/* Copyright (c) 2000 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ import java.io.PrintStream; /** The base class for all AST nodes. After lexical analysis and parsing, a Cool program is represented internally by the Cool compiler as an abstract syntax tree. The project comes with a definition of Cool abstract syntax trees (ASTs) built in. The AST package is by far the largest piece of code in the base system and requires the most time to learn. The learning process is made more complex because the AST code is generated automatically from a specification in the file cool-tree.aps. While the generated code is quite simple and regular in structure, it is also devoid of comments. This section serves as the documentation for the AST package.

Phyla and Constructors

The AST data type provides a class for representing each type of Cool expression. There is a class for let expressions, another class of + expressions, and so on. Objects of these classes are nodes in Cool abstract syntax trees. For example, an expression e1 + e2 is represented by a + expression object, which has two subtrees: one for the tree representing the expression e1 and one for the tree representing the expression e2.

The Cool abstract syntax is specified in a language called APS. In APS terminology, the various kinds of abstract syntax tree nodes (let, +, etc.) are called constructors. (Don't confuse this use of the term "constructor" with Java constructors; while similar, this is a slightly different meaning taken from functional languages that predates Java.) The form of the AST is described by a set of phyla. Each phylum has one or more constructors.

Phyla are really just types. That is, instead of having one large group of undifferentiated constructors, the constructors are grouped together according to function, so that, for example, the constructors for expression ASTs are distinguished from the constructors for class ASTs. The phyla are defined at the beginning of cool-tree.aps:

  module COOL begin phylum

  phylum Class_;
  phylum Classes = LIST[Class_];

  phylum Feature;
  phylum Features = LIST[Feature];

  phylum Formal;
  phylum Formals = LIST[Formal];

  phylum Expression;
  phylum Expressions = LIST[Expression];

  phylum Case;
  phylum Cases = LIST[Case];
From the definition it can be seen that there are two distinct kinds of phyla: "normal" phyla and list phyla. "Normal" phyla each have associated constructors; list phyla have a fixed set of list operations.

Each constructor takes typed arguments and returns a typed result. The types may either be phyla or any ordinary Java type. In fact, the phyla declarations are themselves compiled into Java class declarations by an APS compiler. A sample constructor definition is

  constructor class_(name : AbstractSymbol; 
                     parent : AbstractSymbol;
                     features : Features; 
                     filename : AbstractSymbol) : Class_;
This declaration specifies that the class_ constructor takes four arguments: an AbstractSymbol (a type identifier) for the class name, an AbstractSymbol (another type identifier) for the parent class, a Features, and an AbstractSymbol for the filename in which the class definition occurs. (the name class_ is chosen to avoid a conflict with the Java keyword class.) The phylum Features is defined to be a list of Feature's by the declaration
    phylum Features = LIST[Feature];
See ListNode for a description of the operations defined on AST lists.

To invoke the class constructor, you allocate a new node object supplying it with the right arguments, e.g. new class_(...). In cool.cup there is the following example of a use of the class_ constructor:

class	::= CLASS TYPEID:n INHERITS TYPEID:p LBRACE optional_feature_list:f RBRACE SEMI
        {: RESULT = new class_(curr_lineno(), n, p, f, curr_filename()); :}
Allocating a new class_ object, builds a tree node with the four arguments as children. Because the phyla (types) of the arguments are declared, the Java type checker enforces that the class_ constructor is applied only to arguments of the appropriate type. See Section 6.5 of the "Tour of Cool Support Code" and cool-tree.aps to learn the definitions of the other constructors. (Comments in cool-tree.aps begin with two hyphens "--".)

NOTE: there is a real danger of getting confused because the same names are used repeatedly for different entities in different contexts. In the example just above, small variations of the name class are used for a terminal (CLASS), a non-terminal (class), a constructor (class_), and a phylum (Class_). These uses are all distinct and mean different things. Most uses are distinguished consistently by capitalization, but a few are not. When reading the code it is important to keep in mind the role of each symbol.

The AST Class Hierarchy

All AST classes are derived from this class (TreeNode). (The list classes are actually derived from ListNode, which is a refinement of TreeNode.) All of the lists are lists of TreeNodes.

The TreeNode class definition contains everything needed in an abstract syntax tree node except information specific to particular constructors.

Each of the constructors is a class derived from the appropriate phyla.

Class Members

Each class definition of the tree package comes with a number of members. Some of the member functions are discussed below. This section describes the data members and some more (but not all) of the rest of the functions, as well as how to add new members to the classes. Each constructor has data members defined for each component of that constructor. The name of the member is the name of the field in the constructor, and it is only visible to member functions of the constructor's class or derived classes. For example, the class_ constructor has four data members:
Symbol name;
Symbol parent;
Features features;
Symbol filename;
Here is a complete use of one member:
 class class_ extends Class_ {
     AbstractSymbol getParent() { return parent; }


 Class_ c;
 AbstractSymbol p;

 c = new class(lineno, AbstractTable.idtable.add_string("Foo",3),
		       new Features(lineno),
 p = c->get_parent();  // Sets p to the symbol for "Bar"

It will be useful in writing a Cool compiler to extend the AST with new functions such as getParent(). Simply modify the cool-tree.java file to add functions to the class of the appropriate phylum or constructor.

Tips on Using the Tree Package

There are a few common errors people make using a tree package. */ abstract class TreeNode { /** line in the source file from which this node came. */ protected int lineNumber; /** Builds a new tree node * * @param lineNumber the line in the source file from which this node came. * */ protected TreeNode(int lineNumber) { this.lineNumber = lineNumber; } /** Creates a copy of this node. * * @return a copy of this node * */ public abstract TreeNode copy(); /** Sets the values of this node object to the values of a given node. * * @param other the other node * @return this node * */ public TreeNode set(TreeNode other) { this.lineNumber = other.lineNumber; return this; } /** Retreives the line number from which this node came. * * @return the line number * */ public int getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } /** Pretty-prints this node to this output stream. * * @param out the output stream * @param n the number of spaces to indent the output * */ public abstract void dump(PrintStream out, int n); /** Copies a boolean value. * * This method is used internally by the generated AST classes * */ protected Boolean copy_Boolean(Boolean b) { return new Boolean(b.booleanValue()); } /** Copies an AbstractSymbol value. * * This method is used internally by the generated AST classes * */ protected AbstractSymbol copy_AbstractSymbol(AbstractSymbol sym) { return sym; } /** Dumps a printable representation of a boolean value. * * This method is used internally by the generated AST classes * */ protected void dump_Boolean(PrintStream out, int n, Boolean b) { out.print(Utilities.pad(n)); out.println(b.booleanValue() ? "1" : "0"); } /** Dumps a printable representation of an AbstactSymbol value. * * This method is used internally by the generated AST classes * */ protected void dump_AbstractSymbol(PrintStream out, int n, AbstractSymbol sym) { out.print(Utilities.pad(n)); out.println(sym.getString()); } /** Dumps a printable representation of current line number * * This method is used internally by the generated AST classes * */ protected void dump_line(PrintStream out, int n) { out.println(Utilities.pad(n) + "#" + lineNumber); } }