let a = foo a b c b = bar a b c c = baz a b c in qux a b c
Minimum Viable Product
What features would make our compiler friendlier? My biggest gripes are that symbols must be defined before use, a finicky parser that lacks support for indentation rules, and pathetic error handling.
We work on the first two problems, and make a tiny dent on the third, while taking care of a few other issues. This leads to a compiler that I found surprisingly usable, at least when I could spot mistakes on my own.
C requires symbols to be declared before use. Our compilers are fussier still, as they require symbols to be completely defined before use. This irks programmers, especially when mutual recursion is desired, and also irks our compilers, because we must process functions and instance methods in the order they appear. This is particularly annoying when the two are interleaved.
Supporting arbitrary orderings of definitions requires changing multiple stages of our compiler.
We break type inference into 3 steps:
As we parse, we generate the type and abstract syntax tree of each data constructor and each typeclass method, adding them to pre-defined primitives.
We infer the types of top-level definitions. For this stage, we construct a dependency graph (that is, we determine the symbols required by each symbol) then find its strongly connected components. Each member of a component mutually depends on each other member, and we infer their types together. Our
function continually piles on more type constraints for each member of a component, and only resolves them after all have been processed. -
We infer the type of instance method definitions, and check they are correct. A later compiler supports default class method definitions, which are also handled in this phase.
During code generation, we no longer know the address of a dependent symbol. Instead, we must leave space for an address and fill it in later. We take advantage of lazy tying-the-knot style so the code appears to effortlessly solve this problem.
We also support definitions appearing in any order in a let block. This is trickier than at the top-level, because of shared variable bindings floating around. Again, we find the strongly connected components to detect mutual dependencies, but instead of a table of addresses, we apply simple lambda lifting. See Peyton Jones and Lester, Implementing Functional Languages: a tutorial, Chapter 6.
In brief, we order the members of each component arbitrarily and insert variables so they can all reach each other; we automate what we did by hand when writing mutually recursive functions for older versions of our compiler. For example:
is rewritten to the cycle-free:
let a b c = foo (a b c) (b c) c b c = bar (a b c) (b c) c c = baz (a b c) (b c) c in qux (a b c) (b c) c
A triangle appears on the left-hand side, explaining our choice of function
name, and while the idea is straightforward, the implementation is tedious
because we recurse in all sorts of ways over the non-empty tails of lists of
variables, such as and because we perform
substitutions in the syntax tree while it still possibly contains case
expressions and pattern matches.
As we now have a predefined Bool
type, we use if-then-else instead of
matching on True
and False
-- Mutual recursion. infixr 9 .; infixl 7 * , / , %; infixl 6 + , -; infixr 5 ++; infixl 4 <*> , <$> , <* , *>; infix 4 == , /= , <=; infixl 3 && , <|>; infixl 2 ||; infixl 1 >> , >>=; infixr 0 $; foreign import ccall "putchar" putChar :: Int -> IO Int; foreign import ccall "getchar" getChar :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargcount" getArgCount :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargchar" getArgChar :: Int -> Int -> IO Char; class Functor f where { fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Applicative f where { pure :: a -> f a ; (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Monad m where { return :: a -> m a ; (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b }; (<$>) = fmap; liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y; (>>) f g = f >>= \_ -> g; class Eq a where { (==) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Eq Int where { (==) = intEq }; instance Eq Char where { (==) = charEq }; ($) f x = f x; id x = x; const x y = x; flip f x y = f y x; (&) x f = f x; class Ord a where { (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Ord Int where { (<=) = intLE }; instance Ord Char where { (<=) = charLE }; data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ; compare x y = if x <= y then if y <= x then EQ else LT else GT; instance Ord a => Ord [a] where { (<=) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> True ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> case compare x y of { LT -> True ; GT -> False ; EQ -> xt <= yt } } } }; data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a; data Either a b = Left a | Right b; fpair (x, y) f = f x y; fst (x, y) = x; snd (x, y) = y; uncurry f (x, y) = f x y; first f (x, y) = (f x, y); second f (x, y) = (x, f y); not a = if a then False else True; x /= y = not $ x == y; (.) f g x = f (g x); (||) f g = if f then True else g; (&&) f g = if f then g else False; flst xs n c = case xs of { [] -> n; h:t -> c h t }; instance Eq a => Eq [a] where { (==) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> case ys of { [] -> True ; _ -> False } ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> x == y && xt == yt } }}; take n xs = if n == 0 then [] else flst xs [] \h t -> h:take (n - 1) t; maybe n j m = case m of { Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x }; fmaybe m n j = case m of { Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x }; instance Functor Maybe where { fmap f = maybe Nothing (Just . f) }; instance Applicative Maybe where { pure = Just ; mf <*> mx = maybe Nothing (\f -> maybe Nothing (Just . f) mx) mf }; instance Monad Maybe where { return = Just ; mf >>= mg = maybe Nothing mg mf }; foldr c n l = flst l n (\h t -> c h(foldr c n t)); length = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0; mapM f = foldr (\a rest -> liftA2 (:) (f a) rest) (pure []); mapM_ f = foldr ((>>) . f) (pure ()); foldM f z0 xs = foldr (\x k z -> f z x >>= k) pure xs z0; instance Applicative IO where { pure = ioPure ; (<*>) f x = ioBind f \g -> ioBind x \y -> ioPure (g y) }; instance Monad IO where { return = ioPure ; (>>=) = ioBind }; instance Functor IO where { fmap f x = ioPure f <*> x }; putStr = mapM_ $ putChar . ord; error s = unsafePerformIO $ putStr s >> putChar (ord '\n') >> exitSuccess; undefined = error "undefined"; foldr1 c l@(h:t) = maybe undefined id $ foldr (\x m -> Just $ maybe x (c x) m) Nothing l; foldl f a bs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) (\x -> x) bs a; foldl1 f (h:t) = foldl f h t; elem k xs = foldr (\x t -> x == k || t) False xs; find f xs = foldr (\x t -> if f x then Just x else t) Nothing xs; (++) = flip (foldr (:)); concat = foldr (++) []; wrap c = c:[]; map = flip (foldr . ((:) .)) []; instance Functor [] where { fmap = map }; concatMap = (concat .) . map; lookup s = foldr (\(k, v) t -> if s == k then Just v else t) Nothing; all f = foldr (&&) True . map f; any f = foldr (||) False . map f; upFrom n = n : upFrom (n + 1); zipWith f xs ys = flst xs [] $ \x xt -> flst ys [] $ \y yt -> f x y : zipWith f xt yt; zip = zipWith (,); data State s a = State (s -> (a, s)); runState (State f) = f; instance Functor (State s) where { fmap f = \(State h) -> State (first f . h) }; instance Applicative (State s) where { pure a = State (a,) ; (State f) <*> (State x) = State \s -> fpair (f s) \g s' -> first g $ x s' }; instance Monad (State s) where { return a = State (a,) ; (State h) >>= f = State $ uncurry (runState . f) . h }; evalState m s = fst $ runState m s; get = State \s -> (s, s); put n = State \s -> ((), n); either l r e = case e of { Left x -> l x; Right x -> r x }; instance Functor (Either a) where { fmap f e = case e of { Left x -> Left x ; Right x -> Right $ f x } }; instance Applicative (Either a) where { pure = Right ; ef <*> ex = case ef of { Left s -> Left s ; Right f -> case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> Right $ f x } } }; instance Monad (Either a) where { return = Right ; ex >>= f = case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> f x } }; depthFirstSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, sequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second (vertex:) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, sequence) (relation vertex); spanningSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, setSequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second ((:setSequence) . (vertex:)) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, []) (relation vertex); scc ins outs = let { depthFirst = snd . depthFirstSearch outs ([], []) ; spanning = snd . spanningSearch ins ([], []) } in spanning . depthFirst; filter f = foldr (\x xs -> if f x then x:xs else xs) []; union xs ys = foldr (\y acc -> (if elem y acc then id else (y:)) acc) xs ys; intersect xs ys = filter (\x -> fmaybe (find (x ==) ys) False (\_ -> True)) xs; -- Map. data Map k a = Tip | Bin Int k a (Map k a) (Map k a); size m = case m of { Tip -> 0 ; Bin sz _ _ _ _ -> sz }; node k x l r = Bin (1 + size l + size r) k x l r; singleton k x = Bin 1 k x Tip Tip; singleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx rl rr) = node rk rkx (node k x l rl) rr; doubleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx (Bin _ rlk rlkx rll rlr) rr) = node rlk rlkx (node k x l rll) (node rk rkx rlr rr); singleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll lr) r = node lk lkx ll (node k x lr r); doubleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll (Bin _ lrk lrkx lrl lrr)) r = node lrk lrkx (node lk lkx ll lrl) (node k x lrr r); balance k x l r = (if size l + size r <= 1 then node else if 5 * size l + 3 <= 2 * size r then case r of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ rl rr -> if 2 * size rl + 1 <= 3 * size rr then singleL else doubleL } else if 5 * size r + 3 <= 2 * size l then case l of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ ll lr -> if 2 * size lr + 1 <= 3 * size ll then singleR else doubleR } else node ) k x l r; insert kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sz ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insert kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insert kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sz kx x l r } }; insertWith f kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sy ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insertWith f kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insertWith f kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sy kx (f x y) l r } }; mlookup kx t = case t of { Tip -> Nothing ; Bin _ ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> mlookup kx l ; GT -> mlookup kx r ; EQ -> Just y } }; fromList = foldl (\t (k, x) -> insert k x t) Tip; foldrWithKey f = let { go z t = case t of { Tip -> z ; Bin _ kx x l r -> go (f kx x (go z r)) l } } in go; toAscList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (k,x):xs) []; -- Parsing. data Type = TC String | TV String | TAp Type Type; arr a b = TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b; data Extra = Basic Char | Const Int | ChrCon Char | StrCon String; data Pat = PatLit Ast | PatVar String (Maybe Pat) | PatCon String [Pat]; data Ast = E Extra | V String | A Ast Ast | L String Ast | Pa [([Pat], Ast)] | Proof Pred; data Parser a = Parser (String -> Maybe (a, String)); data Constr = Constr String [Type]; data Pred = Pred String Type; data Qual = Qual [Pred] Type; noQual = Qual []; data Neat = Neat -- | Instance environment. (Map String [Qual]) -- | Either top-level or instance definitions. [Either (String, Ast) (String, (Qual, [(String, Ast)]))] -- | Typed ASTs, ready for compilation, including ADTs and methods, -- e.g. (==), (Eq a => a -> a -> Bool, select-==) [(String, (Qual, Ast))] -- | Data constructor table. (Map String [Constr]) -- | FFI declarations. [(String, Type)] -- | Exports. [(String, String)] ; fneat (Neat a b c d e f) z = z a b c d e f; ro = E . Basic; conOf (Constr s _) = s; specialCase (h:_) = '|':conOf h; mkCase t cs = (specialCase cs, ( noQual $ arr t $ foldr arr (TV "case") $ map (\(Constr _ ts) -> foldr arr (TV "case") ts) cs , ro 'I')); mkStrs = snd . foldl (\(s, l) u -> ('@':s, s:l)) ("@", []); scottEncode _ ":" _ = ro ':'; scottEncode vs s ts = foldr L (foldl (\a b -> A a (V b)) (V s) ts) (ts ++ vs); scottConstr t cs c = case c of { Constr s ts -> (s, ( noQual $ foldr arr t ts , scottEncode (map conOf cs) s $ mkStrs ts)) }; mkAdtDefs t cs = mkCase t cs : map (scottConstr t cs) cs; showInt' n = if 0 == n then id else (showInt' $ n/10) . ((:) (chr $ 48+n%10)); showInt n = if 0 == n then ('0':) else showInt' n; mkFFIHelper n t acc = case t of { TC s -> acc ; TAp (TC "IO") _ -> acc ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> L (showInt n "") $ mkFFIHelper (n + 1) y $ A (V $ showInt n "") acc }; updateDcs cs dcs = foldr (\(Constr s _) m -> insert s cs m) dcs cs; addAdt t cs (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv fs (mkAdtDefs t cs ++ typed) (updateDcs cs dcs) ffis exs; addClass classId v ms (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { vars = zipWith (\_ n -> showInt n "") ms $ upFrom 0 } in Neat ienv fs (zipWith (\var (s, t) -> (s, (Qual [Pred classId v] t, L "@" $ A (V "@") $ foldr L (V var) vars))) vars ms ++ typed) dcs ffis exs; addInst cl q ds (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat (insertWith (++) cl [q] ienv) (Right (cl, (q, ds)):fs) typed dcs ffis exs; addFFI foreignname ourname t (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv fs ((ourname, (Qual [] t, mkFFIHelper 0 t $ A (ro 'F') (ro $ chr $ length ffis))) : typed) dcs ((foreignname, t):ffis) exs; addDefs ds (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv (map Left ds ++ fs) typed dcs ffis exs; addExport e f (Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv fs typed dcs ffis ((e, f):exs); parse (Parser f) inp = f inp; instance Applicative Parser where { pure x = Parser \inp -> Just (x, inp) ; (<*>) x y = Parser \inp -> case parse x inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (fun, t) -> case parse y t of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (arg, u) -> Just (fun arg, u) } } }; instance Monad Parser where { return = pure ; (>>=) x f = Parser \inp -> case parse x inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (a, t) -> parse (f a) t } }; sat' f = \h t -> if f h then Just (h, t) else Nothing; sat f = Parser \inp -> flst inp Nothing (sat' f); instance Functor Parser where { fmap f x = pure f <*> x }; (<|>) x y = Parser \inp -> fmaybe (parse x inp) (parse y inp) Just; (*>) = liftA2 \x y -> y; (<*) = liftA2 \x y -> x; many p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) <|> pure []; some p = liftA2 (:) p (many p); sepBy1 p sep = liftA2 (:) p (many (sep *> p)); sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> pure []; char c = sat (c ==); between x y p = x *> (p <* y); com = char '-' *> between (char '-') (char '\n') (many $ sat ('\n' /=)); sp = many ((wrap <$> (sat (\c -> (c == ' ') || (c == '\n')))) <|> com); spc f = f <* sp; spch = spc . char; wantWith pred f = Parser \inp -> case parse f inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just at -> if pred $ fst at then Just at else Nothing }; paren = between (spch '(') (spch ')'); small = sat \x -> ((x <= 'z') && ('a' <= x)) || (x == '_'); large = sat \x -> (x <= 'Z') && ('A' <= x); digit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x); symbo = sat \c -> elem c "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"; varLex = liftA2 (:) small (many (small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\'')); conId = spc (liftA2 (:) large (many (small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\''))); varId = spc $ wantWith (\s -> not $ elem s ["class", "data", "instance", "of", "where", "if", "then", "else"]) varLex; opTail = many $ char ':' <|> symbo; conSym = spc $ liftA2 (:) (char ':') opTail; varSym = spc $ wantWith (not . (`elem` ["@", "=", "|", "->", "=>"])) $ liftA2 (:) symbo opTail; con = conId <|> paren conSym; var = varId <|> paren varSym; op = varSym <|> conSym <|> between (spch '`') (spch '`') (conId <|> varId); conop = conSym <|> between (spch '`') (spch '`') conId; escChar = char '\\' *> ((sat (\c -> elem c "'\"\\")) <|> ((\c -> '\n') <$> char 'n')); litOne delim = escChar <|> sat (delim /=); litInt = Const . foldl (\n d -> 10*n + ord d - ord '0') 0 <$> spc (some digit); litChar = ChrCon <$> between (char '\'') (spch '\'') (litOne '\''); litStr = between (char '"') (spch '"') $ many (litOne '"'); lit = E <$> (StrCon <$> litStr <|> litChar <|> litInt); sqLst r = between (spch '[') (spch ']') $ sepBy r (spch ','); want f s = wantWith (s ==) f; tok s = spc $ want (some (char '_' <|> symbo) <|> varLex) s; gcon = conId <|> paren (conSym <|> (wrap <$> spch ',')) <|> ((:) <$> spch '[' <*> (wrap <$> spch ']')); apat' r = PatVar <$> var <*> (tok "@" *> (Just <$> apat' r) <|> pure Nothing) <|> flip PatCon [] <$> gcon <|> PatLit <$> lit <|> foldr (\h t -> PatCon ":" [h, t]) (PatCon "[]" []) <$> sqLst r <|> paren ((&) <$> r <*> ((spch ',' *> ((\y x -> PatCon "," [x, y]) <$> r)) <|> pure id)) ; pat = PatCon <$> gcon <*> many (apat' pat) <|> (&) <$> apat' pat <*> ((\s r l -> PatCon s [l, r]) <$> conop <*> apat' pat <|> pure id); apat = apat' pat; guards s r = tok s *> r <|> foldr ($) (V "join#") <$> some ((\x y -> case x of { V "True" -> \_ -> y ; _ -> A (A (A (V "if") x) y) }) <$> (spch '|' *> r) <*> (tok s *> r)); braceSep f = between (spch '{') (spch '}') (sepBy f (spch ';')); joinIsFail t = A (L "join#" t) (V "fail#"); alts r = joinIsFail . Pa <$> braceSep ((\x y -> ([x], y)) <$> pat <*> guards "->" r); cas r = flip A <$> between (tok "case") (tok "of") r <*> alts r; lamCase r = tok "case" *> alts r; onePat vs x = Pa [(vs, x)]; lam r = spch '\\' *> (lamCase r <|> joinIsFail <$> liftA2 onePat (some apat) (tok "->" *> r)); flipPairize y x = A (A (V ",") x) y; thenComma r = spch ',' *> ((flipPairize <$> r) <|> pure (A (V ","))); parenExpr r = (&) <$> r <*> (((\v a -> A (V v) a) <$> op) <|> thenComma r <|> pure id); rightSect r = ((\v a -> L "@" $ A (A (V v) $ V "@") a) <$> (op <|> (wrap <$> spch ','))) <*> r; section r = spch '(' *> (parenExpr r <* spch ')' <|> rightSect r <* spch ')' <|> spch ')' *> pure (V "()")); isFreePat v = \case { PatLit _ -> False ; PatVar s m -> s == v || maybe False (isFreePat v) m ; PatCon _ args -> any (isFreePat v) args }; isFree v expr = case expr of { E _ -> False ; V s -> s == v ; A x y -> isFree v x || isFree v y ; L w t -> v /= w && isFree v t ; Pa vsts -> any (\(vs, t) -> not (any (isFreePat v) vs) && isFree v t) vsts }; overFree s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFree s f x) (overFree s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFree s f t' }; beta s t x = overFree s (const t) x; maybeFix s x = if isFree s x then A (ro 'Y') (L s x) else x; opDef x f y rhs = (f, onePat [x, y] rhs); coalesce ds = flst ds [] \h@(s, x) t -> flst t [h] \(s', x') t' -> let { f (Pa vsts) (Pa vsts') = Pa $ vsts ++ vsts' ; f _ _ = error "bad multidef" } in if s == s' then coalesce $ (s, f x x'):t' else h:coalesce t; def r = opDef <$> apat <*> varSym <*> apat <*> guards "=" r <|> liftA2 (,) var (liftA2 onePat (many apat) (guards "=" r)); patVars = \case { PatLit _ -> [] ; PatVar s m -> s : maybe [] patVars m ; PatCon _ args -> concat $ patVars <$> args }; fvPro bound expr = case expr of { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fvPro bound x `union` fvPro bound y ; L s t -> fvPro (s:bound) t ; Pa vsts -> foldr union [] $ map (\(vs, t) -> fvPro (concatMap patVars vs ++ bound) t) vsts ; _ -> [] }; overFreePro s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFreePro s f x) (overFreePro s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFreePro s f t' ; Pa vsts -> Pa $ map (\(vs, t) -> (vs, if any (elem s . patVars) vs then t else overFreePro s f t)) vsts }; nonemptyTails [] = []; nonemptyTails xs@(x:xt) = xs : nonemptyTails xt; addLets ls x = let { vs = fst <$> ls ; ios = foldr (\(s, dsts) (ins, outs) -> (foldr (\dst -> insertWith union dst [s]) ins dsts, insertWith union s dsts outs)) (Tip, Tip) $ map (\(s, t) -> (s, intersect (fvPro [] t) vs)) ls ; components = scc (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst ios) (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd ios) vs ; triangle names expr = let { tnames = nonemptyTails names ; suball t = foldr (\(x:xt) t -> overFreePro x (const $ foldl (\acc s -> A acc (V s)) (V x) xt) t) t tnames ; insLams vs t = foldr L t vs } in foldr (\(x:xt) t -> A (L x t) $ maybeFix x $ insLams xt $ suball $ maybe undefined joinIsFail $ lookup x ls) (suball expr) tnames } in foldr triangle x components; letin r = addLets <$> between (tok "let") (tok "in") (coalesce <$> braceSep (def r)) <*> r; ifthenelse r = (\a b c -> A (A (A (V "if") a) b) c) <$> (tok "if" *> r) <*> (tok "then" *> r) <*> (tok "else" *> r); listify = foldr (\h t -> A (A (V ":") h) t) (V "[]"); anyChar = sat \_ -> True; rawBody = (char '|' *> char ']' *> pure []) <|> (:) <$> anyChar <*> rawBody; rawQQ = spc $ char '[' *> char 'r' *> char '|' *> (E . StrCon <$> rawBody); atom r = ifthenelse r <|> letin r <|> rawQQ <|> listify <$> sqLst r <|> section r <|> cas r <|> lam r <|> (paren (spch ',') *> pure (V ",")) <|> fmap V (con <|> var) <|> lit; aexp r = fmap (foldl1 A) (some (atom r)); fix f = f (fix f); data Assoc = NAssoc | LAssoc | RAssoc; instance Eq Assoc where { NAssoc == NAssoc = True ; LAssoc == LAssoc = True ; RAssoc == RAssoc = True ; _ == _ = False }; precOf s precTab = fmaybe (lookup s precTab) 9 fst; assocOf s precTab = fmaybe (lookup s precTab) LAssoc snd; opWithPrec precTab n = wantWith (\s -> n == precOf s precTab) op; opFold precTab e xs = case xs of { [] -> e ; x:xt -> case find (\y -> assocOf (fst x) precTab /= assocOf (fst y) precTab) xt of { Nothing -> case assocOf (fst x) precTab of { NAssoc -> case xt of { [] -> fpair x (\op y -> A (A (V op) e) y) ; y:yt -> undefined } ; LAssoc -> foldl (\a (op, y) -> A (A (V op) a) y) e xs ; RAssoc -> foldr (\(op, y) b -> \e -> A (A (V op) e) (b y)) id xs $ e } ; Just y -> undefined } }; expr precTab = fix \r n -> if n <= 9 then liftA2 (opFold precTab) (r $ succ n) (many (liftA2 (,) (opWithPrec precTab n) (r $ succ n))) else aexp (r 0); bType r = foldl1 TAp <$> some r; _type r = foldr1 arr <$> sepBy (bType r) (spc (tok "->")); typeConst = (\s -> if s == "String" then TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char") else TC s) <$> conId; aType = spch '(' *> (spch ')' *> pure (TC "()") <|> ((&) <$> _type aType <*> ((spch ',' *> ((\a b -> TAp (TAp (TC ",") b) a) <$> _type aType)) <|> pure id)) <* spch ')') <|> typeConst <|> (TV <$> varId) <|> (spch '[' *> (spch ']' *> pure (TC "[]") <|> TAp (TC "[]") <$> (_type aType <* spch ']'))); simpleType c vs = foldl TAp (TC c) (map TV vs); constr = (\x