director.
k. Shall be without a vote in the Board, unless the Deputy Director is also an appointed member of the Board. When performing the duties of Director (in the absenceof the Director) the Deputy Director shall vote only in those cases where the vote would be decisive.
b. Shall not, at the time of nomination and throughout his/her term of office, serve as an officer of a student organization applying for or receiving funds from the Board.
c. Shall be nominated by a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, as specified in these By-Laws.
d. Shall be nominated in the Winter quarter and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Board and of the Senate.
e. Shall take office at the end of Spring quarter and shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until a successor has taken office.
f. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Board or of the Senate, or by the President. At least forty-eight hours' written notice must be given to him/her.
g. Shall advise student organizations regarding the preparation of their budget requests, the allocations process followed by the Program Board and the Senate, the budgetary practices required by the Program Board and the Senate, and the funding policies and guidelines followed by the Program Board and the Senate, and shall hold sufficient office hours on a regular basis to accomplish this task.
h. May attend meetings of the Program Board, subject to the consent of the Board, but shall speak during such meetings only for the purpose of answering questions from members of the Board, and without advocating or opposing any particular decision by the Board.
i. Shall meet with the Board Director and the Chair of the Appropriations Committee on a regular basis, to inform them of the status of budgets currently in preparation by student organizations, and to be informed of current Board and Senate funding guidelines and policies.
2. The operating budget of the Board shall be used for basic operating expenses of the Board, including, but not limited to, office expenses, indirect cost recovery charges, compensation to Board members, and publicity.
3. The Annual funds shall be used for the basic operating and programming expenses of client student organizations. All allocations from the Annual funds for a given fiscal year shall be approved the previous fiscal year.
4. The Discretionary funds shall be used for the basic operating and programming expenses of clientele student organizations, with the needs of new (established during the current fiscal year) organizations receiving preferential treatment. All allocations from the Discretionary funds for a given fiscal year shall be made and approved during that fiscal year. At least thirty-five per cent of the Board's budget must be allocated to this fund.
2. An allocation recommendation shall specify the amount of Board funding recommended (which may be zero); the event, activity, project, or program for which these funds are intended; the specific expenses for which these funds are intended; the full and complete current authorized budget of the student organization (which must be balanced); the full and complete new authorized budget of the student organization which incorporates these funds (which must be balanced); and a time limit during which the funds must be spent. Unless otherwise stated, the default time limit for one quarter discretionary allocations shall be the end of the quarter of Senate approval of the allocation; for multi-quarter discretionary allocations it shall be the end of the last quarter for which the allocation is intended; and for annual allocations from the Annual funds it shall be the end of the fiscal year following Senate approval.
3. Board Funding Guidelines
b. During Winter quarter the Board shall adopt supplemental funding guidelines as necessary to facilitate the review of applications for annual allocations from the Annual fund for the following fiscal year. These shall be adopted as part of the Standing Rules of the Board, provided that such initial adoption each Winter quarter shall not require previous notice. No allocation recommendations shall be made by the Board until this has been completed.
b. The Board shall meet at least monthly during the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.
c. Proper notification of a meeting of the Board requires written notification to all members, both voting and ex-officio, of the meeting time and place at least 48 hours before the meeting. This requirement may be waived only by the unanimous consent of all of the members of the Board.
d. Allocation recommendations may only be made at a properly called meeting of the Board. This requirement may be waived only by the unanimous consent of all of the members of the Board.
6. Examination of Financial Records
b. The Financial Manager shall supervise and assist the members of the Board and the Senate Appropriations committee in performing these examinations. Specifically, the Financial Manager shall be authorized to make and enforce rules of administration to ensure the integrity of the Students Organizations Fund records. All requests for information shall be directed to the Financial Manager or authorized designee.
c. Access to financial records of ASSU-funded organizations must be available as required by the ASSU's freedom of information policy.
8. The Senate Appropriations committee shall consider all of the allocation recommendations which originated with the Board. The committee shall report all of these recommendations, as modified by the committee, to the Senate for its consideration.
9. Allocation recommendations shall not originate in the Senate Appropriations committee unless they are either 1) for agencies of the Association, or 2) for student organizations which are not agencies of the Association, provided that the circumstances are extraordinary and the amount of funds allocated to the student organization is not in excess of $300.00. All such recommendations shall be reported to the Senate for its consideration, but they shall require approval by two-thirds of the Senate.
10. The Senate shall accept, reject, or modify the allocation recommendations reported by the Senate Appropriations committee. Allocations require a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
11. Only upon Senate approval may funds be distributed. Upon Senate approval the conditions stated in the allocation recommendation shall be considered binding upon the student organization receiving the allocation, and their violation shall result in the halt of disbursements of any or all Association funds to that organization.
12. No allocation recommendations may originate in the Senate.
13. The Senate may subsequently modify an allocation by a two-thirds vote, subject to any legally binding contracts the student organization may have entered into under the authority of the original allocation. These modifications shall usually be conducted after the same review accorded to original allocations.
14. Computation of Maximum Demonstrated Financial Need from the Program Board and Community Service Board Fees
ii. The funds are internally generated by the student organization, through either dues, admissions, donations, or retail sales. In this case the governing body of the student organization may restrict the use of these funds to specific expenses, provided that these include all expenses incurred in the process of raising these funds. A written statement by the governing body of the student organization to this effect must be presented to the Board.
ii. Travel for members of the Association.
iii. Publications, unless the publication is an incidental organizational expense (such as a newsletter) or primarily a vehicle for event publicity.
iv. Services contracted for or debts incurred before approval of the allocation by the Senate, unless they were incurred either:
v. At the beginning of the fiscal year before the first opportunity to apply for funds, the application for funds was made at that first opportunity, and the organization informed the Director in writing at least one week before the expenses were incurred.
vi. For allocations not in excess of $300, after the Senate Appropriations Committee has reported out the proposed allocation with a positive recommendation according to the procedures specified in subsection 8 or 9 of this paragraph. Such a positive recommendation shall not be construed as a guarantee of eventual Senate approval of the proposed allocation, and any expenditure of funds prior to such final approval shall be solely at the risk of the student organization concerned.
vii. Any other categories of expenses as specified in the Standing Rules of the Board.
d. The maximum demonstrated financial need of a student organization shall be the difference between that organization's valid expenses that cannot be paid for by restricted funds and their unrestricted income.
b. Should the amount of Board funding in an allocation recommendation be less than the maximum demonstrated financial need of the student organization, then the recommendation shall contain a new full and complete authorized budget for the student organization (which shall be balanced), and shall be accompanied by a written explanation from the Board director. This budget shall normally be developed by the Board and the authorized representative(s) of the student organization, and must be accepted by the student organization before Association funds are disbursed.
b. Duplication of organizations and their activities shall be kept to a minimum.
c. Absolute and relative cost per person involved in the student organization (for organizational expenses) or participating in an activity (for programming expenses), when weighted by the intensity of that involvement, shall be kept as low as possible.
d. Higher relative priority shall be given student organizations and their activities that enrich the academic environment.
e. Higher relative priority shall be given activities which are open to, and are of interest to, the general student body.
f. Food expenses, where valid, shall be given a low relative priority.
18. Transfer of Funds
b. Unless otherwise specified in the allocation recommendations, funds shall be transferred within two weeks after Senate approval or at the beginning of each quarter for which the allocation is authorized (whichever is the latter) for discretionary allocations, and at the beginning of each quarter for which the allocation is authorized for annual allocations from the Annual funds, provided that all of the requirements specified in subparagraph a. above have been met.
b. The Treasurer's Report shall specify the status of the funds, specifically what funds had been expended for what purposes. The record of expenditures shall indicate exact expenses whenever possible (supported by appropriate documentation); otherwise it shall provide estimates of the expenses which are as precise as possible. If, at the end of the specified period for which the allocation was made, any approved expenses were not incurred, then the Director shall transfer the funds allocated for these expenses from the account of the student organization to the accounts of the Board, and they shall be available for reallocation through the normal allocations process.
c. If the Director and the Financial Manager determine that a report cannot be made at the specified time, through no fault of the Treasurer or the student organization, then he/she may grant an extension of up to three additional weeks, but no additional Association funds shall be transferred to the account of the student organization by any Association agency until a report is made.
21. All allocation recommendations made by the Board shall be published by the Board in the Stanford Daily in a display ad at least 48 hours before consideration by the Senate; however, this requirement may be waived by a vote of two-thirds of the membership of the Senate. All allocation recommendations approved by the Senate shall be published by the Board in the Stanford Daily in a display ad within one week after they are approved.
22. The Association shall be credited as a co-sponsor in all publicity for an event for which an allocation is made for at least one-third of the expenses, and for all activities of a student organization for which an allocation is made covering at least one-third of its operating expenses. Deliberate or repeated failure to so credit the Association shall halt the disbursement of all Association funds to that student organization.
2. The Board shall be a membership Board, and its Finance Committee shall recommend to the Senate allocations of funds from the Publications Board General Fee.
3. The Board shall coordinate and represent the interests of all student publications.
4. The Board shall work to develop current publications and assist new publications.
5. The Board shall serve as an information source through which student publications can share experiences and knowledge.
6. The Board shall oversee the business conduct of student publications and take disciplinary action (including suspension and expulsion) as it sees fit in order to protect the reputation and operations of its members.
7. The statement of purpose of the Publications Board General Fee is "To fund the basic operating and publishing expenses of student publications that do not receive Special Fees."
2. The Senate may amend the Policies of the Publications Board by a two-thirds vote, provided that consultation with the Publications Board has occurred.
2. In this section the Legal Counseling Office shall be referred to as "the Office."
3. The Policy Board shall govern the functioning of the Office.
b. Shall be nominated by the Nominations Commission and approved by the Senate during Spring quarter.
c. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the member on the Policy Board, then the Nominations Commission shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval.
b. Shall be nominated by the President of the Law School Legal Aid Society and approved by the Senate during Spring quarter.
c. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the member on the Policy Board, then the President of the Law School Legal Aid Society shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval.
