
Books and Book Articles

  1. Multifidelity modeling of irradiated particle-laden turbulence subject to uncertainty. L. Jofre, M. Papadakis, P. T. Roy, A. Aiken and G. Iaccarino. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 10 (6), 2020.
  2. S3D-Legion: An Exascale Software for Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion with Complex Multicomponent Chemistry. S. Treichler, M. Bauer, A. Bhagatwala, G. Borghesi, R. Sankaran, H. Kolla, P. McCormick, E. Slaughter, W. Lee, A. Aiken and J. Chen. In T. Straatsma, et al., editors, Exascale Scientific Applications: Scalability and Performance Portability, CRC Press, 2017.
  3. Instruction Level Parallelism. A. Aiken, U. Banerjee, A. Kejariwal and A. Nicolau. Springer, 2016.
  4. A Realistic Resource-Constrained Software Pipelining Algorithm. A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. In D. Gelernter et al., editors, Advances in Languages and Compilers for Parallel Processing, pages 274-290, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1991.
  5. Fine-Grain Parallelization and the Wavefront Method. A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. In D. Gelernter et al., editors, Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, pages 1-16, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1990.

Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Quanto: Optimizing Quantum Circuits with Automatic Generation of Circuit Identities. J. Pointing, O. Padon, Z. Jia, H. Ma, A. Hirth, J. Palsberg and A. Aiken. Quantum Science and Technology, to appear, 2024.
  2. Training with Mixed-Precision Floating-Point Assignments. W. Lee, R. Sharma, and A. Aiken. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, to appear.
  3. Multinode Multi-GPU Two-Electron Integrals: Code Generation Using the Regent Language. K. Grace Johnson, S. Mirchandaney, E. Hoag, A. Heirich, A. Aiken and T. Martinez. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2022.
  4. FLEET--—Fast Lanes for Expedited Execution at 10 Terabits: Program Overview F. Douglis, S. Robertson, E. van den Berg, J. Micallef, M. Pucci, A. Aiken, K. Bergman, M. Hattink and M. Seok. IEEE Internet Computing, 25(3): 2021.
  5. A Distributed Multi-GPU System for Fast Graph Processing. Z. Jia, Y. Kwon, G. Shipman, P. McCormick, M. Erez, and A. Aiken. PVLDB, 11(3): 2017.
  6. From Invariant Checking to Invariant Inference Using Randomized Search (invited paper). R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Formal Methods in System Design, 48(3), pages 235-256, March, 2016.
  7. Stochastic Program Optimization. E. Schkufza, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Communications of the ACM, research highlight, 59(2):114-122, February, 2016.
  8. An Introduction to Data Representation Synthesis. P. Hawkins, A. Aiken, K. Fisher, M. Rinard, and M. Sagiv. Communications of the ACM, research highlight, 55(12):91-99, December, 2012.
  9. Cuts from Proofs: A Complete and Practical Technique for Solving Linear Inequalities Over Integers. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Formal Methods in System Design , invited paper, 39:246-260, January 2011.
  10. Reasoning About the Unknown in Static Analysis. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Communications of the ACM, research highlight, 53(8):115-123, August 2010.
  11. A Capability Calculus for Concurrency and Determinism (extended version). T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 30(5):1-30, August 2008.
  12. Witnessing Side Effects (Extended Version). T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 30(3):1-42, 2008.
  13. Saturn: A Scalable Framework for Error Detection using Boolean Satisfiability. Y. Xie and A. Aiken. Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 29(3):1-16, 2007.
  14. Flow-Insensitive Type Qualifiers. J. Foster, J. Kodumal, R. Johnson, and A. Aiken. Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 28(6):1035-1087, 2006.
  15. A Direct Manipulation Environment for Programming Semantic Zoom Visualizations of Tabular Data. A. Woodruff, C. Olston, A. Aiken, M. Chu, V. Ercegovac, M. Lin, M. Spalding, and M. Stonebraker, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 12(5):551-571.
  16. Detecting Races in Relay Ladder Logic Programs. (invited paper) Z. Su, A. Aiken, and M. Fähndrich. Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 3(2000):93-105.
  17. Introduction to Set Constraint-Based Program Analysis. A. Aiken. Science of Computer Programming, 35(1999):79-111, 1999.
  18. Optimal Representations of Polymorphic Types with Subtyping. A. Aiken, E. Wimmers, J. Palsberg. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 12(3), October 1999.
  19. Resource-Constrained Software Pipelining, A. Aiken, A. Nicolau, and S. Novack. IEEE Transactions on Distributed and Parallel Systems, 6(12):1248-1270, December 1995.
  20. Decidability of Systems of Set Constraints with Negative Constraints. A. Aiken, D. Kozen, and E. Wimmers. Information and Computation, 122(1):30-44,October 1995.
  21. Static Analysis Techniques for Predicting the Behavior of Active Database Rules. A. Aiken, J. Widom, and J. M. Hellerstein. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 20(1):63-84, March 1995.
  22. Safe-A Semantic Technique for Transforming Programs in the Presence of Errors. A. Aiken, J. Williams, and E. Wimmers. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 17(1):63-84, January 1995.
  23. A Theory of Compaction-Based Parallelization. A. Aiken. Theoretical Computer Science, 73(2):121-154, June 1990.
  24. Fine-Grain Compilation for Pipelined Machines. A. Nicolau, K. Pingali and A. Aiken. Journal of Supercomputing, 2(3):279-295, November 1988.
  25. A Development Environment for Horizontal Microcode (revised). A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14(5): 584-594, May 1988.

