Generating Trees
Don Knuth
Expanding on ideas from Pre-Fascicle 4a: Generating
all trees (version of 31 March 2005) of Volume 4 of The Art of Computer Programming,
Don talks about the link between generating trees, partitions, and more. He presents a
method of generating binary, which can be extended (literature) to generate ternary trees,
and further even: to generate any tree with a given # of nodes (say $n$), and any sequence
of $t_k$'s where $t_k$ is the # of link fields of the $k$th node in pre-order, and $k$
ranges from 1 to $n-1$.
Search problems in Arrays
Dilys Thomas
To locate an element in a one dimensional sorted array of size n
requires log(n) look ups in the cell-probe model by the binary search
algorithm. This is tight as it can be shown that no algorithm
can do better than log(n) lookups. We will look at a natural
extension of this problem to multi-dimensional arrays.
i.e. How many lookups are required to locate an element
in a partially ordered multidimensional array: i.e. an array
where elements increase in value along each dimension.
An interesting exponential jump is observed as we move from
1 to 2 dimensions after which the increase is polynomial.
The Coffee Cup (or The Napkin) Problem
Don Knuth
Assume you have n people sitting at a circular table and n cups of coffee (each holding
a napkin) inbetween them. It is not clear which napkin to take: the one in the left cup or
the right one. Assuming everybody picks a direction (left or right) at random, how many
people are left without a napkin (in expectation)? What if the seating is done my an
adversarial maitre d'hotel?
References regarding this problem: Mathematical Puzzles
A Connoisseur's Collection by Peter Winkler. The article Napkins
In a Random Setting by Anders Claesson and T. Kyle Petersen will likely soon include
the latest findings presented in this talk, and discovered by Don Knuth just a couple of
days before this theory lunch.
On Network Coding
Mihaela Enachescu
In this talk I will introduce a recent model for multicommodity flow when
the commodities are "bits" (information). Unlike the traditional model, in
this model a node in the network can not only forward the commodities it
receives, but it can combine them and then forward (by apply some function
such as xor for example). This model is strictly more powerful in the case
of directed graphs especially for multicasting, and
k-pairs routing, but it's power is not yet known in an undirected networks.
Specific results covered in the talk: the min-cut/max-flow theorem for the multciast
case, an example to show the logarithmic gap between network coding and multicommodity flow
also for the multicast case, and some open problems.
Projective Hashing with Applications
Hovav Shacham
Let X be a set, and L \subset X a language. A hash function family is
a family of functions H: K \times X -> \Pi such that, for each x \in
X, and each key k \in K, H_k(x) can be computed efficiently. Such a
family is *projective* if, for each k, there is a key \alpha(k) such
that knowledge of \alpha(k) allows H_k(x) to be computed when x is in
L, but not otherwise.
We consider two notions that projective hashes might satisfy. The
first, smoothness, says that H_k(x) is independent of \alpha(k) when x
is not in L. The second, universality, says that knowing H_k(x) for a
single x \in L doesn't fix the value H_k(y) for some y \notin L.
We then give a simple example construction satisfying these
properties, based on the Decisional Diffie-Hellman problem.
Finally, we present two major results in cryptography that rely on
smooth projective hashing. The first (due to Cramer and Shoup) is the
first efficient encryption scheme secure in a strong sense (the
so-called CCA2 model). The second, due to Gennaro and Lindell, is the
first construction for authenticated key exchange between two parties
that share only a low-entropy key (e.g., a human-memorable password).
Balanced Allocation on Graphs
Krishnaram Kenthapadi
It is well known that if n balls are inserted into n bins, with high
probability, the bin with maximum load contains (1+ o(1)) log n/loglog n
balls. Azar, Broder, Karlin, and Upfal showed that instead of choosing one
bin, if d > 1 bins are chosen at random and the ball inserted into the
least loaded of the d bins, the maximum load reduces drastically to
loglog n/log d + O(1).
We study the two choice balls and bins process when balls are not allowed
to choose any two random bins, but only bins that are connected by an edge
in an underlying graph. We show that for n balls and n bins, if the graph
is almost regular with degree n^e, where e is not too small, the previous
bounds on the maximum load continue to hold. Precisely, the maximum load
is loglog n + O(1/e) + O(1). So even if the graph has degree
$n^{\Omega(1/\log\log n)}$, the maximum load is O(loglog n). For general
$\Delta$-regular graphs, we show that the maximum load is $\log\log n +
O(\frac{\log n}{\log (\Delta/\log^4 n)}) + O(1)$ and also provide an
almost matching lower bound of $\log \log n + \frac{\log n}{\log (\Delta
\log n)}$. Further this does not hold for non-regular graphs even if the
minimum degree is high.
