Worldwide Indian Network (WIN)

The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) is an action-oriented network. The backbone of this Network is a group of people with access to the Internet. The Network promotes causes pertaining to the Indian community's needs, aspirations, and goals.

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                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

To join the Worldwide Indian Network, please send email to in the following format : 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder H617-567-0667
	e-mail "tab":"space" ZIP-code "tab":"space" Name "space" phone


  • Task00 -- General Information: What WIN is all about.
  • Task++ -- FTPables: Files available from WIN's FTp site.
  • Task01 -- Pledge of Allegiance
  • Task10 -- Responsibilites of Members
  • Task15 -- Frequently Asked Questions: Common questions and answers about WIN.
  • Task20 -- Responsibilities of Coordinators: How to do more for the network.
  • Task50 -- Rights of Members: Members' rights to use the network.
  • Task51 -- WIN's Committees: Various committees established to deal with particular issues (eg. Srinivas Chirukuri murder investigation, Kashmir issue, Indian Literacy, etc.).
  • Task05 -- Establishment of PD Centers: Helping build WIN's infrastructure.
  • Task11 -- Posting of Messages onto Bulletin Boards
  • Task80 -- Professional Sections: How to contribute your professional expertise for the betterment of the network and India.
  • Task09 -- Duplicate E-Mail Addresses: How to avoid receiving duplicate messages.
  • Task08 -- Lifetime E-Mail Addresses: How to get a single email address for life.
  • Task90 -- Member Participation: How members can help improve the network.

  • General Information

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                          WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

    The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) is an action-oriented network which serves the international Indian community. The backbone of this Network is a group of people with access to the Internet. The Network promotes social, cultural, political, and educational causes pertaining to the Indian community's needs, aspirations, and goals. Currently, the Network spans twenty-one countries on five continents.

    Currently, the Justice Department takes several years to grant a Permanent Resident Visa to the spouse of an immigrant to the United States. To remedy this situation, Senator Donald Riegle of Michigan had introduced bill S618 to the Senate to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1182). This bill would have allowed the spouses and children of permanent resident aliens to enter and live in the United States temporarily as visitors or students while waiting to obtain immigrant visa status. Congressman Frank Pallone of New Jersey had brought the companion bill HR3182 to the House of Representatives. Members of the Network wrote to federal legislators urging them to vote for the Family Reunification Bills.

    On July 26, 1993, under mysterious circumstances, Srinivas Chirukuri, a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, was burned to death. The coroner ruled that Srinivas' death was an accident. But compelling evidence suggest that it was a homicide. The Network submitted a petition to the US Attorney General Janet Reno on September 20, 1993, asking the authorities to reopen the case of Srinivas Chirukuri for a thorough investigation. Seven hundred and eighty-seven people from around the world signed the petition.

    The earthquake of September 30, 1993, was one of the worst in history -- 6.4 on the Richter scale. More than 30,000 people lost their lives around the epicenter: 18.2 degrees North and 76.7 degrees East, i.e. southwestern Maharashtra. The Network mailed thousands of appeals to people all over the world asking them to donate generously to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, the Red Cross, etc.

    If you are willing to help us in this project, please join the Network by sending an e-mail to the Network Coordinator ( Use the word NETWORK in the subject line, and your e-mail address (in small letters only), home zip code, full name, and telephone number(s) in the body using the following format: : 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder H617-567-0667


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                          WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK
    	   Listed below are the Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) FTP sites 
    	with their contents:
    	   (A) University of Waterloo, Canada
                   01) Baby Names
                   02) ERNET Sites in India
                   03) Indian Lawyers in the US
                   04) the Srinivas Chirukuri case
                   05) Indian Newspapers in the US
                   06) Names of Domains of US Colleges
                   07) Indian Community Leaders in the US
                   08) Names and Addresses of US Senators
                   09) President Clinton's Speech at the UN
                   10) the Family Reunification Bills (S618 & HR3182)
    	To access these files: ftp to (
    	Login: "anonymous"
    	Password: your e-mail address
    	Change directory: cd /pub/WIN/
    	Type: "dir"
    	(Note: FTP services are not available 
    	       weekdays from 9 am until 5 pm, Eastern Standard Time).
    	   (B) Eskimo North Inc, Seattle, Washington
     	       01) Indian Students' Association of N America
    	To access this file: ftp to (
    	Login: "anonymous"
    	Password: your e-mail address
    	Change directory: cd /u/j/jai/WIN/
    	Type: "dir"
     	   To learn more about the Network, you may visit our web sites:  
    (WIN's Entrepreneurial Initiative)
    (WIN's Entrepreneurial Initiative)
    	   If you are willing to help us in this project, please join 
    	the Network by sending an e-mail to  Use the word 
    	"NETWORK" in the subject line, and your e-mail address (in small 
    	letters only), home zip code, full name, and telephone number(s) 
    	in the body using the following format:
 : 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder H617-567-0667

    The Stanford home page.

    The Computer Science Department home page.

    The Theory Division home page.

    Arjun Kapur's home page.

    Arjun Kapur