# SPIM S20 MIPS simulator. # # Modified trap handler for COOL runtime. # # 8/19/94 Manuel Fahndrich # # $Log: trap.handler.nogc,v $ # Revision 1996/07/12 06:46:20 aiken # Imported sources # # Revision 1.13 1995/08/26 11:42:50 aiken # updated for 1995 version of Cool # # Revision 1.12 1994/11/15 03:33:34 manuel # substr method didn't allow taking the empty substr at the end of a # string # # Revision 1.11 1994/11/14 21:41:23 manuel # Comment for equality_test contained a type: arguments are in $t1 and # $t2 # # Revision 1.10 1994/10/26 02:31:50 manuel # Added more comments. # # Revision 1.9 1994/08/31 02:04:31 manuel # Fixed an error in the in_string code: Reading from EOF, the system # returns 0 characters. We test for this and return a single '\n'. The # code can therefore recognize EOF. # The last line of a file must be terminated by a newline, otherwise # spim gets confused and returns the entire buffer! # # Revision 1.8 1994/08/28 02:21:46 manuel # - Fixed typo in system message # # Revision 1.7 1994/08/27 08:53:35 manuel # - Added an .align at end of data segment to be safe. Cgen should emit # one. # # Revision 1.6 1994/08/27 08:37:49 manuel # - Added string primitives # # Revision 1.5 1994/08/27 04:42:25 manuel # - Adapted code to handle String Class containing an Int object slot # for the string size. # # Revision 1.4 1994/08/27 02:01:43 manuel # - Fixed typos # # Revision 1.2 1994/08/27 00:41:01 manuel # - Changed string object representation to two slots. The first is a 32 # bit slot indicating the string length, the second is a variable # sized slot containing the actual null terminated string. # - Fixed a bug in the in_string function which set obj_size to # 4*obj_size # - Added constants for field offsets # # # SPIM is distributed under the following conditions: # # You may make copies of SPIM for your own use and modify those copies. # # All copies of SPIM must retain my name and copyright notice. # # You may not sell SPIM or distributed SPIM in conjunction with a commerical # product or service without the expressed written consent of James Larus. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. # # Define the exception handling code. This must go first! .kdata __m1_: .asciiz " Exception " __m2_: .asciiz " Execution aborted\n" __e0_: .asciiz " [Interrupt] " __e1_: .asciiz "" __e2_: .asciiz "" __e3_: .asciiz "" __e4_: .asciiz " [Unaligned address in inst/data fetch] " __e5_: .asciiz " [Unaligned address in store] " __e6_: .asciiz " [Bad address in text read] " __e7_: .asciiz " [Bad address in data/stack read] " __e8_: .asciiz " [Error in syscall] " __e9_: .asciiz " [Breakpoint/Division by 0] " __e10_: .asciiz " [Reserved instruction] " __e11_: .asciiz "" __e12_: .asciiz " [Arithmetic overflow] " __e13_: .asciiz " [Inexact floating point result] " __e14_: .asciiz " [Invalid floating point result] " __e15_: .asciiz " [Divide by 0] " __e16_: .asciiz " [Floating point overflow] " __e17_: .asciiz " [Floating point underflow] " __excp: .word __e0_,__e1_,__e2_,__e3_,__e4_,__e5_,__e6_,__e7_,__e8_,__e9_ .word __e10_,__e11_,__e12_,__e13_,__e14_,__e15_,__e16_,__e17_ s1: .word 0 s2: .word 0 .ktext 0x80000080 .set noat # Because we are running in the kernel, we can use $k0/$k1 without # saving their old values. move $at $k1 # Save $at .set at sw $v0 s1 # Not re-entrent and we can't trust $sp sw $a0 s2 mfc0 $k0 $13 # Cause sgt $v0 $k0 0x44 # ignore interrupt exceptions bgtz $v0 ret addu $0 $0 0 li $v0 4 # syscall 4 (print_str) la $a0 __m1_ syscall li $v0 1 # syscall 1 (print_int) srl $a0 $k0 2 # shift Cause reg syscall li $v0 4 # syscall 4 (print_str) lw $a0 __excp($k0) syscall li $v0 4 la $a0 __m2_ syscall