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                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

		 Responsibilities of Coordinators  ("task20")

	    Welcome to the Worldwide Indian Network (WIN).  It is an 
	action-oriented network, and its potential is unlimited.  If 
	used properly, the Network can have a significant positive 
	impact on all Indians on the planet.  (There are close to one 
	billion of us.)  However, the WIN can fulfill its objectives and 
	be successful if and only if all members carry out their duties 
	by sharing responsibilities.  Of course, your active participa-
	tion in the Network will be time-consuming.  However, the great 
	good you do for our people will make all your efforts more than 
	worthwhile.  Therefore, we are asking you to go through the 
	following job descriptions, and assume the responsibilities of 
	one that you think best fits your background and interests.


			Panel of Judges (PJ -- "task21")

	    We need a few volunteers who are going to decide on behalf 
	of the Network what actions the Network is going to take.  In
	other words, they would serve as a "panel of judges" for and on
	behalf of the Worldwide Indian Network (WIN).  These individuals
	must be mature, wise, and well-respected by all sections of 
	society.  If you think you possess these qualities, or you know
	of any other member who possesses these qualities, and would
	like to assume these responsibilities, please contact the
	Network Coordinator (bhalder@lynx.dac.neu.edu).


		       Board of Editors  (BE -- "task22")

	    We need people to do research on a variety of issues.  And 
	we need good writers who can synthesize the outcome of research 
	coherently.  If you belong to this category, or you know of any 
	other member who belongs to this category, and would like to 
	serve the Network in these capacities, please contact the 
	Network Coordinator (bhalder@lynx.dac.neu.edu).


		      Computer Specialist (CS -- "task23")

	    The Network is based on computers and electronic mail.  In 
	order to establish, maintain and run the Network, we need the
	help of some people who are well versed in these areas.  If you
	fit into this category, or can think of any other member who
	fits into this category, and is willing to help the Network in
	this capacity, please contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@


			FAQ Coordinator (FQ -- "task24")

	    The Network maintains an FTP site at the University of
	Waterloo.  FTP to (plg.uwaterloo.ca).  Login as
	anonymous, and use your userid as the password.  Then change
	directory ("cd") to /pub/WIN, and type ls.

	    Currently, the following files are available at the site: 
	Baby Names, Indian Lawyers, Indian Newspapers, Indian Community
	Leaders, Names of Domains of US Colleges, Names and Addresses of 
	US Senators, the Family Reunification Bills ( Senate Bill S618 & 
	House Bill HR3182 ), the Srinivas Chirukuri Case, ERNET Sites in 
	India, and President Clinton's Speech at the United Nations.  We 
	can definitely expand our services to include survey of travel 
	agents, admission to professional schools, visa regulations, 
	Indian student associations, Indian radio and TV stations, 
	Indian restaurants, and many other items asked and answered on 
	the net on a regular basis.  We need at least one coordinator 
	for each item mentioned above.  If you would like to serve the 
	Network in this capacity, please contact the Network Coordinator 


		       Site Coordinator  (ST -- "task25")

	-- Obtain a special computer account for the Network.

	-- Obtain an FTP site for the Network, and establish answers to 
	   Frequently Asked Questions at the site.

	-- Coordinate all computing activities at the site.

	If you would like to assume the responsibilities of a Site
	Coordinator, please contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@


		      Network Coordinator (NC -- "task26")

	-- Overall responsibility of management of the Network.


		     Regional Coordinator  (RC -- "task27")

	-- Coordinate all activities within the REGION.

	-- Establish and maintain links between the Network Coordinator
	   and the Zone Coordinators.

	-- Recruit new members.

	If you would like to assume the responsibilities of a Regional 
	Coordinator, please contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@


		       Zone Coordinator  (ZC -- "task28")

	-- Coordinate all activities within the ZONE.

	-- Establish and maintain links between the Regional Coordinator
	   and the Area Coordinators.

	-- Recruit new members.

	If you would like to assume the responsibilities of a Zone
	Coordinator, please contact your Regional Coordinator.


		       Area Coordinator  (AC -- "task29")

	-- Coordinate all activities within the AREA.

	-- Establish Pick-up/Drop-off (PD) Center(s).  

	-- Maintain links between the Network and the PD Center(s).

	If you would like to assume the responsibilities of an Area
	Coordinator, please contact your Zone Coordinator.


		    Scheduling Coordinator  (SD -- "task30")

	   We have lots of information at our FTP site at the University 
	of Waterloo (FTP to  Login as anonymous, and use 
	your userid as the password.  Then change directory to /pub/WIN, 
	and type ls).  People often have a need for such information.  
	We should announce our services on all electronic bulletin 
	boards on a regular basis.  Several members have volunteered to 
	post messages onto bulletin boards.  We need the help of one 
	member to set up a schedule for those members.  If you would 
	like to assume the responsibilities of the Scheduling 
	Coordinator, please contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@


		      Project Coordinator (PC -- "task31")

	   WIN establishes a committee for each issue that it decides to 
	address.  The committee, in turn, decides the course of action 
	the Network will adopt on that issue.  We need the help of at 
	least one member from each committee to coordinate all 
	activities within that project.  If you would like to assume the 
	responsibilities of a Project Coordinator, you must first join 
	the Committee (


                      Internet Specialist (IS -- "task32")

           We have several web sites containing some useful information.  
	We need the help of a few people well versed in HTML and Java to 
	enhance and maintain those sites.  If you fit into this 
	category, or can think of any other member who fits into this 
	category, and is willing to help the Network in this capacity, 
	please contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@lynx.neu.edu).


	P.S. If you have yet to respond to MN01 of "task10," please do
	     so at your earliest convenience.


The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.

Arjun Kapur's home page.

Arjun Kapur