Refereed Conference and Workshop Articles

  1. Automatic Tracing in Task-Based Runtime Systems. R. Yadav, M. Bauer, D. Broman, M. Garland, A. Aiken and F. Kjolstad. Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, March, 2025.
  2. Composing Distributed Computations Through Task and Kernel Fusion. R. Yadav, S. Sundram, W. Lee, M. Garland, M. Bauer, A. Aiken and F. Kjolstad. Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, March, 2025.
  3. CommBench: Micro-Benchmarking Hierarchical Networks with Multi-GPU, Multi-NIC Nodes. M. Hidayetoglu, S. Garcia de Gonzalo, E. Slaughter, Y. Li, C. Zimmer, T. Bicer, B. Ren, W. Gropp, W. Hwu, A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, June, 2024.
  4. Recursive Program Synthesis Using Paramorphisms. Q. Hong and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June, 2024.
  5. Efficient Fault Tolerance for Pipelined Query Engines via Write-ahead Lineage. Z. Wang and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering, May, 2024.
  6. Speaking Pygion: Experiences Writing an Exascale Single Particle Imaging Code. S. Mirchandaney, A. Aiken and E. Slaughter. Proceedings of the Workshop on Asynchronous Many-Task Systems and Applications, February, 2024.
  7. Automated Mapping of Task-Based Programs onto Distributed and Heterogeneous Machines. T. Teixeira, A. Henzinger, R. Yadav and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2023.
  8. Legate Sparse: Distributed Sparse Computing in Python. R. Yadav, W. Lee, M. Elibol, T. Patti, M. Papadakis, M. Garland, A. Aiken, F. Kjoldstad, M. Bauer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2023.
  9. Prolego: Time-Series Analysis for Predicting Failures in Complex Systems. A. Das and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems, July, 2023.
  10. On the Correctness of Automatic Differentiation for Neural Networks with Machine-Representable Parameters. W. Lee, S. Park and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, September, 2023.
  11. Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insertion into Scenes. S. Kulal, T. Brooks, A. Aiken, J. Wu, J. Yang, J. Lu, A. Efros and K. Singh. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June, 2023.
  12. Visibility Algorithms for Dynamic Dependence Analysis and Distributed Coherence. M. Bauer, E. Slaughter, S. Treichler, W. Lee, M. Garland and A. Aiken. Proceedings of Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, February, 2023.
  13. Task Fusion in Distributed Runtimes. S. Sundram, W. Lee and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X, November, 2022.
  14. Performance Variability and Causality in Complex Systems. A. Das, D. Ratner and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems, September, 2022.
  15. SpDISTAL: Compiling Distributed Sparse Tensor Computations. R. Yadav, A. Aiken and F. Kjolstad. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2022.
  16. Accelerating DNN Training Through Joint Optimization of Algebraic Transformations and Parallelization. C. Unger, Z. Jia, W. Wu, S. Lin, M. Baines, C. E. Q. Narvaez, V. Ramakrishnaiah, N. Prajapati, P. McCormick, J. Mohd-Yusof, X. Luo, D. Mudigere, J. Park, M. Smelyanskiy and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, July 2022.
  17. Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description and Synthesis. S. Kulal, J. Mao, A. Aiken and J. Wu. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2022.
  18. DISTAL: The Distributed Tensor Algebra Compiler. R. Yadav, A. Aiken and F. Kjolstad. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2022.
  19. Quartz: Superoptimization of Quantum Circuits. M. Xu, Z. Li, O. Padon, S. Lin, J. Pointing, A. Hirth, H. Ma, J. Palsberg, A. Aiken, U. Acar and Z. Jia. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2022.
