Curriculum Vitae
Robert Jan van Glabbeek
Contact information:
- Doctoraalexamen ("M.S.")
- Mathematics with specialisation in Geometry (cum laude),
University of Leiden, The Netherlands, November 1984.
- Ph.D.
- Comparative concurrency semantics and refinement of actions,
Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 16, 1990.
- Since 2015 (for life):
- Foreign member of the Royal Holland Society of
Sciences and Humanities.
- 2020:
- Recipient of the CONCUR test-of-time award.
- Since 2023 (for life):
- Member of Academia Europaea.
- Since 2023:
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association.
September 1981 - November 1984:
- Teaching Assistant at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
- December 1984 - November 1989:
- Research Scientist at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer
Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- February 1990 - August 1990:
- Research Scientist at the Technical University of Munich, Germany.
- September 1990 - August 1991:
- Acting Assistant Professor at Stanford University, USA.
- September 16 - November 15, 1991:
- Visiting Scientist at the Gesellschaft für Mathematik und
Datenverarbeitung (GMD), Sankt Augustin, Germany.
- September 1991 - August 2002:
- Research Associate at Stanford University, USA.
- August 2000 - October 2002:
- Consultant for Ricoh Innovations, Menlo Park, California, USA.
- September 2002 - present:
- Research Affiliate at the Concurrency Group, Stanford University, USA
(not a paid position).
- November 2002 - December 2002:
- Research Scientist at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer
Science (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- January 2003:
- Consultant for Ricoh Innovations, Menlo Park, California, USA.
- February, 2003 - May, 2003:
- Associate Professor for NICTA at the University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
- June 2003 - August 2003:
- Visiting Fellow at INRIA, France.
- September 2003 - March 2004:
- Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh.
- April 2004 - May 2004:
- Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge.
- June 2004 - June 2016
- Principal Researcher at NICTA, Sydney, Australia.
- June 2004 - December 2007:
- Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
- February 2006:
- Visiting Professor at the Université de la
Méditerranée, Marseilles, France.
- January 2008 - present:
- Conjoint/Adjunct Professor at the University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
- July 2016 - October 2021:
- Chief Research Scientist at Data61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia.
- August 2022 - present:
- Royal Society Wolfson Fellow and Professor at the University of Edinburgh.
Teaching Experience
- Spring semester 1988:
- Course on Comparative Concurrency Semantics at the
University of Amsterdam.
- Fall quarter 1990, and spring '93, '95 and '97:
- CS 352 on Foundations of Control Structures at Stanford University.
- Winter '91, '96, '01 and spring '02:
- CS 154 on Automata and Complexity Theory at Stanford University.
The spring '02 edition was also a SCPD television course.
- Spring quarter 1991:
- CS 353 on Algebra for Computer Scientists at Stanford University.
- Autumn semester 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010 and 2012:
- COMP 4151/3152/9152 on Comparative Concurrency Semantics
at the University of New South Wales.
- Autumn semester 2013:
- COMP 4141 on the Theory of Computation
at the University of New South Wales.
- Autumn semester 2014, 2016 and 2018, and winter trimester 2020:
- COMP 6752 on Modelling Concurrent Systems
at the University of New South Wales.
- Summer 2018:
- Modelling and Verification of Protocols for Wireless Networks
at the University of Twente.
- Fall semester 2023 and 2024:
- Discrete mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.
- Fall semester 2023 and 2024:
- Modelling Concurrent Systems at the University of Edinburgh.
- Fall semester 1989:
- Supervision of Leon Kuurman writing a master thesis on The jungle of
process semantics at the University of Amsterdam.
- Spring - Summer 2002:
- Supervision of the senior project of Nafis Upshur at Stanford
University, with thesis on
Circuit definable operators on event oriented models of concurrency.
- 1991 - 2002:
- Author and supervisor of some of the yearly comprehensive and
qualifying exams at Stanford University in automata theory, and
mathematical foundations of computer science.
- 2003/2004:
- External reviewer of the PhD thesis of Antti Puhakka.
- 1993 - 2009:
- Served in the reading and oral exam committees of 5 Ph.D. candidates:
Arend Rensink, Vineet Gupta, Luca d'Alfaro, Tomás Uribe,
Harm van Beek and Bas Ploeger.
- 2005:
- Co-supervision of internship project of
Ibrahim Bokharouss at the University of New South Wales.
- 2005 - 2009:
- Co-supervision of two PhD candidates at UNSW: Pemadeep Ramsokul
and Timothy Bourke.
