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                     _\_ \:\ \:\  /__/::\      _____\__\:\
                    /__/\ \:\ \:\ \__\/\:\__  /__/::::::::\
                    \  \:\ \:\/:/    \  \:\/\ \  \:\~~\~~\/
                     \  \:\ \::/      \__\::/  \  \:\  ~~~
                      \  \:\/:/       /__/:/    \  \:\
                       \  \::/        \__\/      \  \:\
                        \__\/                     \__\/

                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

		    Duplicate E-mail Addresses  ("task09")

	   Nowadays some people have more than one e-mail address, often 
	at different institutions.  If you are one of those lucky 
	people, and happen to receive more than one copy of the same 
	file from the Network, notify the coordinator from whom you have 
	received duplicate files using the following format:

	   bhalder@lynx.dac.neu.edu	: 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder

	   halder@bu.edu		: 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder
	   halder@cs.umb.edu		: 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder
	   halder@husc.harvard.edu	: 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder
	   8582bhald@umbsky.cc.umb.edu	: 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder

		   Biswanath Halder
		   -- Network Coordinator


The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.

Arjun Kapur's home page.

Arjun Kapur