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Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation on multicommodity flow research. Workshop on Routing and
Switching, Center for Telecommunications at Stanford. 1997
September 04. Slides available at
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation on multicommodity flow research. Center for
Telecommunications at Stanford
University 1997 Annual
1997 November 18. Slides available at
Jeffrey D. Oldham. An informal introduction to
multicommodity flows presented at AT&T
Labs 1998 June. Some of the
presentation used a whiteboard but some slides are available at
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation at the
Stanford Algorithms
Seminar about a network-flow-based approach to solving generalized
shortest paths problems, i.e., shortest paths problems with losses and
gains. 1998 September 24.
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation on a network-flow-based
approach to solving generalized shortest paths problems, i.e.,
shortest paths problems with losses and gains. Presented at the
Bonn Workshop on Discrete
Institute for Discrete
Mathematics, Bonn
University, 1998 October 01. Slides
available at
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation on using monotonic
piecewise-linear functions and the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to yield a
logarithmic-time PRAM algorithm for the all-sources generalized
shortest paths problem. This joint work with
Pratt was
presented at the 1999 ACM Symposium on Parallel
Algorithms and Architectures
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Presentation of the running times of
various implementations of generalized shortest path algorithms
described in my Ph.D. thesis. Presented at
Informs 1999 November
conference, 1999
November 07.
Mark Mitchell and
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Supercomputing 2002, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2002.
Mark Mitchell and Jeffrey D. Oldham. GOMACTECH 2003,
04 Apr 2003, Tampa, FL.
Jeffrey D. Oldham. Quarterly presentations at the
HPEC-SI Forum meetings at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA.
Present serial and distributed VSIPL++ specification and
implementation information, C++ expression template loop fusion
technology, VSIPL++ I/O, VSIPL++ example programs, on 2002 Jun 12,
2002 Sep 27, 2002 Dec 11, 2003 Mar 12, 2003 Jun 25, 2003 Aug 27, 2003
Nov 12, 2004 Feb 25, and 2004 May 19-20. Joint work with Mark
Mitchell and Nathan Sidwell.
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