Compiler Quest

Bootstrapping a compiler is like a role-playing game. From humble beginnings, we painstakingly cobble together a primitive, hard-to-use compiler whose only redeeming quality is that it can build itself.

Because the language supported by our compiler is so horrible, we can only bear to write a few incremental improvements. But once we persevere, we compile the marginally better compiler to gain a level.

Then we iterate. We add more features to our new compiler, which is easier thanks to our most recent changes, then compile again, and so on.


Our first compiler converts parenthesized combinatory logic terms to ION assembly. For example:

parse "BS(BB);Y(B(CS)(B(B(C(BB:)))C));"
  ==  "``BS`BB;`Y``B`CS``B`B`C``BB:C;"

We assume the input is valid and uses @ to refer to previous terms and # for integer constants.

In Haskell we could write:

term kon acc s = case s of
    | h == ')' || h == ';' -> kon acc t
    | h == '('             -> term comp Nothing t
    | otherwise -> (if h == '#' || h == '@' then esc else id) app (h:) t
  app f t = term kon (Just $ maybe id (('`':) .) acc . f) t
  comp m t = maybe undefined (flip app t) m

esc g f t = case t of th:tt -> g (f . (th:)) tt

parse "" = ""
parse s = term (\p t -> maybe id id p $ ';':parse t) Nothing s

We employ continuation-passing style. Typically, a function might return a pair consisting of the tree parsed so far and the remainder of the string to parse, and another function scrutinizes the pair and processes its contents. We fuse these steps, obtaining shorter code.

To translate to combinatory logic, we break our code into more digestible pieces and try to order arguments to reduce term sizes (via eta-equivalence). We add some glue so our code works in GHC.

eq a b x y = if a == b then x else y
fix f = f (fix f)
cons = (:)
b = (.)
lst t x y = case t of {[] -> x; h:t -> y h t}
must f s = case s of {[] -> undefined; h:t -> f h t}

orChurch f g x y = f x (g x y)
isPre h = orChurch (eq '#' h) (eq '@' h)
closes h = orChurch (eq ';' h) (eq ')' h)
app rkon acc f t = rkon (Just (b (maybe id (b (cons '`')) acc) f)) t
esc g f t = must (\th tt -> g (b f (cons th)) tt) t
atom h gl t = isPre h esc id gl (cons h) t
comp gl a t = maybe undefined (flip gl t) a
sub r gl t = r (comp gl) Nothing t
more r h gl t = eq '(' h (sub r) (atom h) gl t
switch r kon h a t = closes h kon (b (more r h) (app (r kon))) a t
term = fix (\r kon acc s -> must (\h t -> switch r kon h acc t) s)
parseNonEmpty r s = term (\p t -> maybe id id p (cons ';' (r t))) Nothing s
parse = fix (\r s -> lst s "" (\h t -> parseNonEmpty r s))

We implement Church booleans. For lists, deleting the lst call makes the code appear to use Scott-encoded lists. We could have acted similarly for Maybe, but we save a few bytes with must and maybe: since we may substitute anything we like for undefined, we compile each of maybe undefined, maybe id, and must to C(TI).

must = C(T I)
orChurch = B S(B B)
isPre = S(B orChurch(eq ##))(eq #@)
closes = S(B orChurch(eq #;))(eq #))
app = R(B(B Just)(B b(must(b(cons #`)))))(B B B)
esc = B(B must)(R(R cons(B B b))(B B B))
atom = S(B C(R id(R esc isPre))) cons
comp = B C(B(B must) flip)
sub = B(R Nothing)(R comp B)
more = R atom(B S(B(C(eq #()) sub))
switch = B(S(B S(C closes)))(S(B B(B C(B(B b) more)))(B app))
term = Y(B(B(B must))(B(B C) switch))
parseNonEmpty = R Nothing(B term(B(C(B B(must id)))(B(cons #;))))
parse = Y(B(S(T K))(B(B K)(B(B K) parseNonEmpty)))

Next, we:

  • Rewrite with prefix notation for application

  • Replace id const flip cons eq Nothing with combinators I K C : =.

  • Scott-encode Nothing and Just as K and BKT.

  • Refer to the nth function with @ followed by ASCII code n + 31.

``R``B`B``BKT``BB`@ `B`:#```BBB;
``B`B@ ``R``R:``BBB``BBB;
``BC``B`B@ C;
`Y``B`B`B@ ``B`BC@*;
``RK``B@+``B`C``BB`@ I`B`:#;;

We added a newline after each semicolon for clarity; these must be removed before feeding.


Our next compiler rewrites lambda expressions as combinators using the straightforward bracket abstraction algorithm we described earlier.