4. One member of the Palo Alto Bar Association appointed by the President of the Palo Alto Bar Association.
5. One Law School faculty or staff member appointed by the Dean of the Law School.
6. One member of the Senate, the Chair of the Senate, a representative of the Dean of Student Affairs Office, the Financial Manager or a representative of his or her office, and the Legal Counseling Office attorney shall serve as ex-officio members on the Policy Board, except that the Legal Counseling Office attorney shall not be present in matters relating to his/her firing or replacement except as the Policy Board shall provide.
2. Members shall serve on the Policy Board during the Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters following their appointment.
3. A member may be removed by the agency appointing him/her.
4. A member may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate upon either the recommendation of the Policy Board or the President. At least 48 hours written notice must be given to the member in question, and he/she shall be given an opportunity to speak before the Senate.
5. A member on the Policy Board shall not be removed for political reasons.
b. Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Policy Board.
c. Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Policy Board, and shall vote only in those cases where the vote would be decisive.
b. May be removed by the Chair with the consent of the Policy Board.
c. Shall assist the Chair in performing his/her duties.
d. Shall perform the duties of the Chair in his/her absence.
2. Proper notification of a meeting of the Policy Board requires written notification to all members of the meeting time and place at least 48 hours before the meeting.
2. The Office may solicit funds from any source, except from the unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted and used by the Office unless mention of them is made in the budget of the Office.
3. The Policy Board shall approve the salaries of all staff members of the Office, including that of the attorneys.
2. The Office Manager shall be confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Policy Board.
3. The Office Manager shall serve until his/her resignation or removal by a two-thirds vote of the Policy Board.
2. Shall promulgate and review from time to time both the policy guidelines and the clients the Office will handle.
3. Shall review the operations of the Office.
4. In no case shall the Senate interfere in the day-to-day operations of the Office or violate any of the ethical guidelines for attorneys.
2. The Chair shall convene a meeting of the Grievance Subcommittee of the Policy Board, composed of the three student members of the Policy Board, to consider those grievances the Chair deems require immediate action, as follows:
b. The Chair shall report all other Grievances to the Policy Board.
c. The decision of the Policy Board shall be conclusive unless shown to have been obviously contrary to the Policy Board's guidelines.
2. The Bureau shall be an operating agency of the Association with the sole authority to invite, on behalf of the student body, individuals to speak at Stanford.
3. Speakers shall be selected so as to promote an intellectual, political, social and cultural awareness of differing viewpoints in the Stanford Community. On controversial issues every attempt shall be made to provide a balanced presentation of speakers to the community.
b. Absolute priority shall be given to current members of the Core Committee.
c. They shall be nominated by the Director, in consultation with the old Director, and approved by the Senate during Spring quarter.
d. They shall serve on the Core Committee as ex-officio members during the Spring quarter.
e. They shall serve on the Core Committee during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until their successors have been chosen.
f. A member may be removed by the Senate, or by joint action of the Director and the President. At least 48 hours written notice must be given to the member in question, and he/she shall be given an opportunity to speak in his/her defense.
g. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of a member on the Core Committee, then the Director shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval.
b. Absolute priority shall be given to individuals who are not current members of the Core Committee.
c. They shall be nominated by the Director, in consultation with the old Director, and approved by the Senate during Spring quarter.
d. They shall serve on the Core Committee as ex-officio members during the Spring quarter.
e. They shall serve on the Core Committee during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until their successors have been chosen.
f. A member may be removed by the Senate, or by joint action of the Director and the President. At least 48 hours written notice must be given to the member in question, and he/she shall be given an opportunity to speak in his/her defense.
g. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of a member on the Core Committee, then the Director shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval.
4. One Senator, the Chair of the Senate, and the President shall serve as ex-officio members on the Core Committee.
b. Shall be nominated by a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, as specified in these By-Laws.
c. Shall be confirmed in Spring Quarter by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
d. Shall serve as an ex-officio member on the Core Committee during the Spring quarter.
e. Shall serve during the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until his/her successor has been chosen.
f. May be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate or by the President. At least 48 hours written notice of his/her removal must be given to the him/her.
g. If a vacancy occurs due to the death, resignation, or removal of the Director, then the Bureau Director's Selection Committee shall nominate a replacement for Senate approval, such an approval being by a two-thirds vote.
h. Shall insure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, and the Rules of Order and Standing Rules of the Bureau.
i. Shall be the primary spokesperson for the Bureau.
j. Shall set the agenda of, call, and preside over all meetings of the Core Committee, and shall vote only in those cases where the vote would be decisive.
k. Shall report to the Senate on the programming goals and plans of the Bureau following his/her selection (but no later than the eighth week of Spring quarter), and again at the beginning of Autumn quarter.
b. May be removed by the Director with the consent of the Core Committee.
c. Shall assist the Director in performing his/her duties.
d. Shall perform the duties of the Director in his/her absence.
e. Shall act as the Treasurer of the Bureau.
f. Shall prepare periodic financial statements for the Core Committee.
2. Proper notification of a meeting of the Core Committee requires written notification to all members of the meeting time and place at least 24 hours before the meeting.
2. The operating budget of the Bureau shall be used for basic operating expenses of the Bureau, including, but not limited to, indirect cost recovery charges, compensation to Bureau members, publicity, and payments to individuals/organizations for work done assisting the Bureau in the development of speaking programs.
3. The speakers discretionary fund shall be allocated to specific programs and/or types of speaking expenses. This allocation shall be approved by the Core Committee and by the Senate. Specific speaking events shall be funded in accordance with this budget upon the approval of the Core Committee.
4. The Bureau may solicit funds from any source, except from the unrestricted funds of the Association (endowment, interest income, Business Project profit, indirect cost recovery charges), subject to the guidelines of the Association and the University. However, no funds may be accepted and used by the Bureau unless mention of them is made in the budget of the Bureau.
5. No disbursements shall be made by the Bureau to individuals/organizations for speakers and speaking events not developed and sponsored by the Bureau.
6. If an honorarium of $1000 or more is to be paid to a speaker, the Director shall notify the Chair of the Senate who shall inform the Senate. No payment shall be made to, and no contract shall be signed with, any speaker whose total compensation would exceed $5000 without the prior approval of the Senate. A proposal to approve total compensation of more than $5000 must also be accompanied by documentation showing that the speaker has received an honorarium in excess of this amount from at least one other source, unless this requirement is waived by the Senate.
8. All events organized or financed (in whole or in part) by the Bureau shall be open to all members of the Association. Those members who request a fee refund from the Speakers Bureau may be charged an admission fee.
2. The ASSU Financial Aid Awareness Office shall serve as a link between Stanford students and the federal and state governments and the University through participation in state or national student networks, and liaison with Stanford administration, Stanford Financial Aids Office, legislators' offices, and any other relevant bodies to keep abreast of and research financial aid issues.
3. The ASSU Financial Aid Awareness Office shall serve as an information resource to students on financial aid issues, which may include peer financial aid counseling with appropriate training.
a. The Director of the Financial Aid Awareness Office shall be responsible for serving as overall coordinator of the activities of the Office. The Director shall also be responsible for reporting the activities of the Office to the Senate.
b. The Director shall hire or recruit his/her staff.
c. The Director shall be responsible for training his/her successor.
2. Appointment and Term of the Director.
a. The Director shall be a member of the Association.
b. The Director shall be nominated by a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, as specified in Article VIII, Section 1, of these By*Laws.
c. The Director shall be confirmed in Spring Quarter by a majority vote of the Senate.
d. The Director shall serve the following Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, or until his/her successor has been chosen.
e. The Director may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. The Director must be notified in writing of the intent to introduce such a motion not less than forty*eight hours prior to the opening of the Senate meeting at which the motion will be considered, and must be given an opportunity to speak in opposition to the motion at that meeting.
f. The Director may be paid a salary if so specified in the Financial Aid Awareness Office Budget.
2. The Financial Aid Awareness Office is responsible for formulating advocacy strategies and priorities on financial aid issues in conjunction with the ASSU Senate, the COP, student groups and other concerned students.
3. The Financial Aid Awareness Office shall report to the Senate at least twice a quarter.
4. The Financial Aid Awareness Office shall be responsible for providing information and education to students about financial aid issues through avenues such as newsletters and open forums.
5. The Financial Aid Awareness Office shall be responsible for collecting student opinion with regard to financial aid issues from all parts of the diverse student population through mechanisms of its choosing such as polls, surveys, consultations, etc. This does not preclude the office from obtaining student input through mechanisms established by other agencies of the Association.
6. The Financial Aid Awareness Office shall facilitate student involvement of members of the Association in participating in financial aid related campaigns by training students in campaign techniques, and maintaining correspondence with relevant lobby and student organizations, legislators, administrations and other relevant bodies.
2. The operating budget shall be used for basic operating expenses of the Office, including, but not limited to, indirect cost recovery charges, compensation to Office members, and publicity.
