Event oriented models of concurrency

In event oriented models of concurrency a concurrent system is represented by a set of events (action occurrences) together with some structure on this set, determining the relations between the events. This class of models includes the various brands of event structures, as well various kinds of configuration structures and propositional theories.

Event structures

Event structures were first proposed in [NPW81] as a stepping stone in the translation between Petri nets and Scott domains. It was clear from the beginning that they formed a viable model of concurrency in their own right. Different kinds of event structures were subsequently introduced in [Winskel87], [Winskel89], [Boudol90], [Langerak92] and [Katoen96]. In our papers [GP04] and [GP10] we introduce yet another kind of event structures, more general than these previous approaches, that, up to hereditary history preserving bisimulation equivalence, has the same expressive power as arbitrary Petri nets under the collective token interpretation.
Rob van Glabbeek and Gordon Plotkin