Contact Information

    Shubha U. Nabar

    Gates 470, Department of Computer Science

    Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA 94305.

Research Interests

    Design and analysis of algorithms with applications to data privacy, data mining, search.


    Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

            Ph.D., Computer Science, September 2008

                Advisor: Rajeev Motwani

                Thesis: Models and Algorithms for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining.

            M.S., Computer Science, June 2005.

    Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

            B.S.E. (summa cum laude), Computer Science, June 2002.

Awards & Honors

    Sequoia Capital Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University, 2002-2005.   

    Andersen Consulting Prize, Princeton University, 2001-2002.

    President’s Award for Academic Excellence, Princeton University, 1999-2000.

Conference Publications

  1. Anonymizing Unstructured Data. R. Motwani and S. U. Nabar. Submitted, 2008.

  2. Anonymizing Graphs. T. Feder, S. U. Nabar and E. Terzi. Submitted, 2008.

  3. Releasing Private Contingency Tables. N. Mishra and S. U. Nabar. In Preparation.

  4. Link Privacy in Social Networks. A. Korolova, R. Motwani, S. U. Nabar and Y. Xu. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2008.

  5. Auditing SQL Queries. R. Motwani, S. U. Nabar and D. Thomas. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2008.

  6. Towards Robustness in Query Auditing. S. U. Nabar, B. Marthi, K. Kenthapadi, N. Mishra and R. Motwani. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2006.

  7. Estimating Corpus Size via Queries. A. Broder, M. Fontura, V. Josifovski, R. Kumar, R. Motwani, S. U. Nabar, R. Panigrahy, A. Tomkins and Y. Xu. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2006.

  8. Towards Special-Purpose Indexes and Statistics for Uncertain Data. A. Das Sarma, P. Agrawal, S. U. Nabar and J. Widom. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Uncertain Data (MUD), 2008.

  9. Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty and Lineage. P. Agrawal, O. Benjelloun, A. Das Sarma, C. Hayworth, S. U. Nabar, T. Sugihara and J. Widom. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2006. (Demo)

  10. Representing Uncertain Data: New Problems and Results. A. Das Sarma, S. U. Nabar and J. Widom. Stanford University Technical Report, 2007.

  11. Scalable Exploration of Physical Database Design. C. König and S. U. Nabar. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2006.

  12. Achieving Stability in Networks of Input-Queued Switches using a Local Online Scheduling Policy. S. U. Nabar, N. Kumar, M. Bayati and A. Keshavarzian. GLOBECOM 2005.

Book Chapter

  1. A Survey of Query Auditing Techniques for Data Privacy. S. U. Nabar, K. Kenthapadi, N. Mishra and R. Motwani. In Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms (edited by C. Aggarwal and P. Yu), Springer, 2008.

Work Experience

  1. Teaching Assistant, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

  2. June-August 2007, January-March 2006, September-December 2004

  3. Teaching assistant for undergraduate algorithms and complexity theory courses. Duties involved holding office hours, leading sections, designing and grading homeworks and tests.

  4. Summer Intern, Microsoft Search Labs, Mountain View, CA, USA

  5. July-September 2006

  6. Designed, analyzed and implemented algorithms for ranking blogs and blog postings.

  7. Summer Intern, Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA

  8. July-September 2005

  9. Worked on the query engine and query optimizer for a large scale system for interactive report generation and data mining on massive amounts of data.

  10. Summer Intern, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, USA

  11. July-September 2004

  12. Worked on automated index and materialized view selection for large database workloads.

  13. Summer Intern, Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, CA, USA

  14. June-August 2003

  15. Designed, analyzed and implemented algorithms for de novo peptide sequencing via tandem mass spectrometry.

  16. Summer Intern, Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, CA, USA

  17. June-August 2001

  18. Designed and implemented features for a palm application for fields sales representatives.

  19. Lab Assistant, Princeton University, NJ, USA

  20. 2000-2002

  21. Laboratory assistant for three undergraduate computer science courses.

Professional Activities


    Referee experience for SIGMOD, WWW, KDD, ICDM, TKDD, SODA, TALG.



    Available on request