- 2008 - 2009:
- Joint supervision of the master thesis project of Jens-Wolfhard Schicke
from the University of Braunschweig, visiting NICTA.
Master Thesis: Synchrony and Asynchrony in Petri Nets.
- 2009 - 2018:
- Joint supervision of the Ph.D. study of Jens-Wolfhard Schicke at
the University of Braunschweig.
- 2012 - 2013:
- Co-supervision of the master thesis project of Christopher Lippert
at the University of Braunschweig.
Master Thesis: Verschiedene Prozesskalküle und ihre
relative Ausdrucksmächtigkeit.
- 2014:
- Supervision of internship at NICTA of Emile Bres from École Polytechnique.
- 2015:
- Supervision of DAAD internship at NICTA of Katja Möring from U. Hamburg.
- 2016:
- Reviewer of the habilitation thesis of Emmanual Haucourt, École Polytechnique.
- 2017:
- Supervision of internship at Data61 of Victor Dyseryn from École Polytechnique.
- 2017:
- Served as PhD examiner of Christian Eisentraut at the U. of Saarland.
- 2017:
- Served as PhD examiner of Jérémy Dubut at École
Normale Supérieure Paris-Sacley at Cachan.
- 2017:
- Reviewer of the PhD thesis of Valentina Castiglioni, University of Insubria.
- 2017:
- Reviewer of the bachelor thesis of Nick Fischer, University of Saarland.
- 2017 - 2018:
- Co-supervision of the master thesis project of Djurre van der Wal, University of Twente.
- 2018:
- Joint supervision of the internships of Filippo De Bortoli
(European Master's Program in Computational Logic),
Anran Wang (DAAD, from U. Hamburg), Michael Markl (DAAD, from Augsburg),
and Ryan Barry (UNSW).
- 2019:
- Joint supervision of the master thesis project of Anran Wang, visiting Data61 from U. Hamburg.
- 2019:
- Joint supervision of the honours thesis of Ryan Barry, at UNSW.
- 2020-present:
- Joint supervision of the PhD project of Weiyou Wang, at ANU.
- 2021-2022:
- Joint supervision of the honours thesis of Tina Ji, at ANU.
- 2022-present:
- Joint supervision of the PhD project of Ryan Barry, at ANU.
- 2022:
- Examiner of the habilitation thesis of Uli Fahrenberg at the Université Paris-Saclay.
- 2023-2024:
- Supervision of honours project of Fiona Hamlin (University of Edinburgh).
- 2023-2024:
- Supervision of the internships of Gaspard Reghem (ENS Paris-Saclay)
and Andrea Exposito (University of Urbino).
- 2023-present:
- Co-supervision of the PhD project of Rayhana Amjad, at U. Edinburgh.
- 2024:
- Co-supervision of visiting PhD student Yu Wang (Nanjing University of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, China).
- 2024:
- Supervision of master student Marcel Wrzos-Kaminski (EPCC, Edinburgh).
- 2024-present:
- Supervision of honours projects of Christopher Dalziel and Leon Lee, at U. Edinburgh
- 2024-present:
- Supervision of 2nd years project of Arin Mukhopadhyay, at U. Edinburgh.
- 2024-present:
- Supervision of the PhD project of Alessandro Scala, at U. Edinburgh.
- References in bibtex format,
and pdf.
US7120699 (2006) Filed September 20, 2001 (together with D.G. Stork):
- Document controlled workflow systems and methods.
US7356611 (2008)
Filed January 18, 2002 (together with D.G. Stork and S. Savitzky):
- Method and apparatus for permissions based active document workflow.
Invited speaker at workshops and symposia:
- November 1986
- Meeting of the Werkgemeenschap Theoretische Informatica, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- March 1988
- Workshop on Combining Compositionality and Concurrency,
Königswinter, Germany.
- June 1989
- REX Workshop on Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems: Models,
Formalism, Correctness, Mook, The Netherlands.
- September 1989
- REX seminar: Towards a general theory of
structured operational semantics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- April 1990
- Spring school Semantique du Parallelisme, La Roche-Posay, France.
- March 1991
- 3rd Workshop on Concurrency and Compositionality, Goslar, Germany.
- June 1991
- International Symposium on Theoretical Computer Science in honor of
Boris. A. Trakhtenbrot, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- September 1991
- CEDISYS workshop on concurrency, Sophia Antipolis, France.
- August 1992
- CONCUR 92: Third International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
Stony Brook, New York, USA.
- September 1992
- The VIth BANFF Higher Order Workshop: Advanced tutorial on process
algebras, Banff, Canada.
