Email: za at cs dot stanford dot edu
I am currently a Data Scientist at Facebook. I have worked previously at Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft Research, and received my Ph.D. degree in
from the
Computer Science Department at Stanford University. My Ph.D. research was in the areas of algorithm design, combinatorial optimization, and internet
Academic Papers
Zoë Abrams, S. Sathiya Keerthi, Ofer Mendelevitch and John Tomlin.
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2008.
Zoë Abrams and Michael Schwarz.
Applied Economics Research Bulletin Special Issue on Auctions, 2008.
Zoë Abrams and Erik Vee.
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), 2007.
Zoë Abrams, Ofer Mendelevitch, and John Tomlin.
Electronic Commerce Conference (EC), 2007.
Zoë Abrams, Arpita Ghosh, and Erik Vee.
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), 2007.
Zoë Abrams and Arpita Ghosh.
Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), 2007.
Zoë Abrams.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms (SODA) 2006.
Zoë Abrams and Jie Liu.
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2006.
Zoë Abrams,
Ho-Lin Chen,
Leonidas Guibas,
Jie Liu, and Feng Zhao.
IEEE Information Processing for Sensor
Networks (IPSN), 2006.
Serge Abiteboul, Zoë Abrams, Stefan
Haar, and Tova Milo.
ACM SIGMOD Symposium on Principles of
Database Systems (PODS),
Zoë Abrams, Robert McGrew, and Serge
SIGecom Exhanges, Vol. 5.4, July,
Zoë Abrams, Robert McGrew, and Serge
Second Workshop on the Economics of
Peer-to-Peer Systems, 2004.
Zoë Abrams and Ho-Lin Chen.
RECOMB Satellite Meeting on DNA
Technologies and Computation, 2004.
Zoë Abrams, Ashish Goel, and Serge
IEEE Information Processing for Sensor
Networks (IPSN), 2004.
Zoë Abrams, Adam Meyerson, Kamesh
Munagala, and Serge Plotkin.
Carnegie Mellon
Zoë Abrams, Jochen Konemann, Adam
Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, and Serge Plotkin.
GSIA Working Paper #2001-E23, 2001.