c y -> Constr c [x, y]) <$> aType <*> conSym <*> aType <|> Constr <$> conId <*> many aType; adt = addAdt <$> between (tok "data") (spch '=') (simpleType <$> conId <*> many varId) <*> sepBy constr (spch '|'); prec = (\c -> ord c - ord '0') <$> spc digit; fixityList a n os = map (\o -> (o, (n, a))) os; fixityDecl kw a = between (tok kw) (spch ';') (fixityList a <$> prec <*> sepBy op (spch ',')); fixity = fixityDecl "infix" NAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixl" LAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixr" RAssoc; genDecl = (,) <$> var <*> (char ':' *> spch ':' *> _type aType); classDecl = tok "class" *> (addClass <$> conId <*> (TV <$> varId) <*> (tok "where" *> braceSep genDecl)); inst = _type aType; instDecl r = tok "instance" *> ((\ps cl ty defs -> addInst cl (Qual ps ty) defs) <$> (((wrap .) . Pred <$> conId <*> (inst <* tok "=>")) <|> pure []) <*> conId <*> inst <*> (tok "where" *> (coalesce <$> braceSep (def r)))); tops precTab = sepBy ( adt <|> classDecl <|> instDecl (expr precTab 0) <|> tok "foreign" *> ( tok "import" *> var *> (addFFI <$> litStr <*> var <*> (char ':' *> spch ':' *> _type aType)) <|> tok "export" *> var *> (addExport <$> litStr <*> var) ) <|> addDefs . coalesce <$> sepBy1 (def $ expr precTab 0) (spch ';') ) (spch ';') <* (spch ';' <|> pure ';'); program = parse $ sp *> (((":", (5, RAssoc)):) . concat <$> many fixity) >>= tops; -- Primitives. primAdts = [ addAdt (TC "Bool") [Constr "True" [], Constr "False" []] , addAdt (TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")) [Constr "[]" [], Constr ":" [TV "a", TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")]] , addAdt (TAp (TAp (TC ",") (TV "a")) (TV "b")) [Constr "," [TV "a", TV "b"]]]; prims = let { ii = arr (TC "Int") (TC "Int") ; iii = arr (TC "Int") ii ; bin s = A (ro 'Q') (ro s) } in map (second (first noQual)) $ [ ("intEq", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin '=')) , ("intLE", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin 'L')) , ("charEq", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin '=')) , ("charLE", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin 'L')) , ("if", (arr (TC "Bool") $ arr (TV "a") $ arr (TV "a") (TV "a"), ro 'I')) , ("()", (TC "()", ro 'K')) , ("chr", (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Char"), ro 'I')) , ("ord", (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Int"), ro 'I')) , ("succ", (ii, A (ro 'T') (A (E $ Const $ 1) (ro '+')))) , ("ioBind", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (arr (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))), ro 'C')) , ("ioPure", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), ro 'V')) , ("exitSuccess", (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a"), ro '.')) , ("unsafePerformIO", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (TV "a"), A (A (ro 'C') (A (ro 'T') (ro '?'))) (ro 'K'))) , ("join#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) , ("fail#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) ] ++ map (\s -> (wrap s, (iii, bin s))) "+-*/%"; -- Conversion to De Bruijn indices. data LC = Ze | Su LC | Pass IntTree | La LC | App LC LC; debruijn n e = case e of { E x -> Pass $ Lf x ; V v -> maybe (Pass $ LfVar v) id $ foldr (\h found -> if h == v then Just Ze else Su <$> found) Nothing n ; A x y -> App (debruijn n x) (debruijn n y) ; L s t -> La (debruijn (s:n) t) }; -- Kiselyov bracket abstraction. data IntTree = Lf Extra | LfVar String | Nd IntTree IntTree; data Sem = Defer | Closed IntTree | Need Sem | Weak Sem; lf = Lf . Basic; ldef = \r y -> case y of { Defer -> Need (Closed (Nd (Nd (lf 'S') (lf 'I')) (lf 'I'))) ; Closed d -> Need (Closed (Nd (lf 'T') d)) ; Need e -> Need (r (Closed (Nd (lf 'S') (lf 'I'))) e) ; Weak e -> Need (r (Closed (lf 'T')) e) }; lclo = \r d y -> case y of { Defer -> Need (Closed d) ; Closed dd -> Closed (Nd d dd) ; Need e -> Need (r (Closed (Nd (lf 'B') d)) e) ; Weak e -> Weak (r (Closed d) e) }; lnee = \r e y -> case y of { Defer -> Need (r (r (Closed (lf 'S')) e) (Closed (lf 'I'))) ; Closed d -> Need (r (Closed (Nd (lf 'R') d)) e) ; Need ee -> Need (r (r (Closed (lf 'S')) e) ee) ; Weak ee -> Need (r (r (Closed (lf 'C')) e) ee) }; lwea = \r e y -> case y of { Defer -> Need e ; Closed d -> Weak (r e (Closed d)) ; Need ee -> Need (r (r (Closed (lf 'B')) e) ee) ; Weak ee -> Weak (r e ee) }; babsa x y = case x of { Defer -> ldef babsa y ; Closed d -> lclo babsa d y ; Need e -> lnee babsa e y ; Weak e -> lwea babsa e y }; babs t = case t of { Ze -> Defer ; Su x -> Weak (babs x) ; Pass x -> Closed x ; La t -> case babs t of { Defer -> Closed (lf 'I') ; Closed d -> Closed (Nd (lf 'K') d) ; Need e -> e ; Weak e -> babsa (Closed (lf 'K')) e } ; App x y -> babsa (babs x) (babs y) }; nolam x = (\(Closed d) -> d) $ babs $ debruijn [] x; isLeaf t c = case t of { Lf (Basic n) -> n == c ; _ -> False }; optim t = case t of { Nd x y -> let { p = optim x ; q = optim y } in if isLeaf p 'I' then q else if isLeaf q 'I' then case p of { Lf (Basic c) | c == 'C' -> lf 'T' | c == 'B' -> lf 'I' ; Nd p1 p2 -> case p1 of { Lf (Basic c) | c == 'B' -> p2 | c == 'R' -> Nd (lf 'T') p2 ; _ -> Nd (Nd p1 p2) q } ; _ -> Nd p q } else if isLeaf q 'T' then case p of { Nd (Lf (Basic 'B')) (Lf (Basic 'C')) -> lf 'V' ; _ -> Nd p q } else Nd p q ; _ -> t }; freeCount v expr = case expr of { E _ -> 0 ; V s -> if s == v then 1 else 0 ; A x y -> freeCount v x + freeCount v y ; L w t -> if v == w then 0 else freeCount v t }; app01 s x = let { n = freeCount s x } in if 2 <= n then A $ L s x else if 0 == n then const x else flip (beta s) x; optiApp t = case t of { A (L s x) y -> app01 s (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; A x y -> A (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; L s x -> L s (optiApp x) ; _ -> t }; enc tab mem t = case t of { Lf d -> case d of { Basic c -> (ord c, mem) ; Const c -> fpair mem \hp bs -> (hp, (hp + 2, bs . (ord '#':) . (c:))) ; ChrCon c -> fpair mem \hp bs -> (hp, (hp + 2, bs . (ord '#':) . (ord c:))) ; StrCon s -> enc tab mem $ foldr (\h t -> Nd (Nd (lf ':') (Nd (lf '#') (lf h))) t) (lf 'K') s } ; LfVar s -> maybe (error $ "resolve " ++ s) (, mem) $ mlookup s tab ; Nd x y -> fpair mem \hp bs -> let { pm qm = enc tab (hp + 2, bs . (fst (pm qm):) . (fst qm:)) x ; qm = enc tab (snd $ pm qm) y } in (hp, snd qm) }; asm combs = let { tabmem = foldl (\(as, m) (s, t) -> let { pm' = enc (fst tabmem) m t } in (insert s (fst pm') as, snd pm')) (Tip, (128, id)) combs } in tabmem; -- Type checking. apply sub t = case t of { TC v -> t ; TV v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub ; TAp a b -> TAp (apply sub a) (apply sub b) }; (@@) s1 s2 = map (second (apply s1)) s2 ++ s1; occurs s t = case t of { TC v -> False ; TV v -> s == v ; TAp a b -> occurs s a || occurs s b }; varBind s t = case t of { TC v -> Right [(s, t)] ; TV v -> Right $ if v == s then [] else [(s, t)] ; TAp a b -> if occurs s t then Left "occurs check" else Right [(s, t)] }; mgu unify t u = case t of { TC a -> case u of { TC b -> if a == b then Right [] else Left "TC-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp a b -> Left "TC-TAp clash" } ; TV a -> varBind a u ; TAp a b -> case u of { TC b -> Left "TAp-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp c d -> mgu unify a c >>= unify b d } }; unify a b s = (@@ s) <$> mgu unify (apply s a) (apply s b); --instantiate' :: Type -> Int -> [(String, Type)] -> ((Type, Int), [(String, Type)]) instantiate' t n tab = case t of { TC s -> ((t, n), tab) ; TV s -> case lookup s tab of { Nothing -> let { va = TV (showInt n "") } in ((va, n + 1), (s, va):tab) ; Just v -> ((v, n), tab) } ; TAp x y -> fpair (instantiate' x n tab) \(t1, n1) tab1 -> fpair (instantiate' y n1 tab1) \(t2, n2) tab2 -> ((TAp t1 t2, n2), tab2) }; instantiatePred (Pred s t) ((out, n), tab) = first (first ((:out) . Pred s)) (instantiate' t n tab); --instantiate :: Qual -> Int -> (Qual, Int) instantiate (Qual ps t) n = fpair (foldr instantiatePred (([], n), []) ps) \(ps1, n1) tab -> first (Qual ps1) (fst (instantiate' t n1 tab)); proofApply sub a = case a of { Proof (Pred cl ty) -> Proof (Pred cl $ apply sub ty) ; A x y -> A (proofApply sub x) (proofApply sub y) ; L s t -> L s $ proofApply sub t ; _ -> a }; typeAstSub sub (t, a) = (apply sub t, proofApply sub a); infer typed loc ast csn = fpair csn \cs n -> let { va = TV (showInt n "") ; insta ty = fpair (instantiate ty n) \(Qual preds ty) n1 -> ((ty, foldl A ast (map Proof preds)), (cs, n1)) } in case ast of { E x -> Right $ case x of { Basic 'Y' -> insta $ noQual $ arr (arr (TV "a") (TV "a")) (TV "a") ; Const _ -> ((TC "Int", ast), csn) ; ChrCon _ -> ((TC "Char", ast), csn) ; StrCon _ -> ((TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char"), ast), csn) } ; V s -> fmaybe (lookup s loc) (fmaybe (mlookup s typed) (error $ "depGraph bug! " ++ s) $ Right . insta) \t -> Right ((t, ast), csn) ; A x y -> infer typed loc x (cs, n + 1) >>= \((tx, ax), csn1) -> infer typed loc y csn1 >>= \((ty, ay), (cs2, n2)) -> unify tx (arr ty va) cs2 >>= \cs -> Right ((va, A ax ay), (cs, n2)) ; L s x -> first (\(t, a) -> (arr va t, L s a)) <$> infer typed ((s, va):loc) x (cs, n + 1) }; instance Eq Type where { (TC s) == (TC t) = s == t ; (TV s) == (TV t) = s == t ; (TAp a b) == (TAp c d) = a == c && b == d ; _ == _ = False }; instance Eq Pred where { (Pred s a) == (Pred t b) = s == t && a == b }; merge s1 s2 = if all (\v -> apply s1 (TV v) == apply s2 (TV v)) $ map fst s1 `intersect` map fst s2 then Just $ s1 ++ s2 else Nothing; match h t = case h of { TC a -> case t of { TC b | a == b -> Just [] ; _ -> Nothing } ; TV a -> Just [(a, t)] ; TAp a b -> case t of { TAp c d -> case match a c of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just ac -> case match b d of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just bd -> merge ac bd } } ; _ -> Nothing } }; par f = ('(':) . f . (')':); showType t = case t of { TC s -> (s++) ; TV s -> (s++) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b -> par $ showType a . (" -> "++) . showType b ; TAp a b -> par $ showType a . (' ':) . showType b }; showPred (Pred s t) = (s++) . (' ':) . showType t . (" => "++); dictVarize s t = '{':s ++ (' ':showType t "") ++ "}"; findInst r qn p@(Pred cl ty) insts = case insts of { [] -> fpair qn \q n -> let { v = '*':showInt n "" } in Right (((p, v):q, n + 1), V v) ; (Qual ps h):is -> case match h ty of { Nothing -> findInst r qn p is ; Just u -> foldM (\(qn1, t) (Pred cl1 ty1) -> second (A t) <$> r (Pred cl1 $ apply u ty1) qn1) (qn, V $ dictVarize cl h) ps }}; findProof ienv pred psn@(ps, n) = case lookup pred ps of { Nothing -> case pred of { Pred s t -> case mlookup s ienv of { Nothing -> Left $ "no instances: " ++ s ; Just insts -> findInst (findProof ienv) psn pred insts }} ; Just s -> Right (psn, V s) }; prove' ienv psn a = case a of { Proof pred -> findProof ienv pred psn ; A x y -> prove' ienv psn x >>= \(psn1, x1) -> second (A x1) <$> prove' ienv psn1 y ; L s t -> second (L s) <$> prove' ienv psn t ; _ -> Right (psn, a) }; dictVars ps n = flst ps ([], n) \p pt -> first ((p, '*':showInt n ""):) (dictVars pt $ n + 1); -- The 4th argument: e.g. Qual [Eq a] "[a]" for Eq a => Eq [a]. inferMethod ienv dcs typed (Qual psi ti) (s, expr) = infer typed [] expr ([], 0) >>= \(ta, (sub, n)) -> fpair (typeAstSub sub ta) \tx ax -> case mlookup s typed of { Nothing -> Left $ "no such method: " ++ s -- e.g. qc = Eq a => a -> a -> Bool -- We instantiate: Eq a1 => a1 -> a1 -> Bool. ; Just qc -> fpair (instantiate qc n) \(Qual [Pred _ headT] tc) n1 -> -- We mix the predicates `psi` with the type of `headT`, applying a -- substitution such as (a1, [a]) so the variable names match. -- e.g. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool -- Then instantiate and match. case match headT ti of { Just subc -> fpair (instantiate (Qual psi $ apply subc tc) n1) \(Qual ps2 t2) n2 -> case match tx t2 of { Nothing -> Left "class/instance type conflict" ; Just subx -> snd <$> prove' ienv (dictVars ps2 0) (proofApply subx ax) }}}; inferInst ienv dcs typed (cl, (q@(Qual ps t), ds)) = let { dvs = map snd $ fst $ dictVars ps 0 } in (dictVarize cl t,) . flip (foldr L) dvs . L "@" . foldl A (V "@") <$> mapM (inferMethod ienv dcs typed q) ds; -- Pattern compiler. rewritePats rewriteCase dcs = \case { [] -> pure $ V "join#" ; vsxs@((as0, _):_) -> case as0 of { [] -> pure $ foldr1 (A . L "join#") $ snd <$> vsxs ; _ -> let { k = length as0 } in get >>= \n -> put (n + k) >> let { vs = take k $ (`showInt` "#") <$> upFrom n } in case vs of { vh:vt -> (flip mapM vsxs \asx -> fpair asx \as x -> case as of { a:at -> (a,) <$> foldM (\b pv -> fpair pv \p v -> rewriteCase dcs v Tip [(p, b)]) x (zip at vt) }) >>= \cs -> flip (foldr L) vs <$> rewriteCase dcs vh Tip cs } } }; patEq lit b x y = A (L "join#" $ A (A (A (V "if") (A (A (V "==") lit) b)) x) $ V "join#") y; rewriteCase dcs caseVar tab expr = let { rec = rewriteCase dcs caseVar ; flush onFail = case toAscList tab of { [] -> pure onFail -- TODO: Check rest of `tab` lies in cs. ; (firstC, _):_ -> let { cs = maybe undefined id $ mlookup firstC dcs } in mapM (\(Constr s ts) -> case mlookup s tab of { Nothing -> pure $ foldr L (V "join#") $ const "_" <$> ts ; Just f -> rewritePats rewriteCase dcs $ f [] }) cs >>= \jumpTable -> pure $ A (L "join#" $ foldl A (A (V $ specialCase cs) $ V caseVar) jumpTable) onFail } ; go v x rest = case v of { PatLit lit -> patEq lit (V caseVar) x <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; PatVar s m -> let { x' = beta s (V caseVar) x } in case m of { Nothing -> A (L "join#" x') <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; Just v' -> go v' x' rest } ; PatCon con args -> rec (insertWith (flip (.)) con ((args, x):) tab) rest } } in case expr of { [] -> flush $ V "join#" ; ((v, x):rest) -> go v x rest }; secondM f (a, b) = (a,) <$> f b; patternCompile dcs = let { go t = case t of { E _ -> pure t ; V _ -> pure t ; A x y -> liftA2 A (go x) (go y) ; L s x -> L s <$> go x ; Pa vsxs -> mapM (secondM go) vsxs >>= rewritePats rewriteCase dcs } } in \case { Left (s, t) -> Left (s, optiApp $ evalState (go t) 0) ; Right (cl, (q, ds)) -> Right (cl, (q, second (\t -> optiApp $ evalState (go t) 0) <$> ds)) }; fv bound = \case { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fv bound x `union` fv bound y ; L s t -> fv (s:bound) t ; _ -> [] }; depGraph typed (s, ast) (vs, es) = (insert s ast vs, foldr (\k ios@(ins, outs) -> case lookup k typed of { Nothing -> (insertWith union k [s] ins, insertWith union s [k] outs) ; Just _ -> ios }) es $ fv [] ast); inferno prove typed defmap syms = let { loc = zip syms $ TV . (' ':) <$> syms } in foldM (\(acc, (subs, n)) s -> maybe (Left $ "missing: " ++ s) Right (mlookup s defmap) >>= \expr -> infer typed loc expr (subs, n) >>= \((t, a), (ms, n1)) -> unify (TV (' ':s)) t ms >>= \cs -> Right ((s, (t, a)):acc, (cs, n1)) ) ([], ([], 0)) syms >>= \(stas, (soln, _)) -> mapM id $ (\(s, ta) -> prove s $ typeAstSub soln ta) <$> stas; prove ienv s (t, a) = flip fmap (prove' ienv ([], 0) a) \((ps, _), x) -> let { applyDicts expr = foldl A expr $ map (V . snd) ps } in (s, (Qual (map fst ps) t, foldr L (overFree s applyDicts x) $ map snd ps)); inferDefs' ienv defmap (typeTab, lambF) syms = let { add stas = foldr (\(s, (q, cs)) (tt, f) -> (insert s q tt, f . ((s, cs):))) (typeTab, lambF) stas } in add <$> inferno (prove ienv) typeTab defmap syms ; inferDefs ienv defs dcs typed = let { typeTab = foldr (\(k, (q, _)) -> insert k q) Tip typed ; lambs = second snd <$> typed ; plains = patternCompile dcs <$> defs ; lrs = foldr (either (\def -> (first (def:) .)) (\i -> (second (i:) .))) id plains ([], []) ; defmapgraph = foldr (depGraph typed) (Tip, (Tip, Tip)) $ fst lrs ; defmap = fst defmapgraph ; graph = snd defmapgraph ; ins k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst graph ; outs k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd graph ; mainLambs = foldM (inferDefs' ienv defmap) (typeTab, (lambs++)) $ scc ins outs $ map fst $ toAscList defmap } in case mainLambs of { Left err -> Left err ; Right (tt, lambF) -> (\instLambs -> (tt, lambF . (instLambs++))) <$> mapM (inferInst ienv dcs tt) (snd lrs) }; last' x xt = flst xt x \y yt -> last' y yt; last xs = flst xs undefined last'; init (x:xt) = flst xt [] \_ _ -> x : init xt; intercalate sep xs = flst xs [] \x xt -> x ++ concatMap (sep ++) xt; argList t = case t of { TC s -> [TC s] ; TV s -> [TV s] ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> [TC u] ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> x : argList y }; cTypeName (TC "()") = "void"; cTypeName (TC "Int") = "int"; cTypeName (TC "Char") = "int"; ffiDeclare (name, t) = let { tys = argList t } in concat [cTypeName $ last tys, " ", name, "(", intercalate "," $ cTypeName <$> init tys, ");\n"]; ffiArgs n t = case t of { TC s -> ("", ((True, s), n)) ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> ("", ((False, u), n)) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> first (((if 3 <= n then ", " else "") ++ "num(" ++ showInt n ")") ++) $ ffiArgs (n + 1) y }; ffiDefine n ffis = case ffis of { [] -> id ; (name, t):xt -> fpair (ffiArgs 2 t) \args ((isPure, ret), count) -> let { lazyn = ("lazy(" ++) . showInt (if isPure then count - 1 else count + 1) . (", " ++) ; cont tgt = if isPure then ("'I', "++) . tgt else ("app(arg("++) . showInt (count + 1) . ("), "++) . tgt . ("), arg("++) . showInt count . (")"++) ; longDistanceCall = (name++) . ("("++) . (args++) . ("); "++) . lazyn } in ("case " ++) . showInt n . (": " ++) . if ret == "()" then longDistanceCall . cont ("'K'"++) . ("); break;"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt else ("{u r = "++) . longDistanceCall . cont ("app('#', r)" ++) . ("); break;}\n"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt }; getContents = getChar >>= \n -> if n <= 255 then (chr n:) <$> getContents else pure []; untangle s = fmaybe (program s) (Left "parse error") \(prog, rest) -> case rest of { "" -> fneat (foldr ($) (Neat Tip [] prims Tip [] []) $ primAdts ++ prog) \ienv fs typed dcs ffis exs -> case inferDefs ienv fs dcs typed of { Left err -> Left err ; Right qas -> Right (qas, (ffis, exs)) } ; s -> Left $ "dregs: " ++ s }; optiComb' (subs, combs) (s, lamb) = let { gosub t = case t of { LfVar v -> maybe t id $ lookup v subs ; Nd a b -> Nd (gosub a) (gosub b) ; _ -> t } ; c = optim $ gosub $ nolam $ optiApp lamb ; combs' = combs . ((s, c):) } in case c of { Lf (Basic b) -> ((s, c):subs, combs') ; LfVar v -> if v == s then (subs, combs . ((s, Nd (lf 'Y') (lf 'I')):)) else ((s, gosub c):subs, combs') ; _ -> (subs, combs') }; optiComb lambs = ($[]) . snd $ foldl optiComb' ([], id) lambs; genMain n = "int main(int argc,char**argv){env_argc=argc;env_argv=argv;rts_init();rts_reduce(" ++ showInt n ");return 0;}\n"; compile s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambF), (ffis, exs)) -> fpair (asm $ optiComb $ lambF []) \tab mem -> (concatMap ffiDeclare ffis ++) . ("static void foreign(u n) {\n switch(n) {\n" ++) . ffiDefine (length ffis - 1) ffis . ("\n }\n}\n" ++) . ("static const u prog[]={" ++) . foldr (.) id (map (\n -> showInt n . (',':)) $ snd mem []) . ("};\nstatic const u prog_size=sizeof(prog)/sizeof(*prog);\n" ++) . ("static u root[]={" ++) . foldr (\(x, y) f -> maybe undefined showInt (mlookup y tab) . (", " ++) . f) id exs . ("};\n" ++) . ("static const u root_size=" ++) . showInt (length exs) . (";\n" ++) . (foldr (.) id $ zipWith (\p n -> (("EXPORT(f" ++ showInt n ", \"" ++ fst p ++ "\", " ++ showInt n ")\n") ++)) exs (upFrom 0)) $ maybe "" genMain (mlookup "main" tab) }; showTree prec t = case t of { LfVar s@(h:_) -> (if elem h ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" then par else id) (s++) ; Lf n -> case n of { Basic i -> (i:) ; Const i -> showInt i ; ChrCon c -> ('\'':) . (c:) . ('\'':) ; StrCon s -> ('"':) . (s++) . ('"':) } ; Nd (Lf (Basic 'F')) (Lf (Basic c)) -> ("FFI_"++) . showInt (ord c) ; Nd x y -> (if prec then par else id) (showTree False x . (' ':) . showTree True y) }; disasm (s, t) = (s++) . (" = "++) . showTree False t . (";\n"++); dumpCombs s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambF), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ map disasm $ optiComb $ lambF [] }; showQual (Qual ps t) = foldr (.) id (map showPred ps) . showType t; dumpTypes s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((typed, _), _) -> ($ "") $ foldr (.) id $ map (\(s, q) -> (s++) . (" :: "++) . showQual q . ('\n':)) $ toAscList typed }; getArg' k n = getArgChar n k >>= \c -> if ord c == 0 then pure [] else (c:) <$> getArg' (k + 1) n; getArgs = getArgCount >>= \n -> mapM (getArg' 0) (take (n - 1) $ upFrom 1); interact f = getContents >>= putStr . f; main = getArgs >>= \case { "comb":_ -> interact dumpCombs ; "type":_ -> interact dumpTypes ; _ -> interact compile };
We ignore the following subtle bug for now.
Consider definitions whose right-hand side is a lone variable. Our optiComb
function follows lone variables so that:
f = g g = h h = f x = (f, g, h) y = x z = y w = (x, y, z)
compiles to:
f = g h = g g = Y I x = (g, g, g) y = x z = x w = (x, x, x)
That is, afterwards, a variable with a lone variable definition only appears on
the right-hand side if its definition has been rewritten to fix id
, so is no
longer a lone variable. Our asm
function relies on this, because it skips
anything whose right-hand side is a lone variable.
This causes a corner case to fail: our compiler crashes on attempting to export
a symbol whose right-hand side remains a lone variable after optiComb
Concatenating the runtime system with the compiler output is tiresome. Our next compiler also generates the source for the virtual machine.
We change Int
from unsigned to signed.
We rename (/)
and (%)
to match Haskell’s div
and mod
, though they
really should be quot
and rem
; we’ll fix this later.
We add support for newIORef
, readIOref
, and writeIORef
An IORef holding a value x
of type a
is represented as REF x
where REF
behaves like NUM
REF x f --> f (REF x)
Thus an IORef takes one app-cell in our VM, which adds a layer of indirection.
The address of this app-cell may be freely copied, and writeIORef
can update
all these copies at once, by changing a single entry. We hardwire the following:
newIORef = NEWREF readIORef ref world cont = ref READREF world cont writeIORef ref value world cont = ref (WRITEREF value) world cont NEWREF value world cont = cont (REF value) world READREF (REF x) world cont = cont x world WRITEREF value (REF _) world cont = cont () world
NEWREF has a subtle side effect: it ensures the REF value
cell it creates is
new. Originally, we defined newIORef value world cont = cont (REF value)
but this is unsafe because the REF value
might be shared, causing
writes to stomp over each other.
WRITEREF also has a side effect: it overwrites the given app-cell with REF
before returning cont
. It is the only combinator that can modify the
values in the heap, excluding changes caused by lazy updates and garbage
We clean up top-level definitions as mutual recursion is now possible.