Voecking showed that the maximum bin size with d choice load balancing can
be further improved to loglog n /d + O(1) by breaking ties to the left.
This requires d random bin choices. We show that such bounds can be
achieved by making two random accesses and querying d/2 contiguous bins in
each access. By grouping a sequence of n bins into 2n/d groups, each of
d/2 consecutive bins, if each ball chooses two groups at random and
inserts the new ball into the least-loaded bin in the lesser loaded group,
then the maximum load is loglog n /d + O(1) with high probability.
Furthermore, it also turns out that this grouping into groups of size d/2
is also essential in achieving this bound, that is, instead of choosing
two random groups, if we simply choose two random sets of d/2 consecutive
bins, then the maximum load jumps to loglog n/log d.
Joint work with Rina Panigrahy.
Symbolic logic for
complexity-theoretic model of cryptographic
Anupam Datta
Symbolic protocol analysis based on the Dolev-Yao model [DY84] and
complexity-theoretic based analysis (starting from work by
Goldwasser-Micali on encryption [GM84]) have emerged as two largely
independent research areas over the last two decades. The connection
between these two models has remained unclear. The symbolic model operates
under the perfect cryptography assumption (e.g., in order to decrypt a
ciphertext it is essential to possess the key). The attacker is allowed to
perform only a fixed set of actions (e.g., decryption with known key).
This idealization has paved the way for formal analysis techniques and
tools which have been successfully applied to practical protocols. On the
other hand, the complexity-theoretic model allows more fine-grained
specification of protocol properties (e.g., secrecy of a message is
defined as not possessing any partial information about the message). The
attacker model is much more powerful: she can carry out any probabilistic
polytime computation in order to execute an attack. However, protocol
correctness proofs are long, detailed, done by hand, and require explicit
reasoning about probability and complexity.
In this work, our goal is to get the best of both worlds by (i) using a
symbolic logic for specifying and proving protocol properties; while (ii)
using the complexity-theoretic model for interpreting these properties and
defining the execution model, in particular, the adversary capabilities.
Our result is a logic called Computational PCL which is developed along
these lines. The soundness theorem for CPCL's proof system ensures that
our axiomatic proofs (which do not explicitly mention probability or
complexity) carry the same meaning as hand-proofs done by cryptographers.
Joint work with A. Derek, J. C. Mitchell, V. Shmatikov and M. Turuani. To
appear in ICALP 2005.
Thread Allocation for Distributed
Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Cesar Sanchez
Deadlock situations (also known as ``dead embrace'') have been studied
in Computer Science since the 60s. Dijsktra and others studied the
problem in the centralized case, and proposed solutions to it. These
solutions can be classified into three categories:
1. Deadlock detection: this is is the common approach in databases, where
optimistic assumption that deadlocks are infrequent is taken. Then, a
deadlock detection algorithm is run on the side together with a
mechanism to unroll deadlocked processes.
2. Deadlock prevention: one of the necessary conditions for occurrence
of deadlocks is (statically) eliminated, typically at the high price in
3. Deadlock avoidance: at run-time and before each resource is granted,
a check is performed to guarantee that the reachable state is ``safe''.
Otherwise, the resource is not granted. All resources in safe
states are guaranteed to be ``potentially'' available.
Different solutions to the deadlock avoidance problem vary depending on
knowledge of the processes and the resources they demand.
In the distributed case, it is known that the general solution for
deadlock avoidance is impractical, since it requires maintaining global
states and global atomicity of actions.
We present here efficient solutions for the particular case of
distributed deadlock-avoidance where (a) threads are the only resource
managed, and (b) all processes are instances of static (and acyclic)
call-graphs. This is commonly the case of distributed real-time
embedded systems.
This is joint work with Henny Sipma and Zohar Manna, as a part of a
broader collaboration with Venkita Subramonian and Chris Gill from
Washington University.
Eigenvalue Distribution of Random Geometric
Sanatan Rai
Random geometric graphs are the abstract model for wireless sensor networks. I shall
present recent results that show that the spectrum of the random graph is close to
the spectrum on the deterministic grid. Time permitting, I shall draw connexions with
random matrix theory and free probability.