3. Discretionary fund allocations shall be approved by the Director.
4. The Office may solicit funds from any source subject to the guidelines of the Association and University.
Article I: General
Article I: General
Section 1: Registered Students
Registered students of Stanford University shall be defined to include all students of Stanford University who possess a valid Certificate of Registration for the current quarter, provided that a student who possesses such a registration for three consecutive quarters and who intends to register again after a lapse of one quarter shall be deemed a registered student for the intervening quarter. Only students with a valid Certificate of Registration or Terminal Graduate Registration for the current quarter shall be eligible to vote. Post-doctoral scholars shall not be considered members of the Association.Section 2: Officers of the Association
A. Definition
The executive officers of the Association shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Chair of the Senate, the Chair of the Judicial Council, and the Financial Manager. The officers of the Association shall consist of the executive officers plus the members of the Senate and the members of the Judicial Council.B. Basic Qualification
Officers of the Association, other than the Financial Manager, must be registered students of Stanford University, or possess an approved Permit to Attend.Section 3: Calendar
A. Opening of the Quarter
The first day of the quarter shall be defined as the first day of registration. In counting days from the opening of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.B. End of the Quarter
The last day of the quarter shall be defined as the last day on which final examinations shall be scheduled. In counting days from the end of the quarter, all days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, shall be included.C. Maintenace of a Calendar
The Senate Chair shall maintain a calendar containing the various deadlines that must be met by the senate and its committees.Section 4: Non-Discrimination Statement
In undertaking any authority granted to it by the Constitution of the Associated Students of Stanford University or these By-Laws, the Presidency, the Senate, the Judicial Council, and all other agencies, boards, bureaus, projects, and committees of the Association, shall not discriminate against any individual or organization on account of race, gender, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability.Section 5: Rules of Order
A. Definition
Rules of Order of the Presidency, Senate, Judicial Council, Boards, Bureaus, Commissions, Committees, or Task Forces of the Association (referred to in this section as a "body of the Association") shall be the written rules of procedure adopted by the applicable body relating to the orderly transaction of business in meetings and the duties of officers in that connection. These Rules of Order shall govern their respective bodies in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or these By-Laws.B. Modification
1. The Senate shall have the power to adopt, amend, or repeal the Rules of Order for a body of the Association. These modifications shall be done by a two-thirds vote, provided that previous notice had been given.
C. Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (the 1990 edition) as published by Scott, Foresman and Co. (Glenview, Ill., 1990) shall govern the deliberations of a body of the Association in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution, these By-Laws, or the Rules of Order of the applicable body.D. Voting
1. No item of business shall be transacted by a body of the Association unless pursuant to a vote of that body during a properly called meeting at which a quorum is present.
a. Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or these By-Laws, previous or prior notice shall consist of written notice distributed during the immediately previous meeting of the appropriate body of the Association. Such notice must include enough information so as to clearly define the scope and degree of the proposed motion. Any modifications of the motion outside of this scope or degree shall invalidate the previous notice.
Section 6: Standing Rules
A. Definition
Standing Rules of the Senate, Presidency, Offices, Projects, Boards, Bureaus, Commissions, Committees, or Task Forces of the Association (referred to in this section as a "body of the Association") shall be the written rules of administration adopted by the applicable body relating to the orderly details of administration and the duties of officers in that connection. These Standing Rules shall govern their respective bodies in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution or these By-Laws.B. Modification
1. The Senate shall have the power to adopt, amend, or repeal Standing Rules for a body of the Association. These modifications shall be done by a majority vote, provided that previous notice had been given.
Article III: Executive Branch
Section 1: President and Vice President
A. Records
All official records of the President and Vice President are subject to the Freedom of Information provisions of the Constitution. Records includes, but is not limited to, all minutes, reports, background materials, letters, memoranda, or other documents (whether printed or electronic) generated by the President or the Vice President or committees or individuals overseen by the President acting in an official capacity.
B. Duties of the President and Vice-President
In addition to the duties described in the Constitution, the President shall:
The President may delegate any of these duties to the Vice President or to other members of the Association but ultimate responsibility lies with the President.
C. State of the Association Address
The President of the Association shall outline the current status of the Association and summarize its goals for the upcoming quarter in an address to the Senate to be given by the second Senate meeting of every quarter while the Senate is in session. Any changes in the operations or personnel of the Executive branch shall be announced at this time.
D. Association Annual Report
The President of the Association shall be responsible for presenting an annual report of the Association activities by the sixth week of Spring quarter. This report should contain descriptions and explanations of actions or programs sponsored by the Association, as well as a financial statement for the Association and its affiliates.
E. Committees
The President and the Vice President shall have the right to designate a representative to serve in their stead on all committees of which one of them is a member according to these By-Laws.
Section 2: Administrative Cabinet
The Administrative Cabinet shall be a cabinet composed of the President, the Vice President, the Chair of the Senate, the Financial Manager, the Directors of all the Service Projects of the Association, the Elections Commissioner, and the Chair of the Nominations Commission. It shall meet at least once a quarter under the leadership of the President to coordinate the administrative functioning of the Association.
Section 3: Vacancies
An executive office of the Association shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, removal or disqualification of the person otherwise entitled to hold such office.
A. Resignation
An executive officer shall be deemed to have resigned upon submission to the Senate Chair or Senate Secretary of a written statement of resignation.
B. Removal from Office
The President, Vice President, and the Financial Manager shall be removed from office only in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
C. Disqualification
An executive officer shall be disqualified from office upon failure to satisfy the qualifications provided by the Constitution and these By-Laws.Article IV: Elections
Section 1: General
A. Types of Elections
1. General elections are those in which all members of the Association are eligible to vote.
B. Times of Elections
1. Except as otherwise provided herein, all elections shall be held on two consecutive school days during an academic quarter, except that overseas campuses shall hold elections at times specified by the Commission.
a. The Elections Commission is responsible for providing complete information on how candidates can place themselves on the ballot.
C. Calling of Elections
1. Elections shall normally be held at the times and places, and in the manner specified, by the Constitution and these By-Laws. If an election is not validated, then the Senate may, by a two-thirds vote, call for an additional election to be held at the times and places specified in a Special Charge of the Commission.
D. Special Charge of the Commission
Shall be the resolution(s) approved by the Senate calling for additional elections, specifying additional specific duties of the Commission, clarifying and interpreting the Constitution and these By-Laws for their benefit, and/or approving their actions or requests prior to an election.E. Election Timetable
1. The Commission shall present to the Senate for its information a timetable specifying completion goals for all aspects of an election at least eight weeks before the Spring quarter general election, or one week after the Senate has called an election.
F. Election Surcharge
Each Fee levied by the Association shall be charged a uniform percentage surcharge on the amount authorized for collection by the Association. This surcharge shall be computed as seventy-five per cent of the budget of the Elections Commission for the previous fiscal year (adjusted by the expected rate of inflation) divided by the total amount of Fees authorized for collection. The monies collected from this surcharge shall be deposited in an account with the Students' Organizations Fund known as the Elections Surcharge account.G. Election Budget
1. All expenses incurred, and all income received, by the Commission shall be specified in the budget of the Commission.
Section 2: Election Officers
A. General
1. The elections Commission, (hereafter "the Commission") shall consist of an Elections Commissioner (hereafter "the Commish"), three Assistant Elections Commisioners (hereafter the "Commissioners), and the Hearings Officer. The Associate Elections Commissioner shall sesrve as an ex-officio member of the Commission.
a. The Senate shall not interpret or clarify any Constitutional or By-Laws provisions concerning elections, or supplement or amend the Charge to the Commission, unless requested to do so on an administrative matter by the Elections Commission or on a matter concerning campaign rules by the Hearings Officer or, if not in response to such a request, except by a two-thirds vote. The Elections Commission and Hearings Officer shall ignore any Senate actions not in accordance with this provision.
B. Charge of the Commission
1. To give proper notification to all the eligible voters of each election. This notification shall include, but need not be limited to, announcements of all elective offices, the times, places, and manner of voting, and the solicitation of Special Fee requests, ballot measures, and statements in opposition to them.
C. Composition of the Commission
1. The Elections Commission (hereafter "the Commission") shall consist of an Elections Commissioner and two Assistant Elections Commissioners (hereafter the "Commissioners"), and the Pollmaster, and the Hearings Officer. The Associate Elections Commissioner shall serve as ex-officio members of the Commission.
a. The Elections Officers' Selection Committee shall consist of the Presidents (who shall chair the committee), two Senators (one undergraduate and one graduate), the current Elections Commissioner, and the current Hearings Officer. A quorum of the committee shall consist of four members of the committee. All decisions of the committee, including the initial screening of the applicants, shall be by a quorum of the committee. No decision of the committee shall be valid unless approved by three members of the committee.
3. Appointment of the Assistant Elections Commissioners and the Pollmaster
a. Shall be nominated in the Autumn Quarter by the Elections Officers' Selection Committee.
4. If any member of the Commission has failed to discharge his/her duties responsibly and in a non-partisan manner, then the Senate, by a two-thirds vote, may remove the member in question from the Commission. At least forty-eight hours written notice shall be given to the member in question, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which removal is to take place.
a. One half shall be paid before validation of the Spring quarter general election.
7. Associate Commissioner salary disbursement
a. Two-thirds shall be paid before validation of the Spring quarter general election.
D. Meetings of the Commission
1. Meetings may be called by the chair of the Commission or any two members of the Commission.
E. Duties of the Commissioners
1. The Elections Commissioner shall chair the Commission, be its principal spokesperson, prepare a general timetable of all Commission activities, and devise the budget of the Commission. However, on all issues regarding By-Law interpretation, and supplemental rulings, and campaign code violations, and campaign conduct investigations, the Hearings Officer shall be the sole spokesperson.
F. Staff of the Commission
1. The Assistant Elections Commissioner in charge of Operations shall advertise for, interview, hire, and train all technical staff. Technical staff shall be responsible for the technical implimentation of the election, including the design of the computer program, operation of the program during the election, and tabulation of the results after the election. The technical staff are responsible for ensuring the security of all computer-related aspects of the election.
G. Hearings Committee
1. Charge
To recommend to the Senate all disqualifications and other penalties against candidates, slates, Special Fee requests, ballot measures, and sponsors.
2. Composition
Shall assume office upon confirmation during Winter quarter and serve until their successors have been chosen.
a. A member of the Association familiar with election procedures nominated by the Nominations Commission and confirmed by the Senate, who shall chair the Committee.
3. TermH. Hearings Officer
1. Duties
To investigate any charges of campaign violations and to report all findings to the Elections Commissioner, Hearings Committee Chair, and Senate Chair.
2. Appointment
a. Shall be nominated in the Spring Quarter by the Elections Officers' Selection Committee, as specified in Article IV, Section 2 (C)(2)(a) of these By-Laws.
3. If a Hearings Officer has failed to discharge his/her duties responsibly and in a non-partisan manner, then the Senate, by a two-thirds vote, may remove the Hearings Officer. At least forty-eight hours written notice shall be given to the Hearings Officer, and he/she shall be allowed to speak in his/her defense at the Senate meeting at which removal is to take place.
a. One half shall be paid before validation of the Spring quarter general election.
