Research & Students
Research & Students
Broadly, I am interested in formal methods, programming language and security (generally, programming language security and secure compilation).
I am one of the main promotors of the secure compilation research field, having developed with my collaborators:
-secure compilation criteria (modular full abstraction, trace-preserving compilation, robustly safe compilation, robust hyperproperty preservation criteria)
-proof techniques for secure compilation (trace-based backtranslation, approximate context-based backtranslation)
-instances of secure compilers in action (secure compilation for PMA and high-level capability machines)
-teaching material for secure compilation (see my teaching page)
More precisely, here is my (old) research statement.
Professional activity:
•Organiser/co organiser: PRISC’19, PRISC’18, 1st Secure Compilation Meeting.
•PC: CSF’20, SAC’19, SAC’18, SAC’17, FCS’16, SAC’16, SAC’15, ICCSW’14
•External/sub reviewer: POPL’16, CSF’15, Elsevier’s COMLAN, FOCLASA’14, GPCE’14, Scientific World Journal, IFM’13, FSEN’13, ESOP’12, IWACO’11, Dagstuhl seminar on secure compilation
PhD students
2017-: Akram El-Korashy (@MPI-SWS), co-supervised with Deepak Garg
Master students & other students
2020: Eric Martin (@Stanford)
2020: Koby Chan (@Stanford)
2019: Wilson Nguyen (@Stanford)
2019: Nicholas Barbier (@Stanford)
2019: Max DiGiacomo (@Stanford)
2017: Maximilian Schwenger (@MPI-SWS)
2016: Akram El-Korashy (@MPI-SWS)
2014: Matthias van der Hallen (@ KU Leuven)
2013: Pieter van Geel (@ KU Leuven)