
Picture of Ting Zhang
Ting Zhang

Microsoft Research Asia
5/F, Beijing Sigma Center
49 Zhichun Road, Haidian District
Beijing 100190, P.R.China

Phone: 1-650-641-9236
Fax: 1-319-856-2522


Ting worked in the The REACT Group of Computer Science Deparetment at Stanford University. He obtained this Ph.D. in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Zohar Manna. Dr. Henny Sipma was his unofficial co-advisor.

Ting is a Researcher in the Microsoft Research Asia. His main research areas are semantics, specification, and verification of reactive, embedded, real-time, and hybrid systems. His current research focus is automated deduction and its applications to program verification and analysis, including decision procedures for reasoning complex data structures and data structures extended with integer arithmetic.

Ting was awarded Ackermann Award 2007 for his Ph.D. thesis Arithmetic Integration of Decision Procedures. Here is the summary of the thesis.

Ting taught Automata, Logic, Games and Verification at Tsinghua University in Spring 2007.

Ting is a Matrix-aficionado. He believes that the world is a simulation and he loves being simulated as one having knowledge about the simulator.