Parsing is based on functions of type:

type Parser x = [Char] -> Maybe (x, [Char])

A Parser x tries to parse the beginning of a given string for a value of type x. If successful, it returns Just the value along with the unparsed remainder of the input string. Otherwise it returns Nothing.

Values of type Parser x compose in natural ways. See Swierstra, Combinator Parsing: A Short Tutorial.

pure x inp = Just (P x inp);
bind f m = m Nothing (\x -> x f);
(<*>) x y = \inp -> bind (\a t -> bind (\b u -> pure (a b) u) (y t)) (x inp);
(<$>) f x = pure f <*> x;
(*>) p q = (\_ x -> x) <$> p <*> q;
(<*) p q = (\x _ -> x) <$> p <*> q;
(<|>) x y = \inp -> (x inp) (y inp) Just;

These turn into:

pure = B(B(BKT))(BCT)
bind = B(C(TK))T;
ap = C(BB(B bind (C(BB(B bind (B pure))))));
fmap = B ap pure;
(*>) = B ap (fmap (KI));
(<*) = B ap (fmap K);
(<|>) = B(B(R(BKT)))S;

where we have inlined Just = BKT and (,) = BCT, and use the aliases ap = (<*>) and fmap = (<$>).

I toyed with replacing Maybe and pairs with continuations, for example:

pure x s kon1 kon2 = kon2 x s
(<*>) f x s kon1 kon2 = f s kon1 (\g t -> x t kon1 (\y u -> kon2 (g y) u))
(<|>) f g s kon1 kon2 = f s (g s kon1 kon2) kon2
sat f s kon1 kon2 = lst s kon1 (\h t -> f h (kon2 h t) kon1)

but these seem to produce large combinatory logic terms.

Our syntax tree goes into the following data type:

data Ast = R ([Char] -> [Char]) | V Char | A Ast Ast | L Char Ast

The R stands for "raw", and its field passes through unchanged during bracket abstraction. Otherwise we have a lambda calculus that supports one-character variable names. Scott-encoding yields:

dR s   = \a b c d -> a s;
dV v   = \a b c d -> b v;
dA x y = \a b c d -> c x y;
dL x y = \a b c d -> d x y;

which translates to:

dR = B(BK)(B(BK)(B(BK)T));
dV = BK(B(BK)(B(BK)T));
dA = B(BK)(B(BK)(B(B(BK))(BCT)));
dL = B(BK)(B(BK)(B(BK)(BCT)));

The sat parser combinator parses a single character that satisfies a given predicate. The char specializes this to parse a given character, and var accepts any character except the semicolon and closing parenthesis. We use sat (const const) to accept any character, and with that, we can parse a lambda calculus expression such as \x.(\y.Bx):

sat f inp = inp Nothing (\h t -> f h (pure h t) Nothing);
char c = sat (\x -> x((==)c));
var = sat (\c -> flip (c((==)';') || c((==)')')));
pre = (.) . cons <$> (char '#' <|> char '@') <*> (cons <$> sat (const const))
atom r = (char '(' *> (r <* char ')')) <|> (char '\\' *> (L <$> var) <*> (char '.' *> r)) <|> (R <$> pre) <|> (V <$> var);
apps r = (((&) <$> atom r) <*> ((\vs v x -> vs (A x v)) <$> apps r)) <|> pure id;
expr = ((&) <$> atom expr) <*> apps expr;

As combinators, we have:

sat = B(C(TK))(B(B(RK))(C(BS(BB))pure));
char = B sat(BT=);
var = sat(BC(S(B(BS(BB))(=#;))(=#))))
pre = ap(fmap(BB:)((<|>)(char##)(char#@)))(fmap:(sat(KK)));
atom = C(B(<|>)(C(B(<|>)(S(B(<|>)(B((*>)(char#())(C(<*)(char#)))))(B(ap((*>)(char#\)(fmap dL var)))((*>)(char#.)))))(fmap dR pre)))(fmap dV var);
apps = Y(B(R(pure I))(B(B(<|>))(B(S(B ap(B(fmap T)atom)))(B(fmap(C(BBB)(C dA)))))));
expr = Y(S(B ap(B(fmap T)atom))apps);

where we have inlined the Church-encoded OR function BS(BB).