The leftyPat
function supports patterns on the left-hand side of definitions,
for example:
[a,b,c] = expr
Our solution is simplistic. We find all pattern variables, such as a,b,c
. If
nonempty, we prepend @
to the first variable, for example @a
, to generate a
symbol unique to the current scope (a cheap trick to approximate Lisp’s
). Then we define this generated symbol to be the expression on the
right-hand side, for example @a = expr
, and then we generate case expressions
for each pattern variable to define them, for example
@a = expr a = case @a of [a,b,c] -> a b = case @a of [a,b,c] -> b c = case @a of [a,b,c] -> c
Our scheme fails to handle the wild-card pattern _
correctly, which we’ll
fix in a later compiler. Until then, we tread carefully with patterns on the
-- Bundle VM code with output. infixr 9 .; infixl 7 * , / , %; infixl 6 + , -; infixr 5 ++; infixl 4 <*> , <$> , <* , *>; infix 4 == , /= , <=; infixl 3 && , <|>; infixl 2 ||; infixl 1 >> , >>=; infixr 0 $; foreign import ccall "putchar" putChar :: Int -> IO Int; foreign import ccall "getchar" getChar :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargcount" getArgCount :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargchar" getArgChar :: Int -> Int -> IO Char; class Functor f where { fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Applicative f where { pure :: a -> f a ; (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Monad m where { return :: a -> m a ; (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b }; (<$>) = fmap; liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y; (>>) f g = f >>= \_ -> g; class Eq a where { (==) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Eq Int where { (==) = intEq }; instance Eq Char where { (==) = charEq }; ($) f x = f x; id x = x; const x y = x; flip f x y = f y x; (&) x f = f x; class Ord a where { (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Ord Int where { (<=) = intLE }; instance Ord Char where { (<=) = charLE }; data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ; compare x y = if x <= y then if y <= x then EQ else LT else GT; instance Ord a => Ord [a] where { (<=) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> True ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> case compare x y of { LT -> True ; GT -> False ; EQ -> xt <= yt } } } }; data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a; data Either a b = Left a | Right b; fpair (x, y) f = f x y; fst (x, y) = x; snd (x, y) = y; uncurry f (x, y) = f x y; first f (x, y) = (f x, y); second f (x, y) = (x, f y); not a = if a then False else True; x /= y = not $ x == y; (.) f g x = f (g x); (||) f g = if f then True else g; (&&) f g = if f then g else False; flst xs n c = case xs of { [] -> n; h:t -> c h t }; instance Eq a => Eq [a] where { (==) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> case ys of { [] -> True ; _ -> False } ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> x == y && xt == yt } }}; take n xs = if n == 0 then [] else flst xs [] \h t -> h:take (n - 1) t; maybe n j m = case m of { Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x }; fmaybe m n j = case m of { Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x }; instance Functor Maybe where { fmap f = maybe Nothing (Just . f) }; instance Applicative Maybe where { pure = Just ; mf <*> mx = maybe Nothing (\f -> maybe Nothing (Just . f) mx) mf }; instance Monad Maybe where { return = Just ; mf >>= mg = maybe Nothing mg mf }; foldr c n l = flst l n (\h t -> c h(foldr c n t)); length = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0; mapM f = foldr (\a rest -> liftA2 (:) (f a) rest) (pure []); mapM_ f = foldr ((>>) . f) (pure ()); foldM f z0 xs = foldr (\x k z -> f z x >>= k) pure xs z0; instance Applicative IO where { pure = ioPure ; (<*>) f x = ioBind f \g -> ioBind x \y -> ioPure (g y) }; instance Monad IO where { return = ioPure ; (>>=) = ioBind }; instance Functor IO where { fmap f x = ioPure f <*> x }; putStr = mapM_ $ putChar . ord; error s = unsafePerformIO $ putStr s >> putChar (ord '\n') >> exitSuccess; undefined = error "undefined"; foldr1 c l@(h:t) = maybe undefined id $ foldr (\x m -> Just $ maybe x (c x) m) Nothing l; foldl f a bs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) (\x -> x) bs a; foldl1 f (h:t) = foldl f h t; elem k xs = foldr (\x t -> x == k || t) False xs; find f xs = foldr (\x t -> if f x then Just x else t) Nothing xs; (++) = flip (foldr (:)); concat = foldr (++) []; wrap c = c:[]; map = flip (foldr . ((:) .)) []; instance Functor [] where { fmap = map }; concatMap = (concat .) . map; lookup s = foldr (\(k, v) t -> if s == k then Just v else t) Nothing; all f = foldr (&&) True . map f; any f = foldr (||) False . map f; upFrom n = n : upFrom (n + 1); zipWith f xs ys = flst xs [] $ \x xt -> flst ys [] $ \y yt -> f x y : zipWith f xt yt; zip = zipWith (,); data State s a = State (s -> (a, s)); runState (State f) = f; instance Functor (State s) where { fmap f = \(State h) -> State (first f . h) }; instance Applicative (State s) where { pure a = State (a,) ; (State f) <*> (State x) = State \s -> fpair (f s) \g s' -> first g $ x s' }; instance Monad (State s) where { return a = State (a,) ; (State h) >>= f = State $ uncurry (runState . f) . h }; evalState m s = fst $ runState m s; get = State \s -> (s, s); put n = State \s -> ((), n); either l r e = case e of { Left x -> l x; Right x -> r x }; instance Functor (Either a) where { fmap f e = case e of { Left x -> Left x ; Right x -> Right $ f x } }; instance Applicative (Either a) where { pure = Right ; ef <*> ex = case ef of { Left s -> Left s ; Right f -> case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> Right $ f x } } }; instance Monad (Either a) where { return = Right ; ex >>= f = case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> f x } }; -- Map. data Map k a = Tip | Bin Int k a (Map k a) (Map k a); size m = case m of { Tip -> 0 ; Bin sz _ _ _ _ -> sz }; node k x l r = Bin (1 + size l + size r) k x l r; singleton k x = Bin 1 k x Tip Tip; singleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx rl rr) = node rk rkx (node k x l rl) rr; doubleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx (Bin _ rlk rlkx rll rlr) rr) = node rlk rlkx (node k x l rll) (node rk rkx rlr rr); singleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll lr) r = node lk lkx ll (node k x lr r); doubleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll (Bin _ lrk lrkx lrl lrr)) r = node lrk lrkx (node lk lkx ll lrl) (node k x lrr r); balance k x l r = (if size l + size r <= 1 then node else if 5 * size l + 3 <= 2 * size r then case r of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ rl rr -> if 2 * size rl + 1 <= 3 * size rr then singleL else doubleL } else if 5 * size r + 3 <= 2 * size l then case l of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ ll lr -> if 2 * size lr + 1 <= 3 * size ll then singleR else doubleR } else node ) k x l r; insert kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sz ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insert kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insert kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sz kx x l r } }; insertWith f kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sy ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insertWith f kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insertWith f kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sy kx (f x y) l r } }; mlookup kx t = case t of { Tip -> Nothing ; Bin _ ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> mlookup kx l ; GT -> mlookup kx r ; EQ -> Just y } }; fromList = foldl (\t (k, x) -> insert k x t) Tip; foldrWithKey f = let { go z t = case t of { Tip -> z ; Bin _ kx x l r -> go (f kx x (go z r)) l } } in go; toAscList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (k,x):xs) []; -- Parsing. data Type = TC String | TV String | TAp Type Type; arr a b = TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b; data Extra = Basic String | Const Int | ChrCon Char | StrCon String; data Pat = PatLit Ast | PatVar String (Maybe Pat) | PatCon String [Pat]; data Ast = E Extra | V String | A Ast Ast | L String Ast | Pa [([Pat], Ast)] | Proof Pred; data ParseState = ParseState String (Map String (Int, Assoc)); data Parser a = Parser (ParseState -> Maybe (a, ParseState)); data Constr = Constr String [Type]; data Pred = Pred String Type; data Qual = Qual [Pred] Type; noQual = Qual []; data Neat = Neat -- | Instance environment. (Map String [(String, Qual)]) -- | Instance definitions. [(String, (Qual, [(String, Ast)]))] -- | Top-level definitions [(String, Ast)] -- | Typed ASTs, ready for compilation, including ADTs and methods, -- e.g. (==), (Eq a => a -> a -> Bool, select-==) [(String, (Qual, Ast))] -- | Data constructor table. (Map String [Constr]) -- | FFI declarations. [(String, Type)] -- | Exports. [(String, String)] ; getPrecs = Parser \st@(ParseState _ precs) -> Just (precs, st); putPrecs precs = Parser \(ParseState s _) -> Just ((), ParseState s precs); ro = E . Basic; conOf (Constr s _) = s; specialCase (h:_) = '|':conOf h; mkCase t cs = (specialCase cs, ( noQual $ arr t $ foldr arr (TV "case") $ map (\(Constr _ ts) -> foldr arr (TV "case") ts) cs , ro "I")); mkStrs = snd . foldl (\(s, l) u -> ('@':s, s:l)) ("@", []); scottEncode _ ":" _ = ro "CONS"; scottEncode vs s ts = foldr L (foldl (\a b -> A a (V b)) (V s) ts) (ts ++ vs); scottConstr t cs c = case c of { Constr s ts -> (s, ( noQual $ foldr arr t ts , scottEncode (map conOf cs) s $ mkStrs ts)) }; mkAdtDefs t cs = mkCase t cs : map (scottConstr t cs) cs; showInt' n = if 0 == n then id else (showInt' $ n/10) . ((:) (chr $ 48+n%10)); showInt n = if 0 == n then ('0':) else showInt' n; mkFFIHelper n t acc = case t of { TC s -> acc ; TAp (TC "IO") _ -> acc ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> L (showInt n "") $ mkFFIHelper (n + 1) y $ A (V $ showInt n "") acc }; updateDcs cs dcs = foldr (\(Constr s _) m -> insert s cs m) dcs cs; addAdt t cs (Neat ienv defs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv defs fs (mkAdtDefs t cs ++ typed) (updateDcs cs dcs) ffis exs; addClass classId v ms (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { vars = zipWith (\_ n -> showInt n "") ms $ upFrom 0 } in Neat ienv idefs fs (zipWith (\var (s, t) -> (s, (Qual [Pred classId v] t, L "@" $ A (V "@") $ foldr L (V var) vars))) vars ms ++ typed) dcs ffis exs; dictName cl (Qual _ t) = '{':cl ++ (' ':showType t "") ++ "}"; addInst cl q ds (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { name = dictName cl q } in Neat (insertWith (++) cl [(name, q)] ienv) ((name, (q, ds)):idefs) fs typed dcs ffis exs; addFFI foreignname ourname t (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { fn = A (ro "F") $ E $ Const $ length ffis } in Neat ienv idefs fs ((ourname, (Qual [] t, mkFFIHelper 0 t fn)) : typed) dcs ((foreignname, t):ffis) exs; addDefs ds (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv idefs (ds ++ fs) typed dcs ffis exs; addExport e f (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis ((e, f):exs); parse (Parser f) inp = f inp; instance Functor Parser where { fmap f (Parser x) = Parser $ fmap (first f) . x }; instance Applicative Parser where { pure x = Parser \inp -> Just (x, inp) ; x <*> y = Parser \inp -> case parse x inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (fun, t) -> case parse y t of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (arg, u) -> Just (fun arg, u) } } }; instance Monad Parser where { return = pure ; (>>=) x f = Parser \inp -> case parse x inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just (a, t) -> parse (f a) t } }; x <|> y = Parser \inp -> fmaybe (parse x inp) (parse y inp) Just; sat f = Parser \(ParseState inp precs) -> flst inp Nothing \h t -> if f h then Just (h, ParseState t precs) else Nothing; (*>) = liftA2 \x y -> y; (<*) = liftA2 \x y -> x; many p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) <|> pure []; some p = liftA2 (:) p (many p); sepBy1 p sep = liftA2 (:) p (many (sep *> p)); sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> pure []; char c = sat (c ==); between x y p = x *> (p <* y); com = char '-' *> between (char '-') (char '\n') (many $ sat ('\n' /=)); isSpace c = elem (ord c) [32, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]; sp = many (wrap <$> sat isSpace <|> com); spc f = f <* sp; spch = spc . char; wantWith pred f = Parser \inp -> case parse f inp of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just at -> if pred $ fst at then Just at else Nothing }; paren = between (spch '(') (spch ')'); small = sat \x -> ((x <= 'z') && ('a' <= x)) || (x == '_'); large = sat \x -> (x <= 'Z') && ('A' <= x); hexdigit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x) || (x <= 'F') && ('A' <= x) || (x <= 'f') && ('a' <= x); digit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x); symbo = sat \c -> elem c "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"; varLex = liftA2 (:) small (many (small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\'')); conId = spc (liftA2 (:) large (many (small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\''))); varId = spc $ wantWith (\s -> not $ elem s ["class", "data", "instance", "of", "where", "if", "then", "else"]) varLex; opTail = many $ char ':' <|> symbo; conSym = spc $ liftA2 (:) (char ':') opTail; varSym = spc $ wantWith (not . (`elem` ["@", "=", "|", "->", "=>"])) $ liftA2 (:) symbo opTail; con = conId <|> paren conSym; var = varId <|> paren varSym; op = varSym <|> conSym <|> between (spch '`') (spch '`') (conId <|> varId); conop = conSym <|> between (spch '`') (spch '`') conId; escChar = char '\\' *> ((sat \c -> elem c "'\"\\") <|> ((\c -> '\n') <$> char 'n')); litOne delim = escChar <|> sat (delim /=); decimal = foldl (\n d -> 10*n + ord d - ord '0') 0 <$> spc (some digit); hexValue d | d <= '9' = ord d - ord '0' | d <= 'F' = 10 + ord d - ord 'A' | d <= 'f' = 10 + ord d - ord 'a'; hexadecimal = char '0' *> char 'x' *> (foldl (\n d -> 16*n + hexValue d) 0 <$> spc (some hexdigit)); litInt = Const <$> (decimal <|> hexadecimal); litChar = ChrCon <$> between (char '\'') (spch '\'') (litOne '\''); litStr = between (char '"') (spch '"') $ many (litOne '"'); lit = E <$> (StrCon <$> litStr <|> litChar <|> litInt); sqList r = between (spch '[') (spch ']') $ sepBy r (spch ','); want f s = wantWith (s ==) f; tok s = spc $ want (some (char '_' <|> symbo) <|> varLex) s; gcon = conId <|> paren (conSym <|> (wrap <$> spch ',')) <|> ((:) <$> spch '[' <*> (wrap <$> spch ']')); apat = PatVar <$> var <*> (tok "@" *> (Just <$> apat) <|> pure Nothing) <|> flip PatCon [] <$> gcon <|> PatLit <$> lit <|> foldr (\h t -> PatCon ":" [h, t]) (PatCon "[]" []) <$> sqList pat <|> paren ((&) <$> pat <*> ((spch ',' *> ((\y x -> PatCon "," [x, y]) <$> pat)) <|> pure id)) ; withPrec precTab n = wantWith (\s -> n == precOf s precTab); binPat f x y = PatCon f [x, y]; patP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> (liftA2 (opFold precTab binPat) (patP $ succ n) $ many $ liftA2 (,) (withPrec precTab n conop) $ patP $ succ n) >>= either (const fail) pure else PatCon <$> gcon <*> many apat <|> apat ; pat = patP 0; maybeWhere p = (&) <$> p <*> (tok "where" *> (addLets . coalesce . concat <$> braceSep def) <|> pure id); guards s = maybeWhere $ tok s *> expr <|> foldr ($) (V "join#") <$> some ((\x y -> case x of { V "True" -> \_ -> y ; _ -> A (A (A (V "if") x) y) }) <$> (spch '|' *> expr) <*> (tok s *> expr)); braceSep f = between (spch '{') (spch '}') (foldr ($) [] <$> sepBy ((:) <$> f <|> pure id) (spch ';')); joinIsFail t = A (L "join#" t) (V "fail#"); alts = joinIsFail . Pa <$> braceSep ((\x y -> ([x], y)) <$> pat <*> guards "->"); cas = flip A <$> between (tok "case") (tok "of") expr <*> alts; lamCase = tok "case" *> alts; lam = spch '\\' *> (lamCase <|> joinIsFail <$> liftA2 onePat (some apat) (tok "->" *> expr)); onePat vs x = Pa [(vs, x)]; opDef x f y rhs = [(f, onePat [x, y] rhs)]; leftyPat p expr = case patVars p of { [] -> [] ; pvars@(h:t) -> let { gen = '@':h } in (gen, expr):map (\v -> (v, A (Pa [([p], V v)]) $ V gen)) pvars }; def = liftA2 (\l r -> [(l, r)]) var (liftA2 onePat (many apat) $ guards "=") <|> (pat >>= \x -> opDef x <$> varSym <*> pat <*> guards "=" <|> leftyPat x <$> guards "="); coalesce ds = flst ds [] \h@(s, x) t -> flst t [h] \(s', x') t' -> let { f (Pa vsts) (Pa vsts') = Pa $ vsts ++ vsts' ; f _ _ = error "bad multidef" } in if s == s' then coalesce $ (s, f x x'):t' else h:coalesce t ; flipPairize y x = A (A (V ",") x) y; thenComma = spch ',' *> ((flipPairize <$> expr) <|> pure (A (V ","))); parenExpr = (&) <$> expr <*> (((\v a -> A (V v) a) <$> op) <|> thenComma <|> pure id); rightSect = ((\v a -> L "@" $ A (A (V v) $ V "@") a) <$> (op <|> (wrap <$> spch ','))) <*> expr; section = spch '(' *> (parenExpr <* spch ')' <|> rightSect <* spch ')' <|> spch ')' *> pure (V "()")); patVars = \case { PatLit _ -> [] ; PatVar s m -> s : maybe [] patVars m ; PatCon _ args -> concat $ patVars <$> args }; union xs ys = foldr (\y acc -> (if elem y acc then id else (y:)) acc) xs ys; fv bound = \case { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fv bound x `union` fv bound y ; L s t -> fv (s:bound) t ; _ -> [] }; fvPro bound expr = case expr of { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fvPro bound x `union` fvPro bound y ; L s t -> fvPro (s:bound) t ; Pa vsts -> foldr union [] $ map (\(vs, t) -> fvPro (concatMap patVars vs ++ bound) t) vsts ; _ -> [] }; overFree s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFree s f x) (overFree s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFree s f t' }; overFreePro s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFreePro s f x) (overFreePro s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFreePro s f t' ; Pa vsts -> Pa $ map (\(vs, t) -> (vs, if any (elem s . patVars) vs then t else overFreePro s f t)) vsts }; beta s t x = overFree s (const t) x; maybeFix s x = if elem s $ fvPro [] x then A (ro "Y") (L s x) else x; nonemptyTails [] = []; nonemptyTails xs@(x:xt) = xs : nonemptyTails xt; addLets ls x = let { vs = fst <$> ls ; ios = foldr (\(s, dsts) (ins, outs) -> (foldr (\dst -> insertWith union dst [s]) ins dsts, insertWith union s dsts outs)) (Tip, Tip) $ map (\(s, t) -> (s, intersect (fvPro [] t) vs)) ls ; components = scc (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst ios) (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd ios) vs ; triangle names expr = let { tnames = nonemptyTails names ; suball t = foldr (\(x:xt) t -> overFreePro x (const $ foldl (\acc s -> A acc (V s)) (V x) xt) t) t tnames ; insLams vs t = foldr L t vs } in foldr (\(x:xt) t -> A (L x t) $ maybeFix x $ insLams xt $ suball $ maybe undefined joinIsFail $ lookup x ls) (suball expr) tnames } in foldr triangle x components; letin = addLets <$> between (tok "let") (tok "in") (coalesce . concat <$> braceSep def) <*> expr; ifthenelse = (\a b c -> A (A (A (V "if") a) b) c) <$> (tok "if" *> expr) <*> (tok "then" *> expr) <*> (tok "else" *> expr); listify = foldr (\h t -> A (A (V ":") h) t) (V "[]"); anyChar = sat \_ -> True; rawBody = (char '|' *> char ']' *> pure []) <|> (:) <$> anyChar <*> rawBody; rawQQ = spc $ char '[' *> char 'r' *> char '|' *> (E . StrCon <$> rawBody); atom = ifthenelse <|> letin <|> rawQQ <|> listify <$> sqList expr <|> section <|> cas <|> lam <|> (paren (spch ',') *> pure (V ",")) <|> fmap V (con <|> var) <|> lit; aexp = foldl1 A <$> some atom; data Assoc = NAssoc | LAssoc | RAssoc; instance Eq Assoc where { NAssoc == NAssoc = True ; LAssoc == LAssoc = True ; RAssoc == RAssoc = True ; _ == _ = False }; precOf s precTab = fmaybe (mlookup s precTab) 9 fst; assocOf s precTab = fmaybe (mlookup s precTab) LAssoc snd; opFold precTab f x xs = case xs of { [] -> Right x ; (op, y):xt -> case find (\(op', _) -> assocOf op precTab /= assocOf op' precTab) xt of { Nothing -> case assocOf op precTab of { NAssoc -> case xt of { [] -> Right $ f op x y ; y:yt -> Left "NAssoc repeat" } ; LAssoc -> Right $ foldl (\a (op, y) -> f op a y) x xs ; RAssoc -> Right $ foldr (\(op, y) b -> \e -> f op e (b y)) id xs $ x } ; Just y -> Left "Assoc clash" } }; exprP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> liftA2 (opFold precTab \op x y -> A (A (V op) x) y) (exprP $ succ n) (many (liftA2 (,) (withPrec precTab n op) (exprP $ succ n))) >>= either (const fail) pure else aexp; expr = exprP 0; fail = Parser $ const Nothing; bType = foldl1 TAp <$> some aType; _type = foldr1 arr <$> sepBy bType (spc (tok "->")); typeConst = (\s -> if s == "String" then TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char") else TC s) <$> conId; aType = spch '(' *> (spch ')' *> pure (TC "()") <|> ((&) <$> _type <*> ((spch ',' *> ((\a b -> TAp (TAp (TC ",") b) a) <$> _type)) <|> pure id)) <* spch ')') <|> typeConst <|> (TV <$> varId) <|> (spch '[' *> (spch ']' *> pure (TC "[]") <|> TAp (TC "[]") <$> (_type <* spch ']'))); simpleType c vs = foldl TAp (TC c) (map TV vs); constr = (\x c y -> Constr c [x, y]) <$> aType <*> conSym <*> aType <|> Constr <$> conId <*> many aType; adt = addAdt <$> between (tok "data") (spch '=') (simpleType <$> conId <*> many varId) <*> sepBy constr (spch '|'); fixityList a = (\c -> ord c - ord '0') <$> spc digit >>= \n -> sepBy op (spch ',') >>= \os -> getPrecs >>= \precs -> putPrecs (foldr (\o m -> insert o (n, a) m) precs os) >> pure id; fixityDecl kw a = tok kw *> fixityList a; fixity = fixityDecl "infix" NAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixl" LAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixr" RAssoc; genDecl = (,) <$> var <*> (char ':' *> spch ':' *> _type); classDecl = tok "class" *> (addClass <$> conId <*> (TV <$> varId) <*> (tok "where" *> braceSep genDecl)); inst = _type; instDecl = tok "instance" *> ((\ps cl ty defs -> addInst cl (Qual ps ty) defs) <$> (((wrap .) . Pred <$> conId <*> (inst <* tok "=>")) <|> pure []) <*> conId <*> inst <*> (tok "where" *> (coalesce . concat <$> braceSep def))); tops = sepBy ( adt <|> classDecl <|> instDecl <|> tok "foreign" *> ( tok "import" *> var *> (addFFI <$> litStr <*> var <*> (char ':' *> spch ':' *> _type)) <|> tok "export" *> var *> (addExport <$> litStr <*> var) ) <|> addDefs <$> def <|> fixity <|> pure id ) (spch ';'); program s = parse (between sp (spch ';' <|> pure ';') tops) $ ParseState s $ insert ":" (5, RAssoc) Tip; -- Primitives. primAdts = [ addAdt (TC "()") [Constr "()" []] , addAdt (TC "Bool") [Constr "True" [], Constr "False" []] , addAdt (TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")) [Constr "[]" [], Constr ":" [TV "a", TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")]] , addAdt (TAp (TAp (TC ",") (TV "a")) (TV "b")) [Constr "," [TV "a", TV "b"]]]; prims = let { ii = arr (TC "Int") (TC "Int") ; iii = arr (TC "Int") ii ; bin s = A (ro "Q") (ro s) } in map (second (first noQual)) $ [ ("intEq", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("intLE", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("charEq", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("charLE", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("if", (arr (TC "Bool") $ arr (TV "a") $ arr (TV "a") (TV "a"), ro "I")) , ("chr", (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Char"), ro "I")) , ("ord", (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Int"), ro "I")) , ("succ", (ii, A (ro "T") (A (E $ Const $ 1) (ro "ADD")))) , ("ioBind", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (arr (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))), ro "C")) , ("ioPure", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), ro "V")) , ("newIORef", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a"))), ro "NEWREF")) , ("readIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), A (ro "T") (ro "READREF"))) , ("writeIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TC "()"))), A (A (ro "R") (ro "WRITEREF")) (ro "B"))) , ("exitSuccess", (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a"), ro "END")) , ("unsafePerformIO", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (TV "a"), A (A (ro "C") (A (ro "T") (ro "END"))) (ro "K"))) , ("join#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) , ("fail#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) ] ++ map (\(s, v) -> (s, (iii, bin v))) [ ("+", "ADD") , ("-", "SUB") , ("*", "MUL") , ("div", "DIV") , ("mod", "MOD") ]; -- Conversion to De Bruijn indices. data LC = Ze | Su LC | Pass IntTree | La LC | App LC LC; debruijn n e = case e of { E x -> Pass $ Lf x ; V v -> maybe (Pass $ LfVar v) id $ foldr (\h found -> if h == v then Just Ze else Su <$> found) Nothing n ; A x y -> App (debruijn n x) (debruijn n y) ; L s t -> La (debruijn (s:n) t) }; -- Kiselyov bracket abstraction. data IntTree = Lf Extra | LfVar String | Nd IntTree IntTree; data Sem = Defer | Closed IntTree | Need Sem | Weak Sem; lf = Lf . Basic; ldef y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed (Nd (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I")) (lf "I")) ; Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "T") d) ; Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I"))) ## e ; Weak e -> Need $ (Closed (lf "T")) ## e }; lclo d y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed d ; Closed dd -> Closed $ Nd d dd ; Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "B") d)) ## e ; Weak e -> Weak $ (Closed d) ## e }; lnee e y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## Closed (lf "I") ; Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "R") d) ## e ; Need ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## ee ; Weak ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "C") ## e ## ee }; lwea e y = case y of { Defer -> Need e ; Closed d -> Weak $ e ## Closed d ; Need ee -> Need $ (Closed (lf "B")) ## e ## ee ; Weak ee -> Weak $ e ## ee }; x ## y = case x of { Defer -> ldef y ; Closed d -> lclo d y ; Need e -> lnee e y ; Weak e -> lwea e y }; babs t = case t of { Ze -> Defer ; Su x -> Weak (babs x) ; Pass x -> Closed x ; La t -> case babs t of { Defer -> Closed (lf "I") ; Closed d -> Closed (Nd (lf "K") d) ; Need e -> e ; Weak e -> Closed (lf "K") ## e } ; App x y -> babs x ## babs y }; nolam x = (\(Closed d) -> d) $ babs $ debruijn [] x; optim t = let { go (Lf (Basic "I")) q = q ; go p q@(Lf (Basic c)) = case c of { "I" -> case p of { Lf (Basic "C") -> lf "T" ; Lf (Basic "B") -> lf "I" ; Nd p1 p2 -> case p1 of { Lf (Basic "B") -> p2 ; Lf (Basic "R") -> Nd (lf "T") p2 ; _ -> Nd (Nd p1 p2) q } ; _ -> Nd p q } ; "T" -> case p of { Nd (Lf (Basic "B")) (Lf (Basic "C")) -> lf "V" ; _ -> Nd p q } ; _ -> Nd p q } ; go p q = Nd p q } in case t of { Nd x y -> go (optim x) (optim y) ; _ -> t }; freeCount v expr = case expr of { E _ -> 0 ; V s -> if s == v then 1 else 0 ; A x y -> freeCount v x + freeCount v y ; L w t -> if v == w then 0 else freeCount v t }; app01 s x = let { n = freeCount s x } in case n of { 0 -> const x ; 1 -> flip (beta s) x ; _ -> A $ L s x }; optiApp t = case t of { A (L s x) y -> app01 s (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; A x y -> A (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; L s x -> L s (optiApp x) ; _ -> t }; appCell (hp, bs) x y = (hp, (hp + 2, bs . (x:) . (y:))); enc tab mem t = case t of { Lf n -> case n of { Basic c -> (comEnum c, mem) ; Const c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") c ; ChrCon c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") $ ord c ; StrCon s -> enc tab mem $ foldr (\h t -> Nd (Nd (lf "CONS") (Lf $ ChrCon h)) t) (lf "K") s } ; LfVar s -> maybe (error $ "resolve " ++ s) (, mem) $ mlookup s tab ; Nd x y -> fpair (enc tab mem x) \xAddr mem' -> fpair (enc tab mem' y) \yAddr mem'' -> appCell mem'' xAddr yAddr }; asm combs = let { tabmem = foldl (\(as, m) (s, t) -> let { pm' = enc (fst tabmem) m t } in (insert s (fst pm') as, snd pm')) (Tip, (128, id)) combs } in tabmem; -- Type checking. apply sub t = case t of { TC v -> t ; TV v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub ; TAp a b -> TAp (apply sub a) (apply sub b) }; (@@) s1 s2 = map (second (apply s1)) s2 ++ s1; occurs s t = case t of { TC v -> False ; TV v -> s == v ; TAp a b -> occurs s a || occurs s b }; varBind s t = case t of { TC v -> Right [(s, t)] ; TV v -> Right $ if v == s then [] else [(s, t)] ; TAp a b -> if occurs s t then Left "occurs check" else Right [(s, t)] }; mgu t u = case t of { TC a -> case u of { TC b -> if a == b then Right [] else Left "TC-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp a b -> Left "TC-TAp clash" } ; TV a -> varBind a u ; TAp a b -> case u of { TC b -> Left "TAp-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp c d -> mgu a c >>= unify b d } }; unify a b s = (@@ s) <$> mgu (apply s a) (apply s b); instantiate' t n tab = case t of { TC s -> ((t, n), tab) ; TV s -> case lookup s tab of { Nothing -> let { va = TV (showInt n "") } in ((va, n + 1), (s, va):tab) ; Just v -> ((v, n), tab) } ; TAp x y -> fpair (instantiate' x n tab) \(t1, n1) tab1 -> fpair (instantiate' y n1 tab1) \(t2, n2) tab2 -> ((TAp t1 t2, n2), tab2) }; instantiatePred (Pred s t) ((out, n), tab) = first (first ((:out) . Pred s)) (instantiate' t n tab); instantiate (Qual ps t) n = fpair (foldr instantiatePred (([], n), []) ps) \(ps1, n1) tab -> first (Qual ps1) (fst (instantiate' t n1 tab)); proofApply sub a = case a of { Proof (Pred cl ty) -> Proof (Pred cl $ apply sub ty) ; A x y -> A (proofApply sub x) (proofApply sub y) ; L s t -> L s $ proofApply sub t ; _ -> a }; typeAstSub sub (t, a) = (apply sub t, proofApply sub a); infer typed loc ast csn = fpair csn \cs n -> let { va = TV (showInt n "") ; insta ty = fpair (instantiate ty n) \(Qual preds ty) n1 -> ((ty, foldl A ast (map Proof preds)), (cs, n1)) } in case ast of { E x -> Right $ case x of { Basic "Y" -> insta $ noQual $ arr (arr (TV "a") (TV "a")) (TV "a") ; Const _ -> ((TC "Int", ast), csn) ; ChrCon _ -> ((TC "Char", ast), csn) ; StrCon _ -> ((TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char"), ast), csn) } ; V s -> fmaybe (lookup s loc) (fmaybe (mlookup s typed) (error $ "depGraph bug! " ++ s) $ Right . insta) \t -> Right ((t, ast), csn) ; A x y -> infer typed loc x (cs, n + 1) >>= \((tx, ax), csn1) -> infer typed loc y csn1 >>= \((ty, ay), (cs2, n2)) -> unify tx (arr ty va) cs2 >>= \cs -> Right ((va, A ax ay), (cs, n2)) ; L s x -> first (\(t, a) -> (arr va t, L s a)) <$> infer typed ((s, va):loc) x (cs, n + 1) }; instance Eq Type where { (TC s) == (TC t) = s == t ; (TV s) == (TV t) = s == t ; (TAp a b) == (TAp c d) = a == c && b == d ; _ == _ = False }; instance Eq Pred where { (Pred s a) == (Pred t b) = s == t && a == b }; filter f = foldr (\x xs -> if f x then x:xs else xs) []; intersect xs ys = filter (\x -> fmaybe (find (x ==) ys) False (\_ -> True)) xs; merge s1 s2 = if all (\v -> apply s1 (TV v) == apply s2 (TV v)) $ map fst s1 `intersect` map fst s2 then Just $ s1 ++ s2 else Nothing; match h t = case h of { TC a -> case t of { TC b | a == b -> Just [] ; _ -> Nothing } ; TV a -> Just [(a, t)] ; TAp a b -> case t of { TAp c d -> case match a c of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just ac -> case match b d of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just bd -> merge ac bd } } ; _ -> Nothing } }; par f = ('(':) . f . (')':); showType t = case t of { TC s -> (s++) ; TV s -> (s++) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b -> par $ showType a . (" -> "++) . showType b ; TAp a b -> par $ showType a . (' ':) . showType b }; showPred (Pred s t) = (s++) . (' ':) . showType t . (" => "++); findInst ienv qn p@(Pred cl ty) insts = case insts of { [] -> fpair qn \q n -> let { v = '*':showInt n "" } in Right (((p, v):q, n + 1), V v) ; (name, Qual ps h):is -> case match h ty of { Nothing -> findInst ienv qn p is ; Just subs -> foldM (\(qn1, t) (Pred cl1 ty1) -> second (A t) <$> findProof ienv (Pred cl1 $ apply subs ty1) qn1) (qn, V name) ps }}; findProof ienv pred psn@(ps, n) = case lookup pred ps of { Nothing -> case pred of { Pred s t -> case mlookup s ienv of { Nothing -> Left $ "no instances: " ++ s ; Just insts -> findInst ienv psn pred insts }} ; Just s -> Right (psn, V s) }; prove' ienv psn a = case a of { Proof pred -> findProof ienv pred psn ; A x y -> prove' ienv psn x >>= \(psn1, x1) -> second (A x1) <$> prove' ienv psn1 y ; L s t -> second (L s) <$> prove' ienv psn t ; _ -> Right (psn, a) }; dictVars ps n = flst ps ([], n) \p pt -> first ((p, '*':showInt n ""):) (dictVars pt $ n + 1); -- The 4th argument: e.g. Qual [Eq a] "[a]" for Eq a => Eq [a]. inferMethod ienv dcs typed (Qual psi ti) (s, expr) = infer typed [] (patternCompile dcs expr) ([], 0) >>= \(ta, (sub, n)) -> fpair (typeAstSub sub ta) \tx ax -> case mlookup s typed of { Nothing -> Left $ "no such method: " ++ s -- e.g. qc = Eq a => a -> a -> Bool -- We instantiate: Eq a1 => a1 -> a1 -> Bool. ; Just qc -> fpair (instantiate qc n) \(Qual [Pred _ headT] tc) n1 -> -- We mix the predicates `psi` with the type of `headT`, applying a -- substitution such as (a1, [a]) so the variable names match. -- e.g. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool -- Then instantiate and match. case match headT ti of { Just subc -> fpair (instantiate (Qual psi $ apply subc tc) n1) \(Qual ps2 t2) n2 -> case match tx t2 of { Nothing -> Left "class/instance type conflict" ; Just subx -> snd <$> prove' ienv (dictVars ps2 0) (proofApply subx ax) }}}; inferInst ienv dcs typed (name, (q@(Qual ps t), ds)) = let { dvs = map snd $ fst $ dictVars ps 0 } in (name,) . flip (foldr L) dvs . L "@" . foldl A (V "@") <$> mapM (inferMethod ienv dcs typed q) ds; -- Pattern compiler. rewritePats dcs = \case { [] -> pure $ V "join#" ; vsxs@((as0, _):_) -> case as0 of { [] -> pure $ foldr1 (A . L "join#") $ snd <$> vsxs ; _ -> let { k = length as0 } in get >>= \n -> put (n + k) >> let { vs = take k $ (`showInt` "#") <$> upFrom n } in case vs of { vh:vt -> (flip mapM vsxs \asx -> fpair asx \as x -> case as of { a:at -> (a,) <$> foldM (\b pv -> fpair pv \p v -> rewriteCase dcs v Tip [(p, b)]) x (zip at vt) }) >>= \cs -> flip (foldr L) vs <$> rewriteCase dcs vh Tip cs } } }; patEq lit b x y = A (L "join#" $ A (A (A (V "if") (A (A (V "==") lit) b)) x) $ V "join#") y; rewriteCase dcs caseVar tab expr = let { rec = rewriteCase dcs caseVar ; go v x rest = case v of { PatLit lit -> patEq lit (V caseVar) x <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; PatVar s m -> let { x' = beta s (V caseVar) x } in case m of { Nothing -> A (L "join#" x') <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; Just v' -> go v' x' rest } ; PatCon con args -> rec (insertWith (flip (.)) con ((args, x):) tab) rest } ; flush onFail = case toAscList tab of { [] -> pure onFail -- TODO: Check rest of `tab` lies in cs. ; (firstC, _):_ -> let { cs = maybe undefined id $ mlookup firstC dcs } in mapM (\(Constr s ts) -> case mlookup s tab of { Nothing -> pure $ foldr L (V "join#") $ const "_" <$> ts ; Just f -> rewritePats dcs $ f [] }) cs >>= \jumpTable -> pure $ A (L "join#" $ foldl A (A (V $ specialCase cs) $ V caseVar) jumpTable) onFail } } in case expr of { [] -> flush $ V "join#" ; ((v, x):rest) -> go v x rest }; secondM f (a, b) = (a,) <$> f b; patternCompile dcs t = let { go t = case t of { E _ -> pure t ; V _ -> pure t ; A x y -> liftA2 A (go x) (go y) ; L s x -> L s <$> go x ; Pa vsxs -> mapM (secondM go) vsxs >>= rewritePats dcs } } in optiApp $ evalState (go t) 0; depGraph typed dcs (s, ast) (vs, es) = let { t = patternCompile dcs ast } in (insert s t vs, foldr (\k ios@(ins, outs) -> case lookup k typed of { Nothing -> (insertWith union k [s] ins, insertWith union s [k] outs) ; Just _ -> ios }) es $ fv [] t); depthFirstSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, sequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second (vertex:) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, sequence) (relation vertex); spanningSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, setSequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second ((:setSequence) . (vertex:)) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, []) (relation vertex); scc ins outs = let { depthFirst = snd . depthFirstSearch outs ([], []) ; spanning = snd . spanningSearch ins ([], []) } in spanning . depthFirst; inferno tycl typed defmap syms = let { loc = zip syms $ TV . (' ':) <$> syms } in foldM (\(acc, (subs, n)) s -> maybe (Left $ "missing: " ++ s) Right (mlookup s defmap) >>= \expr -> infer typed loc expr (subs, n) >>= \((t, a), (ms, n1)) -> unify (TV (' ':s)) t ms >>= \cs -> Right ((s, (t, a)):acc, (cs, n1)) ) ([], ([], 0)) syms >>= \(stas, (soln, _)) -> mapM id $ (\(s, ta) -> prove tycl s $ typeAstSub soln ta) <$> stas; prove ienv s (t, a) = flip fmap (prove' ienv ([], 0) a) \((ps, _), x) -> let { applyDicts expr = foldl A expr $ map (V . snd) ps } in (s, (Qual (map fst ps) t, foldr L (overFree s applyDicts x) $ map snd ps)); inferDefs' ienv defmap (typeTab, lambF) syms = let { add stas = foldr (\(s, (q, cs)) (tt, f) -> (insert s q tt, f . ((s, cs):))) (typeTab, lambF) stas } in add <$> inferno ienv typeTab defmap syms ; inferDefs ienv defs dcs typed = let { typeTab = foldr (\(k, (q, _)) -> insert k q) Tip typed ; lambs = second snd <$> typed ; defmapgraph = foldr (depGraph typed dcs) (Tip, (Tip, Tip)) defs ; defmap = fst defmapgraph ; graph = snd defmapgraph ; ins k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst graph ; outs k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd graph } in foldM (inferDefs' ienv defmap) (typeTab, (lambs++)) $ scc ins outs $ map fst $ toAscList defmap ; last' x xt = flst xt x \y yt -> last' y yt; last xs = flst xs undefined last'; init (x:xt) = flst xt [] \_ _ -> x : init xt; intercalate sep xs = flst xs [] \x xt -> x ++ concatMap (sep ++) xt; intersperse sep xs = flst xs [] \x xt -> x : foldr ($) [] (((sep:) .) . (:) <$> xt); argList t = case t of { TC s -> [TC s] ; TV s -> [TV s] ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> [TC u] ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> x : argList y }; cTypeName (TC "()") = "void"; cTypeName (TC "Int") = "int"; cTypeName (TC "Char") = "int"; ffiDeclare (name, t) = let { tys = argList t } in concat [cTypeName $ last tys, " ", name, "(", intercalate "," $ cTypeName <$> init tys, ");\n"]; ffiArgs n t = case t of { TC s -> ("", ((True, s), n)) ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> ("", ((False, u), n)) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> first (((if 3 <= n then ", " else "") ++ "num(" ++ showInt n ")") ++) $ ffiArgs (n + 1) y }; ffiDefine n ffis = case ffis of { [] -> id ; (name, t):xt -> fpair (ffiArgs 2 t) \args ((isPure, ret), count) -> let { lazyn = ("lazy2(" ++) . showInt (if isPure then count - 1 else count + 1) . (", " ++) ; cont tgt = if isPure then ("_I, "++) . tgt else ("app(arg("++) . showInt (count + 1) . ("), "++) . tgt . ("), arg("++) . showInt count . (")"++) ; longDistanceCall = (name++) . ("("++) . (args++) . ("); "++) . lazyn } in ("case " ++) . showInt n . (": " ++) . if ret == "()" then longDistanceCall . cont ("_K"++) . ("); break;"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt else ("{u r = "++) . longDistanceCall . cont ("app(_NUM, r)" ++) . ("); break;}\n"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt }; getContents = getChar >>= \n -> if n <= 255 then (chr n:) <$> getContents else pure []; untangle s = fmaybe (program s) (Left "parse error") \(prog, rest) -> case rest of { ParseState s _ -> if s == "" then case foldr ($) (Neat Tip [] [] prims Tip [] []) $ primAdts ++ prog of { Neat ienv idefs defs typed dcs ffis exs -> inferDefs ienv (coalesce defs) dcs typed >>= \(qas, lambF) -> mapM (inferInst ienv dcs qas) idefs >>= \lambs -> pure ((qas, lambF lambs), (ffis, exs)) } else Left $ "dregs: " ++ s }; optiComb' (subs, combs) (s, lamb) = let { gosub t = case t of { LfVar v -> maybe t id $ lookup v subs ; Nd a b -> Nd (gosub a) (gosub b) ; _ -> t } ; c = optim $ gosub $ nolam $ optiApp lamb ; combs' = combs . ((s, c):) } in case c of { Lf (Basic _) -> ((s, c):subs, combs') ; LfVar v -> if v == s then (subs, combs . ((s, Nd (lf "Y") (lf "I")):)) else ((s, gosub c):subs, combs') ; _ -> (subs, combs') }; optiComb lambs = ($[]) . snd $ foldl optiComb' ([], id) lambs; genMain n = "int main(int argc,char**argv){env_argc=argc;env_argv=argv;rts_init();rts_reduce(" ++ showInt n ");return 0;}\n"; compile s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), (ffis, exs)) -> fpair (asm $ optiComb lambs) \tab memF -> let { mem = snd memF [] } in ("typedef unsigned u;\n"++) . ("enum{_UNDEFINED=0,"++) . foldr (.) id (map (\(s, _) -> ('_':) . (s++) . (',':)) comdefs) . ("};\n"++) . ("static const u prog[]={" ++) . foldr (.) id (map (\n -> showInt n . (',':)) mem) . ("};\nstatic const u prog_size="++) . showInt (length mem) . (";\n"++) . ("static u root[]={" ++) . foldr (\(x, y) f -> maybe undefined showInt (mlookup y tab) . (", " ++) . f) id exs . ("0};\n" ++) . (preamble++) . (concatMap ffiDeclare ffis ++) . ("static void foreign(u n) {\n switch(n) {\n" ++) . ffiDefine (length ffis - 1) ffis . ("\n }\n}\n" ++) . runFun . (foldr (.) id $ zipWith (\p n -> (("EXPORT(f" ++ showInt n ", \"" ++ fst p ++ "\", " ++ showInt n ")\n") ++)) exs (upFrom 0)) $ maybe "" genMain (mlookup "main" tab) }; showVar s@(h:_) = (if elem h ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" then par else id) (s++); showExtra = \case { Basic s -> (s++) ; Const i -> showInt i ; ChrCon c -> ('\'':) . (c:) . ('\'':) ; StrCon s -> ('"':) . (s++) . ('"':) }; showPat = \case { PatLit t -> showAst False t ; PatVar s mp -> (s++) . maybe id ((('@':) .) . showPat) mp ; PatCon s ps -> (s++) . ("TODO"++) }; showAst prec t = case t of { E e -> showExtra e ; V s -> showVar s ; A x y -> (if prec then par else id) (showAst False x . (' ':) . showAst True y) ; L s t -> par $ ('\\':) . (s++) . (" -> "++) . showAst prec t ; Pa vsts -> ('\\':) . par (foldr (.) id $ intersperse (';':) $ map (\(vs, t) -> foldr (.) id (intersperse (' ':) $ map (par . showPat) vs) . (" -> "++) . showAst False t) vsts) }; showTree prec t = case t of { LfVar s -> showVar s ; Lf extra -> showExtra extra ; Nd x y -> (if prec then par else id) (showTree False x . (' ':) . showTree True y) }; disasm (s, t) = (s++) . (" = "++) . showTree False t . (";\n"++); dumpCombs s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ map disasm $ optiComb lambs }; dumpLambs s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ (\(s, t) -> (s++) . (" = "++) . showAst False t . ('\n':)) <$> lambs }; showQual (Qual ps t) = foldr (.) id (map showPred ps) . showType t; dumpTypes s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((typed, _), _) -> ($ "") $ foldr (.) id $ map (\(s, q) -> (s++) . (" :: "++) . showQual q . ('\n':)) $ toAscList typed }; getArg' k n = getArgChar n k >>= \c -> if ord c == 0 then pure [] else (c:) <$> getArg' (k + 1) n; getArgs = getArgCount >>= \n -> mapM (getArg' 0) (take (n - 1) $ upFrom 1); interact f = getContents >>= putStr . f; main = getArgs >>= \case { "comb":_ -> interact dumpCombs ; "lamb":_ -> interact dumpLambs ; "type":_ -> interact dumpTypes ; _ -> interact compile }; comdefsrc = [r| F x = "foreign(num(1));" Y x = x "sp[1]" Q x y z = z(y x) S x y z = x z(y z) B x y z = x (y z) C x y z = x z y R x y z = y z x V x y z = z x y T x y = y x K x y = "_I" x I x = "sp[1] = arg(1); sp++;" CONS x y z w = w x y NUM x y = y "sp[1]" ADD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) + num(2)" SUB x y = "_NUM" "num(1) - num(2)" MUL x y = "_NUM" "num(1) * num(2)" DIV x y = "_NUM" "num(1) / num(2)" MOD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) % num(2)" EQ x y = "num(1) == num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" LE x y = "num(1) <= num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" REF x y = y "sp[1]" NEWREF x y z = z ("_REF" x) y READREF x y z = z "num(1)" y WRITEREF x y z w = w "((mem[arg(2) + 1] = arg(1)), _K)" z END = "return;" |]; comb = (,) <$> spc (some $ large) <*> ((,) <$> many (spc $ (:"") <$> small) <*> (spch '=' *> combExpr)); combExpr = foldl1 A <$> some ( V . (:"") <$> spc small <|> E . StrCon <$> litStr <|> paren combExpr ); comdefs = maybe undefined fst (parse (sp *> some comb) $ ParseState comdefsrc Tip); comEnum s = maybe (error s) id $ lookup s $ zip (fst <$> comdefs) (upFrom 1); comName i = maybe undefined id $ lookup i $ zip (upFrom 1) (fst <$> comdefs); preamble = [r|#define EXPORT(f, sym, n) void f() asm(sym) __attribute__((export_name(sym))); void f(){rts_reduce(root[n]);} void *malloc(unsigned long); enum { FORWARD = 127, REDUCING = 126 }; enum { TOP = 1<<24 }; static u *mem, *altmem, *sp, *spTop, hp; static inline u isAddr(u n) { return n>=128; } static u evac(u n) { if (!isAddr(n)) return n; u x = mem[n]; while (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _T) { mem[n] = mem[n + 1]; mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n]; } if (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _K) { mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n] = _I; } u y = mem[n + 1]; switch(x) { case FORWARD: return y; case REDUCING: mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = hp; hp += 2; return mem[n + 1]; case _I: mem[n] = REDUCING; y = evac(y); if (mem[n] == FORWARD) { altmem[mem[n + 1]] = _I; altmem[mem[n + 1] + 1] = y; } else { mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = y; } return mem[n + 1]; default: break; } u z = hp; hp += 2; mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = z; altmem[z] = x; altmem[z + 1] = y; return z; } static void gc() { hp = 128; u di = hp; sp = altmem + TOP - 1; for(u *r = root; *r; r++) *r = evac(*r); *sp = evac(*spTop); while (di < hp) { u x = altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; if (x != _NUM) altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; } spTop = mem; mem = altmem; altmem = spTop; spTop = sp; } static inline u app(u f, u x) { mem[hp] = f; mem[hp + 1] = x; return (hp += 2) - 2; } static inline u arg(u n) { return mem[sp [n] + 1]; } static inline int num(u n) { return mem[arg(n) + 1]; } static inline void lazy2(u height, u f, u x) { u *p = mem + sp[height]; *p = f; *++p = x; sp += height - 1; *sp = f; } static void lazy3(u height,u x1,u x2,u x3){u*p=mem+sp[height];sp[height-1]=*p=app(x1,x2);*++p=x3;*(sp+=height-2)=x1;} static int env_argc; int getargcount() { return env_argc; } static char **env_argv; int getargchar(int n, int k) { return env_argv[n][k]; } |]; runFun = ([r|static void run() { for(;;) { if (mem + hp > sp - 8) gc(); u x = *sp; if (isAddr(x)) *--sp = mem[x]; else switch(x) { |]++) . foldr (.) id (genComb <$> comdefs) . ([r| } } } void rts_init() { mem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); altmem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); hp = 128; for (u i = 0; i < prog_size; i++) mem[hp++] = prog[i]; spTop = mem + TOP - 1; } void rts_reduce(u n) { *(sp = spTop) = app(app(n, _UNDEFINED), _END); run(); } |]++) ; genArg m a = case a of { V s -> ("arg("++) . (maybe undefined showInt $ lookup s m) . (')':) ; E (StrCon s) -> (s++) ; A x y -> ("app("++) . genArg m x . (',':) . genArg m y . (')':) }; genArgs m as = foldl1 (.) $ map (\a -> (","++) . genArg m a) as; genComb (s, (args, body)) = let { argc = ('(':) . showInt (length args) ; m = zip args $ upFrom 1 } in ("case _"++) . (s++) . (':':) . (case body of { A (A x y) z -> ("lazy3"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y, z] . (");"++) ; A x y -> ("lazy2"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y] . (");"++) ; E (StrCon s) -> (s++) }) . ("break;\n"++) ;
Landin’s off-side rule is sorely missed. Although cosmetic, layout parsing rules give Haskell a clean mathematical look.
We split off a lexer from our parser, and follow the rules in section 10.3 of the Haskell 2010 spec.
We add support for multiple predicates in the context of an instance. We should have done this before, as it’s just a small parser tweak; the rest of the code can already handle it.
This is a good moment to support do
notation. We deviate from the spec.
Trailing let
statements are legal; they just have no effect. It is also legal
for the last statement to be a binding, in which case we implicitly follow it
with pure ()
We replace fpair
and flst
with more idiomatic Haskell.
