About Stanford Theory
As theoretical computer scientists, we seek greater understanding of fundamental computational techniques and their inherent limitations. Research includes the development and analysis of algorithms for a variety of settings and applications. Major directions include Complexity Theory, the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Cryptography, Algorithmic Game Theory, Geometric Algorithms, algorithmic techniques for internet applications, various aspects of network and computer security, databases, design and analysis of programs and programming languages, and supporting studies in combinatorial, logical, and algebraic mathematics. Please see the research page for an overview of research in a sampling of areas, and refer to the faculty pages for specific research interests.
- New for 2024! The theory group at Stanford invites applications for the Motwani postdoctoral fellowship in theoretical computer science. We encourage applicants to have their applications completed by Dec 1, 2024. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled, but review of applicants will begin after Dec 1. Apply here.
- Please see the Motwani lecture series in memory of our late colleague Rajeev Motwani, who has been an inspiration to generations of theory researchers.
Recurring Events
- We have Theory Lunch talks (and lunch!) Thursdays at noon.
- The Stanford Theory Seminar happens occasionally as of 2022.
- The RAIN Seminar is dedicated to algorithms on the internet.
- Stanford Women in Theory Forum
- Join our mailing list for announcements about theory events! Click here to subscribe!