The babs and unlam functions perform simple bracket abstraction, and shows writes the resulting lambda-free Ast in ION assembly.

vCheck f x = f x (V 'I') (A (V 'K') (V x))
unlam caseV = fix (\r t -> t (\x -> A (V 'K') (R x)) caseV (\x y -> A (A (V 'S') (r x)) (r y)) undefined)
babs = fix (\r t -> t R V (\x y -> A (r x) (r y)) (\x y -> unlam (vCheck (x ==)) (r y)))

Putting it all together, main parses as many semicolon-terminated expressions as it can and converts them to ION assembly.

main s = (expr <* char ';') s id (\p -> p (\x t -> shows (babs x) . (';':) . main t)) "";

These last few functions are:

shows = Y(B(R?)(B(C(R:(TI)))(S(BC(B(BB)(B(BB)(B(B(:#`))))))I)));
vCheck = R(B(dA(dV#K))dV)(BS(R(dV#I)))
unlam = BY(B(B(R?))(R(S(BC(B(BB)(B(B dA)(B(dA(dV#S))))))I)(BB(BC(C(T(B(dA(dV#K))dR)))))));
babs = Y(S(BC(B(C(R dV(T dR)))(S(BC(B(BB)(B dA)))I)))(C(BB(B unlam (B vCheck =)))));
main = RK(Y(B(C(RI((<*)expr(char#;))))(BT(C(BB(BB(R(:#;)(BB(B shows babs)))))))));

We replace the symbols with their @ addresses and feed into our first compiler to produce an ION assembly program that compiles a primitive lambda calculus to ION assembly.

I should confess that some of these terms were produced by a program I wrote, and I have not checked all of them manually. Hopefully, it’s plausible this could be done. Perhaps an acceptable procedure would be to plug terms into the animated reducer from my ZuriHac 2023 talk, and watch closely to ensure each step is valid and the desired result is obatined. The computer assists, but ultimately human eyes verify.


We’ve reached a milestone. Thanks to our previous compiler, never again do we convert LC to CL by hand.

But there’s a catch. For each variable we abstract over, our bracket abstraction algorithm applies the S combinator to every application. Hence for N variables, this multiplies the number of applications by 2N, which is intolerable for all but the smallest programs.

Thus our first priority is to optimize bracket abstraction. We stop recursively adding S combinators as soon as we realize they are unnecessary by modifying vCheck and unlam:

vCheck f = fix (\r t -> t (\x -> False) f (\x y -> r x || r y) undefined);
unlam occurs = fix (\r t -> occurs t
  (t undefined (const (V 'I')) (\x y -> A (A (V 'S') (r x)) (r y)) undefined)
  (A (V 'K') t));

(I’m unsure if it’s worth explaining the optimization as I only understood after fiddling around with combinators. Here goes anyway: I think of S as unconditionally passing a variable to both children of an application node. With a little analysis, we can tell when a child has no need for the variable.)

We desugar these with Y combinators, and inlining the Church-encoded OR.


We replace symbols (this time sensibly denoted within square brackets) with their @-addresses and feed it to our previous compiler, which yields massive but manageable combinatory logic terms.


Our three compilers are the following:

`C`TI;``BS`BB;``S``B@!`=##`=#@;``S``B@!`=#;`=#);``R``B`B``BKT``BB`@ `B`:#```BBB;``B`B@ ``R``R:``BBB``BBB;``S``BC``RI``R@%@":;``BC``B`B@ C;``B`RK``R@'B;``R@&``BS``B`C`=#(@(;``B`S``BS`C@#``S``BB``BC``B`BB@)`B@$;`Y``B`B`B@ ``B`BC@*;``RK``B@+``B`C``BB`@ I`B`:#;;`Y``B`S`TK``B`BK``B`BK@,;

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`))))))I)));R(B(@)(@(#K))@()(BS(R(@(#I)));BY(B(B(R?))(R(S(BC(B(BB)(B(B@))(B(@)(@(#S))))))I)(BB(BC(C(T(B(@)(@(#K))@')))))));Y(S(BC(B(C(R@((T@')))(S(BC(B(BB)(B@))))I)))(C(BB(B@4(B@3=)))));RK(Y(B(C(RI(@%@1(@,#;))))(BT(C(BB(BB(R(:#;)(BB(B@2@5)))))))));

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`))))))I)));\f.Y(\r.\t.t(\x.KI)f(\x.\y.BS(BB)(rx)(ry))?);\f.Y(\r.\t.ft(t?(K(@(#I))(\x.\y.@)(@)(@(#S)(rx))(ry))?)(@)(@(#K)t));Y(S(BC(B(C(R@((T@')))(S(BC(B(BB)(B@))))I)))(C(BB(B@4(B@3=)))));RK(Y(B(C(RI(@%@1(@,#;))))(BT(C(BB(BB(R(:#;)(BB(B@2@5)))))))));

Term rewriting; bootstrapping

Corrado Böhm’s PhD thesis (1951) discusses self-compilation and presents a high-level language that can compile itself.

John Tromp lists rewrite rules to further reduce the size of the output combinatory logic term after bracket abstraction.

Chapter 16 of The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages by Simon Peyton Jones gives a comprehensive overview of this strategy.

Ancient philosophers thought about bootstrapping compilers but their progress was paltry. Or poultry, one might say.

CakeML is a formally verified bootstrappable ML compiler.

Ben Lynn 💡