Curriculum Vitae

Robert Jan van Glabbeek

Contact information:


Doctoraalexamen ("M.S.")
Mathematics with specialisation in Geometry (cum laude), University of Leiden, The Netherlands, November 1984.
Comparative concurrency semantics and refinement of actions, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 16, 1990.


Since 2015 (for life):
Foreign member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.
Recipient of the CONCUR test-of-time award.
Since 2023 (for life):
Member of Academia Europaea.
Since 2023:
Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association.


September 1981 - November 1984:
Teaching Assistant at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
December 1984 - November 1989:
Research Scientist at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
February 1990 - August 1990:
Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.
September 1990 - August 1991:
Acting Assistant Professor at Stanford University, USA.
September 16 - November 15, 1991:
Visiting Scientist at the Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD), Sankt Augustin, Germany.
September 1991 - August 2002:
Research Associate at Stanford University, USA.
August 2000 - October 2002:
Consultant for Ricoh Innovations, Menlo Park, California, USA.
September 2002 - present:
Research Affiliate at the Concurrency Group, Stanford University, USA (not a paid position).
November 2002 - December 2002:
Research Scientist at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
January 2003:
Consultant for Ricoh Innovations, Menlo Park, California, USA.
February, 2003 - May, 2003:
Associate Professor for NICTA at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
June 2003 - August 2003:
Visiting Fellow at INRIA, France.
September 2003 - March 2004:
Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.
April 2004 - May 2004:
Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge.
June 2004 - June 2016
Principal Researcher at NICTA, Sydney, Australia.
June 2004 - December 2007:
Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
February 2006:
Visiting Professor at the Université de la Méditerranée, Marseilles, France.
January 2008 - present:
Conjoint/Adjunct Professor at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
July 2016 - October 2021:
Chief Research Scientist at Data61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia.
August 2022 - present:
Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Professor at the University of Edinburgh.

Teaching Experience

Spring semester 1988:
Course on Comparative Concurrency Semantics at the University of Amsterdam.
Fall quarter 1990, and spring '93, '95 and '97:
CS 352 on Foundations of Control Structures at Stanford University.
Winter '91, '96, '01 and spring '02:
CS 154 on Automata and Complexity Theory at Stanford University.
The spring '02 edition was also a SCPD television course.
Spring quarter 1991:
CS 353 on Algebra for Computer Scientists at Stanford University.
Autumn semester 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010 and 2012:
COMP 4151/3152/9152 on Comparative Concurrency Semantics at the University of New South Wales.
Autumn semester 2013:
COMP 4141 on the Theory of Computation at the University of New South Wales.
Autumn semester 2014, 2016 and 2018, and winter trimester 2020:
COMP 6752 on Modelling Concurrent Systems at the University of New South Wales.
Summer 2018:
Modelling and Verification of Protocols for Wireless Networks at the University of Twente.
Fall semester 2023 and 2024:
Discrete mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.
Fall semester 2023 and 2024:
Modelling Concurrent Systems at the University of Edinburgh.


Fall semester 1989:
Supervision of Leon Kuurman writing a master thesis on The jungle of process semantics at the University of Amsterdam.
Spring - Summer 2002:
Supervision of the senior project of Nafis Upshur at Stanford University, with thesis on Circuit definable operators on event oriented models of concurrency.
1991 - 2002:
Author and supervisor of some of the yearly comprehensive and qualifying exams at Stanford University in automata theory, and mathematical foundations of computer science.
External reviewer of the PhD thesis of Antti Puhakka.
1993 - 2009:
Served in the reading and oral exam committees of 5 Ph.D. candidates:
Arend Rensink, Vineet Gupta, Luca d'Alfaro, Tomás Uribe, Harm van Beek and Bas Ploeger.
Co-supervision of internship project of Ibrahim Bokharouss at the University of New South Wales.
2005 - 2009:
Co-supervision of two PhD candidates at UNSW: Pemadeep Ramsokul and Timothy Bourke.
2008 - 2009:
Joint supervision of the master thesis project of Jens-Wolfhard Schicke from the University of Braunschweig, visiting NICTA. Master Thesis: Synchrony and Asynchrony in Petri Nets.
2009 - 2018:
Joint supervision of the Ph.D. study of Jens-Wolfhard Schicke at the University of Braunschweig.
2012 - 2013:
Co-supervision of the master thesis project of Christopher Lippert at the University of Braunschweig. Master Thesis: Verschiedene Prozesskalküle und ihre relative Ausdrucksmächtigkeit.
Supervision of internship at NICTA of Emile Bres from École Polytechnique.
Supervision of DAAD internship at NICTA of Katja Möring from U. Hamburg.
Reviewer of the habilitation thesis of Emmanual Haucourt, École Polytechnique.
Supervision of internship at Data61 of Victor Dyseryn from École Polytechnique.
Served as PhD examiner of Christian Eisentraut at the U. of Saarland.
Served as PhD examiner of Jérémy Dubut at École Normale Supérieure Paris-Sacley at Cachan.
Reviewer of the PhD thesis of Valentina Castiglioni, University of Insubria.
Reviewer of the bachelor thesis of Nick Fischer, University of Saarland.
2017 - 2018:
Co-supervision of the master thesis project of Djurre van der Wal, University of Twente.
Joint supervision of the internships of Filippo De Bortoli (European Master's Program in Computational Logic), Anran Wang (DAAD, from U. Hamburg), Michael Markl (DAAD, from Augsburg), and Ryan Barry (UNSW).
Joint supervision of the master thesis project of Anran Wang, visiting Data61 from U. Hamburg.
Joint supervision of the honours thesis of Ryan Barry, at UNSW.
Joint supervision of the PhD project of Weiyou Wang, at ANU.
Joint supervision of the honours thesis of Tina Ji, at ANU.
Joint supervision of the PhD project of Ryan Barry, at ANU.
Examiner of the habilitation thesis of Uli Fahrenberg at the Université Paris-Saclay.
Supervision of honours project of Fiona Hamlin (University of Edinburgh).
Supervision of the internships of Gaspard Reghem (ENS Paris-Saclay) and Andrea Exposito (University of Urbino).
Co-supervision of the PhD project of Rayhana Amjad, at U. Edinburgh.
Co-supervision of visiting PhD student Yu Wang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China).
Supervision of master student Marcel Wrzos-Kaminski (EPCC, Edinburgh).
Supervision of honours projects of Christopher Dalziel and Leon Lee, at U. Edinburgh
Supervision of 2nd years project of Arin Mukhopadhyay, at U. Edinburgh.
Supervision of the PhD project of Alessandro Scala, at U. Edinburgh.