-- Off-side rule. infixr 9 .; infixl 7 * , `div` , `mod`; infixl 6 + , -; infixr 5 ++; infixl 4 <*> , <$> , <* , *>; infix 4 == , /= , <=; infixl 3 && , <|>; infixl 2 ||; infixl 1 >> , >>=; infixr 0 $; foreign import ccall "putchar" putChar :: Int -> IO Int; foreign import ccall "getchar" getChar :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargcount" getArgCount :: IO Int; foreign import ccall "getargchar" getArgChar :: Int -> Int -> IO Char; class Functor f where { fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Applicative f where { pure :: a -> f a ; (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b }; class Monad m where { return :: a -> m a ; (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b }; (<$>) = fmap; liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y; (>>) f g = f >>= \_ -> g; class Eq a where { (==) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Eq Int where { (==) = intEq }; instance Eq Char where { (==) = charEq }; ($) f x = f x; id x = x; const x y = x; flip f x y = f y x; (&) x f = f x; class Ord a where { (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool }; instance Ord Int where { (<=) = intLE }; instance Ord Char where { (<=) = charLE }; data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ; compare x y = if x <= y then if y <= x then EQ else LT else GT; instance Ord a => Ord [a] where { (<=) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> True ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> case compare x y of { LT -> True ; GT -> False ; EQ -> xt <= yt } } } }; data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a; data Either a b = Left a | Right b; fst (x, y) = x; snd (x, y) = y; uncurry f (x, y) = f x y; first f (x, y) = (f x, y); second f (x, y) = (x, f y); not a = if a then False else True; x /= y = not $ x == y; (.) f g x = f (g x); (||) f g = if f then True else g; (&&) f g = if f then g else False; instance Eq a => Eq [a] where { (==) xs ys = case xs of { [] -> case ys of { [] -> True ; _ -> False } ; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> False ; y:yt -> x == y && xt == yt } }}; take 0 xs = []; take _ [] = []; take n (h:t) = h : take (n - 1) t; maybe n j m = case m of { Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x }; instance Functor Maybe where { fmap f = maybe Nothing (Just . f) }; instance Applicative Maybe where { pure = Just ; mf <*> mx = maybe Nothing (\f -> maybe Nothing (Just . f) mx) mf }; instance Monad Maybe where { return = Just ; mf >>= mg = maybe Nothing mg mf }; foldr c n = \case { [] -> n; h:t -> c h $ foldr c n t }; length = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0; mapM f = foldr (\a rest -> liftA2 (:) (f a) rest) (pure []); mapM_ f = foldr ((>>) . f) (pure ()); foldM f z0 xs = foldr (\x k z -> f z x >>= k) pure xs z0; instance Applicative IO where { pure = ioPure ; (<*>) f x = ioBind f \g -> ioBind x \y -> ioPure (g y) }; instance Monad IO where { return = ioPure ; (>>=) = ioBind }; instance Functor IO where { fmap f x = ioPure f <*> x }; class Show a where { showsPrec :: Int -> a -> String -> String }; shows = showsPrec 0; show x = shows x ""; showInt__ n | 0 == n = id | True = showInt__ (n`div`10) . (chr (48+n`mod`10):); instance Show Int where { showsPrec _ n | 0 == n = ('0':) | 1 <= n = showInt__ n | 2 * n == 0 = ("-2147483648"++) | True = ('-':) . showInt__ (0 - n) }; putStr = mapM_ $ putChar . ord; getContents = getChar >>= \n -> if 0 <= n then (chr n:) <$> getContents else pure []; interact f = getContents >>= putStr . f; error s = unsafePerformIO $ putStr s >> putChar (ord '\n') >> exitSuccess; undefined = error "undefined"; foldr1 c l@(h:t) = maybe undefined id $ foldr (\x m -> Just $ maybe x (c x) m) Nothing l; foldl f a bs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) (\x -> x) bs a; foldl1 f (h:t) = foldl f h t; elem k xs = foldr (\x t -> x == k || t) False xs; find f xs = foldr (\x t -> if f x then Just x else t) Nothing xs; (++) = flip (foldr (:)); concat = foldr (++) []; map = flip (foldr . ((:) .)) []; head (h:_) = h; tail (_:t) = t; isSpace c = elem (ord c) [32, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 160]; instance Functor [] where { fmap = map }; concatMap = (concat .) . map; lookup s = foldr (\(k, v) t -> if s == k then Just v else t) Nothing; all f = foldr (&&) True . map f; any f = foldr (||) False . map f; and = foldr (&&) True; or = foldr (||) False; upFrom n = n : upFrom (n + 1); zipWith f xs ys = case xs of { [] -> []; x:xt -> case ys of { [] -> []; y:yt -> f x y : zipWith f xt yt }}; zip = zipWith (,); data State s a = State (s -> (a, s)); runState (State f) = f; instance Functor (State s) where { fmap f = \(State h) -> State (first f . h) }; instance Applicative (State s) where { pure a = State (a,) ; (State f) <*> (State x) = State \s -> case f s of {(g, s') -> first g $ x s'} }; instance Monad (State s) where { return a = State (a,) ; (State h) >>= f = State $ uncurry (runState . f) . h }; evalState m s = fst $ runState m s; get = State \s -> (s, s); put n = State \s -> ((), n); either l r e = case e of { Left x -> l x; Right x -> r x }; instance Functor (Either a) where { fmap f e = case e of { Left x -> Left x ; Right x -> Right $ f x } }; instance Applicative (Either a) where { pure = Right ; ef <*> ex = case ef of { Left s -> Left s ; Right f -> case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> Right $ f x } } }; instance Monad (Either a) where { return = Right ; ex >>= f = case ex of { Left s -> Left s ; Right x -> f x } }; class Alternative f where { empty :: f a ; (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a }; asum = foldr (<|>) empty; (*>) = liftA2 \x y -> y; (<*) = liftA2 \x y -> x; many p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) <|> pure []; some p = liftA2 (:) p (many p); sepBy1 p sep = liftA2 (:) p (many (sep *> p)); sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> pure []; between x y p = x *> (p <* y); -- Map. data Map k a = Tip | Bin Int k a (Map k a) (Map k a); size m = case m of { Tip -> 0 ; Bin sz _ _ _ _ -> sz }; node k x l r = Bin (1 + size l + size r) k x l r; singleton k x = Bin 1 k x Tip Tip; singleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx rl rr) = node rk rkx (node k x l rl) rr; doubleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx (Bin _ rlk rlkx rll rlr) rr) = node rlk rlkx (node k x l rll) (node rk rkx rlr rr); singleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll lr) r = node lk lkx ll (node k x lr r); doubleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll (Bin _ lrk lrkx lrl lrr)) r = node lrk lrkx (node lk lkx ll lrl) (node k x lrr r); balance k x l r = (if size l + size r <= 1 then node else if 5 * size l + 3 <= 2 * size r then case r of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ rl rr -> if 2 * size rl + 1 <= 3 * size rr then singleL else doubleL } else if 5 * size r + 3 <= 2 * size l then case l of { Tip -> node ; Bin sz _ _ ll lr -> if 2 * size lr + 1 <= 3 * size ll then singleR else doubleR } else node ) k x l r; insert kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sz ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insert kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insert kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sz kx x l r } }; insertWith f kx x t = case t of { Tip -> singleton kx x ; Bin sy ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> balance ky y (insertWith f kx x l) r ; GT -> balance ky y l (insertWith f kx x r) ; EQ -> Bin sy kx (f x y) l r } }; mlookup kx t = case t of { Tip -> Nothing ; Bin _ ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of { LT -> mlookup kx l ; GT -> mlookup kx r ; EQ -> Just y } }; fromList = foldl (\t (k, x) -> insert k x t) Tip; foldrWithKey f = let { go z t = case t of { Tip -> z ; Bin _ kx x l r -> go (f kx x (go z r)) l } } in go; toAscList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (k,x):xs) []; -- Syntax tree. data Type = TC String | TV String | TAp Type Type; arr a b = TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b; data Extra = Basic String | Const Int | ChrCon Char | StrCon String; data Pat = PatLit Ast | PatVar String (Maybe Pat) | PatCon String [Pat]; data Ast = E Extra | V String | A Ast Ast | L String Ast | Pa [([Pat], Ast)] | Proof Pred; data Constr = Constr String [Type]; data Pred = Pred String Type; data Qual = Qual [Pred] Type; noQual = Qual []; data Neat = Neat -- | Instance environment. (Map String [(String, Qual)]) -- | Instance definitions. [(String, (Qual, [(String, Ast)]))] -- | Top-level definitions [(String, Ast)] -- | Typed ASTs, ready for compilation, including ADTs and methods, -- e.g. (==), (Eq a => a -> a -> Bool, select-==) [(String, (Qual, Ast))] -- | Data constructor table. (Map String [Constr]) -- | FFI declarations. [(String, Type)] -- | Exports. [(String, String)] ; ro = E . Basic; conOf (Constr s _) = s; specialCase (h:_) = '|':conOf h; mkCase t cs = (specialCase cs, ( noQual $ arr t $ foldr arr (TV "case") $ map (\(Constr _ ts) -> foldr arr (TV "case") ts) cs , ro "I")); mkStrs = snd . foldl (\(s, l) u -> ('@':s, s:l)) ("@", []); scottEncode _ ":" _ = ro "CONS"; scottEncode vs s ts = foldr L (foldl (\a b -> A a (V b)) (V s) ts) (ts ++ vs); scottConstr t cs c = case c of { Constr s ts -> (s, ( noQual $ foldr arr t ts , scottEncode (map conOf cs) s $ mkStrs ts)) }; mkAdtDefs t cs = mkCase t cs : map (scottConstr t cs) cs; mkFFIHelper n t acc = case t of { TC s -> acc ; TAp (TC "IO") _ -> acc ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> L (show n) $ mkFFIHelper (n + 1) y $ A (V $ show n) acc }; updateDcs cs dcs = foldr (\(Constr s _) m -> insert s cs m) dcs cs; addAdt t cs (Neat ienv defs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv defs fs (mkAdtDefs t cs ++ typed) (updateDcs cs dcs) ffis exs; addClass classId v ms (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { vars = zipWith (\_ n -> show n) ms $ upFrom 0 } in Neat ienv idefs fs (zipWith (\var (s, t) -> (s, (Qual [Pred classId v] t, L "@" $ A (V "@") $ foldr L (V var) vars))) vars ms ++ typed) dcs ffis exs; dictName cl (Qual _ t) = '{':cl ++ (' ':show t) ++ "}"; addInst cl q ds (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { name = dictName cl q } in Neat (insertWith (++) cl [(name, q)] ienv) ((name, (q, ds)):idefs) fs typed dcs ffis exs; addFFI foreignname ourname t (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let { fn = A (ro "F") $ E $ Const $ length ffis } in Neat ienv idefs fs ((ourname, (Qual [] t, mkFFIHelper 0 t fn)) : typed) dcs ((foreignname, t):ffis) exs; addDefs ds (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv idefs (ds ++ fs) typed dcs ffis exs; addExport e f (Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat ienv idefs fs typed dcs ffis ((e, f):exs); -- Parser. data ParserState = ParserState [(Char, (Int, Int))] String [Int] (Map String (Int, Assoc)); readme (ParserState x _ _ _) = x; landin (ParserState _ x _ _) = x; indents (ParserState _ _ x _) = x; precs (ParserState _ _ _ x) = x; putReadme x (ParserState _ a b c) = ParserState x a b c; putLandin x (ParserState a _ b c) = ParserState a x b c; modIndents f (ParserState a b x c) = ParserState a b (f x) c; data Parser a = Parser (ParserState -> Either String (a, ParserState)); getParser (Parser p) = p; instance Functor Parser where { fmap f x = pure f <*> x }; instance Applicative Parser where { pure x = Parser \inp -> Right (x, inp) ; (Parser f) <*> (Parser x) = Parser \inp -> f inp >>= \(fun, t) -> x t >>= \(arg, u) -> pure (fun arg, u) }; instance Monad Parser where { return = pure ; (Parser x) >>= f = Parser \inp -> x inp >>= \(a, t) -> getParser (f a) t }; instance Alternative Parser where { empty = bad "" ; x <|> y = Parser \inp -> either (const $ getParser y inp) Right $ getParser x inp }; getPrecs = Parser \st -> Right (precs st, st); putPrecs ps = Parser \(ParserState a b c _) -> Right ((), ParserState a b c ps); notFollowedBy p = (Parser \pasta -> Right (pasta, pasta)) >>= \saved -> p *> pure (bad "") <|> pure (pure ()) >>= \ret -> (Parser \_ -> Right ((), saved)) >> ret; parse f str = getParser f $ ParserState (rowcol str (1, 1)) [] [] $ singleton ":" (5, RAssoc) where { rowcol s rc = case s of { [] -> [] ; h:t -> (h, rc) : rowcol t (advanceRC (ord h) rc) }; ; advanceRC n (r, c) | n `elem` [10, 11, 12, 13] = (r + 1, 1) | n == 9 = (r, (c + 8)`mod`8) | True = (r, c + 1) ; }; indentOf pasta = case readme pasta of { [] -> 1 ; (_, (_, c)):_ -> c }; ins c pasta = putLandin (c:landin pasta) pasta; angle n pasta = case indents pasta of { m:ms | m == n -> ins ';' pasta | n + 1 <= m -> ins '}' $ angle n $ modIndents tail pasta ; _ -> pasta }; curly n pasta = case indents pasta of { m:ms | m + 1 <= n -> ins '{' $ modIndents (n:) pasta ; [] | 1 <= n -> ins '{' $ modIndents (n:) pasta ; _ -> ins '{' . ins '}' $ angle n pasta }; sat f = Parser \pasta -> case landin pasta of { c:t -> if f c then Right (c, putLandin t pasta) else Left "unsat" ; [] -> case readme pasta of { [] -> case indents pasta of { [] -> Left "EOF" ; m:ms | m /= 0 && f '}' -> Right ('}', modIndents tail pasta) ; _ -> Left "unsat" } ; (h, _):t | f h -> let { p' = putReadme t pasta } in case h of { '}' -> case indents pasta of { 0:ms -> Right (h, modIndents tail p') ; _ -> Left "unsat" } ; '{' -> Right (h, modIndents (0:) p') ; _ -> Right (h, p') } ; _ -> Left "unsat" } }; char c = sat (c ==); rawSat f = Parser \pasta -> case readme pasta of { [] -> Left "EOF" ; (h, _):t -> if f h then Right (h, putReadme t pasta) else Left "unsat" }; eof = Parser \pasta -> case pasta of { ParserState [] [] _ _ -> Right ((), pasta) ; _ -> badpos pasta "want eof" }; comment = rawSat ('-' ==) *> some (rawSat ('-' ==)) *> (rawSat isNewline <|> rawSat (not . isSymbol) *> many (rawSat $ not . isNewline) *> rawSat isNewline) *> pure True; spaces = isNewline <$> rawSat isSpace; whitespace = or <$> many (spaces <|> comment) >>= \offside -> Parser \pasta -> Right ((), if offside then angle (indentOf pasta) pasta else pasta); hexValue d | d <= '9' = ord d - ord '0' | d <= 'F' = 10 + ord d - ord 'A' | d <= 'f' = 10 + ord d - ord 'a' ; isNewline c = ord c `elem` [10, 11, 12, 13]; isSymbol = (`elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:"); isSmall c = c <= 'z' && 'a' <= c || c == '_'; small = sat isSmall; large = sat \x -> (x <= 'Z') && ('A' <= x); hexit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x) || (x <= 'F') && ('A' <= x) || (x <= 'f') && ('a' <= x); digit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x); decimal = foldl (\n d -> 10*n + ord d - ord '0') 0 <$> some digit; hexadecimal = foldl (\n d -> 16*n + hexValue d) 0 <$> some hexit; nameTailChar = small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\''; nameTailed p = liftA2 (:) p $ many nameTailChar; escape = char '\\' *> (sat (`elem` "'\"\\") <|> char 'n' *> pure '\n' <|> char '0' *> pure (chr 0) <|> char 'x' *> (chr <$> hexadecimal)); tokOne delim = escape <|> rawSat (delim /=); charSeq = mapM char; tokChar = between (char '\'') (char '\'') (tokOne '\''); quoteStr = between (char '"') (char '"') $ many $ many (charSeq "\\&") *> tokOne '"'; quasiquoteStr = charSeq "[r|" *> quasiquoteBody; quasiquoteBody = charSeq "|]" *> pure [] <|> (:) <$> rawSat (const True) <*> quasiquoteBody; tokStr = quoteStr <|> quasiquoteStr; integer = char '0' *> (char 'x' <|> char 'X') *> hexadecimal <|> decimal; literal = lexeme . fmap E $ Const <$> integer <|> ChrCon <$> tokChar <|> StrCon <$> tokStr; varish = lexeme $ nameTailed small; bad s = Parser \pasta -> badpos pasta s; badpos pasta s = Left $ loc $ ": " ++ s where { loc = case readme pasta of { [] -> ("EOF"++) ; (_, (r, c)):_ -> ("row "++) . shows r . (" col "++) . shows c } }; varId = varish >>= \s -> if elem s ["export", "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving", "do", "else", "foreign", "if", "import", "in", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let", "module", "newtype", "of", "then", "type", "where", "_"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s; varSymish = lexeme $ (:) <$> sat (\c -> isSymbol c && c /= ':') <*> many (sat isSymbol); varSym = lexeme $ varSymish >>= \s -> if elem s ["..", "=", "\\", "|", "<-", "->", "@", "~", "=>"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s; conId = lexeme $ nameTailed large; conSymish = lexeme $ liftA2 (:) (char ':') $ many $ sat isSymbol; conSym = conSymish >>= \s -> if elem s [":", "::"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s; special c = lexeme $ sat (c ==); comma = special ','; semicolon = special ';'; lParen = special '('; rParen = special ')'; lBrace = special '{'; rBrace = special '}'; lSquare = special '['; rSquare = special ']'; backquote = special '`'; lexeme f = f <* whitespace; lexemePrelude = whitespace *> Parser \pasta -> case getParser (res "module" <|> (:[]) <$> char '{') pasta of { Left _ -> Right ((), curly (indentOf pasta) pasta) ; Right _ -> Right ((), pasta) }; curlyCheck f = (Parser \pasta -> Right ((), modIndents (0:) pasta)) >> f >>= \r -> (Parser \pasta -> let { pasta' = modIndents tail pasta } in case readme pasta of { [] -> Right ((), curly 0 pasta') ; ('{', _):_ -> Right ((), pasta') ; (_, (_, col)):_ -> Right ((), curly col pasta') }) >> pure r; patVars = \case { PatLit _ -> [] ; PatVar s m -> s : maybe [] patVars m ; PatCon _ args -> concat $ patVars <$> args }; union xs ys = foldr (\y acc -> (if elem y acc then id else (y:)) acc) xs ys; fv bound = \case { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fv bound x `union` fv bound y ; L s t -> fv (s:bound) t ; _ -> [] }; fvPro bound expr = case expr of { V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] ; A x y -> fvPro bound x `union` fvPro bound y ; L s t -> fvPro (s:bound) t ; Pa vsts -> foldr union [] $ map (\(vs, t) -> fvPro (concatMap patVars vs ++ bound) t) vsts ; _ -> [] }; overFree s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFree s f x) (overFree s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFree s f t' }; overFreePro s f t = case t of { E _ -> t ; V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t ; A x y -> A (overFreePro s f x) (overFreePro s f y) ; L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFreePro s f t' ; Pa vsts -> Pa $ map (\(vs, t) -> (vs, if any (elem s . patVars) vs then t else overFreePro s f t)) vsts }; beta s t x = overFree s (const t) x; showParen b f = if b then ('(':) . f . (')':) else f; parseErrorRule = Parser \pasta -> case indents pasta of { m:ms | m /= 0 -> Right ('}', modIndents tail pasta) ; _ -> badpos pasta "missing }" }; res w@(h:_) = reservedSeq *> pure w <|> bad ("want \"" ++ w ++ "\"") where { reservedSeq = if elem w ["let", "where", "do", "of"] then curlyCheck $ lexeme $ charSeq w *> notFollowedBy nameTailChar else lexeme $ charSeq w *> notFollowedBy (if isSmall h then nameTailChar else sat isSymbol) }; paren = between lParen rParen; braceSep f = between lBrace (rBrace <|> parseErrorRule) $ foldr ($) [] <$> sepBy ((:) <$> f <|> pure id) semicolon; maybeFix s x = if elem s $ fvPro [] x then A (ro "Y") (L s x) else x; nonemptyTails [] = []; nonemptyTails xs@(x:xt) = xs : nonemptyTails xt; joinIsFail t = A (L "join#" t) (V "fail#"); addLets ls x = let { vs = fst <$> ls ; ios = foldr (\(s, dsts) (ins, outs) -> (foldr (\dst -> insertWith union dst [s]) ins dsts, insertWith union s dsts outs)) (Tip, Tip) $ map (\(s, t) -> (s, intersect (fvPro [] t) vs)) ls ; components = scc (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst ios) (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd ios) vs ; triangle names expr = let { tnames = nonemptyTails names ; suball t = foldr (\(x:xt) t -> overFreePro x (const $ foldl (\acc s -> A acc (V s)) (V x) xt) t) t tnames ; insLams vs t = foldr L t vs } in foldr (\(x:xt) t -> A (L x t) $ maybeFix x $ insLams xt $ suball $ maybe undefined joinIsFail $ lookup x ls) (suball expr) tnames } in foldr triangle x components; data Assoc = NAssoc | LAssoc | RAssoc; instance Eq Assoc where { NAssoc == NAssoc = True ; LAssoc == LAssoc = True ; RAssoc == RAssoc = True ; _ == _ = False }; precOf s precTab = maybe 9 fst $ mlookup s precTab; assocOf s precTab = maybe LAssoc snd $ mlookup s precTab; opFold precTab f x xs = case xs of { [] -> pure x ; (op, y):xt -> case find (\(op', _) -> assocOf op precTab /= assocOf op' precTab) xt of { Nothing -> case assocOf op precTab of { NAssoc -> case xt of { [] -> pure $ f op x y ; y:yt -> bad "NAssoc repeat" } ; LAssoc -> pure $ foldl (\a (op, y) -> f op a y) x xs ; RAssoc -> pure $ foldr (\(op, y) b -> \e -> f op e (b y)) id xs $ x } ; Just y -> bad "Assoc clash" } }; qconop = conSym <|> res ":" <|> between backquote backquote conId; qconsym = conSym <|> res ":"; op = qconsym <|> varSym <|> between backquote backquote (conId <|> varId); con = conId <|> paren qconsym; var = varId <|> paren varSym; tycon = conId >>= \s -> pure $ if s == "String" then TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char") else TC s; aType = lParen *> ( rParen *> pure (TC "()") <|> (foldr1 (TAp . TAp (TC ",")) <$> sepBy1 _type comma) <* rParen) <|> tycon <|> TV <$> varId <|> (lSquare *> (rSquare *> pure (TC "[]") <|> TAp (TC "[]") <$> (_type <* rSquare))) ; bType = foldl1 TAp <$> some aType; _type = foldr1 arr <$> sepBy bType (res "->"); fixityDecl w a = res w >> lexeme integer >>= \n -> sepBy op comma >>= \os -> getPrecs >>= \precs -> putPrecs $ foldr (\o m -> insert o (n, a) m) precs os; fixity = fixityDecl "infix" NAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixl" LAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixr" RAssoc; genDecl = (,) <$> var <*> (res "::" *> _type); classDecl = res "class" *> (addClass <$> conId <*> (TV <$> varId) <*> (res "where" *> braceSep genDecl)); simpleClass = Pred <$> conId <*> _type; scontext = (:[]) <$> simpleClass <|> paren (sepBy simpleClass comma); instDecl = res "instance" *> ((\ps cl ty defs -> addInst cl (Qual ps ty) defs) <$> (scontext <* res "=>" <|> pure []) <*> conId <*> _type <*> (res "where" *> braceDef)); letin = addLets <$> between (res "let") (res "in") braceDef <*> expr; ifthenelse = (\a b c -> A (A (A (V "if") a) b) c) <$> (res "if" *> expr) <*> (res "then" *> expr) <*> (res "else" *> expr); listify = foldr (\h t -> A (A (V ":") h) t) (V "[]"); alts = joinIsFail . Pa <$> braceSep ((\x y -> ([x], y)) <$> pat <*> guards "->"); cas = flip A <$> between (res "case") (res "of") expr <*> alts; lamCase = curlyCheck (res "case") *> alts; lam = res "\\" *> (lamCase <|> liftA2 onePat (some apat) (res "->" *> expr)); flipPairize y x = A (A (V ",") x) y; moreCommas = foldr1 (A . A (V ",")) <$> sepBy1 expr comma; thenComma = comma *> ((flipPairize <$> moreCommas) <|> pure (A (V ","))); parenExpr = (&) <$> expr <*> (((\v a -> A (V v) a) <$> op) <|> thenComma <|> pure id); rightSect = ((\v a -> L "@" $ A (A (V v) $ V "@") a) <$> (op <|> (:"") <$> comma)) <*> expr; section = lParen *> (parenExpr <* rParen <|> rightSect <* rParen <|> rParen *> pure (V "()")); maybePureUnit = maybe (V "pure" `A` V "()") id; stmt = (\p x -> Just . A (V ">>=" `A` x) . onePat [p] . maybePureUnit) <$> pat <*> (res "<-" *> expr) <|> (\x -> Just . maybe x (\y -> (V ">>=" `A` x) `A` (L "_" y))) <$> expr <|> (\ds -> Just . addLets ds . maybePureUnit) <$> (res "let" *> braceDef) ; doblock = res "do" *> (maybePureUnit . foldr ($) Nothing <$> braceSep stmt); sqList r = between lSquare rSquare $ sepBy r comma; atom = ifthenelse <|> doblock <|> letin <|> listify <$> sqList expr <|> section <|> cas <|> lam <|> (paren comma *> pure (V ",")) <|> V <$> (con <|> var) <|> literal; aexp = foldl1 A <$> some atom; withPrec precTab n p = p >>= \s -> if n == precOf s precTab then pure s else Parser $ const $ Left ""; exprP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> exprP (succ n) >>= \a -> many ((,) <$> withPrec precTab n op <*> exprP (succ n)) >>= \as -> opFold precTab (\op x y -> A (A (V op) x) y) a as else aexp; expr = exprP 0; gcon = conId <|> paren (qconsym <|> (:"") <$> comma) <|> (lSquare *> rSquare *> pure "[]"); apat = PatVar <$> var <*> (res "@" *> (Just <$> apat) <|> pure Nothing) <|> flip PatVar Nothing <$> (res "_" *> pure "_") <|> flip PatCon [] <$> gcon <|> PatLit <$> literal <|> foldr (\h t -> PatCon ":" [h, t]) (PatCon "[]" []) <$> sqList pat <|> paren ((&) <$> pat <*> ((comma *> ((\y x -> PatCon "," [x, y]) <$> pat)) <|> pure id)) ; binPat f x y = PatCon f [x, y]; patP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> patP (succ n) >>= \a -> many ((,) <$> withPrec precTab n qconop <*> patP (succ n)) >>= \as -> opFold precTab binPat a as else PatCon <$> gcon <*> many apat <|> apat ; pat = patP 0; maybeWhere p = (&) <$> p <*> (res "where" *> (addLets <$> braceDef) <|> pure id); guards s = maybeWhere $ res s *> expr <|> foldr ($) (V "join#") <$> some ((\x y -> case x of { V "True" -> \_ -> y ; _ -> A (A (A (V "if") x) y) }) <$> (res "|" *> expr) <*> (res s *> expr)); onePat vs x = joinIsFail $ Pa [(vs, x)]; defOnePat vs x = Pa [(vs, x)]; opDef x f y rhs = [(f, defOnePat [x, y] rhs)]; leftyPat p expr = case patVars p of { [] -> [] ; pvars@(h:t) -> let { gen = '@':h } in (gen, expr):map (\v -> (v, A (Pa [([p], V v)]) $ V gen)) pvars }; def = liftA2 (\l r -> [(l, r)]) var (liftA2 defOnePat (many apat) $ guards "=") <|> (pat >>= \x -> opDef x <$> varSym <*> pat <*> guards "=" <|> leftyPat x <$> guards "="); coalesce = \case { [] -> [] ; h@(s, x):t -> case t of { [] -> [h] ; (s', x'):t' -> let { f (Pa vsts) (Pa vsts') = Pa $ vsts ++ vsts' ; f _ _ = error "bad multidef" } in if s == s' then coalesce $ (s, f x x'):t' else h:coalesce t } }; defSemi = coalesce . concat <$> sepBy1 def (some semicolon); braceDef = concat <$> braceSep defSemi; simpleType c vs = foldl TAp (TC c) (map TV vs); conop = conSym <|> between backquote backquote conId; constr = (\x c y -> Constr c [x, y]) <$> aType <*> conop <*> aType <|> Constr <$> conId <*> many aType; adt = addAdt <$> between (res "data") (res "=") (simpleType <$> conId <*> many varId) <*> sepBy constr (res "|"); topdecls = braceSep ( adt <|> classDecl <|> instDecl <|> res "foreign" *> ( res "import" *> var *> (addFFI <$> lexeme tokStr <*> var <*> (res "::" *> _type)) <|> res "export" *> var *> (addExport <$> lexeme tokStr <*> var) ) <|> addDefs <$> defSemi <|> fixity *> pure id ); program s = parse (between lexemePrelude eof topdecls) s; -- Primitives. primAdts = [ addAdt (TC "()") [Constr "()" []] , addAdt (TC "Bool") [Constr "True" [], Constr "False" []] , addAdt (TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")) [Constr "[]" [], Constr ":" [TV "a", TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")]] , addAdt (TAp (TAp (TC ",") (TV "a")) (TV "b")) [Constr "," [TV "a", TV "b"]]]; prims = let { ii = arr (TC "Int") (TC "Int") ; iii = arr (TC "Int") ii ; bin s = A (ro "Q") (ro s) } in map (second (first noQual)) $ [ ("intEq", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("intLE", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("charEq", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("charLE", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("if", (arr (TC "Bool") $ arr (TV "a") $ arr (TV "a") (TV "a"), ro "I")) , ("chr", (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Char"), ro "I")) , ("ord", (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Int"), ro "I")) , ("ioBind", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (arr (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))), ro "C")) , ("ioPure", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), ro "V")) , ("newIORef", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a"))), ro "NEWREF")) , ("readIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), A (ro "T") (ro "READREF"))) , ("writeIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TC "()"))), A (A (ro "R") (ro "WRITEREF")) (ro "B"))) , ("exitSuccess", (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a"), ro "END")) , ("unsafePerformIO", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (TV "a"), A (A (ro "C") (A (ro "T") (ro "END"))) (ro "K"))) , ("join#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) , ("fail#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) ] ++ map (\(s, v) -> (s, (iii, bin v))) [ ("+", "ADD") , ("-", "SUB") , ("*", "MUL") , ("div", "DIV") , ("mod", "MOD") , ("intAdd", "ADD") , ("intSub", "SUB") , ("intMul", "MUL") , ("intDiv", "DIV") , ("intMod", "MOD") ]; -- Conversion to De Bruijn indices. data LC = Ze | Su LC | Pass IntTree | La LC | App LC LC; debruijn n e = case e of { E x -> Pass $ Lf x ; V v -> maybe (Pass $ LfVar v) id $ foldr (\h found -> if h == v then Just Ze else Su <$> found) Nothing n ; A x y -> App (debruijn n x) (debruijn n y) ; L s t -> La (debruijn (s:n) t) }; -- Kiselyov bracket abstraction. data IntTree = Lf Extra | LfVar String | Nd IntTree IntTree; data Sem = Defer | Closed IntTree | Need Sem | Weak Sem; lf = Lf . Basic; ldef y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed (Nd (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I")) (lf "I")) ; Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "T") d) ; Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I"))) ## e ; Weak e -> Need $ (Closed (lf "T")) ## e }; lclo d y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed d ; Closed dd -> Closed $ Nd d dd ; Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "B") d)) ## e ; Weak e -> Weak $ (Closed d) ## e }; lnee e y = case y of { Defer -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## Closed (lf "I") ; Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "R") d) ## e ; Need ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## ee ; Weak ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "C") ## e ## ee }; lwea e y = case y of { Defer -> Need e ; Closed d -> Weak $ e ## Closed d ; Need ee -> Need $ (Closed (lf "B")) ## e ## ee ; Weak ee -> Weak $ e ## ee }; x ## y = case x of { Defer -> ldef y ; Closed d -> lclo d y ; Need e -> lnee e y ; Weak e -> lwea e y }; babs t = case t of { Ze -> Defer ; Su x -> Weak (babs x) ; Pass x -> Closed x ; La t -> case babs t of { Defer -> Closed (lf "I") ; Closed d -> Closed (Nd (lf "K") d) ; Need e -> e ; Weak e -> Closed (lf "K") ## e } ; App x y -> babs x ## babs y }; nolam x = (\(Closed d) -> d) $ babs $ debruijn [] x; optim t = let { go (Lf (Basic "I")) q = q ; go p q@(Lf (Basic c)) = case c of { "I" -> case p of { Lf (Basic "C") -> lf "T" ; Lf (Basic "B") -> lf "I" ; Nd p1 p2 -> case p1 of { Lf (Basic "B") -> p2 ; Lf (Basic "R") -> Nd (lf "T") p2 ; _ -> Nd (Nd p1 p2) q } ; _ -> Nd p q } ; "T" -> case p of { Nd (Lf (Basic "B")) (Lf (Basic "C")) -> lf "V" ; _ -> Nd p q } ; _ -> Nd p q } ; go p q = Nd p q } in case t of { Nd x y -> go (optim x) (optim y) ; _ -> t }; freeCount v expr = case expr of { E _ -> 0 ; V s -> if s == v then 1 else 0 ; A x y -> freeCount v x + freeCount v y ; L w t -> if v == w then 0 else freeCount v t }; app01 s x = let { n = freeCount s x } in case n of { 0 -> const x ; 1 -> flip (beta s) x ; _ -> A $ L s x }; optiApp t = case t of { A (L s x) y -> app01 s (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; A x y -> A (optiApp x) (optiApp y) ; L s x -> L s (optiApp x) ; _ -> t }; -- Type checking. apply sub t = case t of { TC v -> t ; TV v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub ; TAp a b -> TAp (apply sub a) (apply sub b) }; (@@) s1 s2 = map (second (apply s1)) s2 ++ s1; occurs s t = case t of { TC v -> False ; TV v -> s == v ; TAp a b -> occurs s a || occurs s b }; varBind s t = case t of { TC v -> Right [(s, t)] ; TV v -> Right $ if v == s then [] else [(s, t)] ; TAp a b -> if occurs s t then Left "occurs check" else Right [(s, t)] }; mgu t u = case t of { TC a -> case u of { TC b -> if a == b then Right [] else Left "TC-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp a b -> Left "TC-TAp clash" } ; TV a -> varBind a u ; TAp a b -> case u of { TC b -> Left "TAp-TC clash" ; TV b -> varBind b t ; TAp c d -> mgu a c >>= unify b d } }; unify a b s = (@@ s) <$> mgu (apply s a) (apply s b); instantiate' t n tab = case t of { TC s -> ((t, n), tab) ; TV s -> case lookup s tab of { Nothing -> let { va = TV $ show n} in ((va, n + 1), (s, va):tab) ; Just v -> ((v, n), tab) } ; TAp x y -> let { ((t1, n1), tab1) = instantiate' x n tab ; ((t2, n2), tab2) = instantiate' y n1 tab1 } in ((TAp t1 t2, n2), tab2) }; instantiatePred (Pred s t) ((out, n), tab) = first (first ((:out) . Pred s)) (instantiate' t n tab); instantiate (Qual ps t) n = let { ((ps1, n1), tab) = foldr instantiatePred (([], n), []) ps } in first (Qual ps1) $ fst $ instantiate' t n1 tab; proofApply sub a = case a of { Proof (Pred cl ty) -> Proof (Pred cl $ apply sub ty) ; A x y -> A (proofApply sub x) (proofApply sub y) ; L s t -> L s $ proofApply sub t ; _ -> a }; typeAstSub sub (t, a) = (apply sub t, proofApply sub a); infer typed loc ast csn@(cs, n) = let { va = TV $ show n ; insta ty = let { (Qual preds ty1, n1) = instantiate ty n } in ((ty1, foldl A ast (map Proof preds)), (cs, n1)) } in case ast of { E x -> Right $ case x of { Basic "Y" -> insta $ noQual $ arr (arr (TV "a") (TV "a")) (TV "a") ; Const _ -> ((TC "Int", ast), csn) ; ChrCon _ -> ((TC "Char", ast), csn) ; StrCon _ -> ((TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char"), ast), csn) } ; V s -> maybe (maybe (error $ "depGraph bug! " ++ s) (Right . insta) $ mlookup s typed) (\t -> Right ((t, ast), csn)) $ lookup s loc ; A x y -> infer typed loc x (cs, n + 1) >>= \((tx, ax), csn1) -> infer typed loc y csn1 >>= \((ty, ay), (cs2, n2)) -> unify tx (arr ty va) cs2 >>= \cs -> Right ((va, A ax ay), (cs, n2)) ; L s x -> first (\(t, a) -> (arr va t, L s a)) <$> infer typed ((s, va):loc) x (cs, n + 1) }; instance Eq Type where { (TC s) == (TC t) = s == t ; (TV s) == (TV t) = s == t ; (TAp a b) == (TAp c d) = a == c && b == d ; _ == _ = False }; instance Eq Pred where { (Pred s a) == (Pred t b) = s == t && a == b }; filter f = foldr (\x xs -> if f x then x:xs else xs) []; intersect xs ys = filter (\x -> maybe False (\_ -> True) $ find (x ==) ys) xs; merge s1 s2 = if all (\v -> apply s1 (TV v) == apply s2 (TV v)) $ map fst s1 `intersect` map fst s2 then Just $ s1 ++ s2 else Nothing; match h t = case h of { TC a -> case t of { TC b | a == b -> Just [] ; _ -> Nothing } ; TV a -> Just [(a, t)] ; TAp a b -> case t of { TAp c d -> case match a c of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just ac -> case match b d of { Nothing -> Nothing ; Just bd -> merge ac bd } } ; _ -> Nothing } }; findInst ienv qn@(q, n) p@(Pred cl ty) insts = case insts of { [] -> let { v = '*':show n } in Right (((p, v):q, n + 1), V v) ; (name, Qual ps h):is -> case match h ty of { Nothing -> findInst ienv qn p is ; Just subs -> foldM (\(qn1, t) (Pred cl1 ty1) -> second (A t) <$> findProof ienv (Pred cl1 $ apply subs ty1) qn1) (qn, V name) ps }}; findProof ienv pred psn@(ps, n) = case lookup pred ps of { Nothing -> case pred of { Pred s t -> case mlookup s ienv of { Nothing -> Left $ "no instances: " ++ s ; Just insts -> findInst ienv psn pred insts }} ; Just s -> Right (psn, V s) }; prove' ienv psn a = case a of { Proof pred -> findProof ienv pred psn ; A x y -> prove' ienv psn x >>= \(psn1, x1) -> second (A x1) <$> prove' ienv psn1 y ; L s t -> second (L s) <$> prove' ienv psn t ; _ -> Right (psn, a) }; dictVars ps n = (zip ps $ map (('*':) . show) $ upFrom n, n + length ps); -- The 4th argument: e.g. Qual [Eq a] "[a]" for Eq a => Eq [a]. inferMethod ienv dcs typed (Qual psi ti) (s, expr) = infer typed [] (patternCompile dcs expr) ([], 0) >>= \(ta, (sub, n)) -> let { (tx, ax) = typeAstSub sub ta } in case mlookup s typed of { Nothing -> Left $ "no such method: " ++ s -- e.g. qc = Eq a => a -> a -> Bool -- We instantiate: Eq a1 => a1 -> a1 -> Bool. ; Just qc -> let { (Qual [Pred _ headT] tc, n1) = instantiate qc n -- We mix the predicates `psi` with the type of `headT`, applying a -- substitution such as (a1, [a]) so the variable names match. -- e.g. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool -- Then instantiate and match. } in case match headT ti of { Just subc -> let { (Qual ps2 t2, n2) = instantiate (Qual psi $ apply subc tc) n1 } in case match tx t2 of { Nothing -> Left "class/instance type conflict" ; Just subx -> snd <$> prove' ienv (dictVars ps2 0) (proofApply subx ax) }}}; inferInst ienv dcs typed (name, (q@(Qual ps t), ds)) = let { dvs = map snd $ fst $ dictVars ps 0 } in (name,) . flip (foldr L) dvs . L "@" . foldl A (V "@") <$> mapM (inferMethod ienv dcs typed q) ds; -- Pattern compiler. rewritePats dcs = \case { [] -> pure $ V "join#" ; vsxs@((as0, _):_) -> case as0 of { [] -> pure $ foldr1 (A . L "join#") $ snd <$> vsxs ; _ -> let { k = length as0 } in get >>= \n -> put (n + k) >> let { vs@(vh:vt) = take k $ (`shows` "#") <$> upFrom n } in (flip mapM vsxs \(a:at, x) -> (a,) <$> foldM (\b (p, v) -> rewriteCase dcs v Tip [(p, b)]) x (zip at vt)) >>= \cs -> flip (foldr L) vs <$> rewriteCase dcs vh Tip cs } }; patEq lit b x y = A (L "join#" $ A (A (A (V "if") (A (A (V "==") lit) b)) x) $ V "join#") y; rewriteCase dcs caseVar tab expr = let { rec = rewriteCase dcs caseVar ; go v x rest = case v of { PatLit lit -> patEq lit (V caseVar) x <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; PatVar s m -> let { x' = beta s (V caseVar) x } in case m of { Nothing -> A (L "join#" x') <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush ; Just v' -> go v' x' rest } ; PatCon con args -> rec (insertWith (flip (.)) con ((args, x):) tab) rest } ; flush onFail = case toAscList tab of { [] -> pure onFail -- TODO: Check rest of `tab` lies in cs. ; (firstC, _):_ -> let { cs = maybe undefined id $ mlookup firstC dcs } in mapM (\(Constr s ts) -> case mlookup s tab of { Nothing -> pure $ foldr L (V "join#") $ const "_" <$> ts ; Just f -> rewritePats dcs $ f [] }) cs >>= \jumpTable -> pure $ A (L "join#" $ foldl A (A (V $ specialCase cs) $ V caseVar) jumpTable) onFail } } in case expr of { [] -> flush $ V "join#" ; ((v, x):rest) -> go v x rest }; secondM f (a, b) = (a,) <$> f b; patternCompile dcs t = let { go t = case t of { E _ -> pure t ; V _ -> pure t ; A x y -> liftA2 A (go x) (go y) ; L s x -> L s <$> go x ; Pa vsxs -> mapM (secondM go) vsxs >>= rewritePats dcs } } in optiApp $ evalState (go t) 0; depGraph typed dcs (s, ast) (vs, es) = let { t = patternCompile dcs ast } in (insert s t vs, foldr (\k ios@(ins, outs) -> case lookup k typed of { Nothing -> (insertWith union k [s] ins, insertWith union s [k] outs) ; Just _ -> ios }) es $ fv [] t); depthFirstSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, sequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second (vertex:) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, sequence) (relation vertex); spanningSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, setSequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second ((:setSequence) . (vertex:)) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, []) (relation vertex); scc ins outs = let { depthFirst = snd . depthFirstSearch outs ([], []) ; spanning = snd . spanningSearch ins ([], []) } in spanning . depthFirst; inferno tycl typed defmap syms = let { loc = zip syms $ TV . (' ':) <$> syms } in foldM (\(acc, (subs, n)) s -> maybe (Left $ "missing: " ++ s) Right (mlookup s defmap) >>= \expr -> infer typed loc expr (subs, n) >>= \((t, a), (ms, n1)) -> unify (TV (' ':s)) t ms >>= \cs -> Right ((s, (t, a)):acc, (cs, n1)) ) ([], ([], 0)) syms >>= \(stas, (soln, _)) -> mapM id $ (\(s, ta) -> prove tycl s $ typeAstSub soln ta) <$> stas; prove ienv s (t, a) = flip fmap (prove' ienv ([], 0) a) \((ps, _), x) -> let { applyDicts expr = foldl A expr $ map (V . snd) ps } in (s, (Qual (map fst ps) t, foldr L (overFree s applyDicts x) $ map snd ps)); inferDefs' ienv defmap (typeTab, lambF) syms = let { add stas = foldr (\(s, (q, cs)) (tt, f) -> (insert s q tt, f . ((s, cs):))) (typeTab, lambF) stas } in add <$> inferno ienv typeTab defmap syms ; inferDefs ienv defs dcs typed = let { typeTab = foldr (\(k, (q, _)) -> insert k q) Tip typed ; lambs = second snd <$> typed ; (defmap, graph) = foldr (depGraph typed dcs) (Tip, (Tip, Tip)) defs ; ins k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst graph ; outs k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd graph } in foldM (inferDefs' ienv defmap) (typeTab, (lambs++)) $ scc ins outs $ map fst $ toAscList defmap ; last (x:xt) = let { go x xt = case xt of { [] -> x; y:yt -> go y yt }} in go x xt; init (x:xt) = case xt of { [] -> []; _ -> x : init xt }; intercalate sep = \case { [] -> []; x:xt -> x ++ concatMap (sep ++) xt }; intersperse sep = \case { [] -> []; x:xt -> x : foldr ($) [] (((sep:) .) . (:) <$> xt) }; argList t = case t of { TC s -> [TC s] ; TV s -> [TV s] ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> [TC u] ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> x : argList y }; cTypeName (TC "()") = "void"; cTypeName (TC "Int") = "int"; cTypeName (TC "Char") = "int"; ffiDeclare (name, t) = let { tys = argList t } in concat [cTypeName $ last tys, " ", name, "(", intercalate "," $ cTypeName <$> init tys, ");\n"]; ffiArgs n t = case t of { TC s -> ("", ((True, s), n)) ; TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> ("", ((False, u), n)) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> first (((if 3 <= n then ", " else "") ++ "num(" ++ shows n ")") ++) $ ffiArgs (n + 1) y }; ffiDefine n ffis = case ffis of { [] -> id ; (name, t):xt -> let { (args, ((isPure, ret), count)) = ffiArgs 2 t ; lazyn = ("lazy2(" ++) . shows (if isPure then count - 1 else count + 1) . (", " ++) ; cont tgt = if isPure then ("_I, "++) . tgt else ("app(arg("++) . shows (count + 1) . ("), "++) . tgt . ("), arg("++) . shows count . (")"++) ; longDistanceCall = (name++) . ("("++) . (args++) . ("); "++) . lazyn } in ("case " ++) . shows n . (": " ++) . if ret == "()" then longDistanceCall . cont ("_K"++) . ("); break;"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt else ("{u r = "++) . longDistanceCall . cont ("app(_NUM, r)" ++) . ("); break;}\n"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt }; untangle s = case fst <$> program s of { Left e -> Left $ "parse error: " ++ e ; Right prog -> case foldr ($) (Neat Tip [] [] prims Tip [] []) $ primAdts ++ prog of { Neat ienv idefs defs typed dcs ffis exs -> inferDefs ienv defs dcs typed >>= \(qas, lambF) -> mapM (inferInst ienv dcs qas) idefs >>= \lambs -> pure ((qas, lambF lambs), (ffis, exs)) } }; optiComb' (subs, combs) (s, lamb) = let { gosub t = case t of { LfVar v -> maybe t id $ lookup v subs ; Nd a b -> Nd (gosub a) (gosub b) ; _ -> t } ; c = optim $ gosub $ nolam $ optiApp lamb ; combs' = combs . ((s, c):) } in case c of { Lf (Basic _) -> ((s, c):subs, combs') ; LfVar v -> if v == s then (subs, combs . ((s, Nd (lf "Y") (lf "I")):)) else ((s, gosub c):subs, combs') ; _ -> (subs, combs') }; optiComb lambs = ($[]) . snd $ foldl optiComb' ([], id) lambs; instance Show Type where { showsPrec _ = \case { TC s -> (s++) ; TV s -> (s++) ; TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b -> showParen True $ shows a . (" -> "++) . shows b ; TAp a b -> showParen True $ shows a . (' ':) . shows b } }; instance Show Pred where { showsPrec _ (Pred s t) = (s++) . (' ':) . shows t . (" => "++) }; instance Show Qual where { showsPrec _ (Qual ps t) = foldr (.) id (map shows ps) . shows t }; instance Show Extra where { showsPrec _ = \case { Basic s -> (s++) ; Const i -> shows i ; ChrCon c -> ('\'':) . (c:) . ('\'':) ; StrCon s -> ('"':) . (s++) . ('"':) } }; instance Show Pat where { showsPrec _ = \case { PatLit t -> shows t ; PatVar s mp -> (s++) . maybe id ((('@':) .) . shows) mp ; PatCon s ps -> (s++) . ("TODO"++) } }; showVar s@(h:_) = showParen (elem h ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~") (s++); instance Show Ast where { showsPrec prec = \case { E e -> shows e ; V s -> showVar s ; A x y -> showParen (1 <= prec) $ shows x . (' ':) . showsPrec 1 y ; L s t -> showParen True $ ('\\':) . (s++) . (" -> "++) . shows t ; Pa vsts -> ('\\':) . showParen True (foldr (.) id $ intersperse (';':) $ map (\(vs, t) -> foldr (.) id (intersperse (' ':) $ map (showParen True . shows) vs) . (" -> "++) . shows t) vsts) } }; instance Show IntTree where { showsPrec prec = \case { LfVar s -> showVar s ; Lf extra -> shows extra ; Nd x y -> showParen (1 <= prec) $ shows x . (' ':) . showsPrec 1 y } }; disasm (s, t) = (s++) . (" = "++) . shows t . (";\n"++); dumpCombs s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ map disasm $ optiComb lambs }; dumpLambs s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ (\(s, t) -> (s++) . (" = "++) . shows t . ('\n':)) <$> lambs }; dumpTypes s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((typed, _), _) -> ($ "") $ foldr (.) id $ map (\(s, q) -> (s++) . (" :: "++) . shows q . ('\n':)) $ toAscList typed }; appCell (hp, bs) x y = (hp, (hp + 2, bs . (x:) . (y:))); enc tab mem t = case t of { Lf n -> case n of { Basic c -> (comEnum c, mem) ; Const c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") c ; ChrCon c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") $ ord c ; StrCon s -> enc tab mem $ foldr (\h t -> Nd (Nd (lf "CONS") (Lf $ ChrCon h)) t) (lf "K") s } ; LfVar s -> maybe (error $ "resolve " ++ s) (, mem) $ mlookup s tab ; Nd x y -> let { (xAddr, mem') = enc tab mem x ; (yAddr, mem'') = enc tab mem' y } in appCell mem'' xAddr yAddr }; asm combs = let { tabmem = foldl (\(as, m) (s, t) -> let { (p, m') = enc (fst tabmem) m t } in (insert s p as, m')) (Tip, (128, id)) combs } in tabmem; -- Code generation. genMain n = "int main(int argc,char**argv){env_argc=argc;env_argv=argv;rts_init();rts_reduce(" ++ shows n ");return 0;}\n"; compile s = case untangle s of { Left err -> err ; Right ((_, lambs), (ffis, exs)) -> let { (tab, (_, memF)) = asm $ optiComb lambs ; mem = memF [] } in ("typedef unsigned u;\n"++) . ("enum{_UNDEFINED=0,"++) . foldr (.) id (map (\(s, _) -> ('_':) . (s++) . (',':)) comdefs) . ("};\n"++) . ("static const u prog[]={" ++) . foldr (.) id (map (\n -> shows n . (',':)) mem) . ("};\nstatic const u prog_size="++) . shows (length mem) . (";\n"++) . ("static u root[]={" ++) . foldr (\(x, y) f -> maybe undefined shows (mlookup y tab) . (", " ++) . f) id exs . ("0};\n" ++) . (preamble++) . (concatMap ffiDeclare ffis ++) . ("static void foreign(u n) {\n switch(n) {\n" ++) . ffiDefine (length ffis - 1) ffis . ("\n }\n}\n" ++) . runFun . (foldr (.) id $ zipWith (\p n -> (("EXPORT(f" ++ shows n ", \"" ++ fst p ++ "\", " ++ shows n ")\n") ++)) exs (upFrom 0)) $ maybe "" genMain (mlookup "main" tab) }; getArg' k n = getArgChar n k >>= \c -> if ord c == 0 then pure [] else (c:) <$> getArg' (k + 1) n; getArgs = getArgCount >>= \n -> mapM (getArg' 0) (take (n - 1) $ upFrom 1); -- Main VM loop. comdefsrc = [r| F x = "foreign(num(1));" Y x = x "sp[1]" Q x y z = z(y x) S x y z = x z(y z) B x y z = x (y z) C x y z = x z y R x y z = y z x V x y z = z x y T x y = y x K x y = "_I" x I x = "sp[1] = arg(1); sp++;" CONS x y z w = w x y NUM x y = y "sp[1]" ADD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) + num(2)" SUB x y = "_NUM" "num(1) - num(2)" MUL x y = "_NUM" "num(1) * num(2)" DIV x y = "_NUM" "num(1) / num(2)" MOD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) % num(2)" EQ x y = "num(1) == num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" LE x y = "num(1) <= num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" REF x y = y "sp[1]" NEWREF x y z = z ("_REF" x) y READREF x y z = z "num(1)" y WRITEREF x y z w = w "((mem[arg(2) + 1] = arg(1)), _K)" z END = "return;" |]; comb = (,) <$> conId <*> ((,) <$> many varId <*> (res "=" *> combExpr)); combExpr = foldl1 A <$> some (V <$> varId <|> E . StrCon <$> lexeme tokStr <|> paren combExpr); comdefs = case parse (lexemePrelude *> braceSep comb <* eof) comdefsrc of { Left e -> error e ; Right (cs, _) -> cs }; comEnum s = maybe (error s) id $ lookup s $ zip (fst <$> comdefs) (upFrom 1); comName i = maybe undefined id $ lookup i $ zip (upFrom 1) (fst <$> comdefs); preamble = [r|#define EXPORT(f, sym, n) void f() asm(sym) __attribute__((export_name(sym))); void f(){rts_reduce(root[n]);} void *malloc(unsigned long); enum { FORWARD = 127, REDUCING = 126 }; enum { TOP = 1<<24 }; static u *mem, *altmem, *sp, *spTop, hp; static inline u isAddr(u n) { return n>=128; } static u evac(u n) { if (!isAddr(n)) return n; u x = mem[n]; while (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _T) { mem[n] = mem[n + 1]; mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n]; } if (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _K) { mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n] = _I; } u y = mem[n + 1]; switch(x) { case FORWARD: return y; case REDUCING: mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = hp; hp += 2; return mem[n + 1]; case _I: mem[n] = REDUCING; y = evac(y); if (mem[n] == FORWARD) { altmem[mem[n + 1]] = _I; altmem[mem[n + 1] + 1] = y; } else { mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = y; } return mem[n + 1]; default: break; } u z = hp; hp += 2; mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = z; altmem[z] = x; altmem[z + 1] = y; return z; } static void gc() { hp = 128; u di = hp; sp = altmem + TOP - 1; for(u *r = root; *r; r++) *r = evac(*r); *sp = evac(*spTop); while (di < hp) { u x = altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; if (x != _NUM) altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; } spTop = sp; u *tmp = mem; mem = altmem; altmem = tmp; } static inline u app(u f, u x) { mem[hp] = f; mem[hp + 1] = x; return (hp += 2) - 2; } static inline u arg(u n) { return mem[sp [n] + 1]; } static inline int num(u n) { return mem[arg(n) + 1]; } static inline void lazy2(u height, u f, u x) { u *p = mem + sp[height]; *p = f; *++p = x; sp += height - 1; *sp = f; } static void lazy3(u height,u x1,u x2,u x3){u*p=mem+sp[height];sp[height-1]=*p=app(x1,x2);*++p=x3;*(sp+=height-2)=x1;} static int env_argc; int getargcount() { return env_argc; } static char **env_argv; int getargchar(int n, int k) { return env_argv[n][k]; } |]; runFun = ([r|static void run() { for(;;) { if (mem + hp > sp - 8) gc(); u x = *sp; if (isAddr(x)) *--sp = mem[x]; else switch(x) { |]++) . foldr (.) id (genComb <$> comdefs) . ([r| } } } void rts_init() { mem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); altmem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); hp = 128; for (u i = 0; i < prog_size; i++) mem[hp++] = prog[i]; spTop = mem + TOP - 1; } void rts_reduce(u n) { *(sp = spTop) = app(app(n, _UNDEFINED), _END); run(); } |]++) ; genArg m a = case a of { V s -> ("arg("++) . (maybe undefined shows $ lookup s m) . (')':) ; E (StrCon s) -> (s++) ; A x y -> ("app("++) . genArg m x . (',':) . genArg m y . (')':) }; genArgs m as = foldl1 (.) $ map (\a -> (","++) . genArg m a) as; genComb (s, (args, body)) = let { argc = ('(':) . shows (length args) ; m = zip args $ upFrom 1 } in ("case _"++) . (s++) . (':':) . (case body of { A (A x y) z -> ("lazy3"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y, z] . (");"++) ; A x y -> ("lazy2"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y] . (");"++) ; E (StrCon s) -> (s++) }) . ("break;\n"++) ; main = getArgs >>= \case { "comb":_ -> interact dumpCombs ; "lamb":_ -> interact dumpLambs ; "type":_ -> interact dumpTypes ; _ -> interact compile };
We correct a glaring defect. Up until now, the methods of an instance
must be
defined in the same order they are declared in their class
, otherwise bad
code is silently produced.
We add support for default methods as it involves the same code. Our simple
approach insists the type of the default implementation of a method in a class
to have the constraint of the form Foo a =>
, because we always pass a
dictionary as the first argument. We could improve this slightly by inserting
in the syntax tree if we deduce no constraints are present.
We ruthlessly remove semicolons and braces from our source.
Now that the syntax is slightly more pleasant:
We refine
so it correctly handles the wild-card pattern_
in the left-hand side of a definition. -
We support ranges, except for those that specify a step size.
We support list comprehensions.
We prepare to change getChar
to match Haskell’s, which throws an exception on
end of input. Up until now, ours simply calls the getchar
function of C,
which returns -1 on end of input. Also, we would like Haskell’s isEOF
so we
can avoid this exception.
This takes two steps. The current compiler, whose RTS was generated by the
previous compiler, must use the getChar
and isEOF
of the previous
compiler. The most we can do is have it generate a new RTS supporting the
new getChar
and isEOF
. Programs compiled by this compiler will use these.
Our next compiler is one such program.
Complications arise because C’s feof(stdin)
only reports the end of input
after getChar
has attempted to read past it and returned -1, while Haskell’s
more clairvoyant version returns True
before getChar
would throw an error
because of the end of input. Additionally, our primitive FFI mechanism has
no way to convert a C int to Bool
We write wrappers to get getChar
and isEOF
with the desired behaviour, and
add them to the C source to the runtime in the RTS
module. Thus our next
compiler will print the new runtime in its output. However, it is unable to use
any new runtime features itself; only the programs it builds can do that.
If an FFI call encounters an error, instead of unceremoniously calling
, we ought to push an exception-handling combinator on the stack. With
this in mind, I experimented with setting a global flag on failure to trigger
exception handling, but it caused a massive performance hit. Compiler build
times went up from around 7 seconds to 10 seconds on my laptop, mostly caused
by checking the flag for every getChar
, isEOF
, and putChar
call. The
compiler source is about 70000 characters, and the output is about 200000
characters. Each input byte needs one isEOF
and one getChar
call, and each
output byte needs one putChar
call, which suggests we’re eating close to 10
extra microseconds per check.
I tried removing the flag and reordering foreign function calls so that they occur after the stack has been primed to return results; this way, the foreign call wrapper can simply push an exception combinator on the stack on error. But I ran into a smaller but still significant performance hit. Even without conditional branching in the happy path, the reordering is evidently enough to mess up C compiler optimizations.
We can work around this problem with a better getContents
and indeed, perhaps this would already improve current build times.
For now we’ll just put up with exit()
instead of exceptions.
