Tudor Giurgică-Tiron
/ˈtu.dor dʒi.urˈdʒi.kə tiˈron/
I research what the fundamentals of computation look like in our particular physical universe. My interests include the complexity of quantum states and unitaries, algorithms in the presence of symmetry, pseudorandomness and cryptography, compilation on the unitary group, and connections to condensed matter and high-energy physics. As of 2024, I am finishing a PhD in Applied Physics at Stanford, where I am fortunate to be advised by Adam Bouland, after which I will join University of Maryland as a Hartree Fellow at QuICS. Previously, I did my undergraduate degree in physics and math at Harvard.
Recent Publications
The state hidden subgroup problem and an efficient algorithm for locating unentanglement. With Adam Bouland and John Wright (2024). [arXiv] Short plenary talk at QIP 2025. STOC 2025.
Pseudorandomness from Subset States. With Adam Bouland (2023). [arXiv]
Efficient Universal Quantum Compilation: An Inverse-free Solovay-Kitaev Algorithm. With Adam Bouland (2021). [arXiv][QIP '22 talk]
Office: 167 Gates Computer Science Building, Stanford University.
Email: [my three initials] [at] stanford [dot] edu.