  20. Inferring Invariants with Quantifier Alternations: Taming the Search Space Explosion. J. Koenig, O. Padon, S. Shoham, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS). April, 2022.
  21. Induction Duality: Primal-Dual Search for Invariants. O. Padon, J. R. Wilcox, J. R. Koenig, K. McMillan, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January, 2022.
  22. Index Launches: Scalable, Flexible Representation of Parallel Task Groups. R. Soi, M. Bauer, S. Treichler, M. Papadakis, W. Lee, P. McCormick, A. Aiken and E. Slaughter. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2021.
  23. Adaptive Restarts for Stochastic Synthesis. J. Koenig, O. Padon and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2021.
  24. Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs. S. Kulal, J. Mao, A. Aiken and J. Wu. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2021.
  25. Scaling Implicit Parallelism via Dynamic Control Replication. M Bauer, W. Lee, E. Slaughter, Z. Jia, M. Di Renzo, M. Papadakis, G. Shipman, P. McCormick, M. Garland, A. Aiken. Proceedings of Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, February, 2021.
  26. Development of a Discontinuous Galerkin Solver Using Legion for Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing Architectures. K. Bando, S. Brill, E. Slaughter, M. Sekachev, A. Aiken and M. Ihme. AIAA Scitech Forum, January, 2021.
  27. Task Bench: A Parameterized Benchmark for Evaluating Parallel Runtime Performance. E. Slaughter, W. Wu, Y. Fu, L. Brandenburg, N. Garcia, E. Marx, K.S. Morris, Q. Cao, G. Bosilca, S. Mirchandaney, W. Lee, S. Treichler, P McCormick and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2020.
  28. Redundancy-Free Computation Graphs for Graph Neural Networks. Z.Jia, S. Lin, R. Ying, J. You, J. Leskovec and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2020.
  29. First-Order Quantified Separators, J. Koenig, O. Padon, N. Immerman and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2020.
  30. Improving the Accuracy, Scalability, and Performance of Graph Neural Networks with Roc, Z. Jia, S. Lin, M. Gao, M. Zaharia and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Machine Learning and Systems, March 2020.
  31. Pygion: Flexible, Scalable Task-Based Parallelism with Python, E. Slaughter and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X, November, 2019.
  32. Soleil-X: Turbulence, Particles, and Radiation in the Regent Programming Language, H. Torres, M. Papadakis, L. Jofre, W. Lee, A. Aiken, and G. Iaccarino. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives to MPI+X, November, 2019.
  33. A Constraint-Based Approach to Automatic Data Partitioning for Distributed Memory Execution, W. Lee, M. Papadakis, E. Slaughter and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2019.
  34. TASO: Optimizing Deep Learning Computation with Automated Generation of Graph Substitutions, Z. Jia, O. Padon, J. Thomas, T. Warszawski, M. Zaharia, A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October, 2019.
  35. Eventually Sound Points-To Analysis with Specifications, O. Bastani, R. Sharma, L. Clapp, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, July, 2019. (Extended version with proofs.)
  36. Semantic Program Alignment for Equivalence Checking. B. Churchill, O. Padon, R Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June, 2019.
  37. Beyond Data and Model Parallelism for Deep Neural Networks. Z. Jia, M. Zaharia and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the SysML Conference, April, 2019.
  38. Optimizing DNN Computation With Relaxed Graph Substitutions. Z. Jia, J. Thomas, T. Warszawski, M. Gao, M. Zaharia and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the SysML Conference, April, 2019.

