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                      WORLDWIDE      INDIAN      NETWORK

		    Frequently Asked Questions  ("task15")

	MN -- There are already a large number of Indian associations in
	      the US and Canada.  In addition there are associations
	      devoted to people from a particular region.  Is the WIN
	      going to interact with them, help them, or what?

	NC -- The WIN will try to interact with all of them and do our 
	      best to help them.  In fact this is the main objective of 
	      a network.  We would like to maintain a list of all Indian 
	      associations, their objectives, and brief biographies on-
	      line, for the benefit of our members and the entire Indian 

	MN -- Some people may not take kindly to "college students" and 
	      just shrug us off.

	NC -- Our members come from a wide range of professional 
	      disciplines and geographic areas.  The Network consists of 
	      students, professors, engineers, scientists, physicians, 
	      accountants, businessmen, journalists, etc.  Moreover, if 
	      they do not take you kindly, so be it.  Remember, you are 
	      the one who is trying to do them a favor and not the other
	      way around.

	MN -- Haven't other organizations already tried to do what the
	      WIN plans to?

	NC -- Not to our knowledge.  Although there are organizations 
	      for various political, social, and cultural concerns, and 
	      even some umbrella organizations in the United States, 
	      there is no network that tries to unite Indians from all 
	      over the world.  Part of our objective is to place on- 
	      line a list of all resources that are available to the 
	      Indian community.

	MN -- In what way can we do better?

	NC -- We are going to do something that none has done before.  
	      We are going to unite all Indians in a single network.  
	      And WIN will be action oriented -- no nonsense, no jokes, 
	      and no recipes.  All members will participate collectively 
	      in certain constructive actions that will benefit Indians 
	      not only in the United States, but also around the world.


	MN -- Does WIN have any political leanings?

	NC -- No.

	MN -- By this I mean is WIN inclined towards Democrats or 
	      Republicans in the United States, or, Cong(I)/LF/BJP in

	NC -- WIN is inclined towards India.  It is not inclined towards
	      Democrats, or Republicans, or Liberals, or Conservatives
	      in the United States.  Also, it is not inclined towards
	      Congress, or Communists, or Left Front, or Right Front in

	MN -- It is a little surprising to see that you have only "n" 
	      addresses in the list, when there are thousands of Indians
	      reading the bulletin boards.  This may have to do with the
	      tone of your first message.  I think people might have
	      considered it to be too aggressive.  A more reasonable 
	      call that emphasizes the positive elements of the 
	      cohesiveness of a community would attract more members.

	NC -- The first message is definitely the most important message
	      any person is going to receive from the Network.  
	      Therefore, we tried to be as constructive in the first
	      message as possible.  However, we have limitations (see
	      MN02 of "task10").  Therefore, we ask all members to help 
	      us improve the recruiting message ("task00").


	MN -- I hope women are equally welcome to the Network.  Some 
	      people may be put off by frequent references to "he," 
	      "him," etc.

	NC -- The frequent use of "he," "him," etc are unfortunate 
	      consequences of the English language.  All people of Asian 
	      Indian ancestry, irrespective of gender, caste, religious 
	      beliefs, or language, are welcome to the Network.


	MN -- One of the responsibilities of the members you mentioned
	      (in MN05 of "task10") is to find e-mail addresses of as
	      many Indians as possible and mail them the recruiting
	      message ("task00").  According to you, a single desi
	      should not receive the message many times.  But how does
	      one know that some other member has not already mailed him
	      the recruiting message?  

	NC -- I have a file of e-mail addresses of all Indians who I
	      sent the recruiting message ("task00") to.  Every time I
	      send the message to some prospects, I check those
	      addresses against the master file.  I think all other
	      members should follow the same procedure.  At present it
	      is not possible for me to keep a centralized filing system
	      of all people who have been contacted by the Network.  If
	      you or any other member is willing to take up this
	      responsibility, you have my support.


	MN -- One of my friends is very interested in issues related to 
	      Kashmir.  Could you please include him in the Kashmir 

	NC -- Membership in the Network isn't free: all members have 
	      agreed to help us in this project.  Membership in any 
	      committee isn't free either: members have agreed to take 
	      an active participation in the Committee.  Rules to join 
	      the Network are spelled out in task00.  Also, rules to 
	      join any committee are spelled out in task51 (see http://


	MN -- Being an Indian does not mean I defend every action taken 
	      by the Government of India or by pro-India lobbies.  We 
	      have to weigh each issue on rational terms and decide what 
	      to act on.  If we fail to do that, we would be no better 
	      than those who blindly follow the extremist dictates of 
	      certain militant organizations lobbying in the United 

	NC -- We are in complete agreement with you.  The Network weighs 
	      each issue very carefully, and with member input decides 
	      what actions to take.  We have a Panel of Judges (see 
	      "task20") and a Board of Editors (see "task21") to review 
	      issues, and we encourage all members to take an active 
	      part in the decision making process.


