David Freeman's Math 16a Section Page

This is the section web page for Math 16a, Sections 113, 115, and 117, at UC Berkeley in Fall 2007.

Course Web Site (Click on "Syllabus" tab for course info.)
Course Outline.

Office Hours (941 Evans Hall):

Section Info

Handouts and Worksheets

Handout 1: Section information (28 Aug).
Worksheet 1: The secant method (11 Sep).


Midterm 1
Practice Exam (written by Emily Peters).
Solutions to Practice Exam

Midterm 2
Solutions to Midterm 2, 10/31/07

Final Exam
The final exam is Monday, December 17, from 5 to 8 pm, in 230 Hearst Gym (map).
Final Grade Calculator (Excel spreadsheet).
Review questions and answers. (I recommend you don't look at the answers until after you do as many of the questions as you can!)


The pdf files posted here contain all three versions of each week's quiz.

Quiz 0 (28 Aug).
Quiz 1 (4 Sep).
Quiz 2 (11 Sep).
Quiz 3 (18 Sep).
Quiz 4 (2 Oct).
Quiz 5 (9 Oct).
Quiz 6 (16 Oct).
Quiz 7 (23 Oct).
Quiz 8 (6 Nov).
Quiz 9 (13 Nov).
Quiz 10 (20 Nov).
Quiz 11 (27 Nov).
Quiz 12 (4 Dec).