Section 3: Election Issues
A. General
1. Any member of the Association seeking to be elected to the Senate or the Student Conduct Legislative Council shall be referred to as a candidate. Candidates may not form slates.
A slate shall be construed to mean a grouping of candidates to be voted for collectively on the ballot.
2. Any members of the Association seeking to be elected as the President and Vice-President or as Class Presidents shall be referred to as a slate.
B. Officers
1. Multiple Senate District Membership
Those students who have, at the time of the election, been admitted to degree programs administered by schools or departments in different districts shall have multiple Senate district membership.
a. They shall be eligible to vote in elections in any one district in which they qualify as a member.
2. Undergraduate Senate District
3. Graduate Senate Districts
a. Graduate School of Business, School of Law, and School of Medicine -- three Senate seats to be filled at large.
4. In the Spring quarter general election, candidates for Senate shall seek election in the district in which they will be enrolled during the following academic year. In special elections, candidates for Senate shall seek election in the district in which they will be enrolled during the majority of their term of office.
a. For the purpose of this election, an individual shall be a member of the Junior Class if he/she is a currently registered undergraduate student who has received no less than 90 units nor more than 130 units recognized by Stanford by the end of the previous Autumn quarter, or if he/she is an undergraduate in his/her third year of enrollment. Units earned prior to high school graduation may be excluded from the total at the option of the individual.
7. Each slate for the Junior Class Presidents shall consist of four members of the Association who are also members of the Sophomore Class.
a. For the purpose of this election, an individual shall be a member of the Sophomore Class if he/she is a currently registered undergraduate student who has received no less than 45 units not more than 90 units recognized by Stanford by the end of the previous Autumn quarter, or if he/she is an undergraduate in his/her second year of enrollment. Units earned prior to high school graduation may be excluded from the total at the option of the individual.
8. Each slate for the Sophomore Class Presidents shall consist of four members of the Association who are also members of the Freshman Class.
a. For the purpose of the election, an individual shall be a member of the Freshman Class if he/she is a currently registered undergraduate student who has received no more than 45 units recognized by Stanford by the end of the previous Autumn quarter, or if he/she is an undergraduate in his/her first year of enrollment. Units earned prior to high school graduation may be excluded from the total at the option of the individual.
9. The Graduate Student Council shall consist of members of the graduate student body.
a. For the purpose of the election, a student shall be considered a graduate student if he/she is currently registered as a graduate student.
C. Special Fee Requests
1. In order for its Special Fee request to be placed on the ballot, a student organization must qualify under one of the following provisions:
a. Voluntary Student Organizations: organizations which are intended to be (and actually are) primarily composed of student members, require no student to join, are recognized by the University and are either open to all students or open to only those students meeting certain criteria which are established and evaluated in an objective manner by the organization. In order to qualify under this provision, the ultimate constitutional, budgetary, and policy-making authority of the organization must be vested entirely in its student members.
2. An agency of the Association shall have its Special Fee request placed on the ballot only with the consent of the Senate. This consent shall only determine the organization's ability to seek a Special Fee, and shall be independent of, and in addition to, any action by the Senate actually placing the request on the ballot.
i. Such an organization shall have a Special Fee request placed on the ballot only with the express consent of the Senate. This consent shall take the form of a resolution certifying that, in the opinion of the Senate, the organization and its finances are in fact essentially under the control of students, and shall require for approval a two-thirds vote. At the time that this resolution is approved, the Senate may specify additional criteria under which the Special Fee request is placed on the ballot, which shall be as binding on the organization as is its detailed budget. Approval of this resolution shall only determine the organization's eligibility to receive a Special Fee, and shall be independent of, and in addition to, any action by the Senate actually placing the request on the ballot.
c. The Association and its agenciesD. General Fee Issues
General Fee issues consist of setting the amount of an existing Fee and of creating, changing, or abolishing a Fee.E. Ballot Measures
1. Any referendum must take the form of a bill or resolution and shall follow the form used by the Senate in the construction of bills and resolutions.
Article IV: Elections
Section 4: Placement of Issues on the Ballot
A. General
1. Placement on the ballot shall refer to the qualification for election of the appropriate candidate or slate, or for approval of the appropriate Special Fee request or ballot measure. Appearance on the ballot shall refer to actual mention on the physical election ballot of the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure.
B. Declaration of Intent
A declaration of intent shall be a signed statement certifying that a candidate, slate, or sponsor has fulfilled or intends to fulfill all appropriate requirements for placement on the ballot, and that they "have read or will read the Campaign Practices Code, and agree to abide by it and any rulings issued by the Elections Commission."
1. The filing of a declaration of intent shall normally be the first step in seeking placement on the ballot.
C. Petitions
1. Form
a. A petition shall be divided into packets. Each packet shall consist of a series of informational pages and signature pages. All informational pages and all signature pages shall be securely bound before the circulation of that petition packet.
2. Prior Approval
a. Candidates, slates, and sponsors shall have the option of submitting a sample petition packet to the Commission for their approval as to form.
3. Circulation
a. Only members of the Association may circulate a petition packet. The member of the Association circulating a packet must be easily and immediately available to answer questions from potential petitioners, and is responsible for ensuring that each petitioner signs the petition correctly and legibly.
4. Appeals
i. For the Spring quarter general election, this determination shall be made, and the required notice posted, no later than seven days after the final deadline for the submission of petitions.
k. No petition shall be invalidated by the Commission for violation of these rules unless an appropriate determination has been made, and the required notice posted, by the deadline specified.
a. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor whose petition has been invalidated by the Commission for violation(s) of the rules governing petition circulation may appeal such a decision to the Hearings Committee.
5. Verification
i. For the Spring quarter general election, responsibility for hearing the appeal shall devolve on the President if the Hearings Committee has not granted or rejected the appeal by 5:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of Spring quarter.
m. Should both the Hearings Committee and the President fail to either accept or reject an appeal on a timely basis, then the appropriate candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure shall appear on the ballot, and in the Elections Handbook, provided that all other requirements for appearance on the ballot have been satisfied.
i. For the Spring quarter general election, the deadline for either the Hearings Committee or the President to accept or reject the appeal shall be noon on the second Tuesday of Spring quarter.
n. Any decision by a candidate, slate, or sponsor to expend funds on campaign expenses in anticipation of the granting of an appeal shall be at the risk of that candidate, slate, or sponsor.
a. The Commission shall verify all petitions as they are submitted, provided that an appropriate declaration of intent is on file.
6. Reverification
a. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor may request a reverification of a petition by filing a reverification request within seventy-two hours after the announcement by the Commission of the results of the initial verification of the petition.
7. All petitions shall be kept for three months, after which time they shall be destroyed. However, one or more sample copies of the information pages for each petition submitted for a Special Fee request or ballot measure shall be retained as a permanent record.D. Officers
1. Any member of the Association declaring intent to seek a Senate seat in the undergraduate district, and requesting to appear in the Elections Handbook and on the ballot, must submit to the Commission a petition of at least fifty undergraduate members of the Association.
E. Special Fee Requests
1. Any student organization seeking a Special Fee may submit a petition of members of the Association to the Commission. The information pages in each petition packet shall contain the detailed budget for the organization submitted for the following fiscal year, the original detailed budget for the current fiscal year, the most recently modified budget for the current fiscal year, an accounting of the expenses of the current fiscal year to date, and an estimate of the expenses for the remainder of the current fiscal year.
a. The budgeted refund rate shall be based upon estimates prepared by the Financial Manager of the actual refund rates incurred during the current fiscal year for each Special Fee.
4. The required budget information shall be presented in the following form:
a. A numerical table, the columns of which shall represent the organization's detailed budget proposed for the following fiscal year, the original detailed budget for the current fiscal year, the most recently modified budget for the current fiscal year (if it differs from the original budget), the actual expenditures for the current fiscal year to date, and an estimate of expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year. Each row of the table shall represent one particular income or expenditure line item from the organization's detailed budget, and the appropriate entries shall be made for that line item under each of the column headings. For line items which apply only to the budget for the current fiscal year or the proposed budget for the following fiscal year, the entries under the columns referring to the year to which they do not apply shall be zeros. Line items may represent either types of expenditures or specific programs.
5. The Special Charge of the Commission may specify additional requirements that the required budget must meet.
a. The gross amount requested may not exceed the gross amount received in the organization's most recent Special Fee request, as adjusted for inflation, plus ten per cent.
10. No Special Fee request shall be placed on the ballot except in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution, and unless its budget meets all specifications detailed above. No Special Fee request whose placement on the ballot requires the submission of petitions shall be placed on the ballot unless the petitions submitted meet all of the above requirements.
a. All budgetary and other financial information required for a Special Fee request to be placed on the ballot shall be presented by the student organization requesting the Special Fee to the Elections Commission, the Financial Manager, and the Senate at least two weeks before the last regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate during Winter quarter.
i. The first part shall consist of a set of two sections, each section containing a budget, into which the original request of the student organization has been divided. For each line item, the sum of the amounts for that line item in the two sections shall equal the amount for that line item in the original request. The sum of the fee amounts to be levied for each section shall equal the fee amount originally requested by student organization, and each amount shall be sufficient to carry out the activities in the budget of each section. All other associated financial information shall be divided between the two sections in a similar manner. The Senate may add to either or both of the sections any additional explanatory material warranted by the division.
e. The student organization requesting the Special Fee shall either adopt as its request one of the sets presented in the bill of division, or, if the deadline for submission of budgetary and other financial information has not yet passed, may submit a new request before that deadline. If a student organization submits a new Special Fee request after the Senate has divided a Special Fee request for that organization, then the Senate Appropriations Committee may act for the Senate and divide the new request.F. General Fee Issues
Each existing General Fee will automatically have the options for setting its amount placed on the ballot, regardless of whether a Declaration of Intent was filed.G. Ballot Measures
1. The Senate may transmit to the Commission any bill or resolution to be placed on the ballot as a ballot measure, in which case the author of the bill or resolution shall be considered the author of the ballot measure.
