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Definition and Form of Motions, Bills, Resolutions, and Orders

  1. All original main motions, except those having to do with the appointment of Senators and Senate Officers and those dealing with rules of procedure or administration of the Senate, shall be in the form of a bill, resolution, or order.

  2. All legislation for referral to a committee shall be in the form of a bill, resolution, or order.

  3. A bill consists of a single enactment clause followed by the legislation to be enacted as follows: ``Be it enacted by the Senate of the Association that...''

  4. All actions taken with respect to the allocation or the handling of money shall be in the form of a bill.

  5. All bills and orders shall designate the appropriate officers and/or offices to discharge the specific provisions of the bill.

  6. A resolution consists of zero or more inducement paragraphs as follows: ``Whereas, ... ;'', followed by one or more enactment paragraphs as follows: ``Be it resolved by the Senate of the Association that ... ;'', except the last enactment paragraph, which ends with a period (.). Inducement paragraphs may be connected by the word ``and'', the last inducement paragraph and the first enactment may be connected by the word ``therefore'', and enactment paragraphs may be connected may be connected by the word ``and''.

  7. An order consists of zero or more inducement paragraphs as follows: ``Whereas, ... ;'', followed by one or more enactment paragraphs as follows: ``Be it ordered by the Senate of the Association that ... ;'', except the last enactment paragraph, which ends with a period (.). Inducement paragraphs may be connected by the word ``and'', the last inducement paragraph and the first enactment may be connected by the word ``therefore'', and enactment paragraphs may be connected may be connected by the word ``and''.

Mon May 9 17:13:34 PDT 1994