- June 1993
- AMAST 93: Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And
Software Technology, University of Twente, The Netherlands.
- May 1994
- ACP94: Workshop on Algebra of Communicating Processes, University of
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- September 1994
- Dagstuhl seminar on formal specification, Dagstuhl, Germany.
- October 1994
- Annual Meeting of the Italian Chapter of the EATCS, Bologna, Italy.
- May 1996
- Seminar on Semantics of Concurrent Systems - Foundations and
Applications, Dagstuhl, Germany.
- July 1996
- POMIV 96: Workshop on the theory and practice of partial order methods
in verification, Princeton, NY, USA.
- September 1996
- Seminar on Expressiveness in Concurrency, Dagstuhl, Germany.
- February 1997
- Final meeting of the German national research foundation's
research program Distributed Information Systems in Business,
Berlin, Germany.
- August 1997
- Tutorial day on Logic, Language, Information and Computation,
Fortaleza, Brazil.
- August 1997
- 4th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation
(WoLLIC'97), Fortaleza, Brazil.
- February 1998
- Information systems as reactive systems, Dagstuhl, Germany.
- August 1999
- CONCUR 99: Tenth International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- July 2001:
- Teaching a course at the summer school on Process algebra in
Bertinoro, Italy.
- June 2003:
- Workshop on Mobility/Concurrency in Ottawa, Canada.
- July 2003:
- Workshop on Process Algebra: Open Problems and Future Directions,
Bertinoro, Italy.
- August 2004:
- Structural Operational Semantics 2004, London, UK.
- August 2004:
- 11th International Workshop in Expressiveness in Concurrency,
EXPRESS 2004, London, UK.
- December 2004:
- Logic Summer School in Canberra, Australia.
- August 2005:
- Algebraic Process Calculi: The First Twenty Five Years and
Beyond, PA '05, Bertinoro, Italy, August 2005.
- August 2005:
- Geometry and Topology in Concurrency, GETCO '05, San Francisco, USA.
- February 2006:
- Higher dimensional rewriting, concurrency and directed homotopy,
Marseilles, France.
- February 2006:
- Geometry of Interaction, Marseilles, France.
- August 2009:
- Structural Operational Semantics, SOS '09, Bologna, Italy
- September 2009:
- IFIP WG 1.8 - 2.2 workshop on behavioural varieties in concurrency,
at CONCUR 2009, Bologna, Italy.
- August 2010:
- 2nd Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing, Prague, Czech Republic
- September 2010:
- World Computer Congress, Brisbane, Australia.
- June 2011:
- Synchrony and Asynchrony in Distributed Systems, Berlin, Germany
- June 2011:
- Programming and Reactive Systems, Drübeck, Germany
- January 2014:
- Directed Algebraic Topology and Concurrency, Lyon, France
- February 2014:
- Concurrency, Logic and Types, Lyon, France
- July 2015:
- TOPDRIM International School on
Understanding Complexity and Concurrency through Topology of Data, Camerino, Italy.
- July 2015:
- Topology driven methods for complex systems, Camerino, Italy.
- November 2016:
- Fall Days on Communication, Safety and Privacy in IoT, Hoog Soeren, The Netherlands.
- January 2017:
- Festschrift symposium for Bill Roscoe, Oxford, UK.
- September 2017:
- Invited tutorial at EXPRESS/SOS'17, Berlin, Germany.
- September 2018:
- TASE'18: International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering,
Guangzhou, China.
- September 2018:
- CONCUR'18: 29th International Conference on Concurrency Theory,
Huairou district of Beijing, China.
- September 2018:
- Geometric and Topological Methods in Computer Science, GETCO '18, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- January 2024:
- Workshop on Foundations of Computation in Sheffield, UK
- February 2024:
- SOFSEM'24: Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Cochem, Germany.
- June 2024:
- Petri Nets 2024, Geneva, Switzerland.
- July 2024:
- Workshop on Foundations of Security and Concurrency, Oslo, Norway.
- July 2025:
- Scottish Programming Languages and Verification Summer School '25, Edinburgh, UK.
- Starting May 1991:
- Member editorial board of Information and Computation.
- Starting May 2004:
- Member editorial board of Theoretical Computer Science.
- Starting May 2009:
- Editor in Chief of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical
Computer Science.
- Starting March 2017:
- Member steering committee MARS workshops (Models for
Formal Analysis of Real Systems).
- March 1988:
- (with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Organizer
of the GMD-Workshop on Combining Compositionality
and Concurrency, Königswinter, Germany.