References in bibtex format, dvi, postscript and pdf.


US7120699 (2006) Filed September 20, 2001 (together with D.G. Stork):
Document controlled workflow systems and methods.
US7356611 (2008) Filed January 18, 2002 (together with D.G. Stork and S. Savitzky):
Method and apparatus for permissions based active document workflow.

Invited speaker at workshops and symposia:

November 1986
Meeting of the Werkgemeenschap Theoretische Informatica, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
March 1988
Workshop on Combining Compositionality and Concurrency, Königswinter, Germany.
June 1989
REX Workshop on Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems: Models, Formalism, Correctness, Mook, The Netherlands.
September 1989
REX seminar: Towards a general theory of structured operational semantics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
April 1990
Spring school Semantique du Parallelisme, La Roche-Posay, France.
March 1991
3rd Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality, Goslar, Germany.
June 1991
International Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science in honor of Boris. A. Trakhtenbrot, Tel Aviv, Israel.
September 1991
CEDISYS workshop on concurrency, Sophia Antipolis, France.
August 1992
CONCUR 92: Third International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Stony Brook, New York, USA.
September 1992
The VIth BANFF Higher Order Workshop: Advanced tutorial on process algebras, Banff, Canada.
June 1993
AMAST 93: Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
May 1994
ACP94: Workshop on Algebra of Communicating Processes, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
September 1994
Dagstuhl seminar on formal specification, Dagstuhl, Germany.
October 1994
Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the EATCS, Bologna, Italy.
May 1996
Seminar on Semantics of Concurrent Systems - Foundations and Applications, Dagstuhl, Germany.
July 1996
POMIV 96: Workshop on the theory and practice of partial order methods in verification, Princeton, NY, USA.
September 1996
Seminar on Expressiveness in Concurrency, Dagstuhl, Germany.
February 1997
Final meeting of the German national research foundation's research program Distributed Information Systems in Business, Berlin, Germany.
August 1997
Tutorial day on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, Fortaleza, Brazil.
August 1997
4th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC'97), Fortaleza, Brazil.
February 1998
Information systems as reactive systems, Dagstuhl, Germany.
August 1999
CONCUR 99: Tenth International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
July 2001:
Teaching a course at the summer school on Process algebra in Bertinoro, Italy.
June 2003:
Workshop on Mobility/Concurrency in Ottawa, Canada.
July 2003:
Workshop on Process Algebra: Open Problems and Future Directions, Bertinoro, Italy.
August 2004:
Structural Operational Semantics 2004, London, UK.
August 2004:
11th International Workshop in Expressiveness in Concurrency, EXPRESS 2004, London, UK.
December 2004:
Logic Summer School in Canberra, Australia.
August 2005:
Algebraic Process Calculi: The First Twenty Five Years and Beyond, PA '05, Bertinoro, Italy, August 2005.
August 2005:
Geometry and Topology in Concurrency, GETCO '05, San Francisco, USA.
February 2006:
Higher dimensional rewriting, concurrency and directed homotopy, Marseilles, France.
February 2006:
Geometry of Interaction, Marseilles, France.
August 2009:
Structural Operational Semantics, SOS '09, Bologna, Italy
September 2009:
IFIP WG 1.8 - 2.2 workshop on behavioural varieties in concurrency, at CONCUR 2009, Bologna, Italy.
August 2010:
2nd Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, Prague, Czech Republic
September 2010:
World Computer Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
June 2011:
Synchrony and Asynchrony in Distributed Systems, Berlin, Germany
June 2011:
Programming and Reactive Systems, Drübeck, Germany
January 2014:
Directed Algebraic Topology and Concurrency, Lyon, France
February 2014:
Concurrency, Logic and Types, Lyon, France
July 2015:
TOPDRIM International School on Understanding Complexity and Concurrency through Topology of Data, Camerino, Italy.
July 2015:
Topology driven methods for complex systems, Camerino, Italy.
November 2016:
Fall Days on Communication, Safety and Privacy in IoT, Hoog Soeren, The Netherlands.
January 2017:
Festschrift symposium for Bill Roscoe, Oxford, UK.
September 2017:
Invited tutorial at EXPRESS/SOS'17, Berlin, Germany.
September 2018:
TASE'18: International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, Guangzhou, China.
September 2018:
CONCUR'18: 29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, Huairou district of Beijing, China.
September 2018:
Geometric and Topological Methods in Computer Science, GETCO '18, Oaxaca, Mexico.
January 2024:
Workshop on Foundations of Computation in Sheffield, UK
February 2024:
SOFSEM'24: Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Cochem, Germany.
June 2024:
Petri Nets 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
July 2024:
Workshop on Foundations of Security and Concurrency, Oslo, Norway.


