2012-2013: Teaching Assistant, Optimization and Algorithmic ParadigmsGraduate-level course taught by Prof. Serge Plotkin at Stanford University.
2011-2012: Teaching Assistant, Advanced Algorithms
Graduate-level course taught by Prof. Serge Plotkin at Stanford University.
2008-2009: Teaching Assistant, Algorithmic Game Theory
Graduate-level course taught by Prof. Uriel Feige, Dr. Robert Krauthgamer and Prof. Moni Naor at Weizmann Institute of Science.
2008-2009: Volunteer Math Tutor
Volunteer of Push nonprofit organization, Rehovot, Israel.
Volunteer at Bialik-Rogozin high school, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Work Experience
2013: Research Intern, Microsoft Research, Herzliya, IsraelTheoretical research on information acquisition in auctions, and on alternative notions of equilibrium in competitive markets where no Walrasian equilibrium exists.
2011: Research Intern, Yahoo! Labs, Santa Clara, California
Theoretical research and big data analysis in the area of online ad auctions.
Developed a model for incorporating seller information into an ad exchange and studied the guarantees of standard auction formats in this model.
Studied the effect of multiple ad impressions on user conversion rate.
2010: Algorithms Researcher, Algorithms Group, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Studied flow networks and how they can be represented sparsely via linear programming techniques.
Last updated: 2014
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