import; /** This class may be used to contain the semantic information such as * the inheritance graph. You may use it or not as you like: it is only * here to provide a container for the supplied methods. */ class ClassTable { private int semantErrors; private PrintStream errorStream; /** Creates data structures representing basic Cool classes (Object, * IO, Int, Bool, String). Please note: as is this method does not * do anything useful; you will need to edit it to make if do what * you want. * */ private void installBasicClasses() { AbstractSymbol filename = AbstractTable.stringtable.addString(""); // The following demonstrates how to create dummy parse trees to // refer to basic Cool classes. There's no need for method // bodies -- these are already built into the runtime system. // IMPORTANT: The results of the following expressions are // stored in local variables. You will want to do something // with those variables at the end of this method to make this // code meaningful. // The Object class has no parent class. Its methods are // cool_abort() : Object aborts the program // type_name() : Str returns a string representation // of class name // copy() : SELF_TYPE returns a copy of the object class_ Object_class = new class_(0, TreeConstants.Object_, TreeConstants.No_class, new Features(0) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.cool_abort, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.Object_, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.type_name, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.Str, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.copy, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.SELF_TYPE, new no_expr(0))), filename); // The IO class inherits from Object. Its methods are // out_string(Str) : SELF_TYPE writes a string to the output // out_int(Int) : SELF_TYPE " an int " " " // in_string() : Str reads a string from the input // in_int() : Int " an int " " " class_ IO_class = new class_(0, TreeConstants.IO, TreeConstants.Object_, new Features(0) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.out_string, new Formals(0) .appendElement(new formal(0, TreeConstants.arg, TreeConstants.Str)), TreeConstants.SELF_TYPE, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.out_int, new Formals(0) .appendElement(new formal(0, TreeConstants.arg, TreeConstants.Int)), TreeConstants.SELF_TYPE, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.in_string, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.Str, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.in_int, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.Int, new no_expr(0))), filename); // The Int class has no methods and only a single attribute, the // "val" for the integer. class_ Int_class = new class_(0, TreeConstants.Int, TreeConstants.Object_, new Features(0) .appendElement(new attr(0, TreeConstants.val, TreeConstants.prim_slot, new no_expr(0))), filename); // Bool also has only the "val" slot. class_ Bool_class = new class_(0, TreeConstants.Bool, TreeConstants.Object_, new Features(0) .appendElement(new attr(0, TreeConstants.val, TreeConstants.prim_slot, new no_expr(0))), filename); // The class Str has a number of slots and operations: // val the length of the string // str_field the string itself // length() : Int returns length of the string // concat(arg: Str) : Str performs string concatenation // substr(arg: Int, arg2: Int): Str substring selection class_ Str_class = new class_(0, TreeConstants.Str, TreeConstants.Object_, new Features(0) .appendElement(new attr(0, TreeConstants.val, TreeConstants.Int, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new attr(0, TreeConstants.str_field, TreeConstants.prim_slot, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.length, new Formals(0), TreeConstants.Int, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.concat, new Formals(0) .appendElement(new formal(0, TreeConstants.arg, TreeConstants.Str)), TreeConstants.Str, new no_expr(0))) .appendElement(new method(0, TreeConstants.substr, new Formals(0) .appendElement(new formal(0, TreeConstants.arg, TreeConstants.Int)) .appendElement(new formal(0, TreeConstants.arg2, TreeConstants.Int)), TreeConstants.Str, new no_expr(0))), filename); /* Do somethind with Object_class, IO_class, Int_class, Bool_class, and Str_class here */ } public ClassTable(Classes cls) { semantErrors = 0; errorStream = System.err; /* fill this in */ } /** Prints line number and file name of the given class. * * Also increments semantic error count. * * @param c the class * @return a print stream to which the rest of the error message is * to be printed. * * */ public PrintStream semantError(class_ c) { return semantError(c.getFilename(), c); } /** Prints the file name and the line number of the given tree node. * * Also increments semantic error count. * * @param filename the file name * @param t the tree node * @return a print stream to which the rest of the error message is * to be printed. * * */ public PrintStream semantError(AbstractSymbol filename, TreeNode t) { errorStream.print(filename + ":" + t.getLineNumber() + ": "); return semantError(); } /** Increments semantic error count and returns the print stream for * error messages. * * @return a print stream to which the error message is * to be printed. * * */ public PrintStream semantError() { semantErrors++; return errorStream; } /** Returns true if there are any static semantic errors. */ public boolean errors() { return semantErrors != 0; } }