MATH 108: Introduction to Combinatorics and its Applications

Stanford University, Winter 2017

Lectures: Tue/Thu 1:30 - 2:50 PM, room 380C
Instructor: Jan Vondrak (
Course Assistant: Zev Rosengarten (
Office hours:
Monday 3-4 pm, 383-J (Jan)
Friday 3-4 pm, 381-N (Zev)

FINAL EXAM: Monday, March 20, 12:15 - 3:15 PM in 380-C.
Sample Final Exam and some information here .

Course description: This is an introductory course in combinatorics. Tentative list of topics: A more detailed syllabus can be downloaded here.

Prerequisites: Linear algebra and calculus (Math 51).

Textbook: While much of the material we will cover is in this book, some isn't. You are expected to come to class and take your own notes.

Midterm and final exam: will be closed-book (one 3" x 5" card of notes allowed).

Class policy is: PLEASE SOLVE THE PROBLEMS ON YOUR OWN. If the problems seem too hard, something's wrong - come and talk to me.
Please try to write out complete arguments, using full sentences in a way that we can read them.

If you don't have experience with rigorous proofs, here is a nice essay on how to construct proofs and write them down properly.