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                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

                       Pledge of Allegiance  ("task01")

	   I, a member of the Worldwide Indian Network (WIN), hereby 
	solemnly pledge under oath to support the principles of the 
	Network as expressed in the Statement of Purpose.  If at any 
	time I come to disagree with the fundamental principles embodied 
	in the Statement of Purpose, or I have a conflict with the 
	Statement of Purpose, or I am not willing to support or abide by 
	the Statement of Purpose for any reason whatsoever, I agree to 
	resign my membership in the Network.


			      Statement of Purpose

	The goal of the Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) is the betterment 
	of the Republic of India, Indian nationals, and people of Asian 
	Indian ancestry all over the world.


The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.

Arjun Kapur's home page.

Arjun Kapur