  39. Correctness of Dynamic Dependence Analysis for Implicitly Parallel Tasking Systems. W. Lee, G. Stelle, P. McCormick and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications, November, 2018.
  40. Dynamic Tracing: Just-In-Time Specialization of Task Graphs for Dynamic Task-based Runtimes. W. Lee, E. Slaughter, M. Bauer, S. Treichler, T. Warszawski, M. Garland and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, November, 2018.
  41. Exploring Hidden Dimensions in Parallelizing Convolutional Neural Networks, Z. Jia, S. Lin, C. R. Qi and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, July 2018. Extended version with proofs.
  42. Active Learning of Points-To Specifications. O. Bastani, R. Sharma, A. Aiken and P. Liang. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2018.
  43. Isometry: A Path-Based Distributed Data Transfer System. Z. Jia, S. Treichler, G. Shipman, P. McCormick and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, June 2018.
  44. On Automatically Proving the Correctness of math.h Implementations, W. Lee, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2018.
  45. Integrating External Resources with a Task-Based Programming Model. Z. Jia, S. Treichler, G. Shipman, M. Bauer, N. Watkins, C. Maltzahn, P. McCormick and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics, December 2017.
  46. Seam: Provably Safe Local Edits on Graphs. M. Papadakis, G. Bernstein, R. Sharma, A. Aiken and P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, November 2017.
  47. In situ Visualization with Task-Based Parallelism, A. Heirich, E. Slaughter, M. Papadakis, W. Lee, T. Biedert and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Workshop on In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization, November 2017.
  48. Control Replication: Compiling Implicit Parallelism to Efficient SPMD with Logical Regions. E. Slaughter, W. Lee, S. Treichler, W. Zhang, M. Bauer, G. Shipman, P. McCormick and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, November 2017.
  49. Synthesizing Program Input Grammars. O. Bastani, R. Sharma, A. Aiken and P. Liang. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 95-110, June 2017. (Extended version with proofs)
  50. Sound Loop Superoptimization for Google Native Client. B. Churchill, R. Sharma, J.-F. Bastien and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 313-326, April 2017.
  51. Minimizing GUI Event Traces. L. Clapp, O. Bastani, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. pages 422-434, November 2016.
  52. Dependent Partitioning. S. Treichler, M. Bauer, R. Sharma, E. Slaughter and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 344-358, November 2016.
  53. Stratified Synthesis: Automatically Learning the x86-64 Instruction Set, S. Heule, E. Schkufza, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 237-250, June 2016.
  54. Verifying Bit-Manipulations of Floating-Point, W. Lee, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 70-84, June 2016.
  55. Towards Asynchornous Many-Task In Situ Data Analysis Using Legion, P. Pebay, J. Bennett, D. Hollman, S. Treichler, P. McCormick, C. Sweeney, H. Kolla and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Parallel Processing and Distributed Processing Symposium, May 2016
  56. Analysis of Application Sensitivity to System Performance Variability in a Dynamic Task Based Runtime, G. Shipman, P. McCormick, K. Pedretti, S. Olivier, K. Ferreira, R. Sankaran, S. Treichler, A. Aiken and M. Bauer. Proceedings of the Workshop on Runtime Systems for Extreme Scale Programming Models and Architectures, November 2015
  57. Automatic and Transparent I/O Optimization With Storage Integrated Application Runtime Support, N. Watkins, Z. Jia, G. Shipman, C. Maltzahn, A. Aiken and P. McCormick. Proceedings of the Parallel Data Storage Workshop, November 2015.
  58. Regent: A High-Productivity Programming Language for HPC with Logical Regions, E. Slaughter, W. Lee, S. Treichler, M. Bauer and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, November 2015.
  59. An Interactive Approach to Mobile App Verification, O. Bastani, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Development Lifecycle, pages 45-46, October 2015.
  60. Conditionally Correct Superoptimization, R. Sharma, E. Schkufza, B. Churchill and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 147-162, October 2015.
  61. Interactively Verifying Absence of Explicit Information Flows in Android Apps, O. Bastani, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 299-315, October 2015.
  62. Modelgen: Mining Explicit Information Flow Specifications from Concrete Executions, L. Clapp, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pages 129-140, July 2015.
  63. Composing Concurrency Control, O. Ziv, A. Aiken, G. Golan-Gueta, G. Ramalingam and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 240-249, June 2015.
  64. Verification of Producer-Consumer Synchronization in GPU Programs, M. Bauer, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 88-98, June 2015.
  65. Specification Inference Using Context-Free Language Reachability, O. Bastani, S. Anand and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 553-566, January 2015.
  66. Structure Slicing: Extending Logical Regions with Fields. M. Bauer, S. Treichler, E. Slaughter and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, pages 845-856, November 2014.
  67. Apposcopy: Semantics-Based Detection of Android Malware Through Static Analysis. Y. Feng, S. Anand, I. Dillig and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering. pages 576-587, November 2014.
  68. Realm: An Event-Based Low-Level Runtime for Distributed Memory Architectures. S. Treichler, M. Bauer and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilations Techniques. pages 263-276, August 2014.
  69. Verifying Atomicity via Data Independence. O. Shacham, E. Yahav, G. Gueta, A. Aiken, N. Bronson, M. Sagiv and M. Vechev. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. pages 26-36, July 2014.
  70. From Invariant Checking to Invariant Inference Using Randomized Search. R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. pages 88-105, Juy 2014.
  71. M3: High-Performance Memory Management from Off-the-Shelf Components. D. Terei, A. Aiken and J. Vitek. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Memory Management. pages 3-13, June 2014.
  72. Stochastic Optimization of Floating Point Programs with Tunable Precision. E. Schkufza, E. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. pages 53-64, June 2014.
  73. First-class Runtime Generation of High-performance Types using Exotypes. Z. DeVito, D. Ritchie, M. Fisher, A. Aiken and P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. pages 77-88, June 2014.
  74. Singe: Leveraging Warp Specialization for High Performance on GPUs. M. Bauer, S. Treichler and A.Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 119-130, February 2014.
  75. Bias-Variance Tradeoffs in Program Analysis. R. Sharma, A. Aiken and A. Nori. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 127-137, January 2014.
  76. Language Support for Dynamic, Hierarchical Data Partitioning. S. Treichler, M. Bauer and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 495-514, October 2013.