Article IV: Elections
Section 5: Campaign Regulations
A. Campaign Practices Code
1. The Campaign Practices Code (referred to in this section as "the Code") shall be a concise and complete specification of all election guidelines pertaining to the expected conduct of members of the Association as outlined in the Constitution, these By-Laws, and the Special Charge of the Commission.
B. Rulings of the Hearings Officer
1. The Hearings Officer may issue supplemental rulings elaborating or clarifying the election guidelines as specified in the Code.
C. Campaign Conduct
1. Campaigning shall be defined as the dissemination of printed material (excluding editorial matter in student publications), commercial ads in student publications, and public speeches and displays for or against any candidate, slate, Special Fee request, General Fee issue, or ballot measure. The seeking of signatures for a petition shall not be considered campaigning. The actions of any officer of the Association, done in the course of discharging his/her duties, shall not be considered campaigning. Private conversations, letters, or messages shall not be considered campaigning.
a. A student publication shall be defined by the Publications Board.
2. No candidate, slate, or sponsor shall substantially violate University rules while campaigning, even if the conduct in question would otherwise appear to be permissible under this Code. This would include, but not be limited to, the Campus Disruption Policy, phone harassment, or misuse of academic and informational resources (including computer resources). The Hearings Officer shall investigate alleged violations.
a. No campaign material may be affixed in any manner to trees, shrubs, lights, or signs.
9. Campaigning on Election Days
a. Prior to the opening of each polling site, the poll watchers shall remove all campaign materials from within one hundred and fifty feet of the polling site.
10. Any action of a candidate, slate, or sponsor to influence the casting of votes at an overseas campus once the results of the preliminary tally have been announced shall be grounds for disqualification.
i. Circulate an initiative, referendum, recall, or nomination petition or any other petition relating to ASSU activities.
D. Campaign Expenses
1. Campaign expenses shall be defined as all costs, including sales taxes, incurred during the election involving any candidate, slate, or sponsor, including all costs, at fair market value, of all materials used in campaigning or whose purchase was necessary for campaigning (no pro rating of material costs are allowed).
a. Candidates for the Senate may spend up to $90 on their election.
3. Organizations and associations of students shall not campaign for any candidate or slate without the written approval of that candidate or slate. All campaign materials used in such campaigning shall be charged, at full value, to the campaign of that candidate or slate.E. Financial Disclosure
1. A financial disclosure statement shall be an accurate and complete accounting of all campaign expenses and campaign income (including the sources of any income) of any candidate, slate, or sponsor.
F. Disqualifications and Other Penalties
1. General
a. No candidate, slate, or sponsor may be subjected to a hearing twice for violation stemming from the same act.
2. Formal Investigation
a. Any member of the Association, including election officers, may bring to the attention of the Hearings Officer a violation of the Code or of a ruling of the Commission by a candidate, slate, or sponsor.
3. Hearings
a. The Hearings Officer shall make all reasonable attempts to notify the appropriate candidate, slate, or sponsor of the initiation of a formal investigation within twenty-four hours.
4. Recommendation of Penalties
a. The Hearings Committee shall conduct at least one hearing, and as many additional hearings concerning a formal investigation as it deems desirable. At any time during this process the Hearings Committee may meet in closed session, at which only the three members of the Hearings Committee and the Hearings Officer shall be present. During these closed meetings, and only at these times, the Hearings Committee may terminate a formal investigation with the finding that either a violation of the Code meriting disqualification or other penalty has occurred or has not occurred, or probably has occurred but cannot be punished for lack of evidence. The standard of evidence used shall be that of the preponderance of evidence.
5. Approval of Penalties
a. A candidate, slate, Special Fee request, General Fee issue, or ballot measure shall be considered disqualified upon the ruling of disqualification by the Hearings Committee. A candidate, slate, sponsor, or student organization shall be considered reprimanded, censured, or fined (fines are to be deducted from any special fees or funds received through ASSU funding boards, or ASSU salaries, or any other financial resources determined applicable), and a candidate shall be considered suspended or displaced, upon the ruling of the Hearings Committee. Such rulings may not be rescinded, except by a two-thirds vote of the Senate prior to certification of the election. Rulings regarding disqualification or other penalties shall only originate in the Hearings Committee.
Article IV: Elections
Section 6: Elections Handbook
A. General
1. The Associate Commissioner in charge of Publicity shall serve as the editor of the Elections Handbook.
a. No candidate, slate, Special Fee request, or ballot measure for the Spring quarter general election shall appear in the Elections Handbook unless the appropriate declaration of intent and any necessary petitions have been filed and the appropriate material for the Handbook submitted to the Editor by 4:00 p.m. the Friday of Dead Week during Winter quarter. The Commission shall have the authority to extend this deadline.
B. Contents
1. A summary table of all recommendations of the Senate on Special Fee requests and ballot measures.
a. The name of the candidate.
6. Position statements from each candidate for seats in the Senate may not exceed one hundred words each; those from candidates for a seat in the Student Conduct Legislative Council may not exceed one hundred words each.
a. The name of the slate.
8. Position statements from slates for the Presidency may not exceed four hundred words each; those from slates for the Senior Class Presidents may not exceed two hundred words each.
a. The name of the student organization making the request.
10. Statements on setting the amount of each existing General Fee. Statements consist of the following information:
i. a subtotal of each event
a. The title, statement of purpose, and base amount of the General Fee.
11. Statements on creating, changing the amount of, or abolishing General Fees. Statements consist of the following information:
1. The options for setting the fee amount, each of which must be expressed as dollar amounts, and parenthetically as percentage changes from the base amount and amounts per student per quarter.
b. The name(s) of the sponsors in favor of each of the options for the fee amount.
a. The title, current statement of purpose, and current base amount of the General Fee, if they exist.
12. Statements on each ballot measure. Statements shall consist of the following information:
a. The title of the ballot measure.
13. A summary table, listing each Special Fee request, the amount requested, and the estimated number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if the request is approved, plus an estimate of the total number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected if all requests on the ballot are approved. This table shall include a statement noting that, in addition to the Special Fees, the Association Fee and surcharges will also be collected, and estimating their amount and the resulting number of dollars per student per quarter to be collected.C. Layout
1. The Commission shall present to the Senate for its approval at least four weeks before the Spring quarter general election and at least one week before all other elections a plan for the organization of the Elections Handbook. This plan shall present the information contained in the Elections Handbook in a manner easy for the average voter to understand and use.
a. For the Spring quarter general election, the Commission shall publicly announce the time and place at which the opportunity to examine the proofs of the Elections Handbook shall be made available at least forty-eight hours in advance of that opportunity, but in any case no later than the last day of Winter quarter.
D. Distribution
1. The Elections Handbook shall be distributed during the week before the Association election, except for those copies sent to overseas campuses.
Article IV: Elections
Section 7: Ballots
As Ammended in XXV-A&R-22 except that in 7.b.6.b the words "Council of Presidents" be replaced by "Presidential".Article IV: Elections
Section 8: Voting
As Ammended in XXV-A&R-22.Article IV: Elections
Section 9: Ballot Counting
As Ammended in XXV-A&R-22.Article IV: Elections
Section 10: Validation of an Election
A. Definition of Validation
1. The election shall be validated upon the approval of a recommendation of validation by the Senate. The recommendation shall take the form of a resolution submitted by the Commission. Validations may not be rescinded or reconsidered.
B. Grounds for Validation
The Senate shall not validate an election which was conducted in a partisan manner by the elections officers or which was not in accordance with the Constitution, these By-Laws, or the Special Charge of the Commission. Grounds for not validating an election shall include, but need not be limited to, deviations that were avoidable and could possibly have affected the outcome of any issue in the election.C. Contestation of an Election
1. Any candidate, slate, or sponsor may contest the validity of an Association election by filing a contestation within seventy-two hours after the close of the polls.
D. Suspension from Other Offices
Upon the validation of an election, any candidate(s) whose name will be submitted to the Senate for certification as having been elected an officer of the Association shall be suspended from any other official position within the Association that may not be held by such an officer, unless they formally decline their elective office in a written statement to the Senate Chair. This suspension shall continue until their election is certified, at which time they shall be considered to have resigned such other official position; should their election not be certified, the suspension terminates. During such a period of suspension, alternates may be named by the President to replace the suspended candidate(s) in their official position(s); these alternates shall become permanent replacements upon certification of the candidate(s)'s election.Article IV: Elections
Section 11: Certification of Election Results
A. Definition of Certification
A result of an election or portion thereof shall be certified upon the approval of a recommendation of certification by the Senate. Certifications may not be rescinded or reconsidered.
1. The recommendation shall take the form of a resolution submitted by the Commission specifying the appropriate office, Special Fee request, or ballot measure; the number of votes cast for the appropriate candidate or slate, or the number of votes cast in favor of and in opposition to the appropriate Special Fee request of ballot measure; the requirements for certification of this result as specified in the Constitution and these By-Laws; and any other information deemed appropriate by the Commission.
a. A conflict shall exist when two or more ballot measures contain sections which, if they were certified, could not be implemented.
6. Resolution of Ties
a. A tie shall exist when the Senate is unable to certify the appropriate election result(s) required to fill all offices.
7. No officer shall take office, no Special Fee shall be authorized for collection, and no ballot measure shall take effect unless and until the appropriate election result has been certified.B. Grounds for Certification
1. In each Senate district, a number of candidates with the greatest number of votes equal in number to the number of Senate seats in that district shall be certified as having been elected as regular members of the Senate. A number of candidates with the next greatest number of votes equal in number to the number of Senate seats in that district shall be certified as having been elected alternate members of the Senate. In making such certification, the Senate shall include the effects of any resolution of displacement previously approved.