- May 1996:
- (with Johan van Benthem and Henriette de Swart) Organizer
Fifth CSLI Workshop on Logic, Language, and Computation,
Stanford University, USA.
- March 2002:
- (with Hans-Dieter Ehrich and Ursula Goltz) Organizer of the Dagstuhl
workshop Concurrency and Dynamic Behaviour Modelling:
Pragmatics & Semantics, Germany.
- May 2002:
- Member organisation committee 1st North American Summer School in
Logic, Language, and Information with the 11th workshop on
Logic, Language, and Computation, Stanford University, USA.
- January 2005 - October 2006:
- (with Wil van der Aalst, Keith Harrison-Broninski, Robin Milner
and Roger Whitehead) Founder and organiser of the
Process Modelling Group, a think thank seeking to bring
together industry and academia in an effort to influence
models, standards, and tools for business process modelling.
- August 2006:
- (with Gerwin Klein, Ralf Huuck and Belinda Selig) Organiser of SV06:
International Workshop on System Verification, NICTA,
Sydney, Australia.
- August 2006:
- (with Peter Mosses) Organizer of Structural Operational
Semantics 2006, SOS 06, Bonn, Germany.
- December 2006 - May 2008:
- (with Peter Mosses) Editor of a special issue of Information
and Computation on Structural Operational Semantics.
- July 2007:
- (with Matthew Hennessy) Organizer of Structural Operational
Semantics 2007, SOS 07, Wroclaw, Poland.
- November 2009:
- (with Ursula Goltz, Bas Luttik and Uwe Nestmann) Organizer of
the IFIP WG 1.8 workshop Formal Methods for Embedded
Systems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
- June 2011 - July 2012:
- (with Peter Höfner) Editor of a special issue of Formal
Aspects of Computing, Celebrating the 60th Birthday of
Carroll Morgan.
- July 2012:
- (with Peter Höfner) Organised a seminar day
Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Carroll Morgan.
- August 2013:
- (with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Organizer
of the workshop 25 Years of Combining Compositionality
and Concurrency, Königswinter, Germany.
- November 2013 - May 2015
- (with U. Goltz and E.-R. Olderog) Editor of a special issue
of Acta Informatica on 25 Years of Combining
Compositionality and Concurrency.
- November 2015:
- (with J.F. Groote and P. Höfner) Organizer and PC chair
of the first workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems
(MARS 2015), Suva, Fiji.
- April 2018:
- (with W. Serwe) Organizer and PC chair
of the third workshop on Models for Formal Analysis of Real Systems
(MARS 2018), Thessaloniki, Greece.
- January - July 2021:
- Chair of the CONCUR'21 Test-of-Time award committee.
- Programme Committees:
- CONCUR 91.
- LICS 92.
- NAPAW 93.
- TACS 94.
- CONCUR 94.
- STRICT 95.
- ACP 95.
- CONCUR 95.
- 1997-2001:
Sixth, Seventh, Eight, Ninth and Tenth CSLI Workshops on Logic,
Language, and Computation.
- CONCUR 98.
- PAPM 98.
- WoLLIC 99.
- LICS 99.
- AMAST 00.
- CONCUR 02.
- ICALP 03.
- SOS 04.
- FINCO 05.
- SOS 05.
- ASWEC 06.
- SOS 06 (Co-chair, together with Peter Mosses).
- CONCUR 06.
- WS-FM 06.
- ASWEC 07.
- ICALP 07.
- FInCo 07.
- SOS 07 (Co-chair, together with Matthew Hennessy).
- WS-FM 07.
- SYANCO 07.
- CONCUR 08.
- CONCUR 09.
- ICALP 10.
- IFIP-TCS 10.
- LICS 11.
- CATS 12.
- LICS 12.
- CONCUR 12.
- LATA 13.
- CONCUR 13.
- LATA 14.
- ATVA 14.
- LICS 15.
- MARS 15 (Co-chair, together with J.F. Groote and P. Höfner).
- CONCUR 16.
- LATA 17.
- CONCUR 17.
- MARS 18 (Co-chair, together with W. Serwe).
- TASE 18.
- LATA 19.
- TASE 19.
- CONCUR 19 (Co-chair, together with Wan Fokkink).
- LICS 20.
- MARS 20.
- TASE 20.
- CONCUR 20.
- FORTE 21.
- CALCO 21.
- TASE 21.
- CONCUR 22.
- TASE 22.
- FTSCS 22.
- ICALP 23.
- TASE 23.
- FORTE 23.
- FACS 23.
- LICS 24.
- RaPS 24.
- CSL 25.
- ICALP 25.
- CONCUR 25.