    (Extended version with proofs)

  77. Data-Driven Equivalence Checking. R. Sharma, E. Schkufza, B. Churchill and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 391-406, October 2013.
  78. Crowd-scale Interactive Formal Reasoning and Analytics. E. Fast, C. Lee, A. Aiken, M. Bernstein, D. Koller and E. Smith. Proceedings of the Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 363-372, October, 2013.
  79. Verification as Learning Geometric Concepts. R. Sharma, S. Gupta, B. Hariharan, A. Aiken and A. Nori. Proceedings of the Static Analysis Symposium, pages 388-411, June 2013.
  80. Terra: A Multi-Stage Language for High Performance Computing. Z. DeVito, J. Hegarty, A. Aiken, P. Hanrahan and J. Vitek. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 105-116, June 2013.
  81. A Data Driven Approach for Algebraic Loop Invariants. R. Sharma, S. Gupta, B. Hariharan, A. Aiken, P. Liang and A. V. Nori. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming, pages 574-592, March 2013.
  82. Stochastic Superoptimization. E. Schkufza, R. Sharma and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 305-316, March 2013.

    Note: This paper has an errata page.

  83. Legion: Expressing Locality and Independence with Logical Regions. M. Bauer, S. Treichler, E. Slaughter and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, pages 1-11, November 2012.
  84. Understanding the Behavior of Database Operations under Program Control. J. Tamayo, A. Aiken, N. Bronson and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 983-996, October 2012.
  85. Interpolants as Classifiers. R. Sharma, A. Nori and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, pages 71-87, July 2012.
  86. Minimum Satisfying Assignments for SMT. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, K. McMillan and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. pages 394-409, July 2012.
  87. Automated Error Diagnosis Using Abductive Inference. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 181-192, June 2012.

    ( extended version with proofs)

  88. Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis. P. Hawkins, A. Aiken, K. Fisher, M. Rinard, and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 417-428, June 2012.
  89. Reasoning About Lock Placements. P. Hawkins, A. Aiken, K. Fisher, M. Rinard, and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming, pages 336-356, March 2012.
  90. Liszt: A Domain Specific Language for Building Portable Mesh-based PDE Solvers. Z. DeVito, N. Joubert, F. Palacios, S. Oakley, M. Medina, M. Barrientos, E. Elsen, F. Ham, A. Aiken, K. Duraisamy, E. Darve, J. Alonso, P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, pages 9:1-9:12, November 2011.
  91. Testing Atomicity of Composed Concurrent Operations. O. Shacham, N. Bronson, A. Aiken, M. Sagiv, M. Vechev, and E. Yahav. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 51-64, October 2011.
  92. Automatic Fine-Grain Locking Using Shape Properties. G. Golan-Gueta, N. Bronson, A. Aiken, G. Ramalingam, M. Sagiv, E. Yahav. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 225-242, October 2011.
  93. Inferring Data Polymorphism in Systems Code. B. Hackett and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 332-342, September 2011.
  94. Simplifying Loop Invariant Generation Using Splitter Predicates. [Full Paper] R. Sharma, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification. pages 703-719, July 2011.
  95. Online Detection of Multi-Component Interactions in Production Systems. A. Oliner and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pages 49-60, June 2011.
  96. Data Representation Synthesis. P. Hawkins, A. Aiken, K. Fisher, M, Rinard and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 38-49, June 2011.
  97. Precise and Compact Modular Procedure Summaries for Heap Manipulating Programs. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, A. Aiken, and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. pages 567-577, June 2011.
  98. Programming the Memory Hierarchy Revisited: Supporting Irregular Parallelism in Sequoia. M. Bauer, J. Clark, E. Schkufza, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 13-24, February 2011.
  99. Precise Reasoning for Programs Using Containers. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 187-200, January 2011.
  100. Data Structure Fusion. P. Hawkins, A. Aiken, K. Fisher, M.Rinard, and M. Sagiv. Proceedings of the Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pages 204-221, November 2010.
  101. Symbolic Heap Abstraction with Demand-Driven Axiomatization of Memory Invariants. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 397-410, October 2010.
  102. Community Epidemic Detection using Time-Correlated Anomalies. A. Oliner, A. v. Kulkarni and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, pages 360-381, September 2010.
  103. Small Formulas for Large Programs: On-line Constraint Simplification in Scalable Static Analysis. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Static Analysis Symposium, pages 236-252, September 2010.
  104. A Query Language for Understanding Component Interactions in Production Systems. A. Oliner and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, pages 201-210, June 2010.
  105. Using Correlated Surprise to Infer Shared Influence. A. Oliner, A. V. Kulkarni and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pages 191-200, June 2010.
  106. Fluid Updates: Beyond Strong vs. Weak Updates. I. Dillig, T. Dillig and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming, pages 246-266, March 2010.
  107. Expanding the Frontiers of Computer Science: Designing a Curriculum to Reflect a Diverse Field. M. Sahami, A. Aiken, and J. Zelenski. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Science Education, pages 47-51, March 2010.
  108. Cuts from Proofs: A Complete and Practical Technique for Solving Linear Inequalities over Integers. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, pages 233-247, June 2009.
  109. Alert Detection in System Logs (short paper). A. Oliner, J. Stearley, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Mining, pages 959-964, December 2008.
  110. Binary Translation Using Peephole Superoptimizers. S. Bansal and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, pages 177-192, December 2008.
  111. A Tuning Framework for Software-Managed Memory Hierarchies. M. Ren, M. Houston, J.-Y. Park, W. Dally, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, pages 280-291, October 2008.
  112. Sound, Complete and Scalable Path-Sensitive Analysis. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 270-280, June 2008.
  113. Verifying the Safety of User Pointer Dereferences. S. Bugrara and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pages 325-338, May 2008.
  114. A Portable Runtime Interface For Multi-Level Memory Hierarchies. M. Houston, J.-Y. Park, M. Ren, T. Knight, K. Fatahalian, A. Aiken, W. Dally, and P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 143-152, February 2008.
  115. Measuring Empirical Computational Complexity. S. Goldsmith, A. Aiken, and D. Wilkerson. Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 395-404, September 2007.

