We met everyone at the Arroyo Seco campground southwest of Greenfield off of Hwy. 101 via G16 at 3PM on a Friday. We then had a long discussion on who was going to leave their vehicle and who was going to take everyone else and their gear around to the trailhead campground at Escondido. Everyone wanted to take their vehicle. In the end, the people who ended up leaving theirs where the lucky ones. Finally we had everything settled and started off to Escondido via G14, through Fort Hunter Liggett. About three miles from the campground we stopped at a wide place in the road and had a quick skinny dip to refresh us as it had been a hot day, and some of us had come a long way. The first night was a sort of pot-luck which worked out OK. There was more than enough.
The next morning got off to a very slow start as we cooked a big
breakfast and split up the various meals, snacks, and gear to carry.
This sounded great, but it took up way too much time. As it turned
out, we did not get down to the creek until noon. It was slow going
at first while we all found our best pace for rock hopping and creek
wading. After a couple hours, we had lunch at a beautiful spot where
a waterfall cascaded down to the creek. At this
point one of the couples decided to stop and go back. This meant that
we now had to redistribute the load.
Even so, the break was over too soon and regretfully, we headed back
down the creek. There were several areas that we had to just throw
our packs into the water and jump in after them, and float our way.
This was nice as it was a warm day, water was not near as cold as
expected. We pushed on this way until dusk begin to fall. We found
that this was to long to wait, and should have stopped much earlier.
The late start had hurt us.
Fortunately the drysacks had kept almost all of the water out.
We were also glad that we had wrapped our sleeping bags in large
garbage bags also, as this keep out the little bit of water that did
get into the outer bags. After dinner, we all slept very well that
The next day came bright and warm. We all had breakfast and packed
up. The best, and the worst, parts of the hike were the last day.
There were water slides, long canyons to float through, and many other
areas to enjoy. Two days were not enough, that's why we are doing it
in three this year. The only major problem we had was caused by the
preceding winter having so much rain. This made the creek higher than
normal which was OK for most of the way, but about a mile from our
coming out point, we ran into our only serious problem. There is a
pretty good waterfall that leads into a gorge that is a mini Grand
Canyon. It is only about 6-8 foot wide. The previous winter's rains
had washed out the ropes along side the waterfall used for letting
people use the ledge along side of it to sneak around the falls to the
calm area below. Fortunately we had more rope with us. However it
couldn't be used for the easy route because of the depth and speed of
the water. It had to be used to lower us, one at a time, to a ledge
far above the pool. From there we jumped.
The rest of the hike was more leisurely, but it was already getting dark We all finally got to the Horse Bridge where we all got out. The couple that had returned the previous day met us there and drove us back to the vehicles. The original plan had been to float the last mile(s) into Arroyo Seco. Had that couple not decided to return early, we would have arrived there after dark!
From there some headed home while we had to be driven back to Escondido to retrieve our van. All in all, it was a great trip, just too hurried for ten miles of creek hiking. This is why we are planning three days on the creek instead.
We plan to take a better rope to get down to the ledge with this year
(we even have a climbing harness now). The only other real problem
was for the people who tried to make the trip in sneakers. One man
had feet that looked like raw hamburger by the end of the trip. The
June issue of Backpacker Magazine has an article on boots/foot
problems that may be of interest. We definitely agree that good
boots with good tread and really good socks, including "liners" make
the trip more pleasurable.