Rajeev Motwani's Talks


* Selected Listing of Recent and Forthcoming Talks

  • Randomization for Massive and Streaming Data Sets
    Stanford Computer Science Forum - Annual Affiliates Meeting, Stanford, May 2003.
    Here are the Powerpoint slides from this talk.
  • Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems
    PODS Plenary Talk at the ACM SIGMOD/PODS 2002 Conference, Madison, WI, June 2002.
    Here are the slides from this talk. If I had more time (say 3 hours :)), here are the slides I would have used.
  • The Stanford Data Stream Research Project
    Stanford Database Workshop, Stanford, March 2002.
  • Musings on the Extraction of Structure from the Web
    IBM-DIMACS Workshop on Data Mining in the Internet Age, IBM Almaden Research Center, May 2000.
  • Musings on the Extraction of Structure from the Web
    DIMACS Workshop on Data Processing on the Web: A Look into the Future, DIMACS Center, March 2000.
  • High-Dimensional Similarity Search in Large Databases
    DIMACS Workshop on Large Scale Discrete Optimization, DIMACS Center, May 1998.
  • Approximate Nearest Neighbors: Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality
    17th Maryland Theoretical Computer Science Day, University of Maryland, March 1998.
  • Drug Design, Kinematic Data Structures, and Dynamic Server.
    Computer Science Theory Seminar, U.C. Berkeley, November 1996.
  • Randomized Robot Path Planning.
    Randomness and Computation (RAC'95), ICSI (Berkeley), December 1991.
  • Modeling Communication in Parallel Query Optimization.
    Conference in Honor of Richard Karp's 60th Birthday, FOCS95, Milwaukee, October 1995.
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