  116. An Overview of the Saturn Project. A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, P. Hawkins and B. Hackett. Proceedings of the Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering, pages 43-48, June 2007.

  117. Static Error Detection Using Semantic Inconsistency Inference. I. Dillig, T. Dillig, and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 435-446, June 2007.

  118. Regularly Annotated Set Constraints. J. Kodumal and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 331-341, June 2007.

  119. Compilation for Explicitly Managed Memory Hierarchies. T. Knight, J. Park, M. Ren, M. Houston, M. Erez, K. Fatahalian, A. Aiken, W. Dally, P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, pages 226-236, March 2007.

  120. Conditional Must Not Aliasing for Static Race Detection. M. Naik and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 327-338, January 2007.

  121. How is Aliasing Used in Systems Software? B. Hackett and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 69-80, November 2006.

  122. Sequoia: Programming the Memory Hierarchy. K. Fatahalian, T. Knight, M. Houston, M. Erez, D. Horn, L. Leem, H. Park, M. Ren, A. Aiken, W. Dally and P. Hanrahan. Proceedings of the Conference on Supercomputing, November 2006.

  123. Automatic Generation of Peephole Superoptimizers. S. Bansal and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, pages 394-403, October 2006.

  124. A Capability Calculus for Concurrency and Determinism. T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the International Conference on Concurrency Theory, pages 218-232, August 2006.

  125. On Typability for Rank-2 Intersection Types with Polymorphic Recursion. T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 111-122, August 2006.

  126. Statistical Debugging: Simultaneous Identification of Multiple Bugs. A. Zheng M. Jordan, B. Liblit, M. Naik and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, pages 1105-1112, June 2006.

  127. Static Detection of Security Vulnerabilities in Scripting Languages. Y. Xie and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 15th USENIX Security Symposium, pages 179-192, July 2006.

  128. Effective Static Race Detection for Java. M. Naik, A. Aiken, and J. Whaley. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 308-319, June 2006.