li $v0 10 # Exit upon all exceptions syscall # syscall 10 (exit) ret: lw $v0 s1 lw $a0 s2 mfc0 $k0 $14 # EPC .set noat move $k1 $at # Restore $at .set at rfe # Return from exception handler addiu $k0 $k0 4 # Return to next instruction jr $k0 # # Functions that return to the cool caller, should preserve $s0-$s7 # # $s7 is reserved as the limit pointer. # $gp is the heap pointer (points to the next unused word) # should never be handled by the generated code!!! # $sp is the stack pointer # $ra contains the return address # # $v0, $v1, $t0, $t1, $t2, $a0, $a1, $a2 are scratch registers # (i.e. caller cannot assume that they remain unchanged) # # Standard startup code. Invoke the routine main with no arguments. .data _abort_msg: .asciiz "Abort called from class " _colon_msg: .asciiz ":" _dispatch_msg: .asciiz ": Dispatch to void.\n" _cabort_msg: .asciiz "No match in case statement for Class " _cabort_msg2: .asciiz "Match on void in case statement.\n" _nl: .asciiz "\n" _term_msg: .asciiz "COOL program successfully executed\n" _heap_msg: .asciiz "Increasing heap...\n" _sabort_msg1: .asciiz "Index to substr is negative\n" _sabort_msg2: .asciiz "Index to substr is too big\n" _sabort_msg3: .asciiz "Length to substr too long\n" _sabort_msg4: .asciiz "Length to substr is negative\n" _sabort_msg: .asciiz "Execution aborted.\n" .align 2 # Define some constants # obj_tag=0 obj_size=4 disp_tab=8 int_slot=12 bool_slot=12 str_size=12 # This is a pointer to an Int object!!! str_field=16 # The beginning of the ascii sequence .text .globl __start __start: li $v0 9 move $a0 $zero syscall # sbrk move $s7 $v0 # init limit pointer la $gp heap_start # init heap pointer la $a0 Main_protObj jal Object.copy # Call copy jal Main_init jal Main.main # Invoke main method la $a0 _term_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 10 syscall # syscall 10 (exit) # # Polymorphic equality testing function: # Two objects are equal if they are # - identical (pointer equality, inlined in code) # - have same tag and are of type BOOL,STRING,INT and contain the # same data # # INPUT: The two objects are passed in $t1 and $t2 # OUTPUT: Initial value of $a0, if the objects are equal # Initial value of $a1, otherwise # # The tags for Int,Bool,String are found in the global locations # _int_tag, _bool_tag, _string_tag, which are initialized by the # data part of the generated code. This removes a consistency problem # between this file and the generated code. # .globl equality_test equality_test: # ops in $t1 $t2 # true in A0, false in A1 # assume $t1, $t2 are not equal beq $t1 $zero eq_false # $t2 can't also be void beq $t2 $zero eq_false # $t1 can't also be void lw $v0 obj_tag($t1) # get tags lw $v1 obj_tag($t2) bne $v1 $v0 eq_false # compare tags lw $a2 _int_tag # load int tag beq $v1 $a2 eq_int # Integers lw $a2 _bool_tag # load bool tag beq $v1 $a2 eq_int # Booleans lw $a2 _string_tag # load string tag bne $v1 $a2 eq_false # Not a primitive type eq_str: # handle strings lw $v0, str_size($t1) # get string size objs lw $v1, str_size($t2) lw $v0, int_slot($v0) # get string sizes lw $v1, int_slot($v1) bne $v1 $v0 eq_false beqz $v1 eq_true # 0 length strings are equal add $t1 str_field # Point to start of string add $t2 str_field move $t0 $v0 # Keep string length as counter eq_l1: lbu $v0,0($t1) # get char add $t1 1 lbu $v1,0($t2) add $t2 1 bne $v1 $v0 eq_false addiu $t0 $t0 -1 # Decrement counter bnez $t0 eq_l1 b eq_true # end of strings eq_int: # handles booleans and ints lw $v0,int_slot($t1) # load values lw $v1,int_slot($t2) bne $v1 $v0 eq_false eq_true: jr $ra # return true eq_false: move $a0 $a1 # move false into accumulator jr $ra # # _dispatch_abort # # filename in $a0 # line number in $t1 # # Prints error message and exits. # Called on dispatch to void. # .globl _dispatch_abort _dispatch_abort: sw $t1 0($sp) # save line number addiu $sp $sp -4 addiu $a0 $a0 str_field # adjust to beginning of string li $v0 4 syscall # print file name la $a0 _colon_msg li $v0 4 syscall # print ":" lw $a0 4($sp) # li $v0 1 syscall # print line number li $v0 4 la $a0 _dispatch_msg syscall # print dispatch-to-void message li $v0 10 syscall # exit # # _case_abort2 # # filename in $a0 # line number in $t1 # # Prints error message and exits. # Called on case on void. # .globl _case_abort2 _case_abort2: sw $t1 0($sp) # save line number addiu $sp $sp -4 addiu $a0 $a0 str_field # adjust to beginning of string li $v0 4 syscall # print file name la $a0 _colon_msg li $v0 4 syscall # print ":" lw $a0 4($sp) # li $v0 1 syscall # print line number li $v0 4 la $a0 _cabort_msg2 syscall # print case-on-void message li $v0 10 syscall # exit # # # _case_abort # Is called when a case statement has no match # # INPUT: $a0 contains the object on which the case was # performed # # Does not return! # .globl _case_abort _case_abort: # $a0 contains case expression obj. move $s0 $a0 # save the expression object la $a0 _cabort_msg li $v0 4 syscall # print_str la $t1 class_nameTab lw $v0 obj_tag($s0) # Get object tag sll $v0 $v0 2 # *4 addu $t1 $t1 $v0 lw $t1 0($t1) # Load class name string obj. addiu $a0 $t1 str_field # Adjust to beginning of str li $v0 4 # print_str syscall la $a0 _nl li $v0 4 # print_str syscall li $v0 10 syscall # Exit # # # Copy method # # INPUT: $a0: object to be copied to free space in heap # # OUTPUT: $a0 points to the newly created copy. # # .globl Object.copy Object.copy: # self is in $a0 addiu $sp $sp -12 # frame size sw $ra 4($sp) sw $a0 8($sp) sw $gp 12($sp) # save ptr to new obj lw $t0 obj_size($a0) # Size of obj $t0 sll $t0 $t0 2 # Size is in words, *4 add $t1 $gp $t0 # where $gp will be after copy ble $t1 $s7 _oc_ok # $s7 is limit pointer # Need more memory la $a0 _heap_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 9 # sbrk li $a0 0x10000 # 64K bytes (larger obj. will fail) syscall li $v0 9 move $a0 $zero syscall # get new limit move $s7 $v0 # update limit pointer _oc_ok: lw $a0 8($sp) # restore obj ptr. lw $t0 obj_size($a0) # Size of obj $t0 _oc_loop: lw $v0 0($a0) # load a word addiu $a0 4 # increment source addiu $t0 -1 # decrement counter sw $v0 0($gp) # store word addiu $gp 4 # increment dest bnez $t0 _oc_loop lw $a0 12($sp) # the new object lw $ra 4($sp) addiu $sp $sp 12 jr $ra # return # # # Object.abort # # The abort method for the object class (usually inherited by # all other classes) # # INPUT: $a0 contains the object on which abort() was dispatched. # .globl Object.abort Object.abort: move $s0 $a0 # save self li $v0 4 la $a0 _abort_msg syscall # print_str la $t1 class_nameTab lw $v0 obj_tag($s0) # Get object tag sll $v0 $v0 2 # *4 addu $t1 $t1 $v0 lw $t1 0($t1) # Load class name string obj. addiu $a0 $t1 str_field # Adjust to beginning of str li $v0 4 # print_str syscall la $a0 _nl li $v0 4 syscall # print new line li $v0 10 syscall # Exit # # # Object.type_name # # INPUT: $a0 object who's class name is desired # OUTPUT: $a0 reference to class name string object # .globl Object.type_name Object.type_name: la $t1 class_nameTab lw $v0 obj_tag($a0) # Get object tag sll $v0 $v0 2 # *4 addu $t1 $t1 $v0 # index table lw $a0 0($t1) # Load class name string obj. jr $ra # # # IO.out_string # # Prints out the contents of a string object argument # which is on top of the stack. # # $a0 is preserved! # .globl IO.out_string IO.out_string: sw $a0 