---------------------------------------------------Article V: Finances
Article V: Finances
Section 1: General
A. Financial Policies
After considering the advice of the Financial Manager, the Senate shall adopt and may amend such policies governing the budgetary and financial practices of the Association as are provided for in these By-Laws, and may adopt and amend such additional policies as may appear necessary for the sound governance of the Association's finances. These policies shall be known as the "Financial Policies" of the Association. The adoption or amendment of all such policies shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. Each year during the Autumn quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of all such policies then in effect, and shall distribute copies to all members of the Senate Budget and Finance Committee and to other Senators upon their request.B. Funding Policies
The Senate shall adopt and may amend such policies ensuring that funds derived from fees levied upon the members of the Association are expended and accounted for properly as are provided for in these By-Laws, and may adopt and amend such additional policies as may appear necessary to fulfill this purpose. These policies shall be known as the "Funding Policies" of the Association. The adoption or amendment of all such policies shall be by a two-thirds vote of the Senate. Each year during the Autumn quarter, the Financial Manager shall publish the texts of all such policies then in effect, shall distribute copies to all members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and shall make copies available to other Senators and to the treasurers of all student organizations receiving Special Fees or funding from a General Fee upon their request.C. Freedom of Information
The Senate may not establish any funding or financial policies which unduly restrict public access to the financial records concerning expenditure of ASSU-allocated money whether that be by an ASSU organization, a voluntary student organization receiving ASSU funding, or an individual exercising ASSU spending authority.D. Financial Organization
1. Every department or agency of the Association belongs to a sector which designates its primary operation. Other entities may also be classified as belonging to a sector.
E. Financial Manager Selection
1. The current Financial Manager shall be responsible for advertising the position of Financial Manager in a manner designed to maximize the number of qualified applicants, and shall serve as Chair of the Financial Manager Selection Committee.
The Senate shall consider the nomination in closed session. The identity of the person nominated shall not be made public until after the Senate has approved the nomination.
3. The new Financial Manager shall take office at the close of business on the Friday prior to Commencement.
F. Assistant Financial Manager
1. The Financial Manager shall be assisted in his/her duties by the Assistant Financial Managers as needed.
Section 2: Association Operating Budget
A. General
1. No funds shall be expended, encumbered, or otherwise disbursed by the Association or the Students' Organizations Fund (except for funds withdrawn from the accounts of student organizations by their treasurers) other than in accordance with the procedures for the authorization of expenditures or investments contained in these By-Laws.
B. Budget Process and Timetable
1. The Association shall formulate its request for the operating budget allowance from the University for the following fiscal year, and shall submit that request to the University. This request shall be formulated by a committee consisting of the Financial Manager (who shall chair the committee), the President, the Senate Chair, and the Chair of the Senate Budget and Finance Committee.
C. Budgetary Authority
Once the Operating Budget has been approved, the Financial Manager shall be authorized to approve specific expenditures of funds in accordance with it, subject to the provisions of the Constitution and these By-Laws and to the following requirements:
1. The Financial Manager shall report to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee on the actual expenditures from each Operating Budget line-item according to the following schedule:
No salary or compensation shall be paid to any individual performing the duties of an office or position for which Senate confirmation is required, until that person has been confirmed by the Senate. All budget detail for line-items involving salaries shall specify the time period for which the salary is paid and the salary per individual; individuals shall be paid according to this detail for the time they actually perform the responsibilities of their office.
a. no later than the second regularly-scheduled Committee meeting of each quarter, on the actual expenditures as of the end of the previous quarter;
2. The Financial Manager shall report to the Budget and Finance Committee on any changes in circumstances which would cause total income to be less than budgeted, or total expenses to be greater than budgeted, as soon as such changes come to his/her attention, and shall suggest such corrective action as may be required for the fiscal soundness of the Association.
6. Except for the budget line-items for the operating expenses of the Presidency, the Senate, and the Nominations and Elections Commissions, the Financial Manager shall be directly responsible for authorizing all specific expenditures of funds from the Association Operating Budget. The Financial Manager may delegate this authority, but shall be responsible to the Senate for all expenditures made under such delegated authority.
D. Determination of Expendable Income
The Senate shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the degree to which income from various sources shall be considered expendable. This policy shall provide for such reinvestment of income as is required for the long-term financial soundness of the Association.E. Indirect Cost Recovery
The Association shall make a charge against the funds of each Business and Service project or affiliate, and against the Fee system, to recover the indirect costs which they impose upon the Operating Budget of the Association. The Senate shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy providing for the calculation of such charges. No expenses in the part of the Operating Budget which are funded by the Operating Budget Allowance provided by the University shall be included in the calculation of such charge.F. Income Smoothing
The Senate shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy providing for the smoothing of expected income from Association business projects and other sources of income, and for such contributions to reserves as are required to insulate the basic operating expenditures of the Association from short-term fluctuations in income.G. Reserve Funds
The following reserve funds shall be maintained as distinct entities in the financial accounts of the Association:
1. Operating Reserve
The Operating Reserve shall be maintained at an amount equivalent to 150% of the budgeted operating expenses for the current fiscal year.
2. Special Discretionary Reserve
Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, any excess of income over expenditures and transfers necessary to maintain the Operating Reserves at the levels provided herein shall be credited to, or any excess of expenditures and transfers to maintain the Operating Reserve income shall be charged to, the Special Discretionary Reserve. Funds from the Special Discretionary Reserve shall only be expended on major projects of the Association. All expenditures from this reserve shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate and by the President.
3. Annual Discretionary Expense Account
The amount in the Annual Discretionary Expense Account shall be determined at the time of budget negotiations, and shall be an amount equivalent to one-half of a percent of the Special Discretionary Reserve, but not greater than $10,000. All expenditures from the Annual Discretionary Expense Account shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, and shall be closed to the Special Discretionary Reserve at the end of each fiscal year.Section 3: Project and Capital Budgets
A. Service Projects
1. Approval of the placement of a Special Fee request on the ballot, or approval of an allocation of funds from a General Fee, shall constitute approval of the budget of an Association service project for the appropriate year. However, this approval shall be null and void if the Special Fee request is defeated.
B. Business Projects
1. The manager of each business project, in consultation with the manager-designate for the following year, shall draft a detailed budget for that project for the following year. This budget shall be submitted to the Financial Manager by a date specified in the timetable for the preparation of the Association Operating Budget.
C. Capital Budget
All capital expenditures of the Association and its agencies (including the business projects) shall be contained in the Capital Budget, along with the sources of funds required to finance those expenditures, unless they are either (1) contained in the Operating Budget of the Association, or (2) contained in the budget of a business project and fully financed by the current operating revenues of that project. The Capital Budget shall be approved by the Senate during Spring quarter for the following fiscal year. If no Capital Budget is approved by the Senate by the beginning of the fiscal year, the Capital Budget for that year shall be zero; however, this shall not prevent the Senate from approving a subsequent modification to it. Approval or subsequent modification of the Capital Budget shall require a two-thirds vote of the Senate.Section 4: Financial Policy and Investments
A. General
The Senate shall adopt, upon the advice of the Financial Manager, an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the range of financial assets in which the Association's funds, and the funds of student organizations on deposit with the Students' Organizations Fund, may be invested, and the distribution of funds across such assets. Within the limitations of this policy, the Financial Manager shall be responsible for the investment of all such funds, provided that:
1. The Financial Manager may at his/her discretion extend short-term loans to student organizations, providing that appropriate guarantees are made for their repayment. The maximum amount which may be loaned to any one organization, and the maximum amount of such loans which may be outstanding at any one time, shall be specified in a Financial Policy. Such loans shall bear an appropriate rate of interest which reflects the opportunity cost and high risk involved, as specified in this Financial Policy.
B. Signature Power
Within the limitations of these By-Laws and the appropriate Financial Policies, the Financial Manager shall have the authority to establish and close deposit accounts, to withdraw funds from such accounts, and to purchase and sell financial instruments, in the name of the Association. The Financial Manager may delegate this authority, but shall continue to be responsible to the Senate for its exercise. The Financial Manager shall report to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee each year during the Autumn Quarter on all such delegations in effect, and shall report any changes in such delegations to the Committee on a timely basis.C. Reporting
The Financial Manager shall report to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee on the investments of the Association on a quarterly basis.Section 5: Contracts, Agreements, and Borrowing
A. Borrowing
All borrowing by the Association must be approved in advance by the Senate, except for normal short-term trade credit extended by vendors.B. Contracts and Agreements
The Financial Manager shall be authorized to approve contracts and agreements involving no more than $10,000, provided that the contract or agreement will cease to be in force no later than the end of the current fiscal year, or, for a contract or agreement made after June 15 of a fiscal year, no later than the end of the following fiscal year. The Financial Manager shall report to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee on any contract or agreement approved under the authority of this section at the first Committee meeting after the contract or agreement was approved. All other contracts and agreements shall require the approval of the Senate before becoming effective.C. Senate Consideration
Approval of borrowing, and approval of contracts and agreements requiring Senate action, shall normally be considered by the Senate Budget and Finance Committee before being submitted to the Senate.Section 6: Students' Organizations Fund (SOF)
A. Operating Rules
The rules and regulations governing the Fund shall be those published in the Treasurer's Handbook or otherwise established and promulgated by the Financial Manager, provided that they are consistent with the Constitution, these By-Laws, and any Financial Policies approved by the Senate.B. Services Provided
The Senate shall adopt, upon the advice of the Financial Manager, an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the types of accounts available to student organizations through the Fund, as well as the terms and the rate of interest for each type of account.C. SOF Exemption Policies
The Senate shall adopt an appropriate Funding Policy specifying the terms and conditions under which, and the process by which, a student organization receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may receive an exemption from the Constitutional requirement that it deposit all of its fund with the SOF. The Senate shall adopt an appropriate Financial Policy specifying the terms and conditions under which, and the process by which, a student organization not receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may receive Association endorsement for an exemption from the University requirement that it deposit all of its fund with the SOF.Section 7: General and Special Fees
A. General Provisions
1. For each General Fee, there must be a Board constituted in these By-Laws as an agency of the Association, which will allocate funds from the Fee, and a concise statement of purpose defined in the same portion of the By-Laws.
