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Use the word NETWORK in the subject line, and your particulars in the body using the following format: bhalder@lynx.neu.edu : 02128 : Mr Biswanath Halder H617-567-0667 MN 02) In case you disagree with any of the policies of the Network, or if you can think of any improvements or changes, whether it is to the substance or the language of any of the files you receive, do not hesitate to contact the Network Coordinator (bhalder@lynx.neu.edu). MN 03) Currently, the Network has only about 1,500 members. Indians with e-mail addresses may number one hundred times as many. Even in a perfect situation only a fraction of Indians will ever join the Network. Therefore, we ask all members to keep an "alias" of all your Indian friends and acquaintances in your computer account. Each time the Network undertakes a campaign, say, for example, on the Family Reunification Bill (see "task51"), write a short note asking your friends and acquaintances to join that campaign, and resend the Network's message to that alias. At the same time, ask them to repeat the process, i.e., resend the message to their friends and acquaintances. In this way it will cost you only a few minutes of your time, but the Network's effectiveness will increase manifold. MN 04) Some companies have e-mail addresses specifically for their Indian employees, and some Indian Students' Associations have their own e-mail addresses. Please forward such information to the Network Coordinator. MN 05) Try to gather e-mail addresses of as many Indians as possible, and mail them the recruiting message ("task00"). Subsequent to your sending the list, if you gather more e-mail addresses, please send the new addresses only. Never send the message to the same person more than once. In any case, if you do not want to collect the e-mail addresses of Indians and mail them the recruiting message ("task00"), please at least do one half of the job. Collect the e-mail addresses of as many Indians as possible, and mail them to the Network Coordinator. Remember the growth and vitality of the Network depends on its members. Please try to mail the names and addresses using the following format: bhalder@lynx.dac.neu.edu : Mr Biswanath Halder MN 06) The Network can function properly if and only if all members and especially the coordinators carry out their duties in a systematic fashion. You should always help all coordinators in every possible way, and see that all of them have been performing their duties appropriately. If not, ask that coordinator to step aside, and look for a suitable replacement. MN 07) Collect the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of Indian community leaders in your local area, and help create a list of Indian Associations to be kept by the Area Coordinator. MN 08) Try to obtain an FTP site, a special computer account, or a World Wide Web site for the Network. With other Indians at your institution, you may consider submitting a joint petition to the administration. MN 09) Every time we e-mail a file to members, some of the mail gets bounced back. Not all the mail is returned due to invalid address; sometimes it is due to some hardware or software problems. Because of shortage of manpower, it is not possible for us to investigate the cause of each returned mail. Our usual policy is to delete those addresses from the membership roster. Hence, if you have not heard from the Network in three consecutive months, most likely your name has been deleted from the roster. Please notify us if this happens to you. MN 10) If you decide to leave the Worldwide Indian Network, please send an e-mail to the Network Coordinator (bhalder @lynx.dac.neu.edu). In case you have more than one e-mail address, please send all those addresses to the Network Coordinator. MN 11) Help WIN join forces with other organizations (both electronic and non-electronic) to better serve the worldwide Indian community. MN 12) Organize letter-writing campaigns against media and government agencies that misrepresent or distort facts and stories about India. MN 13) Help gather information pertaining to India from various media and government organizations. WIN would like to keep an archive of speeches and articles pertaining to India at its World Wide Web site. Such information would be valuable when spearheading letter-writing campaigns. MN 14) Help WIN improve the contents of the files kept at WIN's Worldwide Web site by suggesting and gathering information that you feel the site should store. ================================================================ REGION : The United States is divided into ten regions -- the first digit of your zip code designates your REGION. If you live in New York, you are in Region 1; if you live in Texas, you are in Region 7; if you live in California, you are in Region 9. ZONE : Each region is divided into ten zones -- the first two digits of your zip code designate your ZONE. If you live in New Hampshire, you are in Zone 03; if you live in Montana, you are in Zone 59; if you live in Nevada, you are in Zone 89. AREA : Each zone is divided into ten areas -- the first three digits of your zip code designate your AREA. If you live in Baltimore, you are in Area 212; if you live in Atlanta, you are in Area 303; if you live in Chicago, you are in Area 606. Some institutions have special zip codes. For example, the zip code for Brandeis University is 02254. However, Brandeis is located in Waltham, Massachusetts; and the zip code for Waltham is 02154. Therefore, for our purposes we will consider the zip code for Brandeis University as 02154. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.