0($sp) # save self addiu $sp $sp -4 lw $a0 8($sp) # get arg addiu $a0 $a0 str_field # Adjust to beginning of str li $v0 4 # print_str syscall lw $a0 4($sp) # return self addiu $sp $sp 8 # pop argument off stack jr $ra # # # IO.out_int # # Prints out the contents of an integer object on top of the # stack. # # $a0 is preserved! # .globl IO.out_int IO.out_int: sw $a0 0($sp) # save self addiu $sp $sp -4 lw $a0 8($sp) # get arg lw $a0 int_slot($a0) # Fetch int li $v0 1 # print_int syscall lw $a0 4($sp) # return self addiu $sp $sp 8 jr $ra # # # IO.in_int # # Returns an integer object read from the terminal in $a0 # .globl IO.in_int IO.in_int: sw $ra 0($sp) # save return address addiu $sp $sp -4 la $a0 Int_protObj jal Object.copy # Call copy jal Int_init sw $a0 0($sp) # save new object addiu $sp $sp -4 li $v0, 5 # read int syscall lw $a0 4($sp) addiu $sp $sp 4 sw $v0 int_slot($a0) # store int read into obj lw $ra 4($sp) addiu $sp $sp 4 jr $ra # # # IO.in_string # # Returns a string object read from the terminal, removing the # '\n' # # OUTPUT: $a0 the read string object # .globl IO.in_string IO.in_string: sw $ra 0($sp) # save return address addiu $sp $sp -4 la $a0 Int_protObj # Create int object for size jal Object.copy # Call copy jal Int_init sw $a0 0($sp) # save new object addiu $sp $sp -4 la $a0 String_protObj jal Object.copy # Call copy jal String_init addiu $gp $gp -4 # Move back over last word of string sw $a0 0($sp) # save new object addiu $sp $sp -4 li $a1 1026 # largest string to read add $t1 $gp $a1 ble $t1 $s7 _is_ok # $s7 is limit pointer # Need more memory la $a0 _heap_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 9 # sbrk li $a0 0x10000 # 64K bytes (larger obj. will fail) syscall li $v0 9 move $a0 $zero syscall # get new limit move $s7 $v0 # update limit pointer _is_ok: li $a1 1026 # largest string to read move $a0 $gp li $v0, 8 # read string syscall move $t0 $gp # t0 to beginning of string _is_find_end: lb $v0 0($gp) addiu $gp $gp 1 bnez $v0 _is_find_end # $gp points just after the null byte lb $v0 0($t0) # is first byte '\0'? bnez $v0 _is_noteof # we read nothing. Return '\n' (we don't have '\0'!!!) add $v0 $zero 10 # load '\n' into $v0 sb $v0 -1($gp) sb $zero 0($gp) # terminate addiu $gp $gp 1 b _is_nonl _is_noteof: # Check if there really is a '\n' lb $v0 -2($gp) bne $v0 10 _is_nonl # Write '\0' over '\n' sb $zero -2($gp) # Set end of string where '\n' was addiu $gp $gp -1 # adjust for '\n' _is_nonl: lw $a0 4($sp) # get pointer to new str obj addiu $sp $sp 4 lw $t1 4($sp) # get pointer to new int obj addiu $sp $sp 4 sw $t1 str_size($a0) # Init size slot ptr sub $t0 $gp $a0 subu $t0 str_field # calc actual str size addiu $t0 -1 # adjust for '\0' sw $t0 int_slot($t1) # store string size in int obj addi $gp $gp 3 # was already 1 past '\0' andi $gp $gp 0xfffffffc # $gp is now word aligned sub $t0 $gp $a0 # calc length srl $t0 $t0 2 # divide by 4 sw $t0 obj_size($a0) # set size field of obj lw $ra 4($sp) addiu $sp $sp 4 jr $ra # # # String.length # Returns Int Obj with string length of self # # INPUT: $a0 the string object # OUTPUT: $a0 the int object which is the size of the string # .globl String.length String.length: lw $a0 str_size($a0) # fetch attr jr $ra # Return # # # String.concat # Returns a the concatenation of self and arg1 # # INPUT: $a0 the first string object # Top of stack: the second string object # OUTPUT: $a0 the new string object # .globl String.concat String.concat: addiu $sp $sp -12 # frame sw $a0 12($sp) # save self arg. sw $ra 8($sp) # save return address lw $a0 str_size($a0) jal Object.copy # Call copy sw $a0 4($sp) # save new size lw $a0 12($sp) # copy self jal Object.copy # Call copy sw $a0 12($sp) # save new string obj ptr lw $t0 4($sp) # new size pointer sw $t0 str_size($a0) # install new size obj lw $a1 16($sp) # the argument string lw $t1 str_size($a1) lw $v0 int_slot($t0) # self string size lw $v1 int_slot($t1) # arg string size addu $t2 $v1 $v0 # new size sw $t2 int_slot($t0) # store new size addu $t2 $a0 $v0 # add 1st size to new ptr addiu $t2 $t2 str_field # point to end of 1st string sw $t2 4($sp) # save alloc pointer # Check for memory addu $v0 $gp $v1 ble $v0 $s7 _sc_ok # limit pointer # Need more memory la $a0 _heap_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 9 # sbrk li $a0 0x10000 # 64K bytes (larger obj. will fail) syscall li $v0 9 move $a0 $zero syscall # get new limit move $s7 $v0 # update limit pointer _sc_ok: lw $a1 16($sp) # get arg string obj lw $a0 4($sp) # the end of the 1st string lw $v1 str_size($a1) lw $v1 int_slot($v1) # size of second string beqz $v1 _sc_end # second string is empty add $a1 $a1 str_field # a1 to beginning of 2nd string _sc_loop: lb $v0 0($a1) addiu $a1 $a1 1 # inc src sb $v0 0($a0) addiu $a0 $a0 1 # inc dst addiu $v1 $v1 -1 # dec ctr bnez $v1 _sc_loop _sc_end: sb $zero 0($a0) # null terminate move $gp $a0 addiu $gp $gp 4 # realign the heap ptr andi $gp $gp 0xfffffffc lw $a0 12($sp) # get new obj ptr sub $t0 $gp $a0 # calc object size srl $t0 $t0 2 # div by 4 sw $t0 obj_size($a0) lw $ra 8($sp) addiu $sp $sp 16 jr $ra # # # String.substr(i,l) # Returns the sub string of self from i with length l # Offset starts at 0. # # INPUT: $a0 the string # length int object on top of stack (-4) # index int object below length on stack (-8) # OUTPUT: The substring object in $a0 # .globl String.substr String.substr: addiu $sp $sp -12 # frame sw $ra 4($sp) # save return sw $a0 12($sp) # save self lw $v0 obj_size($a0) sll $v0 $v0 2 # size in bytes add $v0 $v0 $gp ble $v0 $s7 _ss_ok # Limit check # Need more memory la $a0 _heap_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 9 # sbrk li $a0 0x10000 # 64K bytes (larger obj. will fail) syscall li $v0 9 move $a0 $zero syscall # get new limit move $s7 $v0 # update limit pointer _ss_ok: la $a0 Int_protObj jal Object.copy jal Int_init sw $a0 8($sp) # save new length obj la $a0 String_protObj jal Object.copy jal String_init # new obj ptr in $a0 move $a2 $a0 # use a2 to make copy addiu $gp $gp -4 # backup alloc ptr lw $a1 12($sp) # load orig lw $t1 20($sp) # index obj lw $t2 16($sp) # length obj lw $t0 str_size($a1) lw $v1 int_slot($t1) # index lw $v0 int_slot($t0) # size of orig bltz $v1 _ss_abort1 # index is smaller than 0 bgt $v1 $v0 _ss_abort2 # index > orig lw $t3 int_slot($t2) # sub length add $v1 $v1 $t3 # index+sublength bgt $v1 $v0 _ss_abort3 bltz $t3 _ss_abort4 lw $t4 8($sp) # load new length obj sw $t3 int_slot($t4) # save new size sw $t4 str_size($a0) # store size in string lw $v1 int_slot($t1) # index addiu $a1 $a1 str_field # advance src to str add $a1 $a1 $v1 # advance to indexed char addiu $a2 $a2 str_field # advance dst to str beqz $t3 _ss_end # empty length _ss_loop: lb $v0 0($a1) addiu $a1 $a1 1 # inc src sb $v0 0($a2) addiu $a2 $a2 1 # inc dst addiu $t3 $t3 -1 # dec ctr bnez $t3 _ss_loop _ss_end: sb $zero 0($a2) # null terminate move $gp $a2 addiu $gp $gp 4 # realign the heap ptr andi $gp $gp 0xfffffffc sub $t0 $gp $a0 # calc object size srl $t0 $t0 2 # div by 4 sw $t0 obj_size($a0) lw $ra 4($sp) addiu $sp $sp 20 jr $ra _ss_abort1: la $a0 _sabort_msg1 b _ss_abort _ss_abort2: la $a0 _sabort_msg2 b _ss_abort _ss_abort3: la $a0 _sabort_msg3 b _ss_abort _ss_abort4: la $a0 _sabort_msg4 _ss_abort: li $v0 4 syscall la $a0 _sabort_msg li $v0 4 syscall li $v0 10 # exit syscall