Organizations receiving funds from a General or Special Fee may co-sponsor events with other organizations, provided that all co-sponsoring organizations shall have actual involvement in the planning and implementation of the co-sponsored event. Organizations and publications may not be co-sponsored.
a. The Program and Publications Boards may distribute funds to eligible student organizations in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws.
3. No organization may receive funds from both a Special Fee and a General Fee during the same fiscal year.
At the end of the fiscal year, any balance in the Refund Cost, Rounding, and Administrative Cost surcharge accounts shall be debited or credited to the Special Buffer Fund.
a. Refund cost surcharge -- shall cover the direct and indirect costs of providing refunds of the General and Special Fees.
7. The Disbursement Schedule shall provide that each student organization receiving a Special Fee shall receive 35 percent of the net amount of that Fee at the beginning of the Autumn quarter, 30 percent at the beginning of each of the Winter and Spring quarters, and the remaining 5 percent at the beginning of the Summer quarter. For the Boards receiving funds from a General Fee, one-third of the net amount shall be disbursed to that Board at the beginning of each of the Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters.
The Financial Manager shall disburse less than the scheduled amount if the actual refunds for a given Fee appear likely to exceed the amount budgeted for refunds. If the actual refunds for a given Fee are less than the amount budgeted for refunds, the remaining funds shall be transferred to the budget reserve of the organization receiving the Fee (or, for Boards receiving funds from a General Fee, to that General Fee's Budget Reserve) at the end of the fiscal year.
8. Disbursements of funds to student organizations receiving a Special Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by the appropriate Schedule, or to student organizations receiving annual allocations from a General Fee in advance of the disbursement authorized by these By-Laws and the budget of the appropriate Board, may be authorized by the Financial Manager at his/her discretion. Such advances shall bear an appropriate rate of interest to compensate for the opportunity cost involved, as specified in an appropriate Financial Policy.
No funds shall be disbursed to a student organization not satisfying this requirement.
12. At the close of a fiscal year, any unexpended funds (including budget reserve funds) in the account of a student organization which were originally derived from a General or Special Fee shall remain subject to the budgetary supervision of the Association. The process by which a budget for the expenditure of such funds is authorized shall be specified in a Funding Policy adopted by the Senate. No such funds shall be expended except in accordance with an authorized budget.
B. Special Fees
1. By the eighth week of Autumn quarter, the Senate shall adopt a schedule specifying the date by which student organizations seeking Senate approval for the placement of their Special Fee request on the ballot in the Association general election shall submit their budgets for the following fiscal year to the Senate Appropriations Committee, and the date(s) on which the Appropriations Committee may submit such budgets to the Senate for approval. Budgets may not be submitted to the Senate later than eight weeks before the end of Winter Quarter.
C. General Fees
1. Eligibility of Student Organizations Applying for General Fee Funds
The minimum amount for any General Fee, reflecting the level below which
it is administratively impractical to collect a Fee, is $4000. The limit
that applies to all General Fees in a given election is that limit in
effect at the opening of polls of the election. However, if a General Fee
drops below the limit one year, it must rise above the same limit in the
next year in order not to be abolished, regardless of any subsequent
changes in the limit.
a. Organizations eligible for General Fee funding shall be the same as those eligible to apply for Special Fees, as provided by these By-Laws. Agencies of the Association applying for General Fee funding must be financially independent from the Association proper. No Association agency which appears as a source of funds to the Association Operating Budget shall be eligible to receive funds from a General Fee.
2. Allocations and Uses of General Fee Funds
a. No organization may receive funding from more than one Association Board. Board members and officers should offer their expertise to other Boards whenever needed for the purpose of evaluating requests for funding.
3. Authorizing Existing General Fees
a. No later than the second regularly scheduled meeting of Winter quarter, the Appropriations Committee must give notice of legislation listing the base amount and the statement of purpose of each existing General Fee, and the percentages by which they may be changed in the coming General Election.
4. Proposals to Create, Abolish, or Make Large Modifications in General Fees
a. Proposals to create a new General Fee or to make a modification to the base amount of an existing General Fee must include a proposed base amount and statement of purpose. Proposals to abolish a General Fee need only specify which fee to abolish.
5. Annual Allocations
a. Any Board which makes allocation recommendations one year for the following year's General Fee must complete such recommendations by the end of Winter quarter. No member of or body of the Senate may then publicize any further recommendations or intended recommendations from the beginning of Spring quarter until after the Spring general election is over.
6. Minimum Amount of General Fees
D. Refunds
a. All eligible students who file a fee refund request prior to 5pm on the third Friday of any quarter shall be credited the amount of their refund to their University Account, and for all subsequent quarters during the fiscal year for which the student remains enrolled.
E. Enforcement
Section 8: Three Year Plan
1. The financial manager will present a revised three year plan to the Senate no later than the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
Article VI: Business Projects
Section 1: Purpose
All Business Projects shall serve primarily the students of Stanford University. All business projects are expected to at least cover all costs associated with their operation, including all indirect costs and the opportunity cost of the capital invested in them, as provided in an appropriate Financial Policy. Business projects which consistently fail to cover their costs will be terminated.Section 2: Creation and Termination
Individual business projects may be established or terminated only by an act of the Senate amending these By-Laws. The Senate, by passing a resolution to this effect and amending these By-Laws, may direct the Financial Manager to establish a Business Project. The Senate shall specify the structure of the project's organization.Section 3: Operation
Business Projects shall be operated by their managers as independent profit centers under the direct supervision of the Financial Manager. Business project records shall be available in accordance with the ASSU's freedom of information policy.Section 4: Business Project Managers
A. Appointment
1. A manager for each business project shall be nominated in the Winter Quarter by separate selection committees for each project which shall consist of the Financial Manager (who shall chair each committee), the Associate Financial Manager, the President, a Senator, and the current project manager (unless the current project manager is applying for reappointment in which case the remaining members of the committee shall select a replacement member of the committee who has been active in the project). All decisions of the committee, except the selection of a replacement member of the committee, but including the initial screening of applicants, shall be by a quorum of the committee. No decision of the committee, including the selection of a replacement member of the committee, shall be valid unless approved by three members of the committee.
B. Removal
1. Business Project Managers may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Senate or by the Financial Manager with the approval of the President.
C. Salary
Business Project Managers shall be paid at rates and in a manner determined by the Financial Manager subject to the approval of the Senate Budget and Finance Committee. The proposed compensation of Business Project Managers shall be reported to the Senate Budget and Finance Committee before becoming effective. A written salary agreement shall be on file with the Financial Manager.Section 5: Finances
A. Financial Accounts
Each Business Project shall establish financial accounts with the Students' Organizations Fund. All income and expenses of the project must be credited to or debited from these accounts.B. Reporting
1. Business Project Manager
Each Business Project Manager shall report at least once every month to the Financial Manager on the financial status and operation of the project, provided that business has been conducted during that interval.
2. Financial Manager
The Financial Manager shall make quarterly written reports to the Senate and the President on the financial status and operation of the Business Projects. At the time of the Financial Manager's report to the Senate, the Business Project Managers may make any reports to the Senate that they deem necessary.Article VII: Business Affiliates
Article VII: Business Affiliates
Section 1: Definition of a Partnership
A partnership of the Association shall be a non-corporate business entity in which the Association holds an equity position.Section 2: Individual Partnerships
The Concert Network promotes and co-promotes campus entertainment events. Its structure and operations are specified in its Charter. The Association representative to any meeting of the investors of the Concert Network shall be the Financial Manager.Article VIII: Service Projects
Section 1: General
A. Types
1. A Board shall formulate the policy of, and recommend to the Senate the allocation of Association funds for, a set of student organizations. This set of organizations shall be known as the membership of membership Boards, and the clientele of funding Boards.
B. Authority
Every Service Project shall be vested with the specific authority of the Senate to conduct, on behalf of the Association, all business within its proper charge. In the event of a conflict of jurisdiction it shall be resolved by the Senate.C. Legislative Responsibility
Responsibility for the specification of the organizational structure and policy of a Service Project is lodged primarily in the designated governing body of that project, and secondarily in the Senate.D. Fiscal Responsibility
1. Responsibility for the fiscal and budgetary policy of a Service Project is lodged primarily in the designated governing body of that project, secondarily in the Financial Manager, and ultimately in the Senate.
E. Executive Responsibility
1. Responsibility for the actual management of a Service Project is lodged primarily in the Director of the project, and secondarily in the President.
F. Meetings
1. At any meeting of a body of a Service Project, any or subdivision thereof, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting membership.
G. Nullification
The Senate may, by a two-thirds vote, revoke any action of a Service Project. Although in doing so the Senate shall act with the complete power and authority of the Association, it shall not violate any legally binding contract. The Senate retains ultimate authority over, and responsibility for any action of, a Service Project.H. Service Projects Officers' Selection Committees
Whenever directed by these By-Laws, officers of service projects shall be nominated by separate selection committees for each project, to be known as a Service Project Officer's Selection Committee, which shall consist of the President (who shall chair the committee), two Senators (one graduate and one undergraduate), the Financial Manager, and the current project officer (unless the current officer is applying for reappointment, in which case the remaining members of the committee shall select a replacement member of the committee who has been active in the project). A quorum of the committee shall consist of four members of the committee. All decisions of the committee, except the selection of a replacement members of the committee, but including the initial screening of applicants, shall be by a quorum of the committee. No decision of the committee, including the selection of a replacement member of the committee, shall be valid unless approved by three members of the committee.Section 2: Program Board
A. Charge
1. In this section the Program Board shall be referred to as "the Board."
B. Composition of the Board
1. Six members of the Association
a. They shall not, during their term of membership on the Board, serve as elected officers of the Association.
2. The Director shall serve on the Board and act as its Chair. The Deputy Director shall serve on the Board.C. Officers
1. Director
a. Shall not, while Director, serve as an elected officer of the Association.