-- Default class methods. -- Accept instance methods in any order. infixr 9 . infixl 7 * , `div` , `mod` infixl 6 + , - infixr 5 ++ infixl 4 <*> , <$> , <* , *> infix 4 == , /= , <= infixl 3 && , <|> infixl 2 || infixl 1 >> , >>= infixr 0 $ foreign import ccall "putchar" putChar :: Int -> IO Int foreign import ccall "getchar" getChar :: IO Int foreign import ccall "getargcount" getArgCount :: IO Int foreign import ccall "getargchar" getArgChar :: Int -> Int -> IO Char libc = [r|#include<stdio.h> static int env_argc; int getargcount() { return env_argc; } static char **env_argv; int getargchar(int n, int k) { return env_argv[n][k]; } static int nextCh, isAhead; int eof_shim() { if (!isAhead) { isAhead = 1; nextCh = getchar(); } return nextCh == -1; } void exit(int); void putchar_shim(int c) { putchar(c); } int getchar_shim() { if (!isAhead) nextCh = getchar(); if (nextCh == -1) exit(1); isAhead = 0; return nextCh; } void errchar(int c) { fputc(c, stderr); } void errexit() { fputc('\n', stderr); } |] class Functor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b class Applicative f where pure :: a -> f a (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b class Monad m where return :: a -> m a (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b (<$>) = fmap liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y (>>) f g = f >>= \_ -> g class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool instance Eq Int where (==) = intEq instance Eq Char where (==) = charEq ($) f x = f x id x = x const x y = x flip f x y = f y x (&) x f = f x class Ord a where (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool compare x y = if x <= y then if y <= x then EQ else LT else GT instance Ord Int where (<=) = intLE instance Ord Char where (<=) = charLE data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ instance Ord a => Ord [a] where xs <= ys = case xs of [] -> True x:xt -> case ys of [] -> False y:yt -> case compare x y of LT -> True GT -> False EQ -> xt <= yt data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a data Either a b = Left a | Right b fst (x, y) = x snd (x, y) = y uncurry f (x, y) = f x y first f (x, y) = (f x, y) second f (x, y) = (x, f y) not a = if a then False else True x /= y = not $ x == y (.) f g x = f (g x) (||) f g = if f then True else g (&&) f g = if f then g else False instance Eq a => Eq [a] where xs == ys = case xs of [] -> case ys of [] -> True _ -> False x:xt -> case ys of [] -> False y:yt -> x == y && xt == yt take 0 xs = [] take _ [] = [] take n (h:t) = h : take (n - 1) t maybe n j m = case m of Nothing -> n; Just x -> j x instance Functor Maybe where fmap f = maybe Nothing (Just . f) instance Applicative Maybe where pure = Just ; mf <*> mx = maybe Nothing (\f -> maybe Nothing (Just . f) mx) mf instance Monad Maybe where return = Just ; mf >>= mg = maybe Nothing mg mf instance Alternative Maybe where empty = Nothing ; x <|> y = maybe y Just x foldr c n = \case [] -> n; h:t -> c h $ foldr c n t length = foldr (\_ n -> n + 1) 0 mapM f = foldr (\a rest -> liftA2 (:) (f a) rest) (pure []) mapM_ f = foldr ((>>) . f) (pure ()) foldM f z0 xs = foldr (\x k z -> f z x >>= k) pure xs z0 instance Applicative IO where pure = ioPure ; (<*>) f x = ioBind f \g -> ioBind x \y -> ioPure (g y) instance Monad IO where return = ioPure ; (>>=) = ioBind instance Functor IO where fmap f x = ioPure f <*> x class Show a where showsPrec :: Int -> a -> String -> String shows = showsPrec 0 show x = shows x "" showInt__ n | 0 == n = id | True = showInt__ (n`div`10) . (chr (48+n`mod`10):) instance Show Int where showsPrec _ n | 0 == n = ('0':) | 1 <= n = showInt__ n | 2 * n == 0 = ("-2147483648"++) | True = ('-':) . showInt__ (0 - n) putStr = mapM_ $ putChar . ord getContents = getChar >>= \n -> if 0 <= n then (chr n:) <$> getContents else pure [] interact f = getContents >>= putStr . f error s = unsafePerformIO $ putStr s >> putChar (ord '\n') >> exitSuccess undefined = error "undefined" foldr1 c l@(h:t) = maybe undefined id $ foldr (\x m -> Just $ maybe x (c x) m) Nothing l foldl f a bs = foldr (\b g x -> g (f x b)) (\x -> x) bs a foldl1 f (h:t) = foldl f h t elem k xs = foldr (\x t -> x == k || t) False xs find f xs = foldr (\x t -> if f x then Just x else t) Nothing xs (++) = flip (foldr (:)) concat = foldr (++) [] map = flip (foldr . ((:) .)) [] head (h:_) = h tail (_:t) = t isSpace c = elem (ord c) [32, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 160] instance Functor [] where fmap = map concatMap = (concat .) . map lookup s = foldr (\(k, v) t -> if s == k then Just v else t) Nothing filter f = foldr (\x xs -> if f x then x:xs else xs) [] union xs ys = foldr (\y acc -> (if elem y acc then id else (y:)) acc) xs ys intersect xs ys = filter (\x -> maybe False (\_ -> True) $ find (x ==) ys) xs last (x:xt) = go x xt where go x xt = case xt of [] -> x; y:yt -> go y yt init (x:xt) = case xt of [] -> []; _ -> x : init xt intercalate sep = \case [] -> []; x:xt -> x ++ concatMap (sep ++) xt intersperse sep = \case [] -> []; x:xt -> x : foldr ($) [] (((sep:) .) . (:) <$> xt) all f = foldr (&&) True . map f any f = foldr (||) False . map f and = foldr (&&) True or = foldr (||) False upFrom n = n : upFrom (n + 1) zipWith f xs ys = case xs of [] -> []; x:xt -> case ys of [] -> []; y:yt -> f x y : zipWith f xt yt zip = zipWith (,) data State s a = State (s -> (a, s)) runState (State f) = f instance Functor (State s) where fmap f = \(State h) -> State (first f . h) instance Applicative (State s) where pure a = State (a,) (State f) <*> (State x) = State \s -> case f s of (g, s') -> first g $ x s' instance Monad (State s) where return a = State (a,) (State h) >>= f = State $ uncurry (runState . f) . h evalState m s = fst $ runState m s get = State \s -> (s, s) put n = State \s -> ((), n) either l r e = case e of Left x -> l x; Right x -> r x instance Functor (Either a) where fmap f e = either Left (Right . f) e instance Applicative (Either a) where pure = Right ef <*> ex = case ef of Left s -> Left s Right f -> either Left (Right . f) ex instance Monad (Either a) where return = Right ex >>= f = either Left f ex class Alternative f where empty :: f a (<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a asum = foldr (<|>) empty (*>) = liftA2 \x y -> y (<*) = liftA2 \x y -> x many p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) <|> pure [] some p = liftA2 (:) p (many p) sepBy1 p sep = liftA2 (:) p (many (sep *> p)) sepBy p sep = sepBy1 p sep <|> pure [] between x y p = x *> (p <* y) -- Map. data Map k a = Tip | Bin Int k a (Map k a) (Map k a) size m = case m of Tip -> 0 ; Bin sz _ _ _ _ -> sz node k x l r = Bin (1 + size l + size r) k x l r singleton k x = Bin 1 k x Tip Tip singleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx rl rr) = node rk rkx (node k x l rl) rr doubleL k x l (Bin _ rk rkx (Bin _ rlk rlkx rll rlr) rr) = node rlk rlkx (node k x l rll) (node rk rkx rlr rr) singleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll lr) r = node lk lkx ll (node k x lr r) doubleR k x (Bin _ lk lkx ll (Bin _ lrk lrkx lrl lrr)) r = node lrk lrkx (node lk lkx ll lrl) (node k x lrr r) balance k x l r = f k x l r where f | size l + size r <= 1 = node | 5 * size l + 3 <= 2 * size r = case r of Tip -> node Bin sz _ _ rl rr -> if 2 * size rl + 1 <= 3 * size rr then singleL else doubleL | 5 * size r + 3 <= 2 * size l = case l of Tip -> node Bin sz _ _ ll lr -> if 2 * size lr + 1 <= 3 * size ll then singleR else doubleR | True = node insert kx x t = case t of Tip -> singleton kx x Bin sz ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of LT -> balance ky y (insert kx x l) r GT -> balance ky y l (insert kx x r) EQ -> Bin sz kx x l r insertWith f kx x t = case t of Tip -> singleton kx x Bin sy ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of LT -> balance ky y (insertWith f kx x l) r GT -> balance ky y l (insertWith f kx x r) EQ -> Bin sy kx (f x y) l r mlookup kx t = case t of Tip -> Nothing Bin _ ky y l r -> case compare kx ky of LT -> mlookup kx l GT -> mlookup kx r EQ -> Just y fromList = foldl (\t (k, x) -> insert k x t) Tip member k t = maybe False (const True) $ mlookup k t t ! k = maybe undefined id $ mlookup k t foldrWithKey f = go where go z t = case t of Tip -> z Bin _ kx x l r -> go (f kx x (go z r)) l toAscList = foldrWithKey (\k x xs -> (k,x):xs) [] -- Syntax tree. data Type = TC String | TV String | TAp Type Type arr a b = TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b data Extra = Basic String | Const Int | ChrCon Char | StrCon String data Pat = PatLit Ast | PatVar String (Maybe Pat) | PatCon String [Pat] data Ast = E Extra | V String | A Ast Ast | L String Ast | Pa [([Pat], Ast)] | Proof Pred data Constr = Constr String [Type] data Pred = Pred String Type data Qual = Qual [Pred] Type noQual = Qual [] instance Eq Type where (TC s) == (TC t) = s == t (TV s) == (TV t) = s == t (TAp a b) == (TAp c d) = a == c && b == d _ == _ = False instance Eq Pred where (Pred s a) == (Pred t b) = s == t && a == b data Instance = Instance -- Type, e.g. Int for Eq Int. Type -- Dictionary name, e.g. "{Eq Int}" String -- Context. [Pred] -- Method definitions (Map String Ast) data Tycl = Tycl [String] [Instance] data Neat = Neat (Map String Tycl) -- | Top-level definitions [(String, Ast)] -- | Typed ASTs, ready for compilation, including ADTs and methods, -- e.g. (==), (Eq a => a -> a -> Bool, select-==) [(String, (Qual, Ast))] -- | Data constructor table. (Map String [Constr]) -- | FFI declarations. [(String, Type)] -- | Exports. [(String, String)] patVars = \case PatLit _ -> [] PatVar s m -> s : maybe [] patVars m PatCon _ args -> concat $ patVars <$> args fv bound = \case V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] A x y -> fv bound x `union` fv bound y L s t -> fv (s:bound) t _ -> [] fvPro bound expr = case expr of V s | not (elem s bound) -> [s] A x y -> fvPro bound x `union` fvPro bound y L s t -> fvPro (s:bound) t Pa vsts -> foldr union [] $ map (\(vs, t) -> fvPro (concatMap patVars vs ++ bound) t) vsts _ -> [] overFree s f t = case t of E _ -> t V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t A x y -> A (overFree s f x) (overFree s f y) L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFree s f t' overFreePro s f t = case t of E _ -> t V s' -> if s == s' then f t else t A x y -> A (overFreePro s f x) (overFreePro s f y) L s' t' -> if s == s' then t else L s' $ overFreePro s f t' Pa vsts -> Pa $ map (\(vs, t) -> (vs, if any (elem s . patVars) vs then t else overFreePro s f t)) vsts beta s t x = overFree s (const t) x showParen b f = if b then ('(':) . f . (')':) else f -- Parser. data ParserState = ParserState [(Char, (Int, Int))] String [Int] (Map String (Int, Assoc)) readme (ParserState x _ _ _) = x landin (ParserState _ x _ _) = x indents (ParserState _ _ x _) = x precs (ParserState _ _ _ x) = x putReadme x (ParserState _ a b c) = ParserState x a b c putLandin x (ParserState a _ b c) = ParserState a x b c modIndents f (ParserState a b x c) = ParserState a b (f x) c data Parser a = Parser (ParserState -> Either String (a, ParserState)) getParser (Parser p) = p instance Functor Parser where fmap f x = pure f <*> x instance Applicative Parser where pure x = Parser \inp -> Right (x, inp) (Parser f) <*> (Parser x) = Parser \inp -> do (fun, t) <- f inp (arg, u) <- x t pure (fun arg, u) instance Monad Parser where return = pure (Parser x) >>= f = Parser \inp -> do (a, t) <- x inp getParser (f a) t instance Alternative Parser where empty = bad "" x <|> y = Parser \inp -> either (const $ getParser y inp) Right $ getParser x inp getPrecs = Parser \st -> Right (precs st, st) putPrecs ps = Parser \(ParserState a b c _) -> Right ((), ParserState a b c ps) notFollowedBy p = do saved <- Parser \pasta -> Right (pasta, pasta) ret <- p *> pure (bad "") <|> pure (pure ()) Parser \_ -> Right ((), saved) ret parse f str = getParser f $ ParserState (rowcol str (1, 1)) [] [] $ singleton ":" (5, RAssoc) where rowcol s rc = case s of [] -> [] h:t -> (h, rc) : rowcol t (advanceRC (ord h) rc) advanceRC n (r, c) | n `elem` [10, 11, 12, 13] = (r + 1, 1) | n == 9 = (r, (c + 8)`mod`8) | True = (r, c + 1) indentOf pasta = case readme pasta of [] -> 1 (_, (_, c)):_ -> c ins c pasta = putLandin (c:landin pasta) pasta angle n pasta = case indents pasta of m:ms | m == n -> ins ';' pasta | n + 1 <= m -> ins '}' $ angle n $ modIndents tail pasta _ -> pasta curly n pasta = case indents pasta of m:ms | m + 1 <= n -> ins '{' $ modIndents (n:) pasta [] | 1 <= n -> ins '{' $ modIndents (n:) pasta _ -> ins '{' . ins '}' $ angle n pasta sat f = Parser \pasta -> case landin pasta of c:t -> if f c then Right (c, putLandin t pasta) else Left "unsat" [] -> case readme pasta of [] -> case indents pasta of [] -> Left "EOF" m:ms | m /= 0 && f '}' -> Right ('}', modIndents tail pasta) _ -> Left "unsat" (h, _):t | f h -> let p' = putReadme t pasta in case h of '}' -> case indents pasta of 0:ms -> Right (h, modIndents tail p') _ -> Left "unsat" '{' -> Right (h, modIndents (0:) p') _ -> Right (h, p') _ -> Left "unsat" char c = sat (c ==) rawSat f = Parser \pasta -> case readme pasta of [] -> Left "EOF" (h, _):t -> if f h then Right (h, putReadme t pasta) else Left "unsat" eof = Parser \pasta -> case pasta of ParserState [] [] _ _ -> Right ((), pasta) _ -> badpos pasta "want eof" comment = rawSat ('-' ==) *> some (rawSat ('-' ==)) *> (rawSat isNewline <|> rawSat (not . isSymbol) *> many (rawSat $ not . isNewline) *> rawSat isNewline) *> pure True spaces = isNewline <$> rawSat isSpace whitespace = do offside <- or <$> many (spaces <|> comment) Parser \pasta -> Right ((), if offside then angle (indentOf pasta) pasta else pasta) hexValue d | d <= '9' = ord d - ord '0' | d <= 'F' = 10 + ord d - ord 'A' | d <= 'f' = 10 + ord d - ord 'a' isNewline c = ord c `elem` [10, 11, 12, 13] isSymbol = (`elem` "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:") isSmall c = c <= 'z' && 'a' <= c || c == '_' small = sat isSmall large = sat \x -> (x <= 'Z') && ('A' <= x) hexit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x) || (x <= 'F') && ('A' <= x) || (x <= 'f') && ('a' <= x) digit = sat \x -> (x <= '9') && ('0' <= x) decimal = foldl (\n d -> 10*n + ord d - ord '0') 0 <$> some digit hexadecimal = foldl (\n d -> 16*n + hexValue d) 0 <$> some hexit nameTailChar = small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\'' nameTailed p = liftA2 (:) p $ many nameTailChar escape = char '\\' *> (sat (`elem` "'\"\\") <|> char 'n' *> pure '\n' <|> char '0' *> pure (chr 0) <|> char 'x' *> (chr <$> hexadecimal)) tokOne delim = escape <|> rawSat (delim /=) charSeq = mapM char tokChar = between (char '\'') (char '\'') (tokOne '\'') quoteStr = between (char '"') (char '"') $ many $ many (charSeq "\\&") *> tokOne '"' quasiquoteStr = charSeq "[r|" *> quasiquoteBody quasiquoteBody = charSeq "|]" *> pure [] <|> (:) <$> rawSat (const True) <*> quasiquoteBody tokStr = quoteStr <|> quasiquoteStr integer = char '0' *> (char 'x' <|> char 'X') *> hexadecimal <|> decimal literal = lexeme . fmap E $ Const <$> integer <|> ChrCon <$> tokChar <|> StrCon <$> tokStr varish = lexeme $ nameTailed small bad s = Parser \pasta -> badpos pasta s badpos pasta s = Left $ loc $ ": " ++ s where loc = case readme pasta of [] -> ("EOF"++) (_, (r, c)):_ -> ("row "++) . shows r . (" col "++) . shows c varId = do s <- varish if elem s ["export", "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving", "do", "else", "foreign", "if", "import", "in", "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let", "module", "newtype", "of", "then", "type", "where", "_"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s varSymish = lexeme $ (:) <$> sat (\c -> isSymbol c && c /= ':') <*> many (sat isSymbol) varSym = lexeme $ do s <- varSymish if elem s ["..", "=", "\\", "|", "<-", "->", "@", "~", "=>"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s conId = lexeme $ nameTailed large conSymish = lexeme $ liftA2 (:) (char ':') $ many $ sat isSymbol conSym = do s <- conSymish if elem s [":", "::"] then bad $ "reserved: " ++ s else pure s special c = lexeme $ sat (c ==) comma = special ',' semicolon = special ';' lParen = special '(' rParen = special ')' lBrace = special '{' rBrace = special '}' lSquare = special '[' rSquare = special ']' backquote = special '`' lexeme f = f <* whitespace lexemePrelude = whitespace *> Parser \pasta -> case getParser (res "module" <|> (:[]) <$> char '{') pasta of Left _ -> Right ((), curly (indentOf pasta) pasta) Right _ -> Right ((), pasta) curlyCheck f = do Parser \pasta -> Right ((), modIndents (0:) pasta) r <- f Parser \pasta -> let pasta' = modIndents tail pasta in case readme pasta of [] -> Right ((), curly 0 pasta') ('{', _):_ -> Right ((), pasta') (_, (_, col)):_ -> Right ((), curly col pasta') pure r ro = E . Basic conOf (Constr s _) = s specialCase (h:_) = '|':conOf h mkCase t cs = (specialCase cs, ( noQual $ arr t $ foldr arr (TV "case") $ map (\(Constr _ ts) -> foldr arr (TV "case") ts) cs , ro "I")) mkStrs = snd . foldl (\(s, l) u -> ('@':s, s:l)) ("@", []) scottEncode _ ":" _ = ro "CONS" scottEncode vs s ts = foldr L (foldl (\a b -> A a (V b)) (V s) ts) (ts ++ vs) scottConstr t cs (Constr s ts) = (s, (noQual $ foldr arr t ts , scottEncode (map conOf cs) s $ mkStrs ts)) mkAdtDefs t cs = mkCase t cs : map (scottConstr t cs) cs mkFFIHelper n t acc = case t of TC s -> acc TAp (TC "IO") _ -> acc TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> L (show n) $ mkFFIHelper (n + 1) y $ A (V $ show n) acc updateDcs cs dcs = foldr (\(Constr s _) m -> insert s cs m) dcs cs addAdt t cs (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat tycl fs (mkAdtDefs t cs ++ typed) (updateDcs cs dcs) ffis exs emptyTycl = Tycl [] [] addClass classId v (sigs, defs) (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis ffes) = let vars = take (size sigs) $ show <$> upFrom 0 selectors = zipWith (\var (s, t) -> (s, (Qual [Pred classId v] t, L "@" $ A (V "@") $ foldr L (V var) vars))) vars $ toAscList sigs defaults = map (\(s, t) -> if member s sigs then ("{default}" ++ s, t) else error $ "bad default method: " ++ s) $ toAscList defs Tycl ms is = maybe emptyTycl id $ mlookup classId tycl tycl' = insert classId (Tycl (fst <$> toAscList sigs) is) tycl in Neat tycl' (defaults ++ fs) (selectors ++ typed) dcs ffis ffes addInstance classId ps ty ds (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let Tycl ms is = maybe emptyTycl id $ mlookup classId tycl tycl' = insert classId (Tycl ms $ Instance ty name ps (fromList ds):is) tycl name = '{':classId ++ (' ':shows ty "}") in Neat tycl' fs typed dcs ffis exs addFFI foreignname ourname t (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis exs) = let fn = A (ro "F") $ E $ Const $ length ffis in Neat tycl fs ((ourname, (Qual [] t, mkFFIHelper 0 t fn)) : typed) dcs ((foreignname, t):ffis) exs addDefs ds (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat tycl (ds ++ fs) typed dcs ffis exs addExport e f (Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis exs) = Neat tycl fs typed dcs ffis ((e, f):exs) parseErrorRule = Parser \pasta -> case indents pasta of m:ms | m /= 0 -> Right ('}', modIndents tail pasta) _ -> badpos pasta "missing }" res w@(h:_) = reservedSeq *> pure w <|> bad ("want \"" ++ w ++ "\"") where reservedSeq = if elem w ["let", "where", "do", "of"] then curlyCheck $ lexeme $ charSeq w *> notFollowedBy nameTailChar else lexeme $ charSeq w *> notFollowedBy (if isSmall h then nameTailChar else sat isSymbol) paren = between lParen rParen braceSep f = between lBrace (rBrace <|> parseErrorRule) $ foldr ($) [] <$> sepBy ((:) <$> f <|> pure id) semicolon maybeFix s x = if elem s $ fvPro [] x then A (V "fix") (L s x) else x nonemptyTails [] = [] nonemptyTails xs@(x:xt) = xs : nonemptyTails xt joinIsFail t = A (L "join#" t) (V "fail#") addLets ls x = foldr triangle x components where vs = fst <$> ls ios = foldr (\(s, dsts) (ins, outs) -> (foldr (\dst -> insertWith union dst [s]) ins dsts, insertWith union s dsts outs)) (Tip, Tip) $ map (\(s, t) -> (s, intersect (fvPro [] t) vs)) ls components = scc (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst ios) (\k -> maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd ios) vs triangle names expr = let tnames = nonemptyTails names suball t = foldr (\(x:xt) t -> overFreePro x (const $ foldl (\acc s -> A acc (V s)) (V x) xt) t) t tnames insLams vs t = foldr L t vs in foldr (\(x:xt) t -> A (L x t) $ maybeFix x $ insLams xt $ suball $ maybe undefined joinIsFail $ lookup x ls) (suball expr) tnames data Assoc = NAssoc | LAssoc | RAssoc instance Eq Assoc where NAssoc == NAssoc = True LAssoc == LAssoc = True RAssoc == RAssoc = True _ == _ = False precOf s precTab = maybe 9 fst $ mlookup s precTab assocOf s precTab = maybe LAssoc snd $ mlookup s precTab opFold precTab f x xs = case xs of [] -> pure x (op, y):xt -> case find (\(op', _) -> assocOf op precTab /= assocOf op' precTab) xt of Nothing -> case assocOf op precTab of NAssoc -> case xt of [] -> pure $ f op x y y:yt -> bad "NAssoc repeat" LAssoc -> pure $ foldl (\a (op, y) -> f op a y) x xs RAssoc -> pure $ foldr (\(op, y) b -> \e -> f op e (b y)) id xs $ x Just y -> bad "Assoc clash" qconop = conSym <|> res ":" <|> between backquote backquote conId qconsym = conSym <|> res ":" op = qconsym <|> varSym <|> between backquote backquote (conId <|> varId) con = conId <|> paren qconsym var = varId <|> paren varSym tycon = do s <- conId pure $ if s == "String" then TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char") else TC s aType = lParen *> ( rParen *> pure (TC "()") <|> (foldr1 (TAp . TAp (TC ",")) <$> sepBy1 _type comma) <* rParen) <|> tycon <|> TV <$> varId <|> (lSquare *> (rSquare *> pure (TC "[]") <|> TAp (TC "[]") <$> (_type <* rSquare))) bType = foldl1 TAp <$> some aType _type = foldr1 arr <$> sepBy bType (res "->") fixityDecl w a = do res w n <- lexeme integer os <- sepBy op comma precs <- getPrecs putPrecs $ foldr (\o m -> insert o (n, a) m) precs os fixity = fixityDecl "infix" NAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixl" LAssoc <|> fixityDecl "infixr" RAssoc cDecls = first fromList . second fromList . foldr ($) ([], []) <$> braceSep cDecl cDecl = first . (:) <$> genDecl <|> second . (++) <$> defSemi genDecl = (,) <$> var <*> (res "::" *> _type) classDecl = res "class" *> (addClass <$> conId <*> (TV <$> varId) <*> (res "where" *> cDecls)) simpleClass = Pred <$> conId <*> _type scontext = (:[]) <$> simpleClass <|> paren (sepBy simpleClass comma) instDecl = res "instance" *> ((\ps cl ty defs -> addInstance cl ps ty defs) <$> (scontext <* res "=>" <|> pure []) <*> conId <*> _type <*> (res "where" *> braceDef)) letin = addLets <$> between (res "let") (res "in") braceDef <*> expr ifthenelse = (\a b c -> A (A (A (V "if") a) b) c) <$> (res "if" *> expr) <*> (res "then" *> expr) <*> (res "else" *> expr) listify = foldr (\h t -> A (A (V ":") h) t) (V "[]") alts = joinIsFail . Pa <$> braceSep ((\x y -> ([x], y)) <$> pat <*> guards "->") cas = flip A <$> between (res "case") (res "of") expr <*> alts lamCase = curlyCheck (res "case") *> alts lam = res "\\" *> (lamCase <|> liftA2 onePat (some apat) (res "->" *> expr)) flipPairize y x = A (A (V ",") x) y moreCommas = foldr1 (A . A (V ",")) <$> sepBy1 expr comma thenComma = comma *> ((flipPairize <$> moreCommas) <|> pure (A (V ","))) parenExpr = (&) <$> expr <*> (((\v a -> A (V v) a) <$> op) <|> thenComma <|> pure id) rightSect = ((\v a -> L "@" $ A (A (V v) $ V "@") a) <$> (op <|> (:"") <$> comma)) <*> expr section = lParen *> (parenExpr <* rParen <|> rightSect <* rParen <|> rParen *> pure (V "()")) maybePureUnit = maybe (V "pure" `A` V "()") id stmt = (\p x -> Just . A (V ">>=" `A` x) . onePat [p] . maybePureUnit) <$> pat <*> (res "<-" *> expr) <|> (\x -> Just . maybe x (\y -> (V ">>=" `A` x) `A` (L "_" y))) <$> expr <|> (\ds -> Just . addLets ds . maybePureUnit) <$> (res "let" *> braceDef) doblock = res "do" *> (maybePureUnit . foldr ($) Nothing <$> braceSep stmt) compQual = (\p xs e -> A (A (V "concatMap") $ onePat [p] e) xs) <$> pat <*> (res "<-" *> expr) <|> (\b e -> A (A (A (V "if") b) e) $ V "[]") <$> expr <|> addLets <$> (res "let" *> braceDef) sqExpr = between lSquare rSquare $ ((&) <$> expr <*> ( res ".." *> ( (\hi lo -> (A (A (V "enumFromTo") lo) hi)) <$> expr <|> pure (A (V "enumFrom")) ) <|> res "|" *> ((. A (V "pure")) . foldr (.) id <$> sepBy1 compQual comma) <|> (\t h -> listify (h:t)) <$> many (comma *> expr) ) ) <|> pure (V "[]") atom = ifthenelse <|> doblock <|> letin <|> sqExpr <|> section <|> cas <|> lam <|> (paren comma *> pure (V ",")) <|> V <$> (con <|> var) <|> literal aexp = foldl1 A <$> some atom withPrec precTab n p = p >>= \s -> if n == precOf s precTab then pure s else Parser $ const $ Left "" exprP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> exprP (succ n) >>= \a -> many ((,) <$> withPrec precTab n op <*> exprP (succ n)) >>= \as -> opFold precTab (\op x y -> A (A (V op) x) y) a as else aexp expr = exprP 0 gcon = conId <|> paren (qconsym <|> (:"") <$> comma) <|> (lSquare *> rSquare *> pure "[]") apat = PatVar <$> var <*> (res "@" *> (Just <$> apat) <|> pure Nothing) <|> flip PatVar Nothing <$> (res "_" *> pure "_") <|> flip PatCon [] <$> gcon <|> PatLit <$> literal <|> foldr (\h t -> PatCon ":" [h, t]) (PatCon "[]" []) <$> between lSquare rSquare (sepBy pat comma) <|> paren (foldr1 pairPat <$> sepBy1 pat comma <|> pure (PatCon "()" [])) where pairPat x y = PatCon "," [x, y] binPat f x y = PatCon f [x, y] patP n = if n <= 9 then getPrecs >>= \precTab -> patP (succ n) >>= \a -> many ((,) <$> withPrec precTab n qconop <*> patP (succ n)) >>= \as -> opFold precTab binPat a as else PatCon <$> gcon <*> many apat <|> apat pat = patP 0 maybeWhere p = (&) <$> p <*> (res "where" *> (addLets <$> braceDef) <|> pure id) guards s = maybeWhere $ res s *> expr <|> foldr ($) (V "join#") <$> some ((\x y -> case x of V "True" -> \_ -> y _ -> A (A (A (V "if") x) y) ) <$> (res "|" *> expr) <*> (res s *> expr)) onePat vs x = joinIsFail $ Pa [(vs, x)] defOnePat vs x = Pa [(vs, x)] opDef x f y rhs = [(f, defOnePat [x, y] rhs)] leftyPat p expr = case pvars of [] -> [] (h:t) -> let gen = '@':h in (gen, expr):map (\v -> (v, A (Pa [([p], V v)]) $ V gen)) pvars where pvars = filter (/= "_") $ patVars p def = liftA2 (\l r -> [(l, r)]) var (liftA2 defOnePat (many apat) $ guards "=") <|> (pat >>= \x -> opDef x <$> varSym <*> pat <*> guards "=" <|> leftyPat x <$> guards "=") coalesce = \case [] -> [] h@(s, x):t -> case t of [] -> [h] (s', x'):t' -> let f (Pa vsts) (Pa vsts') = Pa $ vsts ++ vsts' f _ _ = error "bad multidef" in if s == s' then coalesce $ (s, f x x'):t' else h:coalesce t defSemi = coalesce . concat <$> sepBy1 def (some semicolon) braceDef = concat <$> braceSep defSemi simpleType c vs = foldl TAp (TC c) (map TV vs) conop = conSym <|> between backquote backquote conId constr = (\x c y -> Constr c [x, y]) <$> aType <*> conop <*> aType <|> Constr <$> conId <*> many aType adt = addAdt <$> between (res "data") (res "=") (simpleType <$> conId <*> many varId) <*> sepBy constr (res "|") topdecls = braceSep $ adt <|> classDecl <|> instDecl <|> res "foreign" *> ( res "import" *> var *> (addFFI <$> lexeme tokStr <*> var <*> (res "::" *> _type)) <|> res "export" *> var *> (addExport <$> lexeme tokStr <*> var) ) <|> addDefs <$> defSemi <|> fixity *> pure id program s = parse (between lexemePrelude eof topdecls) s -- Primitives. primAdts = [ addAdt (TC "()") [Constr "()" []] , addAdt (TC "Bool") [Constr "True" [], Constr "False" []] , addAdt (TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")) [Constr "[]" [], Constr ":" [TV "a", TAp (TC "[]") (TV "a")]] , addAdt (TAp (TAp (TC ",") (TV "a")) (TV "b")) [Constr "," [TV "a", TV "b"]]] prims = let dyad s = TC s `arr` (TC s `arr` TC s) bin s = A (ro "Q") (ro s) in map (second (first noQual)) $ [ ("intEq", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("intLE", (arr (TC "Int") (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("charEq", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "EQ")) , ("charLE", (arr (TC "Char") (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Bool")), bin "LE")) , ("fix", (arr (arr (TV "a") (TV "a")) (TV "a"), ro "Y")) , ("if", (arr (TC "Bool") $ arr (TV "a") $ arr (TV "a") (TV "a"), ro "I")) , ("chr", (arr (TC "Int") (TC "Char"), ro "I")) , ("ord", (arr (TC "Char") (TC "Int"), ro "I")) , ("ioBind", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (arr (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "b"))), ro "C")) , ("ioPure", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), ro "V")) , ("newIORef", (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a"))), ro "NEWREF")) , ("readIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")), A (ro "T") (ro "READREF"))) , ("writeIORef", (arr (TAp (TC "IORef") (TV "a")) (arr (TV "a") (TAp (TC "IO") (TC "()"))), A (A (ro "R") (ro "WRITEREF")) (ro "B"))) , ("exitSuccess", (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a"), ro "END")) , ("unsafePerformIO", (arr (TAp (TC "IO") (TV "a")) (TV "a"), A (A (ro "C") (A (ro "T") (ro "END"))) (ro "K"))) , ("join#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) , ("fail#", (TV "a", A (V "unsafePerformIO") (V "exitSuccess"))) ] ++ map (\(s, v) -> (s, (dyad "Int", bin v))) [ ("intAdd", "ADD") , ("intSub", "SUB") , ("intMul", "MUL") , ("intDiv", "DIV") , ("intMod", "MOD") , ("intQuot", "DIV") , ("intRem", "MOD") ] -- Conversion to De Bruijn indices. data LC = Ze | Su LC | Pass IntTree | La LC | App LC LC debruijn n e = case e of E x -> Pass $ Lf x V v -> maybe (Pass $ LfVar v) id $ foldr (\h found -> if h == v then Just Ze else Su <$> found) Nothing n A x y -> App (debruijn n x) (debruijn n y) L s t -> La (debruijn (s:n) t) -- Kiselyov bracket abstraction. data IntTree = Lf Extra | LfVar String | Nd IntTree IntTree data Sem = Defer | Closed IntTree | Need Sem | Weak Sem lf = Lf . Basic ldef y = case y of Defer -> Need $ Closed (Nd (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I")) (lf "I")) Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "T") d) Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "S") (lf "I"))) ## e Weak e -> Need $ (Closed (lf "T")) ## e lclo d y = case y of Defer -> Need $ Closed d Closed dd -> Closed $ Nd d dd Need e -> Need $ (Closed (Nd (lf "B") d)) ## e Weak e -> Weak $ (Closed d) ## e lnee e y = case y of Defer -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## Closed (lf "I") Closed d -> Need $ Closed (Nd (lf "R") d) ## e Need ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "S") ## e ## ee Weak ee -> Need $ Closed (lf "C") ## e ## ee lwea e y = case y of Defer -> Need e Closed d -> Weak $ e ## Closed d Need ee -> Need $ (Closed (lf "B")) ## e ## ee Weak ee -> Weak $ e ## ee x ## y = case x of Defer -> ldef y Closed d -> lclo d y Need e -> lnee e y Weak e -> lwea e y babs t = case t of Ze -> Defer Su x -> Weak (babs x) Pass x -> Closed x La t -> case babs t of Defer -> Closed (lf "I") Closed d -> Closed (Nd (lf "K") d) Need e -> e Weak e -> Closed (lf "K") ## e App x y -> babs x ## babs y nolam x = (\(Closed d) -> d) $ babs $ debruijn [] x optim t = case t of Nd x y -> go (optim x) (optim y) _ -> t where go (Lf (Basic "I")) q = q go p q@(Lf (Basic c)) = case c of "I" -> case p of Lf (Basic "C") -> lf "T" Lf (Basic "B") -> lf "I" Nd p1 p2 -> case p1 of Lf (Basic "B") -> p2 Lf (Basic "R") -> Nd (lf "T") p2 _ -> Nd (Nd p1 p2) q _ -> Nd p q "T" -> case p of Nd (Lf (Basic "B")) (Lf (Basic "C")) -> lf "V" _ -> Nd p q _ -> Nd p q go p q = Nd p q app01 s x y = maybe (A (L s x) y) snd $ go x where go expr = case expr of E _ -> Just (False, expr) V v -> Just $ if s == v then (True, y) else (False, expr) A l r -> do (a, l') <- go l (b, r') <- go r if a && b then Nothing else pure (a || b, A l' r') L v t -> if v == s then Just (False, expr) else second (L v) <$> go t optiApp t = case t of A x y -> let x' = optiApp x y' = optiApp y in case x' of L s v -> app01 s v y' _ -> A x' y' L s x -> L s (optiApp x) _ -> t -- Pattern compiler. rewritePats dcs = \case [] -> pure $ V "join#" vsxs@((as0, _):_) -> case as0 of [] -> pure $ foldr1 (A . L "join#") $ snd <$> vsxs _ -> do let k = length as0 n <- get put $ n + k let vs@(vh:vt) = take k $ (`shows` "#") <$> upFrom n cs <- flip mapM vsxs \(a:at, x) -> (a,) <$> foldM (\b (p, v) -> rewriteCase dcs v Tip [(p, b)]) x (zip at vt) flip (foldr L) vs <$> rewriteCase dcs vh Tip cs patEq lit b x y = A (L "join#" $ A (A (A (V "if") (A (A (V "==") lit) b)) x) $ V "join#") y rewriteCase dcs caseVar tab = \case [] -> flush $ V "join#" ((v, x):rest) -> go v x rest where rec = rewriteCase dcs caseVar go v x rest = case v of PatLit lit -> patEq lit (V caseVar) x <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush PatVar s m -> let x' = beta s (V caseVar) x in case m of Nothing -> A (L "join#" x') <$> rec Tip rest >>= flush Just v' -> go v' x' rest PatCon con args -> rec (insertWith (flip (.)) con ((args, x):) tab) rest flush onFail = case toAscList tab of [] -> pure onFail -- TODO: Check rest of `tab` lies in cs. (firstC, _):_ -> do let cs = dcs ! firstC jumpTable <- mapM (\(Constr s ts) -> case mlookup s tab of Nothing -> pure $ foldr L (V "join#") $ const "_" <$> ts Just f -> rewritePats dcs $ f [] ) cs pure $ A (L "join#" $ foldl A (A (V $ specialCase cs) $ V caseVar) jumpTable) onFail secondM f (a, b) = (a,) <$> f b patternCompile dcs t = optiApp $ evalState (go t) 0 where go t = case t of E _ -> pure t V _ -> pure t A x y -> liftA2 A (go x) (go y) L s x -> L s <$> go x Pa vsxs -> mapM (secondM go) vsxs >>= rewritePats dcs -- Unification and matching. apply sub t = case t of TC v -> t TV v -> maybe t id $ lookup v sub TAp a b -> TAp (apply sub a) (apply sub b) (@@) s1 s2 = map (second (apply s1)) s2 ++ s1 occurs s t = case t of TC v -> False TV v -> s == v TAp a b -> occurs s a || occurs s b varBind s t = case t of TC v -> Right [(s, t)] TV v -> Right $ if v == s then [] else [(s, t)] TAp a b -> if occurs s t then Left "occurs check" else Right [(s, t)] ufail t u = Left $ ("unify fail: "++) . shows t . (" vs "++) . shows u $ "" mgu t u = case t of TC a -> case u of TC b -> if a == b then Right [] else ufail t u TV b -> varBind b t TAp a b -> ufail t u TV a -> varBind a u TAp a b -> case u of TC b -> ufail t u TV b -> varBind b t TAp c d -> mgu a c >>= unify b d unify a b s = (@@ s) <$> mgu (apply s a) (apply s b) merge s1 s2 = if all (\v -> apply s1 (TV v) == apply s2 (TV v)) $ map fst s1 `intersect` map fst s2 then Just $ s1 ++ s2 else Nothing match h t = case h of TC a -> case t of TC b | a == b -> Just [] _ -> Nothing TV a -> Just [(a, t)] TAp a b -> case t of TAp c d -> case match a c of Nothing -> Nothing Just ac -> case match b d of Nothing -> Nothing Just bd -> merge ac bd _ -> Nothing -- Type inference. instantiate' t n tab = case t of TC s -> ((t, n), tab) TV s -> case lookup s tab of Nothing -> let va = TV $ show n in ((va, n + 1), (s, va):tab) Just v -> ((v, n), tab) TAp x y -> let ((t1, n1), tab1) = instantiate' x n tab ((t2, n2), tab2) = instantiate' y n1 tab1 in ((TAp t1 t2, n2), tab2) instantiatePred (Pred s t) ((out, n), tab) = first (first ((:out) . Pred s)) (instantiate' t n tab) instantiate (Qual ps t) n = first (Qual ps1) $ fst $ instantiate' t n1 tab where ((ps1, n1), tab) = foldr instantiatePred (([], n), []) ps proofApply sub a = case a of Proof (Pred cl ty) -> Proof (Pred cl $ apply sub ty) A x y -> A (proofApply sub x) (proofApply sub y) L s t -> L s $ proofApply sub t _ -> a typeAstSub sub (t, a) = (apply sub t, proofApply sub a) infer typed loc ast csn@(cs, n) = case ast of E x -> Right $ case x of Const _ -> ((TC "Int", ast), csn) ChrCon _ -> ((TC "Char", ast), csn) StrCon _ -> ((TAp (TC "[]") (TC "Char"), ast), csn) V s -> maybe (Left $ "undefined: " ++ s) Right $ (\t -> ((t, ast), csn)) <$> lookup s loc <|> insta <$> mlookup s typed A x y -> infer typed loc x (cs, n + 1) >>= \((tx, ax), csn1) -> infer typed loc y csn1 >>= \((ty, ay), (cs2, n2)) -> unify tx (arr ty va) cs2 >>= \cs -> Right ((va, A ax ay), (cs, n2)) L s x -> first (\(t, a) -> (arr va t, L s a)) <$> infer typed ((s, va):loc) x (cs, n + 1) where va = TV $ show n insta ty = ((ty1, foldl A ast (map Proof preds)), (cs, n1)) where (Qual preds ty1, n1) = instantiate ty n findInstance tycl qn@(q, n) p@(Pred cl ty) insts = case insts of [] -> let v = '*':show n in Right (((p, v):q, n + 1), V v) Instance h name ps _:rest -> case match h ty of Nothing -> findInstance tycl qn p rest Just subs -> foldM (\(qn1, t) (Pred cl1 ty1) -> second (A t) <$> findProof tycl (Pred cl1 $ apply subs ty1) qn1) (qn, V name) ps findProof tycl pred@(Pred classId t) psn@(ps, n) = case lookup pred ps of Nothing -> findInstance tycl psn pred $ case mlookup classId tycl of Nothing -> [] Just (Tycl _ insts) -> insts Just s -> Right (psn, V s) prove' tycl psn a = case a of Proof pred -> findProof tycl pred psn A x y -> prove' tycl psn x >>= \(psn1, x1) -> second (A x1) <$> prove' tycl psn1 y L s t -> second (L s) <$> prove' tycl psn t _ -> Right (psn, a) depGraph typed (s, t) (vs, es) = (insert s t vs, foldr go es $ fv [] t) where go k ios@(ins, outs) = case lookup k typed of Nothing -> (insertWith union k [s] ins, insertWith union s [k] outs) Just _ -> ios depthFirstSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, sequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second (vertex:) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, sequence) (relation vertex) spanningSearch = (foldl .) \relation st@(visited, setSequence) vertex -> if vertex `elem` visited then st else second ((:setSequence) . (vertex:)) $ depthFirstSearch relation (vertex:visited, []) (relation vertex) scc ins outs = spanning . depthFirst where depthFirst = snd . depthFirstSearch outs ([], []) spanning = snd . spanningSearch ins ([], []) inferno tycl typed defmap syms = let loc = zip syms $ TV . (' ':) <$> syms in foldM (\(acc, (subs, n)) s -> maybe (Left $ "missing: " ++ s) Right (mlookup s defmap) >>= \expr -> infer typed loc expr (subs, n) >>= \((t, a), (ms, n1)) -> unify (TV (' ':s)) t ms >>= \cs -> Right ((s, (t, a)):acc, (cs, n1)) ) ([], ([], 0)) syms >>= \(stas, (soln, _)) -> mapM id $ (\(s, ta) -> prove tycl s $ typeAstSub soln ta) <$> stas prove tycl s (t, a) = flip fmap (prove' tycl ([], 0) a) \((ps, _), x) -> let applyDicts expr = foldl A expr $ map (V . snd) ps in (s, (Qual (map fst ps) t, foldr L (overFree s applyDicts x) $ map snd ps)) inferDefs' tycl defmap (typeTab, lambF) syms = let add stas = foldr (\(s, (q, cs)) (tt, f) -> (insert s q tt, f . ((s, cs):))) (typeTab, lambF) stas in add <$> inferno tycl typeTab defmap syms inferDefs tycl defs typed = let typeTab = foldr (\(k, (q, _)) -> insert k q) Tip typed lambs = second snd <$> typed (defmap, graph) = foldr (depGraph typed) (Tip, (Tip, Tip)) defs ins k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ fst graph outs k = maybe [] id $ mlookup k $ snd graph in foldM (inferDefs' tycl defmap) (typeTab, (lambs++)) $ scc ins outs $ map fst $ toAscList defmap dictVars ps n = (zip ps $ map (('*':) . show) $ upFrom n, n + length ps) inferTypeclasses tycl typed dcs = concat <$> mapM perClass (toAscList tycl) where perClass (classId, Tycl sigs insts) = do let perInstance (Instance ty name ps idefs) = do let dvs = map snd $ fst $ dictVars ps 0 perMethod s = do let Just expr = mlookup s idefs <|> pure (V $ "{default}" ++ s) (ta, (sub, n)) <- infer typed [] (patternCompile dcs expr) ([], 0) let (tx, ax) = typeAstSub sub ta -- e.g. qc = Eq a => a -> a -> Bool -- We instantiate: Eq a1 => a1 -> a1 -> Bool. Just qc = mlookup s typed (Qual [Pred _ headT] tc, n1) = instantiate qc n -- Mix the predicates `ps` with the type of `headT`, applying a -- substitution such as (a1, [a]) so the variable names match. -- e.g. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool Just subc = match headT ty (Qual ps2 t2, n2) = instantiate (Qual ps $ apply subc tc) n1 case match tx t2 of Nothing -> Left "class/instance type conflict" Just subx -> do ((ps3, _), tr) <- prove' tycl (dictVars ps2 0) (proofApply subx ax) if length ps2 /= length ps3 then Left $ ("want context: "++) . (foldr (.) id $ shows . fst <$> ps3) $ name else pure tr ms <- mapM perMethod sigs pure (name, flip (foldr L) dvs $ L "@" $ foldl A (V "@") ms) mapM perInstance insts untangle s = case fst <$> program s of Left e -> Left $ "parse error: " ++ e Right prog -> case foldr ($) (Neat Tip [] prims Tip [] []) $ primAdts ++ prog of Neat tycl defs typed dcs ffis exs -> do (qs, lambF) <- inferDefs tycl (second (patternCompile dcs) <$> defs) typed mets <- inferTypeclasses tycl qs dcs pure ((qs, lambF mets), (ffis, exs)) optiComb' (subs, combs) (s, lamb) = let gosub t = case t of LfVar v -> maybe t id $ lookup v subs Nd a b -> Nd (gosub a) (gosub b) _ -> t c = optim $ gosub $ nolam $ optiApp lamb combs' = combs . ((s, c):) in case c of Lf (Basic _) -> ((s, c):subs, combs') LfVar v -> if v == s then (subs, combs . ((s, Nd (lf "Y") (lf "I")):)) else ((s, gosub c):subs, combs') _ -> (subs, combs') optiComb lambs = ($[]) . snd $ foldl optiComb' ([], id) lambs instance Show Type where showsPrec _ = \case TC s -> (s++) TV s -> (s++) TAp (TAp (TC "->") a) b -> showParen True $ shows a . (" -> "++) . shows b TAp a b -> showParen True $ shows a . (' ':) . shows b instance Show Pred where showsPrec _ (Pred s t) = (s++) . (' ':) . shows t . (" => "++) instance Show Qual where showsPrec _ (Qual ps t) = foldr (.) id (map shows ps) . shows t instance Show Extra where showsPrec _ = \case Basic s -> (s++) Const i -> shows i ChrCon c -> ('\'':) . (c:) . ('\'':) StrCon s -> ('"':) . (s++) . ('"':) instance Show Pat where showsPrec _ = \case PatLit e -> shows e PatVar s mp -> (s++) . maybe id ((('@':) .) . shows) mp PatCon s ps -> (s++) . foldr (.) id (((' ':) .) . shows <$> ps) showVar s@(h:_) = showParen (elem h ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~") (s++) instance Show Ast where showsPrec prec = \case E e -> shows e V s -> showVar s A x y -> showParen (1 <= prec) $ shows x . (' ':) . showsPrec 1 y L s t -> showParen True $ ('\\':) . (s++) . (" -> "++) . shows t Pa vsts -> ('\\':) . showParen True (foldr (.) id $ intersperse (';':) $ map (\(vs, t) -> foldr (.) id (intersperse (' ':) $ map (showParen True . shows) vs) . (" -> "++) . shows t) vsts) Proof p -> ("{Proof "++) . shows p . ("}"++) instance Show IntTree where showsPrec prec = \case LfVar s -> showVar s Lf extra -> shows extra Nd x y -> showParen (1 <= prec) $ shows x . (' ':) . showsPrec 1 y disasm (s, t) = (s++) . (" = "++) . shows t . (";\n"++) dumpCombs s = case untangle s of Left err -> err Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ map disasm $ optiComb lambs dumpLambs s = case untangle s of Left err -> err Right ((_, lambs), _) -> foldr ($) [] $ (\(s, t) -> (s++) . (" = "++) . shows t . ('\n':)) <$> lambs dumpTypes s = case untangle s of Left err -> err Right ((typed, _), _) -> ($ "") $ foldr (.) id $ map (\(s, q) -> (s++) . (" :: "++) . shows q . ('\n':)) $ toAscList typed appCell (hp, bs) x y = (hp, (hp + 2, bs . (x:) . (y:))) enc tab mem = \case Lf n -> case n of Basic c -> (comEnum c, mem) Const c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") c ChrCon c -> appCell mem (comEnum "NUM") $ ord c StrCon s -> enc tab mem $ foldr (\h t -> Nd (Nd (lf "CONS") (Lf $ ChrCon h)) t) (lf "K") s LfVar s -> maybe (error $ "resolve " ++ s) (, mem) $ mlookup s tab Nd x y -> let (xAddr, mem') = enc tab mem x (yAddr, mem'') = enc tab mem' y in appCell mem'' xAddr yAddr asm combs = tabmem where tabmem = foldl (\(as, m) (s, t) -> let (p, m') = enc (fst tabmem) m t in (insert s p as, m')) (Tip, (128, id)) combs -- Code generation. argList t = case t of TC s -> [TC s] TV s -> [TV s] TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> [TC u] TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> x : argList y cTypeName (TC "()") = "void" cTypeName (TC "Int") = "int" cTypeName (TC "Char") = "int" ffiDeclare (name, t) = let tys = argList t in concat [cTypeName $ last tys, " ", name, "(", intercalate "," $ cTypeName <$> init tys, ");\n"] ffiArgs n t = case t of TC s -> ("", ((True, s), n)) TAp (TC "IO") (TC u) -> ("", ((False, u), n)) TAp (TAp (TC "->") x) y -> first (((if 3 <= n then ", " else "") ++ "num(" ++ shows n ")") ++) $ ffiArgs (n + 1) y ffiDefine n ffis = case ffis of [] -> id (name, t):xt -> let (args, ((isPure, ret), count)) = ffiArgs 2 t lazyn = ("lazy2(" ++) . shows (if isPure then count - 1 else count + 1) . (", " ++) cont tgt = if isPure then ("_I, "++) . tgt else ("app(arg("++) . shows (count + 1) . ("), "++) . tgt . ("), arg("++) . shows count . (")"++) longDistanceCall = (name++) . ("("++) . (args++) . ("); "++) . lazyn in ("case " ++) . shows n . (": " ++) . if ret == "()" then longDistanceCall . cont ("_K"++) . ("); break;"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt else ("{u r = "++) . longDistanceCall . cont ("app(_NUM, r)" ++) . ("); break;}\n"++) . ffiDefine (n - 1) xt genMain n = "int main(int argc,char**argv){env_argc=argc;env_argv=argv;rts_init();rts_reduce(" ++ shows n ");return 0;}\n" compile s = case untangle s of Left err -> err Right ((_, lambs), (ffis, exs)) -> let (tab, (_, memF)) = (asm $ optiComb lambs) mem = memF [] in ("typedef unsigned u;\n"++) . ("enum{_UNDEFINED=0,"++) . foldr (.) id (map (\(s, _) -> ('_':) . (s++) . (',':)) comdefs) . ("};\n"++) . ("static const u prog[]={" ++) . foldr (.) id (map (\n -> shows n . (',':)) mem) . ("};\nstatic const u prog_size="++) . shows (length mem) . (";\n"++) . ("static u root[]={" ++) . foldr (\(x, y) f -> maybe undefined shows (mlookup y tab) . (", " ++) . f) id exs . ("0};\n" ++) . (preamble++) . (libc++) . (concatMap ffiDeclare ffis ++) . ("static void foreign(u n) {\n switch(n) {\n" ++) . ffiDefine (length ffis - 1) ffis . ("\n }\n}\n" ++) . runFun . (foldr (.) id $ zipWith (\p n -> (("EXPORT(f" ++ shows n ", \"" ++ fst p ++ "\", " ++ shows n ")\n") ++)) exs (upFrom 0)) $ maybe "" genMain (mlookup "main" tab) -- Main VM loop. comdefsrc = [r| F x = "foreign(num(1));" Y x = x "sp[1]" Q x y z = z(y x) S x y z = x z(y z) B x y z = x (y z) C x y z = x z y R x y z = y z x V x y z = z x y T x y = y x K x y = "_I" x I x = "sp[1] = arg(1); sp++;" CONS x y z w = w x y NUM x y = y "sp[1]" ADD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) + num(2)" SUB x y = "_NUM" "num(1) - num(2)" MUL x y = "_NUM" "num(1) * num(2)" DIV x y = "_NUM" "num(1) / num(2)" MOD x y = "_NUM" "num(1) % num(2)" EQ x y = "num(1) == num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" LE x y = "num(1) <= num(2) ? lazy2(2, _I, _K) : lazy2(2, _K, _I);" REF x y = y "sp[1]" NEWREF x y z = z ("_REF" x) y READREF x y z = z "num(1)" y WRITEREF x y z w = w "((mem[arg(2) + 1] = arg(1)), _K)" z END = "return;" |] comb = (,) <$> conId <*> ((,) <$> many varId <*> (res "=" *> combExpr)) combExpr = foldl1 A <$> some (V <$> varId <|> E . StrCon <$> lexeme tokStr <|> paren combExpr) comdefs = case parse (lexemePrelude *> braceSep comb <* eof) comdefsrc of Left e -> error e Right (cs, _) -> cs comEnum s = maybe (error s) id $ lookup s $ zip (fst <$> comdefs) (upFrom 1) comName i = maybe undefined id $ lookup i $ zip (upFrom 1) (fst <$> comdefs) preamble = [r|#define EXPORT(f, sym, n) void f() asm(sym) __attribute__((export_name(sym))); void f(){rts_reduce(root[n]);} void *malloc(unsigned long); enum { FORWARD = 127, REDUCING = 126 }; enum { TOP = 1<<24 }; static u *mem, *altmem, *sp, *spTop, hp; static inline u isAddr(u n) { return n>=128; } static u evac(u n) { if (!isAddr(n)) return n; u x = mem[n]; while (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _T) { mem[n] = mem[n + 1]; mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n]; } if (isAddr(x) && mem[x] == _K) { mem[n + 1] = mem[x + 1]; x = mem[n] = _I; } u y = mem[n + 1]; switch(x) { case FORWARD: return y; case REDUCING: mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = hp; hp += 2; return mem[n + 1]; case _I: mem[n] = REDUCING; y = evac(y); if (mem[n] == FORWARD) { altmem[mem[n + 1]] = _I; altmem[mem[n + 1] + 1] = y; } else { mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = y; } return mem[n + 1]; default: break; } u z = hp; hp += 2; mem[n] = FORWARD; mem[n + 1] = z; altmem[z] = x; altmem[z + 1] = y; return z; } static void gc() { hp = 128; u di = hp; sp = altmem + TOP - 1; for(u *r = root; *r; r++) *r = evac(*r); *sp = evac(*spTop); while (di < hp) { u x = altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; if (x != _NUM) altmem[di] = evac(altmem[di]); di++; } spTop = sp; u *tmp = mem; mem = altmem; altmem = tmp; } static inline u app(u f, u x) { mem[hp] = f; mem[hp + 1] = x; return (hp += 2) - 2; } static inline u arg(u n) { return mem[sp [n] + 1]; } static inline int num(u n) { return mem[arg(n) + 1]; } static inline void lazy2(u height, u f, u x) { u *p = mem + sp[height]; *p = f; *++p = x; sp += height - 1; *sp = f; } static void lazy3(u height,u x1,u x2,u x3){u*p=mem+sp[height];sp[height-1]=*p=app(x1,x2);*++p=x3;*(sp+=height-2)=x1;} |] runFun = ([r|static void run() { for(;;) { if (mem + hp > sp - 8) gc(); u x = *sp; if (isAddr(x)) *--sp = mem[x]; else switch(x) { |]++) . foldr (.) id (genComb <$> comdefs) . ([r| } } } void rts_init() { mem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); altmem = malloc(TOP * sizeof(u)); hp = 128; for (u i = 0; i < prog_size; i++) mem[hp++] = prog[i]; spTop = mem + TOP - 1; } void rts_reduce(u n) { *(sp = spTop) = app(app(n, _UNDEFINED), _END); run(); } |]++) genArg m a = case a of V s -> ("arg("++) . (maybe undefined shows $ lookup s m) . (')':) E (StrCon s) -> (s++) A x y -> ("app("++) . genArg m x . (',':) . genArg m y . (')':) genArgs m as = foldl1 (.) $ map (\a -> (","++) . genArg m a) as genComb (s, (args, body)) = let argc = ('(':) . shows (length args) m = zip args $ upFrom 1 in ("case _"++) . (s++) . (':':) . (case body of A (A x y) z -> ("lazy3"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y, z] . (");"++) A x y -> ("lazy2"++) . argc . genArgs m [x, y] . (");"++) E (StrCon s) -> (s++) ) . ("break;\n"++) main = getArgs >>= \case "comb":_ -> interact dumpCombs "lamb":_ -> interact dumpLambs "type":_ -> interact dumpTypes _ -> interact compile where getArg' k n = getArgChar n k >>= \c -> if ord c == 0 then pure [] else (c:) <$> getArg' (k + 1) n getArgs = getArgCount >>= \n -> mapM (getArg' 0) (take (n - 1) $ upFrom 1) iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x) takeWhile _ [] = [] takeWhile p xs@(x:xt) | p x = x : takeWhile p xt | True = [] class Enum a where succ :: a -> a pred :: a -> a toEnum :: Int -> a fromEnum :: a -> Int enumFrom :: a -> [a] enumFromTo :: a -> a -> [a] instance Enum Int where succ = (+1) pred = (+(0-1)) toEnum = id fromEnum = id enumFrom = iterate succ enumFromTo lo hi = takeWhile (<= hi) $ enumFrom lo instance Enum Char where succ = chr . (+1) . ord pred = chr . (+(0-1)) . ord toEnum = chr fromEnum = ord enumFrom = iterate succ enumFromTo lo hi = takeWhile (<= hi) $ enumFrom lo (+) = intAdd (-) = intSub (*) = intMul div = intDiv mod = intMod