Starting Points and Indexes to Net Resources
Searchable Indices
CUI search engine catalog
is a multipurpose catalog of a variety of different search engines.
Hunting WWW using Lycos
Yahoo search engine
SUSI Search
, a simple unified search interface.
Infoseek search
External Info
, at Twente University also offers unified searches.
Selected phonebooks for North American institutions
to search for people.
Netfind - to search for an email address.
Subject Listings
a guide to the WWW.
The WWW Virtual library
from CERN is a great subject catalogue.
The Whole Internet Catalog
from GNN is an excellent subject reference.
Planet Earth
is an exhaustive subject-compilation.
Libraries Automation Service.
Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet
is a good subject catalogue.
An Internet Hypertext List
is a subject-listing based on Yanoff's internet list.
Joel's Hierarchical Subject Index
is another subject-listing.
EI Net Galaxy
is another subject-wise listing from EINet.
General Overview of Worldwide Internet Resources
is another subject-list.
Internet Resources List
is EIT's list of net services.
Internet Information Sources
a comprehensive list of Net Services.
Starting points.
Subject Meta-Listings
Virtual Libraries
is CERN's Meta-list of Subject-indices.
The Clearinghouse for subject-oriented Internet resource guides
is a good searchable meta-list.
List of Electronic References
including Dictionary, Thesaurus.
Other Starting Points
Internet starting points list
has pointers to lots of interesting hosts.
Internet Resources Metamap
is a graphical map of resources on the net.
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