“Pointer Analysis, Conditional Soundness, and Proving the Absence of Errors” by Christopher L. Conway, Dennis Dams, Kedar S. Namjoshi, and Clark Barrett. In Proceedings of the 15^th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS '08), (Mara Alpuente and Germán Vidal, eds.), July 2008, pp. 62-77. Valencia, Spain.
It is well known that the use of points-to information can substantially improve the accuracy of a static program analysis. Commonly used algorithms for computing points-to information are known to be sound only for memory-safe programs. Thus, it appears problematic to utilize points-to information to verify the memory safety property without giving up soundness. We show that a sound combination is possible, even if the points-to information is computed separately and only conditionally sound. This result is based on a refined statement of the soundness conditions of points-to analyses and a general mechanism for composing conditionally sound analyses.
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{CDN+08, author = {Christopher L. Conway and Dennis Dams and Kedar S. Namjoshi and Clark Barrett}, editor = {Mara Alpuente and Germ{\'a}n Vidal}, title = {Pointer Analysis, Conditional Soundness, and Proving the Absence of Errors}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {\it 15^{th}} International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS '08)}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {5079}, pages = {62--77}, publisher = {Springer}, month = jul, year = {2008}, note = {Valencia, Spain}, url = {http://theory.stanford.edu/~barrett/pubs/CDN+08.pdf} }
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