import Data.Array import Data.Bool import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.Ord import Data.Tree import Control.Monad import System.Random import Haste import Haste.DOM import Haste.Events import Haste.Graphics.Canvas import Haste.JSString (pack) sz = 64; bd = 4; bnds = ((0,0), (2,2)) moveRandomly = False data Status = Draw | Won | Play deriving Eq data Game = Game (Array (Int, Int) Int) Status Int initGame = Game (listArray bnds $ repeat 0) Play (-1) goals = [join (,) <$> [0..2], (,) <*> (2-) <$> [0..2]] -- Diagonals. ++ ((<$> [0..2]) . (,) <$> [0..2]) -- Rows and columns. ++ ((<$> [0..2]) . flip (,) <$> [0..2]) move board0 player i | or $ all ((== player) . (board!)) <$> goals = Game board Won player | 0 `notElem` elems board = Game board Draw player | otherwise = Game board Play $ -player where board = board0 // [(i, player)] nextMoves game@(Game board status p) = (game, case status of Play -> [move board p i | i <- indices board, board!i == 0] _ -> []) gameTree = unfoldTree nextMoves score (Game _ Won n) = n score _ = 0 maximize (Node leaf []) = leaf maximize (Node _ kids) = maximum $ minimize <$> kids minimize (Node leaf []) = leaf minimize (Node _ kids) = minimum $ maximize <$> kids best = maximumBy $ comparing $ minimize . fmap score . gameTree omitWith op ((g, ns):nss) = let omit _ [] = [] omit pot ((g, ns):nss) | any (`op` pot) ns = omit pot nss | otherwise = (g, last ns) : omit (last ns) nss in (g, last ns) : omit (last ns) nss maximize' :: Tree Game -> [(Game, Int)] maximize' (Node leaf []) = [(undefined, score leaf)] maximize' (Node _ kids) = omitWith (<=) [(rootLabel k, snd <$> minimize' k) | k <- kids] minimize' :: Tree Game -> [(Game, Int)] minimize' (Node leaf []) = [(undefined, score leaf)] minimize' (Node _ kids) = omitWith (>=) [(rootLabel k, snd <$> maximize' k) | k <- kids] bestAB ms = fst $ last . maximize' $ Node undefined $ map gameTree ms f = fromIntegral oblong x y w h = fill $ rect (f x, f y) (f $ x + w, f $ y + h) main = withElems ["canvas", "message", "noab"] $ \[cElem, message, noab] -> do xo <- loadBitmap $ pack "xo.png" Just canvas <- fromElem cElem gameVar <- newIORef initGame let shuffleIO [] = return [] shuffleIO xs = getStdRandom (randomR (0, length xs - 1)) >>= \n -> let (a, b:bs) = splitAt n xs in (b:) <$> shuffleIO (a ++ bs) sq ((x, y), p) = do -- Draw borders. when (x /= 0) $ oblong (x * sz) (y * sz) bd sz when (x /= 2) $ oblong (x * sz + sz - bd) (y * sz) bd sz when (y /= 0) $ oblong (x * sz) (y * sz) sz bd when (y /= 2) $ oblong (x * sz) (y * sz + sz - bd) sz bd -- Draw nought or cross when present. when (p /= 0) $ drawClipped xo (f $ x * sz, f $ y * sz) $ Rect (f $ bool 0 sz $ p > 0) 0 (f sz) (f sz) aiMove game = do shuffledMoves <- shuffleIO $ snd $ nextMoves game disableAB <- ("true" ==) <$> getProp noab "checked" return $ if moveRandomly then head shuffledMoves else bool bestAB best disableAB shuffledMoves go game = writeIORef gameVar game >> update update = do game@(Game board status player) <- readIORef gameVar render canvas $ mapM_ sq $ assocs board setProp message "innerHTML" $ case status of Won -> ("X.O"!!(player + 1)) : " wins" Draw -> "Draw" Play -> if player == -1 then "X to move" else "Thinking..." when (player == 1 && status == Play) $ void $ setTimer (Once 1) $ aiMove game >>= go -- Delay for redraw. _ <- cElem `onEvent` MouseDown $ \(MouseData (x, y) _ _) -> do Game board status player <- readIORef gameVar let i = (x `div` sz, y `div` sz) in when (status == Play && player == -1 && inRange bnds i && board!i == 0) $ go $ move board player i _ <- documentBody `onEvent` KeyDown $ \k -> when (keyCode k == 113) $ go initGame update