Starting May 1991:
Member editorial board of Information and Computation.
Starting May 2004:
Member editorial board of Theoretical Computer Science.
Starting May 2009:
Editor in Chief of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.
Starting March 2017:
Member steering committee MARS workshops (Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems).
March 1988:
(with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Organizer of the GMD-Workshop on Combining Compositionality and Concurrency, Königswinter, Germany.
May 1996:
(with Johan van Benthem and Henriette de Swart) Organizer Fifth CSLI Workshop on Logic, Language, and Computation, Stanford University, USA.
March 2002:
(with Hans-Dieter Ehrich and Ursula Goltz) Organizer of the Dagstuhl workshop Concurrency and Dynamic Behaviour Modelling: Pragmatics & Semantics, Germany.
May 2002:
Member organisation committee 1st North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information with the 11th workshop on Logic, Language, and Computation, Stanford University, USA.
January 2005 - October 2006:
(with Wil van der Aalst, Keith Harrison-Broninski, Robin Milner and Roger Whitehead) Founder and organiser of the Process Modelling Group, a think thank seeking to bring together industry and academia in an effort to influence models, standards, and tools for business process modelling.
August 2006:
(with Gerwin Klein, Ralf Huuck and Belinda Selig) Organiser of SV06: International Workshop on System Verification, NICTA, Sydney, Australia.
August 2006:
(with Peter Mosses) Organizer of Structural Operational Semantics 2006, SOS 06, Bonn, Germany.
December 2006 - May 2008:
(with Peter Mosses) Editor of a special issue of Information and Computation on Structural Operational Semantics.
July 2007:
(with Matthew Hennessy) Organizer of Structural Operational Semantics 2007, SOS 07, Wroclaw, Poland.
November 2009:
(with Ursula Goltz, Bas Luttik and Uwe Nestmann) Organizer of the IFIP WG 1.8 workshop Formal Methods for Embedded Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
June 2011 - July 2012:
(with Peter Höfner) Editor of a special issue of Formal Aspects of Computing, Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Carroll Morgan.
July 2012:
(with Peter Höfner) Organised a seminar day Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Carroll Morgan.
August 2013:
(with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Organizer of the workshop 25 Years of Combining Compositionality and Concurrency, Königswinter, Germany.
November 2013 - May 2015
(with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Editor of a special issue of Acta Informatica on 25 Years of Combining Compositionality and Concurrency.
November 2015:
(with J.F. Groote and P. Höfner) Organizer and PC chair of the first workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2015), Suva, Fiji.
April 2018:
(with W. Serwe) Organizer and PC chair of the third workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems (MARS 2018), Thessaloniki, Greece.
January - July 2021:
Chair of the CONCUR'21 Test-of-Time award committee.
Programme Committees:
LICS 92.
TACS 94.
ACP 95.
1997-2001: Sixth, Seventh, Eight, Ninth and Tenth CSLI Workshops on Logic, Language, and Computation.
PAPM 98.
WoLLIC 99.
LICS 99.
SOS 04.
SOS 05.
SOS 06 (Co-chair, together with Peter Mosses).
WS-FM 06.
FInCo 07.
SOS 07 (Co-chair, together with Matthew Hennessy).
WS-FM 07.
LICS 11.
CATS 12.
LICS 12.
LATA 13.
LATA 14.
ATVA 14.
LICS 15.
MARS 15 (Co-chair, together with J.F. Groote and P. Höfner).
LATA 17.
MARS 18 (Co-chair, together with W. Serwe).
TASE 18.
LATA 19.
TASE 19.
CONCUR 19 (Co-chair, together with Wan Fokkink).
LICS 20.
MARS 20.
TASE 20.
TASE 21.
TASE 22.
TASE 23.
FACS 23.
LICS 24.
RaPS 24.
CSL 25.