  129. Witnessing Side-Effects. T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming. pages 105-115, September 2005.

  130. Context- and Path-Sensitive Memory Leak Detection. (distinguished paper award) Y. Xie and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 5th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 115-125, September 2005.
  131. Banshee: A Scalable Constraint-Based Analysis Toolkit. J. Kodumal and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 12th International Static Analysis Symposium, pages 218-234, September 2005.
  132. Secure Information Flow as a Safety Problem. T. Terauchi and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 12th International Static Analysis Symposium, pages 352-367, September 2005.
  133. Relational Queries Over Program Traces. S. Goldsmith, R. O'Callahan, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, pages 385-402, October 2005.
  134. Saturn: A SAT-Based Tool for Bug Detection. Y. Xie and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, pages 139-143, July 2005.
  135. Soundness and its Role in Bug Detection Systems (position paper). Y. Xie, M. Naik, B. Hackett, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, June 2005.
  136. Scalable Statistical Bug Isolation. B. Liblit, M. Naik, A. Zheng, A. Aiken and M. I. Jordan. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 15-26, June 2005.
  137. Scalable Error Detection using Boolean Satisfiability. Y. Xie and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, p. 351-363, January 2005.
  138. The Set Constraint/CFL Reachability Connection in Practice. J. Kodumal and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 207-218, June 2004.
  139. Public Deployment of Cooperative Bug Isolation. B. Liblit, M. Naik, A. Zheng, A. Aiken, and M. I. Jordan. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS), pages 57-62, May 2004.
  140. Statistical Debugging of Sampled Programs. A. Zheng, M. I. Jordan, B. Liblit, and A. Aiken. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS), 2004.
  141. Type Systems for Distributed Data Sharing. B. Liblit, A. Aiken, and K. Yelick. Proceedings of the 2003 Static Analysis Symposium, pages 273-294, June 2003.
  142. Sampling User Executions for Bug Isolation. B. Liblit, A. Aiken, A. Zheng, and M. I. Jordan. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS), pages 5-8, May 2003.
  143. Bug Isolation via Remote Program Sampling. B. Liblit, A. Aiken, A. Zheng, and M. I. Jordan. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 141-154, June 2003.
  144. Checking and Inferring Local Non-Aliasing. A. Aiken, J. Foster, J. Kodumal, and T. Terauchi. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 129-140, June 2003.
  145. Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting. S. Schleimer, D. Wilkerson, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 76-85, June 2003.
  146. Flow-Sensitive Type Qualifiers. J. Foster, T. Terauchi, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 1-12, June 2002.
  147. First-Order Theory of Subtyping Constraints. Z. Su, A. Aiken, J. Niehren, T. Priesnitz, and R. Trienen. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 203-216, January 2002.
  148. Language Support for Regions. D. Gay and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 70-80, June 2001.
  149. Entailment with Conditional Equality Constraints, Z. Su and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Programming, pages 170-189, April 2001.
  150. Polymorphic versus Monomorphic Flow-Insensitive Points-to Analysis for C. J. Foster, M. Fähndrich, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 2000 Static Analysis Symposium, pages 175-198, June 2000.
  151. A First Step Towards Automated Detection of Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. D. Wagner, J. Foster, E. Brewer, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 2000 Network and Distributed Systems Security Conference, pages 3-17, February 2000.
  152. Type Systems for Distributed Data Structures. B. Liblit and A. Aiken. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 199-213, January 2000.
  153. Projection Merging: Reducing Redundancies in Inclusion Constraint Graphs. M. Fähndrich, Z. Su, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 81-95, January 2000.
  154. A Theory of Type Qualifiers. J. Foster, M. Fähndrich, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 192-203, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1999.
  155. Partial Online Cycle Elimination in Inclusion Constraint Graphs. M. Fähndrich, J. Foster, Z. Su, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 85-96, June 1998.
  156. Memory Management with Explicit Regions. D. Gay and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 313-323, June 1998.
  157. Detecting Races in Relay Ladder Logic Programs. (best paper award) A. Aiken, M. Fähndrich, and Z. Su. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pages 184-200, April 1998.
  158. A Toolkit for Constructing Type- and Constraint-Based Program Analyses (invited paper). A. Aiken, M. Fähndrich, J. Foster, and Z. Su. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Types in Compilation, LNCS #1473, pages 76-96, March 1998.
  159. Titanium: A High-Performance Java Dialect. K. Yelick, L. Semenzato, G. Pike, C. Miyamoto, B. Liblit, A. Krishnamurthy, P. Hilfinger, S. Graham, D. Gay, P. Colella, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 1998 ACM Workshop on Java for High Performance Computing,, pages 1-13, February, 1998.
  160. Attack Resistant Trust Metrics for Public Key Certification. R. Levien and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 7th USENIX Security Symposium, pages 229-241, January, 1998.
  161. Barrier Inference. D. Gay and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM Sigplan Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 342-354, January, 1998.
  162. Program Analysis Using Mixed Term and Set Constraints. M. Fähndrich and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 4th International Static Analysis Symposium, pages 114-126, September, 1997.
  163. Optimal Representations of Polymorphic Types with Subtyping (Extended Abstract). A. Aiken, E. Wimmers, and J. Palsberg. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (TACS), September, 1997.
  164. Refined Type Inference for ML. M. Fähndrich and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Types in Compilation, June 1997.
  165. Making Set-Constraint Program Analyses Scale. M. Fähndrich and A. Aiken. The CP'96 Workshop on Set Constraints, August, 1996. Available as UC Berkeley Computer Science Technical Report UCB//CSD-96-917.
  166. Tioga-2: A Direct Manipulation Database Visualization Environment. A. Aiken, J. Chen, M. Stonebraker, and A. Woodruff. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Data Engineering, pages 208-217, February, 1996.
  167. The Tioga-2 Database Visualization Environment. A. Aiken, J. Chen, M. Lin, M. Spalding, M. Stonebraker, and A. Woodruff. In Wierse, Grinstein and Lang (Eds.), Database Issues for DataVisualization, IEEE Visualization '95 Workshop, October 1995 (LNCS v. 1183).
  168. Dynamic Typing vs. Subtype Inference. A. Aiken and M. Fähndrich. In Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, pages 182-191, June 1995.
  169. Better Static Memory Management: Improvements to Region-Based Analysis of Higher-Order Languages. A. Aiken, M. Fähndrich, and R. Levien. In Proceedings of the  SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 174-185, June 1995. Also available as Berkeley CS Report CSD-95-866. < /li>

