CS 154 Staff

CS 154 - Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory
Spring Quarter, 2000
Instructor: Rajeev Motwani
Office: Gates 474
Phone: (650) 723-6045
E-mail: "first name"@cs.stanford.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 1:30-2:30 pm
Secretary: Sondra Horn
Office: Gates 495
Phone: (650) 723-4377
E-mail: sondra@cs.stanford.edu
Teaching Assistant: Xavier Boyen
Office: Gates 130
Phone: (650) 725-8782
E-mail: xb@cs.stanford.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 2:00-4:00 pm, Friday 3:00-4:00 pm
Teaching Assistant: Aris Gionis
Office: Gates 468
Phone: (650) 723-1658
E-mail: gionis@cs.stanford.edu
Office hours: Monday 10:30-12:30 am, Friday 2:00-3:00 pm [Location: Gates 468, 723-1658]
Teaching Assistant: Kiran Goyal
Office: Sweet Hall [use sweetfinger or email to find me]
Phone: (650) 497-3508
E-mail: kgoyal@stanford.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 7:30-9:30 pm, Thursday 8:00-9:00 pm [Location: Sweet Hall, use sweetfinger or email to find me]
Teaching Assistant: Kevin Lee
Office: None
Phone: 497-1316
E-mail: kevinlee@cs.stanford.edu
Office hours: Monday 7:00-8:30 pm [Location: CoHo], Wednesday 10:00-11:30 am [Location: Gates 193D, 725-3256]
Teaching Assistant: An Zhu
Office: Gates 470
Phone: (650) 723-1787
E-mail: anzhu@cs.stanford.edu
Office hours: Tuesday 10:45-12:30 pm, Thursday 10:45-12:00 pm.

Last update: March 27, 2000 by Rajeev Motwani