Invited speakers, advertised, and hosted a weekly algorithms seminar for the theory group of the Computer Science Department. Also, coordinated the monthly theory colloquium to bring the best theoretical computer scientists to speak at Stanford. Responsibilities included inviting speakers, advertising, hosting, establishing meetings between the speaker and faculty and students, and arranging accommodations and food logistics.
Served as a resident assistant, for two years serving seventy-one foreign and American graduate students living in an on-campus graduate apartment complex, and for two years serving one hundred fifty graduate students in an on-campus graduate mobile home park. Responsibilities included welcoming new students to the Stanford campus; planning social, educational, and multi-cultural programs; serving as a liaison between the residents and the Stanford administration; serving as a leader during emergencies; resolving conflicts between residents; and providing counseling. Activities included helping roommates resolve conflicts, referring a clinically-depressed resident to the campus psychological services, establishing a resident-run weekly movie night series, inviting Secretary of State George Shultz to speak, and leading numerous trips, e.g., to the San Francisco Airport air traffic control tower, to build apartments for Habitat for Humanity, skiing, etc.
Chaired meetings of graduate students and Stanford graduate housing officials to improve on-campus graduate housing. Prepared the agenda for biweekly meetings and ensured decisions were made. Accomplishments included changing the officials' philosophy on rental rates to reflect the different dormitories' conditions, encouraging a university-wide graduate housing renovation project, and encouraging a change in the housing schedule to permit residents more than one day to move into and out of apartments.
Interviewed prospective Rice University undergraduate students living in Silicon Valley, California. Learned what motivated these high school students and about their interests to determine whether they should be admitted to Rice University. Answered their questions about being an undergraduate at Rice University. For each interview, submitted interviewer report to be included with the student's application.
Created and developed youth ministry program for youth in sixth through tenth grades. Researched other local churches' programs, recruited youth to participate, organized a district-wide event, advertised the program to the congregation, recruited adult volunteers to assist, created and executed biweekly programs.
The church's Administrative Council oversees its administration and programming, establishing objectives and goals, determining policies, and evaluating the church's ministries. As chairperson, I was responsible for ensuring the committees fulfill their missions, conveying information between committees, and serving ex-officio on the Finance, Pastor-Parish Relations (personnel issues), and Senior Nutrition Program (an outreach program administered by the church and receiving government funding) Committees.
Responded to members' spiritual and emotional needs, e.g., when experiencing the death of a loved person, dealing with a terminal disease, or losing a job.
The committee oversees church staffing by hiring, evaluating, and firing the pastor and the church staff. Wrote the church's employee handbook describing hiring procedures, job performance evaluation, benefits, and job termination. Gained experience writing job descriptions and hiring employees.
Organized monthly service projects for a group of fifty single young adults. Responsibilities included locating service opportunities, contacting other organizations to participate, recruiting participants from the class, and ensuring proper execution of the events.