  170. Navigation and Coordination Primitives for Multidimensional Browsers. A. Woodruff, A. Su, M. Stonebraker, C. Paxson, J. Chen, A. Aiken, P. Wisnovsky, and C. Taylor. In Stefano Spaccapietra and Ramesh Jain (Eds.), Visual Database Systems 3: Visual Information Management (Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems), pages 360-371, March 1995, Chapman & Hall.
  171. Zooming and Tunneling in Tioga: Supporting Navigation in Multidimensional Space. A. Woodruff, P. Wisnovsky, C. Taylor, M. Stonebraker, C. Paxson, J. Chen, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, pages 191-193, October 1994.
  172. Directional Type Checking of Logic Programs. A. Aiken and T. K. Lakshman. In Proceedings of the 1st International Static Analysis Symposium, pages 43-64, September 1994.
  173. Using the Run-Time Sizes of Data Structures to Guide Parallel Thread Creation. L. Huelsbergen, J. Larus, and A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the 1994 Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, pages 79-90, June 1994.
  174. Set Constraints: Results, Applications, and Future Directions. A. Aiken. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, pages 326-335, May 1994.
  175. Soft Typing with Conditional Types. A. Aiken, E. Wimmers, and T.K. Lakshman. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 163-173, January 1994.
  176. The Complexity of Set Constraints. A. Aiken, D. Kozen, M. Vardi, and E. Wimmers. In Proceedings of Computer Science Logic 1993, pages 1-17, September 1993.
  177. Type Inclusion Constraints and Type Inference. A. Aiken and E. Wimmers. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, pages 31-41, June 1993.
  178. Solving Systems of Set Constraints. A. Aiken and E. Wimmers. In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, pages 329-340, June 1992.
  179. Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence, and Observable Determinism. A. Aiken, J. Widom, and J. M. Hellerstein. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, pages 59-68, June 1992.
  180. Implementing Regular Tree Expressions. A. Aiken and B. Murphy. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 523, pages 427-447, August 1991.
  181. Static Type Inference in a Dynamically Typed Language. A. Aiken and B. Murphy. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 279-290, January 1991.
  182. Program Transformation in the Presence of Errors. A. Aiken, J. Williams, and E. Wimmers. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 210-217, January 1990.
  183. Optimal Loop Parallelization. A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 308-317, June 1988.
  184. Perfect Pipelining: A New Loop Parallelization Technique. A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. In Proceedings of the 1988 European Symposium on Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 300, pages 221-235, March 1988.
  185. A Development Environment for Horizontal Microcode. A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Microprogramming, pages 23-31, October 1986.

Unrefereed Publications

  1. Report of the CRA Working Group on Research Integrity. A. Aiken, N. Amato, K. Bowling, L. De Floriano, E. Sturler, M. Gini, V. Hanson, A. Krishnamurthy, K. Larson, W. Li, M. Littman, F. Ozcan, M. Russell, V. Sarkar, A. Schwartz, E. Spafford and D. Srivastava. August 2023.
  2. Advice for Program Chairs. A. Aiken. ACM Sigplan Notices 46(4), pages 19-25, April 2011.
  3. Cool: A Portable Project for Teaching Compiler Construction. A. Aiken. ACM Sigplan Notices 31(7), pages 19-26, July 1996.

Technical Reports Not Published Elsewhere

  1. The Sequoia++ User Manual. M. Bauer, J. Clark, E. Schkufza, and A. Aiken Stanford University Computer Science Technical Report, May 2010.
  2. Chord: A Static Analysis Framework for Java. M. Naik and A. Aiken. Stanford University Computer Science Technical Report, February 2008.
  3. The Saturn Program Analysis System. A. Aiken, S. Bugrara, I. Dillig, T. Dillig, B. Hackett, and P. Hawkins. Stanford University Computer Science Technical Report, December 2006.
  4. Building a Better Backtrace: Techniques for Postmortem Program Analysis. B. Liblit and A. Aiken. UC Berkeley Computer Science Technical Report CSD-02-1203, October 2002.
  5. Tracking Down Exceptions in Standard ML Programs. M. Fähndrich, J. Foster, A. Aiken, and J. Cu. UC Berkeley Computer Science Technical Report CSD-98-996, February 1998.
  6. FL Language Manual: Parts 1 and 2. J. Backus, J. Williams, E. Wimmers, P. Lucas, and A. Aiken. IBM Research Report RJ 7100, IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, October 1989.
  7. The FL Project: The Design of a Functional Language. A. Aiken, J. Williams, and E. Wimmers. September, 1993.

  8. Compaction-Based Parallelization (Ph.D. thesis). A. Aiken. Technical Report 88-922, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, August 1988.
  9. Loop Quantization: An Analysis and Algorithm A. Aiken and A. Nicolau. Technical Report 87-821, Computer Science Department, Cornell University, March 1987.