Aneesh Sharma

Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
Stanford University
Gates Building, Room 482
353 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305

phone: (+1) 650-799-0681

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Aneesh Sharma

I am a graduate student in iCME at Stanford University, where I'm advised by Prof. Rajeev Motwani and Prof. Tim Roughgarden. I'm a part of the theory group at Stanford, and used to help organize the RAIN meeting at Stanford.

RIP, Rajeev.

Application Material

I'm on the job market this year, and here are my CV and Research Statement.

Research Interests
Design and analysis of algorithms for social, economic and information networks, randomized algorithms, algorithmic game theory.

Recent Papers
Papers from Masters/Undergrad

HT to Nicolas for the CSS.

Last updated Thursday, 22-Apr-2010 14:56:49 PDT