	MN -- The bottom line is that though we are a group, we have to
	      assure the members that their INDIVIDUALITY is intact.  
	      For example, if we plan to protest an anti-Indian
	      legislation, I should have the liberty to support or
	      oppose the protest and still be a member.  In other words,
	      being a member of WIN does not mean I unconditionally
	      support the decision of WIN.  Also, we should be able to
	      go ahead with plans even if some of the members do not
	      agree to it.   

	NC -- Once again we agree with you wholeheartedly.  We will try 
	      our very best to ensure and preserve the rights of all 

	MN -- NRI investments are very important for India.  While such
	      discussions do go on in SCI to some extent, we can 
	      probably help too. 

	NC -- Oh, yes.  People discuss some very serious matters on SCI.  
	      But the WIN's objective is to take concrete actions.  If 
	      you have any suggestions on what actions the Network 
	      should take, please contact the Panel of Judges (see 

	MN -- We should think about how we can put pressure on the
	      Indian government itself.  On a long term basis, we should
	      be able to bring about some changes in India (provided we
	      don't ask for the moon!).  My priorities are education and
	      social justice.

	NC -- These are excellent goals for the Network.  For now we are 
	      still young and are trying to concentrate on issues 
	      affecting Indians in the United States.

	MN -- Another thing we should work on, is to revitalize the
	      Indian Embassy in the US.  I have heard a number of
	      complaints against the embassy personnel, mainly about
	      inefficiency and rudeness.

	NC -- This is a very good suggestion.  The Network can 
	      definitely undertake a project like this in the future.  
	      You and I alone cannot change the conditions at the Indian 
	      Embassy.  But a strong network of Indians can have a 
	      significant impact.

	MN -- In my opinion, the hierarchical structure of this network
	      is a model of the many bureaucratic systems in vogue.  It
	      defines a pyramidal structure of "power."  If we are
	      planning to work as a group of responsible individuals, we
	      have to be "equal" in every way.  

	NC -- We are definitely "equal" in every way.  But if you want
	      to accomplish something constructive, you have to operate
	      within an organizational structure.  On the other hand, if
	      you want to talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, and talk
	      -- like people do on the net -- then you don't need any 
	      organizational structure.  And in order for the Network to 
	      be practical and action-oriented, I came up with the 
	      following structure:

	      NC --> RC --> ZC --> AC --> MN --> PD Center --> people
	      1      10     100    1K     1K+    1K+           900K+


	MN -- It is probably the best way to manage a large group.  But
	      while we are a fairly small group, we should be able to
	      interact with each other without having to go through a
	      number of intermediate points. 

	NC -- Today we are fairly small.  But eventually we will become 
	      substantially larger.  There are more than 900,000 Indians 
	      in the United States.  And throughout the world there are 
	      more than 900 million of us.  Therefore, to unite all 
	      Indians in a single network is enormously difficult and 
	      extremely complex.  Without a proper structure, this task 
	      cannot be accomplished.  


	MN -- I believe that a minor change in the organizational
	      structure of the Network would be more appropriate.  The
	      Regional Coordinator position should be replaced by that
	      of State Coordinators.  The reason I am suggesting this is
	      because there already exists in all of our brains a system
	      of substructuring of the nation in the form of states, and
	      creating a new substructuring is confusing to many people. 

	NC -- 1) If the Network is divided into fifty states, then the
		 Network Coordinator would have to be in charge of fifty
		 State Coordinators.  Since all of us are volunteers, it
		 would be extremely difficult and time consuming for the
		 Network Coordinator to supervise fifty State
		 Coordinators; whereas, with some help, supervising ten
		 Regional Coordinators is manageable.

	      2) The population of California (30.38m) is 45 times than
		 that of Delaware (0.68m).  But if you add up the
		 population of all regions, you will find out that the
		 most populous region is less than twice as populous as
		 the least populous region.  Since Indians are scattered
		 throughout the United States, it is fair to assume that
		 all regions contain more or less the same number of
		 Indians, or in other words they are equal in size.


	MN -- I am quite uncomfortable with keeping records of people's
	      statements.  Sounds far too autocratic.

	NC -- In order to avoid problems that may arise in the future,
	      we must keep all records for a certain period of time,
	      perhaps for a couple of years.  What we have been doing is
	      completely legal, moral, and ethical.  Therefore, there is 
	      nothing to worry about.


	P.S. If you have yet to respond to MN01 of "task10," please do
	     so at your earliest convenience.


The Worldwide Indian Network (WIN) home page.

Arjun Kapur's home page.

Arjun Kapur