Some Electronic Journals1

Jeffrey D. Oldham

1998 May 09

Stanford Libraries subscribes to these elctronic journals. Please send corrections and suggestions to Jeffrey D. Oldham .

Computer Science Journals

Acta Informatica
ACM Digital Library
ACM Digital Library Search
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
Combinatorica (soon)
Discrete and Computational Geometry
Distributed Computing
Journal of Cryptology
Journal of Universal Computer Science
Mathematics of Computation
SIAM Journal on Computing

Mathematical Journals

Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
American Journal of Mathematics
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
Graphs and Combinatorics
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Optimization
SIAM Review

General Science

American Scientist
Scientific American
The Scientist


The Wall Street Journal


©1998 Jeffrey D. Oldham . All rights reserved. This document may not be redistributed in any form without the express permission of the author.

Jeffrey David Oldham