CS 254: Computational Complexity

General Information

Instructor: Li-Yang Tan
CAs: Guy Blanc (gblanc@stanford.edu)
         Carmen Strassle (strassle@stanford.edu)
Time: Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:00-4:20pm

Guy's OH: Tuesdays 10:30-12:30 on Zoom
Carmen's OH: Fridays 3-5 in Gates 287
Li-Yang's OH: After class by appointment


Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak.
Mathematics and Computation, by Avi Wigderson.

List of Topics

  • Space Complexity
    ST-connectivity and its role in space complexity
    Non-determinism in space complexity: Savitch's theorem
    NL = coNL: Immerman-Szelepcsényi theorem
  • Polynomial Hierarchy
    P, NP, coNP, and friends
    NP ∩ coNP ≈ having a good characterization
    Efficient computation in a world where P = NP
  • Randomized Complexity
    Randomness as a resource. Does P = BPP?
    Randomness versus non-determinism
    Unique-SAT: Valiant-Vazirani theorem
  • Non-Uniform Computation
    Circuit complexity
    Randomness versus non-uniformity: Adelman's theorem
    Small circuits for NP? Karp-Lipton theorem
  • Interactive Proofs
    Arthur and Merlin, and generalizations of NP
    Approximate counting: Goldwasser-Sipser theorem

Lecture schedule

(Will be updated as the quarter progresses. Supplementary material listed in gray.)


(Tentative; subject to change.)
•  4 problem sets (70%, weighted by total score per set)
•  Course project (30%)
    ☐ Interim progress report (5%)
    ☐ Final written report (15%)
    ☐ Your peer evaluation report (10%)
•  CR: ≥ 70% on 2 psets or ≥ 70% on Course project
•  4 late days, ≤ 2 per pset, ≤ 1 for interim report, ≤ 1 for final report
•  Late days cannot be used for the peer evaluation report
•  Each late day counts towards each group member's quota
•  Regrade requests must be submitted within 1 week

Coursework schedule

(Tentative; subject to change.)
•  Pset 1 due: Wed of Week 3, 3pm
•  Pset 2 due: Wed of Week 5, 3pm
•  Pset 3 due: Wed of Week 7, 3pm
•  Pset 4 due: Wed of Week 9, 3pm
•  Course project
    ☐ Project proposal due: Wed of Week 6, 3pm
    ☐ Interim progress report due: Wed of Week 8, 3pm
    ☐ Final written report due: Wed of Week 10, 3pm
    ☐ Your peer evaluation report due: Wed of Week 11, 3pm