2. Deputy Director
a. May be a member of the Board, but shall not, while Deputy Director, serve as an elected officer of the Association.
3. Budget Counselor
a. Shall not, during his or her term of office, serve as a member of the Board or an elected officer of the Association.
4. Officers may be compensated in the amount and manner specified in the budget of the Board.D. Budget
1. All disbursements shall be made in accordance with the authorized budget of the Board. This budget shall consist of the operating budget of the Board, the allocations from the Annual funds, and the amount of the Discretionary fund to be used for discretionary allocations from each General Fee.
E. Allocations
1. Only a student organization (which shall be defined in this Paragraph to include an agency of the Association) may receive an allocation of Board funds. A student organization may receive such an allocation only if it is not receiving funds from another Board or any Special Fee, and it is in compliance with all relevant organizational and financial requirements specified in the Constitution, these By-Laws, and Acts of the Senate. Only one allocation per student organization per General Fee may be effective at any given time.
a. At the beginning of each fiscal year the Board shall approve supplemental funding guidelines, specifying for specific types of expenses both their validity and relative priority, and shall schedule all deadlines for the submission of funding applications throughout the fiscal year, unless the Senate has done so already. These shall be adopted as part of the Standing Rules of the Board, provided that such initial adoption at the beginning of each fiscal year shall not require previous notice. No allocation recommendation shall be made by the Board until this has been completed.
4. Meetings of the Board
a. The Director shall schedule all meetings so as to provide for the fair and speedy transaction of business on behalf of student organizations applying for funds, the Board, the Senate Appropriations committee, and the Senate. The Director shall coordinate all meeting times with the other Boards, the Senate Appropriations committee, and the Senate Chair.
5. Student organizations applying for funds shall submit applications specifying the amount of funding requested; the event, activity, project, or program for which these funds are intended; descriptions of these events, activities, projects, and/or programs; the specific expenses for which these funds are intended; the full and complete current authorized budget of the student organization (which must be balanced); the full and complete new budget of the student organization which incorporates these funds (which must be balanced); and any other information requested by the Board, the Senate Appropriations committee, or the Senate.
a. Upon submission of this application the student organization grants to the Board and the Senate complete authority to examine their financial records throughout the application process and, if funds are allocated, throughout the time limit for which this allocation is valid. The student organization shall be notified of this fact when filing an application by an appropriate written notice.
7. Student organizations applying to the Board for funds shall be interviewed by the Board. This interview must be conducted by at least two voting members of the Board. The individual representing the student organization at the interview shall not be a member of the Board. The Board shall originate an allocation recommendation for each student organization interviewed (the amount of Board funding recommended may be zero). The Board shall not originate a recommendation for a student organization which has not been interviewed.
a. All income of a student organization shall be considered unrestricted income unless either:
15. Recommended Funding
i. The agency granting funds to the student organization restricts their use to specific expenses. A written agreement with the agency to this effect must be presented to the Board. Funds originally derived from a Special Fee may be restricted with the consent of the Senate.
b. All expenses of a student organization shall be considered valid expenses unless they are payments for:
i. Food, unless it constitutes an integral and small part of an event.
c. Income which is not unrestricted shall be termed restricted; expenses which are not valid shall be termed invalid. No Association funds may be allocated for invalid expenses.
a. No allocation shall be recommended or approved by the Board, the Senate Appropriations committee, or the Senate which is in excess of a student organization's maximum demonstrated financial need.
16. In making allocation recommendations from the Program Board General Fee, the following guidelines shall be used, in addition to those specified elsewhere in the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, and the Standing Rules of the Board.
a. Allocations of Board funds should be used primarily to pay for events, activities, projects, or programs which confer widespread benefits upon the student body which are impossible or extremely difficult to recover through user fees (admissions, donations, etc...), or where it would be inefficient to do so because the costs of the events, activities, projects, or programs are relatively fixed regardless of the number of persons participating.
17. Before funds are transferred to the account of the student organization, the Director shall present, in writing, the specifics of the allocation as approved by the Senate to the Treasurer of the student organization. No funds shall be transferred until the Treasurer has accepted, in writing, these specifications. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping track of expenses as they are incurred and for ensuring that the specific conditions of the allocation are followed.
a. Following Senate approval of an allocation and the acceptance of the specific conditions of the allocation by the Treasurer of the student organization, funds shall be transferred by the Director from the accounts of the Board to the account of the student organization in a timely manner, provided that all of the requirements specified in the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, and the allocation recommendation have been met.
19. Treasurer's Report
a. The Treasurer of the student organization receiving Board funds shall report to the Director on the organization's income, expenditures, and general financial condition either within two weeks after the end of the specified period for which the single quarter discretionary allocation was authorized, or quarterly during the period for which the multi-quarter discretionary allocation or annual allocation from the Annual fund was authorized.
20. Unless specifically agreed to otherwise by the Senate, title to all tangible property purchased by a student organization in whole or in part through the use of Association funds shall vest with the Association, and possession shall devolve upon the Association in the event of dissolution of the organization. A student organization shall be considered dissolved upon receipt of a declaration of dissolution by its membership, failure to register as a student organization for 15 months, or the passage of a declaration of dissolution by two-thirds of the Senate after reasonable efforts were made to contact the last known officers of the student organization.Section 3: Publications Board
A. Charge
1. In this section the Publications Board shall be referred to as "the Board," and the Finance Committee of the Board shall be referred to as "the Finance Committee."
B. Policies of the Publications Board
The policies of the Publications Board shall be set forth in a document called "Policies of the Publications Board". These policies shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Publications Board membership and require approval of a majority of the Senate to take force. If the new policies are not approved by the Senate, the old policies shall remain in force. The Senate may amend the Policies of the Publications Board by one of two processes:
1. The Senate Chair may submit proposed changes to the Director of the Publications Board. Such changes shall require approval of two-thirds of the Publications Board and a majority of the Senate.
Section 4: Legal Counseling Office Policy Board
A. Access to Information
Legal counseling that takes place under the auspices of mechanisms established by the Legal Counseling Office Policy Board must remain confidential between the client and the attorney. The Legal Counseling Office Policy Board must ensure this. All other records of the Legal Counseling Office, of course, fall under the jurisdiction of the ASSU's freedom of information policy.B. Charge
1. In this section the Legal Counseling Office Policy Board shall be referred to as "the Policy Board."
C. Composition of the Policy Board
1. One member of the Association
a. Shall be neither an elected officer of the Association nor a law student.
2. One member of the Association
a. Shall not be an elected officer of the Association and shall be a law student.
3. The President, who shall Chair the Policy Board. In the absence of the President, then the Senate Chair shall chair the Policy Board.D. Term of Office
1. All newly appointed members shall serve on the Policy Board as ex-officio members during the Spring quarter.
E. Officers
1. Chair
a. Shall insure the enforcement of the Constitution, these By-Laws, Acts of the Senate, and the Rules of Order and Standing Rules of the Policy Board.
2. Deputy Chair
a. Shall be a member of the Policy Board nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the Policy Board.
F. Meetings of the Policy Board
1. The Policy Board shall meet at least quarterly during the academic year.
G. Budget of the Office
1. All disbursements shall be made in accordance with the budget of the Office as approved by the Policy Board.
H. Office Manager
1. The Office Manager shall be nominated by the Office Manager Selection Committee, which shall consist of the President (who shall chair the committee), one Senator, the attorney or a representative of the law firm staffing the Office; and the Administrative Manager and current Office Manager, who shall be ex-officio members of the committee.
I. Duties of the Policy Board
1. Shall select the attorney or law firm to staff the Office and set the pay and hours of the attorney.
J. Grievance Procedure
1. The Chair shall receive all complaints concerning the Office.
a. The subcommittee shall report disposition of each grievance reported to it to the Policy Board for ratification or disapproval at each regular meeting of the Policy Board.
3. All reports shall maintain the confidentiality of the client except when the client wishes otherwise.Section 5: Speakers Bureau
A. Charge
1. In this section the Speakers Bureau shall be referred to as "the Bureau."
B. Composition of the Core Committee
1. Two to Four members of the Association
a. They shall not be elected officers of the Association.
2. Two to Four members of the Association
a. They shall not be elected officers of the Association.
3. The Director shall serve on the Core Committee and act as its Chair.C. Officers
1. Director
a. Shall not be an elected officer of the Association.
2. Business Manager
a. Shall be a member of the Core Committee nominated by the Director and confirmed by the Core Committee.
3. Officers shall be compensated in the amount and manner specified in the budget of the Bureau.D. Meetings of the Core Committee
1. The Core Committee shall meet at least twice a month during the academic year.
E. Budget
1. All disbursements shall be made in accordance with the budget of the Bureau as approved by the Core Committee and the Senate. This budget shall consist of the operating budget of the Bureau and speakership discretionary funds.
If the Chair determines that the Senate cannot meet in a timely manner to consider a proposed honorarium under the provisions of these By-Laws, then the Steering Committee of the Senate may act on behalf of the Senate in approving such a proposal.
7. All events organized or financed (in whole or in part) by the Bureau shall be open to all members of the Association without charge, except with prior approval of the Steering Committee of the Senate and the President, or of the Senate.
Section 6: Financial Aid Awareness Office
A. Purpose
1. The ASSU Financial Aid Awareness Office shall provide the Association and its members with opportunities for advocating improved financial aid funding at the state and federal governments and at the University, and any other level.
B. Membership
1. All members of the Association are eligible to participate in activities of the Financial Aid Awareness Office.
C. Organization
1. The Financial Aid Awareness Office shall be administered by a Director.
D. Responsibilities
1. The Financial Aid Awareness Office is responsible for providing the necessary information to allow the ASSU Senate, the COP, student groups and other concerned students to lobby on behalf of financial aid issues.
E. Budget
1. The budget of the Financial Aid Awareness Office shall be approved by the Director and the Senate. This budget shall consist of an operating budget and discretionary funds.
Article IX: Judicial Council
The Judicial Council shall have the power to write its own by-laws