Next: Summary of Case Studies
Up: God's Calling
Previous: God's Calling
We will examine case studies using primary historical resources,
including the Bible, to explore how God enters humans' lives,
revealing his purpose for their lives. Secondarily, we learn how we
can prepare ourselves for (or learn how to hide ourselves from) God's
calling us. For each people, we will focus on the initial revelation
of God's purpose or love, not on subsequent actions or theology. If
we did the latter, we would have to study the entire Bible and more!
It is your responsibility to find the patterns and determine how what
you learn applies to your life. Some questions to ask yourself as you
read the studies include
- Why was the person chosen? Did she have an ancestry, do good
works deserving God's intervention, or have a particular skill?
- How did God contact the person? Did God use a dream, another
person, the Bible, a thunderbolt?
- What did God ask of the person? How precisely was the request
presented? Could the recipient have rejected the request? Was the
request difficult or easy to fulfill?
- How did the person react? Did he cower, stand confidently, step
forward, run away, laugh, seek counsel from others?
- What type of relationship did God seek to establish with the
person? Did it rely on the person's actions or thoughts? Was it
- What was the historical and geographic context for the
encounter? How did this change how God and the person interacted, the
request, and the method of contact?
- What can you learn from the encounter? How can you make
yourself more available to God?
Next: Summary of Case Studies
Up: God's Calling
Previous: God's Calling
Jeffrey David Oldham