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☆ A Tight Lower Bound for Streett Complementation ☆

A Tight Lower Bound for Streett Complementation

Yang Cai, Ting Zhang


Finite automata on infinite words ($\omega$-automata) proved to be a powerful weapon for modeling and reasoning infinite behaviors of reactive systems. Complementation of $\omega$-automata is crucial in many of these applications. But the problem is non-trivial; even after extensive study during the past four decades, we still have an important type of $\omega$-automata, namely Streett automata, for which the gap between the previously known lower bound $2^{\Omega(n \lg nk)}$ and upper bound $2^{\Omega(nk \lg nk)}$ is substantial, for the Streett index size $k$ can be exponential in the number of states $n$. In the companion paper we showed a construction for complementing Streett automata with the upper bound $2^{O(n \lg n+nk \lg k)}$ for $k = O(n)$ and $2^{O(n^{2} \lg n)}$ for $k=\omega(n)$. In this paper we establish a matching lower bound $2^{\Omega(n \lg n+nk \lg k)}$ for $k = O(n)$ and $2^{\Omega(n^{2} \lg n)}$ for $k = \omega(n)$, and therefore showing that the construction is asymptotically optimal with respect to the $2^{\Theta(\cdot)}$ notation.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0954132.


Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.