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                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

		       Professional Sections ("task80")

	   To advance your professional interests, and to contribute 
	your professional expertise towards helping India, you are 
	encouraged to join one or more of the following sections:

		----------				----
		Accounting				act
		Administration	-- Business		abs
		Administration	-- Health Care		ahc
		Administration	-- Hotel		aht
		Administration	-- Industrial 		ain
		Administration	-- Public		apl
		Agriculture/Food Science		agc
		Anthropology				anl
		Archeology				arl
		Architecture				atr
		Art/Painting/Sculpture			art
		Astronomy/Planetary Science		asn
		Aviation				avn
		Banking		-- Commercial		bcm
		Banking		-- Investment		biv
		Biology					blg
		Botany/Plant Science			btn
		Ceramic Science				cms
		Chemistry				chm
		Cognitive Science			cgs
		Computer Science			cts
		Criminology/Criminal Justice		crl
		Dentistry				dnt
		Drama/Theatre Arts/Dance		drm
		Economics				ecn
		Education				edn
		Engineering	-- Aerospace		eas
		Engineering	-- Biomedical		ebm
		Engineering	-- Chemical		ecc
		Engineering	-- Civil		ecv
		Engineering	-- Computer		ect
		Engineering	-- Electrical		eel
		Engineering	-- Environmental	eev
		Engineering	-- Genetic		egt
		Engineering	-- Industrial		ein
		Engineering	-- Mechanical		emc
		Engineering	-- Metallurgical	emt
		Engineering	-- Mining		emn
		Engineering	-- Nuclear		enc
		Engineering	-- Petroleum		ept
		Engineering	-- Systems		est
		Engineering	-- Telecommunications	etc
		Engineering	-- Textile		etx
		Environmental Science			evs
		Film/Cinematography			flm
		Finance					fnc
		Forestry				frt
		Geography				ggr
		Geology/Earth Science			glg
		Gerontology				gtl
		Government				gvt
		Health Science				hls
		History					hst
		Insurance				ins
		International Affairs			ina
		Journalism				jrn
		Language	-- Arabic		lar
		Language	-- Assamese		las
		Language	-- Bengali		lbg
		Language	-- English		len
		Language	-- Farsi 		lfs
		Language	-- French		lfn
		Language	-- German		lgm
		Language	-- Greek		lgk
		Language	-- Gujrati		lgj
		Language	-- Gurmukhi		lgh
		Language	-- Hebrew		lhb
		Language	-- Hindi		lhd
		Language	-- Italian		lit
		Language	-- Japanese		ljp
		Language	-- Kannada		lkd
		Language	-- Latin		llt
		Language	-- Malayalam		lml
		Language	-- Mandarin		lmd
		Language	-- Marathi		lmt
		Language	-- Nepali		lnp
		Language	-- Oriya		lor
		Language	-- Portuguese		lpg
		Language	-- Russian		lrs
		Language	-- Sanskrit		lsk
		Language	-- Sindhi		lsd
		Language	-- Spanish		lsp
		Language	-- Tamil		ltm
		Language	-- Telugu		ltg
		Language	-- Urdu			lud
		Law					law
		Library Science				lbs
		Linguistics				lgt
		Management	-- Business		mbs
		Management	-- Industrial		min
		Management Information Systems		mis
		Marketing				mkt
		Materials Science			mts
		Mathematics				mth
		Medicine				mdc
		Meteorology/Atmospheric Science		mtl
		Military Science			mls
		Music					msc
		Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering	nva
		Naval Science				nvs
		Nuclear Science				ncs
		Nursing					nrs
		Oceanography/Marine Science		ocn
		Optometry				omt
		Pharmacy				pmc
		Philosophy				pls
		Physics					pcs
		Political Science			pts
		Polymer Science/Plastics Engineering	pms
		Printing Technology			prt
		Psychology				psl
		Public Health				plh
		Real Estate				res
		Religion	-- Buddhism		rbd
		Religion	-- Christianity		rcr
		Religion	-- Hinduism		rhn
		Religion	-- Islam		ris
		Religion	-- Jainism		rjn
		Religion	-- Judaism		rjd
		Religion	-- Sikhism		rsk
		Religion	-- Zoroastrian		rzr
		Social Work				scw
		Sociology				scl
		Sports/Physical Education		spt
		Statistics/Management Science		stt
		Surgery					srg
		Transportation	-- Air			tar
		Transportation	-- Railways 		trl
		Transportation	-- Roadways		trd
		Transportation	-- Shipping	 	tsp
		Urban Planning				urp
		Veterinary Medicine			vtm
		Zoology					zlg

	   To join any of the professional sections, please send an 
	e-mail to the Network Coordinator (win@neu.edu) 
	with "Task80 -- Accounting / Dentistry / Journalism / etc" in 
	the subject line, and your e-mail address, home ZIP code, full 
	name, and three-letter profession code in the body using the 
	following format:

	   bhalder@lynx.neu.edu	: 02128	: Mr Biswanath Halder	: eel



	P.S. If your profession is not listed above, please contact the 
	     Network Coordinator.


The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.

Arjun Kapur's home page.

Arjun Kapur